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This exceHeïrt cóinpóuhd s for sale by the j proprietor's Agen. MAYNAUDS. 1 y I "j. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RBTAIL DEALERS IN ( STAPLK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, nrv Groccries, Carpeting, j und ptper Míangiugs, é No 63 Wootlward Avenue, Lamed s = Block, Detroit. j h .i.MKs. Nso ïWc ? g 3 M II O LM Ka. D'Uroit. $ S Ws lake this Niethód of hforiiUÓg our friends ïnd cusióme throughout the Suite .ha - we aro sull piusuiag the een tenor ofnur „Wmvo in" ta do óur busmess pon Lir -■ w.ys, en lc,lr'"mc;olcs. We would also ten-, a,ul iP2SS5 for the „ ex e ' o o nZ nueation of the public to n ve.y S, weV bÏi-icA assort.nent ol stasonnWc Goods. whïcb ored at whpWe or reta.l at very ruí riies Our laciUiies tor pnM Good loiv yopneem in tho State - Kffiá l? V Holmes resides in the c .v o( NeJ Y.r,;, á from his long expenence inihé'JöbWag u:vie in ünt cuy. and from hú hoútó thwtedge-T tho market. he .s ena New Yrk. .-#% 5O,OOD ls. WOO1. Wnni-Ml ihe above auantity olgood mwhantah5 Wo.iibrwInchvUe highest .narket pnaí I 11 be paid. 3 HOLMES & CO. , Detroit, May2812S4Ö:________J "TÓWOOL G?-öW:RSWE leave to inform our Woul Growins ,-rtnd,,thatwe8hall bo prepared ior ihe purclmse ot 100,000 Ibs. of a oW clean merchantable orticle, as soon kei ïï aLrd. Grcnt cbmpWht was mnde bfti -;i,:K:r:.;;r.-;S.IS; ; íeedíy n'óstifnotnll of the Wool buyers, i, beisdliüCuIllOCj;HOLMES&Co. ■WuOllWVKD AVKNÜE, Larnerds Block. Detroi., March'2G. IS4G. 257-tf WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A M' PARREN, 137 JRFFKUSON AVRNUK, DETROIT. KEEPS consiuiitiy tor a complete nssor K 5e-v.ñ C '.;.,..etint,of .orioo. kinjs. BL NK I O3, lall and bl) boónd, of ev attentionTthTwörloTT Fr Trade and Tailon Righls. are in ormed ihii novt is ,.rVrn IIP for a fortably CLOTHED or.d iAtü íf for a '"'MSáred 10 do vvork in tl.. n F..1. "i , ,' 7,r fo.low 0 of Ira cus"""'Ït uve." : , specificd. FAItiMt'i ARMFNTS. and are to fit if properly made up. SPRAGU. Jnn Arbor, Lower owiDec. Tr B46. _ TjNSEED OIL! ! SUPPERCH.4,VTS AMD PMNTERS. on ten, more f.v.r.Mc for !■L; titics al pnces extremdy low. nromDt O" Communications by mail vill be prompt ly atiende 1 to. LATOURETTE. Long Lake, Genesec Co. Mich. 283-ly ' "JYOTMCE." W HE REAS, my wi'e Eüza Ann, has Ier „ Vy bed ,nd bonrd, with ut any u or provoention. Thm is therefore to f.,rlid l J per S„nsharb.,rin2 or trustms her n my cc na. I sball p,y no'debu ül hor contracung after th.s G. HUNTF.R. Scio. Doe. 3, im gB-3w MEDiCAL D00KS. A NEW lm of Medical Books. just openad and for snlo ehenp for cash at JunelS. 270- Pi"' PB R1PLF.Y woixld sny to his friends and . the trienda of Temper: nee, ihathe hnt Wm G Wheaton, whcre he would be glad to Zh upón them. H.y and Oat. id Subblmg t nccommodato teams. Datroii, January l, 1840.i!sïdËr3F ft 3aTHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! i 7LDRED & CO., No. 123, JefFerson Avenue, Eldred's Block," Detroit, take _J this opportunity 10 infortn their customers, and the public generally, that they i 11 continue to keep on hand a full assortment of Spanish Sole Leather, Also, Lasis and Pe;:s, Curriers' Tools, &c. ( Sl:uili(ercl do ílorsc and Coltnr Léatncr, , Ilcnilück tanned Upper Leather, Cordevan do Oik ': " " Morocco Skins, French tanned Cal f Skins. Seal do , Oük and Hemlock tanned do Goat Binding, i Uenilock tanned Ilarness and Bridlc Leather, Deer and Lnmb do Onk '; " " " White and Colorcd Linings, , Bagand Top Leaiher, Prtnted do Skiriinc. Pliilodcli'.iin and Oliio; Shoe Russet do ling-1. and Kit ol nll kinds. , i As the Subscribers are now mnnufneturing their own Lenther, they are prepared i soll as low asenn be purchased in ihi., market. Mercl.anis and manufacturen wijl find it to their advantage to cali and examine ur stock heforé pürcnosirig elsewhere. KZ'Cash and Leaiher exchanged for Hides andSkins. ELr)RED & CO Detroit, Jan. 1840. 248"ly