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Whitney's Railroad

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Mr. Whitney hos been stirring up the eople of the West in favor of his proected rond. But it nppenrs by the Buffalo Pilot that the Slaveholders, stimulaed by their successcs in annexation and war, are coniemplaiing a southern route or this road. The Pilot says : ♦ Already it is proposed to find a superior route f rom the Ai'.nntic to the Pacific, )y following, ns nearly as may be, the rofic of Cáncer ncross the Continent. This line protracied, swecps by ihe souihern cape of the two great penínsulas Florida and California, and crosses the American continent at a point where it is less than 480 miles wide, end where it is said the table land intervening niay je surmounted by moderate grades. The geograp'uical features of this new route are thus indicated : The 'tropic of Cáncer passes nearly over the Havanna, strikes the coast of Mexico a linie to the north of Tampico. crosses the northein provinces between Zacatecas ond Chihuahua, ihence nearly over Mnzallan, on the Pacific. The route to India, fuilowing the same line, would be thence by the Sandwich Islands, and proceeding westward between Manilla and the Japan islands, strike China ne'ar Cantón - making nearly a direct course from New Orlcans to Cantón. This route of course laysthrough Mexican territory, but the seltlement of our difRculties with that country will probably result in the relinquishment to us o her northern provinces - in which case it is suggested the road might at Tampico, Santander or Brazos San tiago. And in case the country south o Chihuahua should be left io Mexico, a little longer route, it is ttated, cou!d b" found from Corpus Christi or Aransas, lo G uyamas on the Pacfic. That n southern route will be urgec is fully probable. We cannol now s,to to ciscuss iheir relativo morits ; but i can, we think, be conclusively shown that alihough the southern rmy have th advantage of shorter distance in lts con struction, ihere ore yet immense differ enees in favor of the northern road.".05 Pottsvillp, Pa., is a very pntriot ie placp. They have Intely had som wardoings there, of which the N. Amer ican saya : " Pottsville has acted gloriously on this lis citizens have sub scribed over three thousand dollars in cash, revolvers and BowieKxives, anc every knapsnek will contain a Bible! The ladies givea festival and fair !o-da and lo-morrov, the proceeds to be devo ted to the support of the families left be hiud. There is not a wife or child, pa rent or dependent relative left behin that Potlsville hos not adopted " for tb war," or longer if the chances of bnitl shcuild so order it. Tiis is the truc spir it - the noble spirit. We have ever lov ed Po'ttsville - there are a thousand mos pleasant associations connected with it past, to which we often revert, but nuw we love hs dear, dingy, dustv, delightfu locality, and its noble, chivalric, patriot ie citizens more than ever ! " The old Buccaneers, who, tradition says, used always to invoke God's bles sing before setting out on their pirat cal cruises, are no longer an anom aly. Thcy have their exact counterpar in the volunteers who have enlisted in this piratical crusade agninst Mexico. - These " patriotic " worthies, partof ihem at least, marched to the church the day before their departure for the seat of war for the purpose of hearing public pray ers to Almighty God, for his blessing anc their preservation during the campaign in which they were about to enter; whicl being done, they took up their march for the South, with their " Revolvers and Bowie knives" in their belts, nnd their "Biblesin their knapsacks," panoplied for the battle. This is certainly a great country ; and a Christian country. In no other has the Bowic knife and the Bible such free