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Very Terrible!!

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The Savannah Republican treats its eaders to the following piece of siliness : Wauning. - We were yestcrday shown small cup, said to have been purchased n this city, on which were the words Perish Slavery ! prosper Freedoin" - We can scarcely supposo ihat it could mve been intentionaliy brought to this ïarket by any ono ; tho' t was found n ie hands of a negro; but it might periaps be well enough for our ciiizens to be on tho lookout, as enemies of our institutions are growing both bold and numerous. OThe New York Tribune says of the result on Equql Sufftage in ihat State, - " Whigsxoho opposed it have no excuse. They have done a deed al once nnrcghleous, cowardly and suicidal." O The Buflalo Cou-ier snys that the Somnific Gns. (a sort of extract of Animal ftlngnetistn, ns it were.) hos been tricd by Dra. Snow anrt Van Dirpe wih nnich success. Tho gaf had a vory hnppifying efiect on the patietits, and the pain ol c.xtracting leeih was scarcely feit, and in one case not at all. The opeiation of the gas L- lor a fcw minutos only, nnd somewhat resembles the (ffjcts of incbri.'.tion. EP The Spirit of Liberty, the Liberty paper publiehcd ot Pittsbitrgh, Pa. has been disconiinued, aB hns nlso the daily paper connecied with it. It nppcare that the expenses of the daily wallowed up the iiicome of tho weekly. Six or eevc-n Liberty Dailies havo been started in the ountry. The IJerald, arCüicirinati is the only ne remaining.ID" Congres does not usuiilly do much lü! I 1 nftsr the holidnya. üoih l.ouses havo boen occu 2 pied thua far with incijiient ineusures. Resoluí tions of ioquiry nio ihe war d. ings of ihe ndmin1 íttratíó.n have been ndopied. O" Sundry citizens of Detroit haveprespnted r a yoldwaich wiih n sm-ablc insc.iption. to Mr. Wm. A. Blnck, for his resuliition, in checkinp, , at the nk of his Ufe, q darina aticnipt to rob the I store of his cmploycr, Mr. John Thompson, on the niglit of Dec. 10. , O Jos!)ua R. GiJdinginddrcised the citens of Hartford on Thureday evening, on the Püb j:ctof American Slavcry, and the dutica and responsibiliiioa oí American citizeus in regard lo it.


Signal of Liberty
Old News