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NEW GOÖDS! Chcap for Cash!! rIK Sul'soribers beg leavc 10 inforin thcir old custoiueis. and the public fcsnendly. hnt ihcy are now receivinga large (nd spkndid issortnicüt o( Englisk, American and Wvst ïndia, GOODS, Crockery, Shelf Hurdicare,J?ainls, Oils, Dyeslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general assurtmcni of 1RON, snitab.le 'or Iruning Wasgons and Búggíes, N.iilRols. IoTse SIiop.8. and Horse Nails, Sheet Iron, Tin IVare nnd Tin jPlatê - also a general asaortneüt oí BOOTS fr SHOES, hek and tliin sule work. and custoni work to mil pnrchaSérs. AU of which iliey wiil sell on lie luweót possible ierm lor Cash or B.iktkk. declina coníident hs ve dc, that we enn mnke t fur the interest of all ihose wishing to Pr:lmse any of ihe above meniiuned Goods, we Io most en roest ly solicit at lenst an nvesiigition f our Good3 and prices belore purchasing clsevhetc. JAMES GIBSON & CO. wVo. 3. JExchange Block. Ann Arbor. J.ower Tuwn, Sept. 1.4, JS46. 2H2-tf CLOCKS AND WATCHESf r JjJ rïlHE Subscriberhos jusl i - JL rec.-oived, (and s con"Sjjstamly rècèivin'g) fioni 1 fe? Nëvi V . kan elegant ai (1 i "MEffi wtll tclccted assortment Cioclis, TVatches, ?cc &c: whicü bo ntenda to sell as U-ic is at any .... itablishment this side ol Bunaio for rcathj )aij onlij among wliich may be found ihelollow n: a eod assortment oí Gold Kingcr ilings. Gold I5reast pins.Wristlets G'usrd Chnins and Keys. Zilver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea and Table Spoons (firsl qual'uy.) Silver and Germán do Sugtir Tonga, Silver SaUjMustard nnd Ceam Epoonf-, B;iiter Knives, Gold and Silver l'encil Cases, G.iid l'ens, (i ' Pencjle, Silver and Germán Silver Thimbles. Silver Spectacles, Germán nnd Sicel do. Goggles, Clothes! Hair and Tooih Rrushcs, Lather Brushés. Razorsand Pocket Knives. Fine Shenrs and Sciasors. Knives and Forks, Brittannia-Tea Potsand Cistors. Plated, Brass, nnd Briur.nia Cand'.esticks, SnuiFers &, Trays, Shaving boxesnnd Sonps, Chnpman's Dest Ra.or Strop. Calfand Morocco Wallets. Silk and Cotton nurses, Violins and B.nvs, Violin and Bass Viol Strings, Flute?, Fifes. Clarionets. Accordeons- Music Looks lor the same, Motto Sen'.s. Steel Pens nnd Tweezers, Pen cases. Snufi'and Tobacco boxes, [v..ry Dressing Combs. Side and B.nck and Pocket Combp. Neecllecnprs. Sieleltocs, WaierPuinis nnd B:usíies. Toy Watches, a great varicty ol Dolls. in short the creotest variety of loys ever rouoht to market. woik boxes, clulIrcn's tcasetts. Colone Mnir Oils. Fmelling Salís. Curi Piaster. Ten Bells, Thermometers. Germán Pipes. Wood Pcr.cils. BRAÜS AND VVOOD CLOCKS. S:c. in fnct ttlmost evcry ihing to please ihe fancy. Lndics and GentlemenT cnll and examine lor yonrselvcs. Ciockd. Waiches and Jewelry repatred and warrantcd on sliort noiice. Shop at lus old ■tand. opposi'e H. Becker'sbrick Store, in tl.e Store occupted by M. Wbeeler, , . N B -Cash paid Tor old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July 1st,1346. 271-ly rmE! riREfï TI .T. B. CliAN'Lwould rtspectfully notify Ij 'tlie citizena of Ann Arbor, ond the snrroundin' country, tbat he continúes lo act as eni of ihe HERTFORD FIRE INSÜRÁNGE COMPANY, and will insnre Properiy nainst 'opscs by Fire. ntlhelowcs' nnes, nnd wiih despnieli and accu - ncy. The Hartford lnstirnnuo CónjJJíirí is oiuf the oldest ond mosi stoble in the country, and ill lossessustaincd by ihem will lift- as they ever have been- prompti.v paid ! Fire is ;. dangerons element and not to be trifled with: iburelore. nnke np your mind to guard ï it and don't delaï ! A few houis delay may be your ruin. Mr. Ckask's Oflïce is m Crnnc s new Block. corner ol the Public Square, Ann Atbor. '2a0-tf FEETH! TEETH' ! TEETII! MASTICATION and Articjlatiqn, wa'rrarïtea by Iheir being properiy rep.accd. BURMETT, witl continue the profetice of Í)$NTÍSTEY in i!l iis various branches, viz : Sc;, Filling -indlnsertiiiííon gold platea or pivots. frorn onc to an entire pftt. Old pintes orniisfits retnodled. nnd made cqunl to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson &. Co.'s Shoe Store. Ladis who request it. can bc waücd on il their dwcllings. V. B. Cliares iinneualiy low, and all kindi of PRODUCE taken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5,1840. 293- tl CLOVER MACHINES. THRASIIING MACHINES and Seperator nre made and sold by tliepub8cribcrfa-,at thcir Ma cliine Shop, ncar the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor, KNAPP & IIAViLAND, Jan. 19, 1843. 2IT f