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THE SÜBSCRIBER hasreceived his wmter stock, which he oil'ars fot Cash, t grcnily reducec! priees. Tlie Public aro inviied to cul!, examine, and udge for iliemselc- Kuw on hand. nnd dai!y d'lir.g. SOFAS of every variety nnd putern, nd the laiest fdshion, prires Irom $3') nnd upwardrt. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUiNGES, BURETAUS. of nll kinds, from $1 nnd Centre. vJard, Tea, Dress, I'ier, Dining, ond Nest Tablrs. VVnsli, Candle, nnd Foilet Stands. Bedsteads - Mahogany, Maple, und Wihiut, rom 2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Pinnn Covers ; Piano Ftoola. Doublé and single Mitressea of hair, shuck, lalm lenf. or straw. Doublc and singlo Cot Bedatends. do do Writing Desks. CfiAIRS. - The best assortment that enn bo found west of New York and iho cheopest in nis city. Windaor Chairs, n good anido, at $2 óO the sett. Mnhogany French Chnirs, hnir seat, o first rale anide, and well tinished for $3 5!), Cosh Mahogany Rocking Chairs. hnir íont and back, wnrrnnriïd good, at the low price of $12, for tho cüsIi onlv. Flag nnd Cañe Seat from Gs. nnd up. Bird Coges, plain nnd gal Ier y : Bird Glassrg, Hobby Horses. nnd Toy Wheclbarrows, for rhildren ; Paient Shower and Hip Baths ; Boston Bith Pnn. Camp Stools. Umbrella ar.'i lint Stnnds. F.mcv Builows. Foot Scrapers, Cano Sent Counter and Bont SiooU. Curtnin materin!, Ta!le covers, Pnien: Post-Officc Bolancés.Ticitnc Frames. Willow VVaoons, Crndles, Chairs, Clocks. nnd BasketB ; Britiannia Tuble Casiors, very cheap. Mnhogany. Roecwnod Venecrs ; Varnisli nml J;ipnn : Brnnzn. Mnhogany Knobs, Looks. Ghw. Cnrled Hair. nnd Cane Senis. Also. a Hrge nssonment of Americarj Ca.stori. expreasly lor Cabinet Makers, vcry cheap. Cash nnd the highesi mnrkc-t price pmd for any quantity of Wnjnut nnd Cherry Lumber. 1 will nlso coirract for any lUuniity of hrst rate Walnut Lurnber. to be sawed to order, and dclivered bv the I st of June next. J. W. TfLLjlAN, No. ,C7, Jeilerson Avenue. Detroit, Jnntiary 1, 1847. 2'J7-ly PEA CE DECLA RED, AND A TSIEAT7 PORBE23, W HEK EB Y S. FELCH can hold Frke Thadk au Cuaimkrcx k BOOTS, SMIOES, BjE&THer, imI nndings of all kinds, with oil persons. jNaiives or Foreigners, on the followin? just and cqunl lerms, viz : Good Aitkles - Low I'ri ces- Iicatt u Pau -and No T,ust. 3 J The auösciiber having ful.'y tesrerl the Credit Ssttm tu his grent iow. both of coi,filcnce and cash, and h.iving sufTered much loss by tire, necesMty compels him to collect his pay'lbure hartest," as "after HAnvrsT and nkxtfall." very uiten come up "missing." leaving him sad. ly in ihe Boolholt. He haa come tú the snmo i conclusión ilmt ctrtain sensible girls did on n . late occasion, (ter lo tal or n husband, rcady pny or no Stoemaiing ) All persons lint ron conform to the abovo , trt-aiy will dn weH to cali on S. Felch, Aun Ar; hor, Lowet Town, No. 4 Huron Bloei?, whera they will noi be taxed for othera' work who never p?y. N B. All persons indebted in nny wav lo the s-jbscriber, had betier cnll and pny if t'hev are honest anr1 mean to keepso. 1.9r5'nt , S. FELCH. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Jan. r, 1847. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING WAREJ[OOMS. STETEIVS & ZC&, IN the lower end of tho White Block. dirrclly opposite the Michigan Exchangk. have Dn hand a Inrge nssorunent of tl'RjSlTURE, of their own manu atture, which tbey will scll very ! ow for Cash They also keep ejperiencd Upholsterers. nnd ! nre prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering at ihc shnrtcst notice. Fnniiture o! nll kinds mode lo order of the . best material, and warrnntcd. ST KVENS & ZUG. Detroit. January, 1, IS47. 297-ly