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Tho ndvccate of Science anti Reform, devoted to Plirenoloiry, Phyiïolagy, Maynetism. bint collateral Sciences, wilh a Ladies' ond Mipceüaiieous Oepart.nent. Published Si-mi-Monthly. E, H. SANFORD, EDITOR, SECOXD VOLUME. The present facilities for publishing. and tho incrensing demand fnr informatica on the abovo principies. have inciuced an ENLARGEME.NT OF THE GEM, and conscqucmly the puhücation of one Volume in two, Qtinrlo Form, anti on NEW TYPE, Cor preservntion and binding, wilh nn index ond tiile-pngo at the close ol the Volume, n six months from the liith of December, Jö4ü. CONTENTS. Tho contentp of die Gein are probabiy tnore ntrrstinj to the true fovpr ol Science, and to the devoicd Sluilcnt af Xahirr, than those ot' any similor pnper in the United Sotes. In short, tlie moral tont of its contents. and its exposition of "Home Tiii'ths." yehfch wi he placed wmiI.N THE RKACfl OP ÊVÉRY TAMII.Y, wil; render t doubly ntcrtiiing and piofimblc. TZ2RMS. 'T'10 Gkm of SctENce 3"r-.ullslied at FÍFTY CEN i S lor six nionth-. or ONE DOLLAR n year pi adrancc. A liberal discount will bo made lo Clubs and A cents. Persons dwiring to 5ubscrihp. have on!y to endose the omount in a ktier, directed to SAXFORD &, BROTHERS, Puh'iihprs of the Gt-m of Science, Ann Arbor, .Michigan. KT Editors u-ho wil] jrivo rhis Prospectus nne, two or three Ut8ftioos, sholl hnve their Invors duly recnirocntcd. 29-l-19w. '


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