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In theSenatCj Jan. 5, Mr. McRcynolds presentcd a preamble and set of resolutions; on the war with Mexico, embodying ah argument in its favor. They amount only to á repetition of the ground taken bv the President in his Message Viih the addiüon of instructing öur Senators and Representatives to vote for all appropriations of men and mëans necessary to prosecute the war whh vigor. - The whole afTair 3 asört of " Büncombe" opëraiion designed to give án idea abroad that every body in Michigan is ready to shout hosanna for the Slcveholders' War. The preamble and resolutions would fill more thdri a column of our paper, ot wè would publish íhem In the Senate, Jan. if Mr. Schwarz gave noüce that he would introduce a bilí for the better security of the paper issues ofbanks,nnd banking insiitutions, and thé proteclion of the bill holders of tha. same, and that he would aíso introduce a bill to repdal an act nmendatory of the severnl neis touching licenses, approved táárcn 12, 1846. Mr. Èldredge gave rioticé that hö would, on sonle future day, nsk leave tö introduce joint rèsolmions atnendihg ths ;he conslituion ns follows : Ist. To provide' that thè për cïiem allowancö of m'embers of the Lcgislaturo' shall not exceed S3 for the first 30 days of each session, and $1 for each day iheraf aften 2d. To pro vide foi biènnial sessions of the Lcgislaturc. 3d. To nmend the constitution sö as to elect senators and representatives by single districts. 4ih. That prasecuting attornys and othcr couniy oflïcers now appointed by the Governor and Seríate, be elected by the pcople. In the FTouse, thd Chair annour.ced Messrs. Adam. Seymour and Dritain the committee on geological survey and final report oí that deprtrtnienf. Also, Messrs. Throop, Chubb, Arzend, Marantette, J. D. Pierco, Goodrich and Bell, as committee on location of the Capítol. On motion of Mr. Throop, the bill in rclation to the Capitol was reCerrcd to the committee on that subject. Mr. Throop introduced a bill td próvido for the election of a Senator tö Congress. Retid twice and referreJ to ctfnimittee oa elections.That everlasting subject of debate, the; election of a Chnphiin, then came up. Mr. Tnylor ofTered the following : Resolved, Thnt the minister of' all denominations rosiding in this city, be rcquösted tö open the daily sessions of this House with prnyer. Mr. Chubb propased (o amend bj' ad ding, "and that they shall receive for compensa! ion such sum as the members of the House see fit foconiribute." Mr. C. said he néver could discover whaí right a legislativo body had to appropriate money out of the treasury for thnt purpose. If members thoüght it of any benefit to them, they ought io pay for it. If fhey wish to sustain the clergy, it is their own business and not the business oí the public. The amendment was adopfed. yeas4 --nys 22. Mr. Turner moved to strike out city