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A yaúng man by the name of Ddvii Horsley, belonging to Capt. Chandler'; company of Texan volunteers was as aassinated by the perfidious Mexicans short time after tlte capitulación oí Alón terey. We gletín the following partiö ulars from the Austin (Texas) Demo crat : " Horsley went to an ofange grove ii] the evenïng, and remained all night ; h failure to return in the morning excited fears for his safety ; his comrades went in aarch of him - in the orange grove they found blood - traced t, and finally discovered the body of the unfortunate youth in the San Juan pierced by a wound from a lance, or some such inatrumsnt. The news of this base and cowardiy act spread like wild-fire among tfay's men. They determined to take ampie vengeance. Wo to the Mexican falling in their way ! Gen. VVorth was made acquainted with what was going forward ; he sent his aid to expostulale, and beg of the Texans to ceose. Infuriaied by the cowardly meannes of the murders of th-eir feilow-soldier - a remembrance of th maay foul and bloody butcheries perpetrated upon theni ín former times, by the samo pcopl-e - tkcy spared not a man. The excilement was so high that Gen. Taylor wai waduced to ksue an order commanding all disbanded troops to leave Monterey in 48 hois. It it thought 80 or 100 Mexicans feil to atcngtthe death of Horsley. Terrible retribution ! " General Taylor's negro boy was murdered by two Mexicans. The feoy was gent by Gen. Taylor some dista nee f rain the camp, and while he was in the field procuring a load, two Mexicans feit upon him, armed wilh knives, ana most brutaly murdered him on the From the appearance of the wounds he must have died instantaneously. His body was found soon after by a party of soldiers who happened to spy it, partially covered with the green corn the boy had cut. The murderers were arrested this morning, and turned over by Gen. Taylor to the Alcalde of the city to receive due punishment for the atrocious crime. - They fully con fessed their guilt, and were not the least alnrmed as to the ultímate consequences. Gen. Kearney, with his small yet gallant army, in less thanjifly days, marched n-ne hundred miles, througli n uninhübiled country, and conqaered a province containing a populatiod of more than 80,000 souls. The Prize Money nccruing from the varïöus prizes taken at Tobasco nnd Tampico, ainounts to $220,000, of which government gets one half, and the officers and eamen the other. A large number of printers in Philadtilpliia have given up the business of type sticking lor that oí man sticking. - Capt. Scott's company of voluntcers,numbered no !ess than thirteen, Capt. Smnll's some half dozen, and C;ipl. Bennett's four. The City Greys and Philadelphin Light Guards, which left on Monday lnst, also had their share. - Worccster Transcript. The Lieut. Governor of Indiann, P. C. Dunning, hns gono to Mexico, and joined the army - thereby evincing hit. patriotic fervor. His particular employment is thus described by Thos. O'Neil, a brother Dcmocrat of his, now in the army : 41 1 feel myself called upon to state to the public what I knowabout his eourse while sutier for the 2d regiment of Indiana Volunteers, v. hichyou may publisli if you please ; for I do feel that his communicatien is ; n mpositi n on the pubüc. I do posiiively state that I saw Mr. Dunning selling whiskey himself for threc or four weeks, for four dollars per gallon. How much loncer he continued to do so, I do not knovPfor our regiment was moved to the mouth of the river out of his vicinitysome nine or ten miles. Mr. Dunning wanled to charge me 10 cents for about two table-spoonfuls of whisky, or less ; and previous to that, there was myseif and two others that went to him and oflered 25 cents for one pint of whisky, but he refuíed, saying : 44 that he knew it was high, but did nol. care, for lic came there to tnake money and that he intended to do il, and that he had just as well ask six prices as one, for he could gel it just as easy as not." And as for his charity to the poor soldiers, Í do nol believe that he had any for them, sick or we!l, for he would se!l tliem potatoes at 37 h cents per dozen and small one3 at that, and npples at ten cents a picce, beef longues at 75 cents to $1 a pioce, and everything else in proportion, ond many other thingsthut I could montion, but think it unnccessarv, and if they had takon up the amounl of their wages, ha would have seen them die before he would let them have any nourishment." The chief of the Mexican difficulties arise from pecimiary embarrassment. - Santa Anna is continually cnlling upon the Government for means. The clergy eing ca'led together by delegations, botli of thè regular and secular order?, refused positively to guarantee n loan of$2,000,000 - but the Government considering the stringent circumstances of the treasury, and the necessities of the state, had resolved to issue drafts for the amount of $2,000,000, upon the responsibility of the clergy - the clergy to be compelled to meet the same, as a loan to be ultimately reimbursed, with interest, at the rate of five per cent. To render these drafts at once available, the government has- - rz=z= termined to draw them for amounts, Va i rying from #200 to $20,000, 'm favor o s individuáis of wealth, and according o - their circumstances, and compeJ them to i advance the respective sums within eight days. Letters from Saltillo repesent íhat the Americana have (aken peiceable possession of thut plade. One writer says, 1 " It was threco'clock P. M. when we i entered thö public square, and from thence to the outskirts of the town, the sidewalks. all the Windows, balconies and house-tops were covered with men, women andchildren, not less than fifteen thousnnd, if I am any judge. Some npparently rejoiced, while inany of the women (and some most beautiful fhere are too) shed toar.s nnd t.lmost shudder at tie sight of what they have been taught to cali the bad Americana. I huve undersiood from pretty good authority that the Governor of the province was quite siubborn against surrendering the town, ohjecting in the strongost manner to it, and representing the war as an unjust and unholy one on the part of the United States, decln ring that if he had a forcé here he would fight us."