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Tiiis excellent rompo und id for 6ale by the ropriotüi's Agenis. MAYNAUDS. '26.5-1 y S T O_R E Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Store souh of the Square, on Main Slreet. rflïï Subrcyber, hoving received his winter stook, wculfi re&pecitully invito to ita inipcoiion Country Denlert., Medíanles, nnd Farnio. ponfident ihat ihey wijl find theassoruneni is g:ficrul dntl c'Uiip.lele, nnd the priccs nu low witli rliè iiüdu.oiial charci; for iransportotion on leavy "Oods) as rit any establishment of the kind u Deiroit. Il ie stock ia cornpriscd in pnrt of the followin irtifltrS TOR BLACKSM1TMS. Junintn. Swedcs. and Oíd Sable Bar Iron ; Jüniats ind Peru round oi.d square Iron, froin Kítlia lo 3 iiiches; Bund. Hoop, Stnke, nnd Motee Shoe Iwn, all sizcs ; iSTorwe:ian ond Old Sable ffsiil Rods; American. Swede, Knglish Bhster.Geiman, and Cast Steile. A Iban v Spring Steel, Albuny made Wagon and Srat Springs, Wildon I.).c8. Sleigh and Cuite. Shoes, Rlnlleablu C?_8tings of eveiy possible forni, Horse Nuils. lïornx. llorse Shöe Shñpetj, Bug Band Arinitage Mou.e Hole nnd WrigliVa Anvil Cotirel Keyed Vice, Wesi's Boliows, Sledjjca ind flund Honirneis. IJollow Augera, Files und ltüt-1'S ol uvi'ry shnpc and eize. FOÍI CAiH'KNTKllS, A fuil 08sortuieni of eaatern Dcnch and Motilding Toóla : ViuuK Jions : Mil!svriahi, Framinr, Corner. Duc.k Ji.Ü, Filmer, om! Tnri.iriB Chier.h : Millwrighi, Tnir.iny, and Firmer Gouge ; Concaw. Cur.ciive Nut, and Common Auijer; Aifger.'lipped, f'eritrp. Spó"on. Gonge. nnd Giml 'let Bitis ; Hnnd, Fnr.el. l'uck, Coñipo, nnd Keyliulc Suws '■; è-'iec] nnd In-n Squmes ; Try SiU;iref. nnd Bcvels : fpirit LcvpIs ; 2 and 4 oíd Rulos : Brond. Ma d, niid Narros Axo ; AciztS; IIonimf"8, Sttip oí Bnices and Bius. FOR BUILDfclRS. Cut Nnils from 2 1 to fJOrl, Wroucht Nilt [iroúd Iil'.iiI and Fimehing Náilp, Cin Brade, Diy nid Mixed I.ead. Jins-:ed Oil ; ' BfHevernon" ninssliüin 7 by 9 t 10 by 4 ; American nd Vmlolk Lnit'fie '; American nnd F-nglish Kim, Monise. nnd Coitne Lot-fra n:;J Lntcht's. wuh {.ifrt'w.xid. Br88, Mineral, nnd Plateij Knohs ; "nsi. 'l'.-i'iii, nn-l Wiought Butis: Scrrw. floli, O.ior Bflf .ind Furniture. Brutas Knockera. Cirn Pumps. TUK FARMERS, vjl! fi ,l ovrry im-nsil ihy icquiro. Axei. Ma'iiiii-nrid Hitcli Foikti. irón nnd 'nat Sieel Shov. ■Is nnd íñi-]'!is. inis( nnd ("radie Sythee. Grnin -c'ps. Mies. Gnilibine Uoes Strr.w Knea, ' I' ck A.V. VV...I and Moic Cwd, norse Uriiilift nn.j Curry Coinht. Log, Tracel Ci-il, VVrojp i'E ui') flulier C'hmns. KOUS IK KEPERS, :in spleet from the niii uplendid nssontneni of ii!';:ic::n nnd !.i.-;lu!i Cuili.-ry, .Siieam ■m --.v: }V„ nn.i Pocket KnjVcij Buner Knivc JïiiftiifHiia, Gtrmnn SiJvor, oud PJiiied IV uid Tfllije Spoons ; Briti.-itnu.T Tea nnd Coftto Po-a : J)r;iis. fron. nnd Eíiti.-innia Cnndlrsiicki ■wö Lnmps. SntifTers r.m Trnys. Ten Trny, !!a?t!ind Iron Aridtrons', Phuyels, n4 Tpngi, Hints Kciils and Pnils, Süd Jion.. &c. &c., ofthf-r witli n ixrjp issortnu'nt of AJbnny Cast COOK. PATJ.OR. t BOX STOVS, dl of wluch. linviiigpurchascd for Cash. he will ililr ii t rnoit reaaOnotjIe icnnsi HEiVRY W. WELLKS. Ann Arbor. De. 'i, 1&4G, 293-Iy SELECT SCHOOL. MISS J. h. Smiïii. assisttd by Míep S. Ft:a.r,í.nn..uncí tr. ihe ii.hl tlisi thr it p.-ep.ire'l to :. yoi;n !n. it idio iv r tclioul ia iiielj s ,.., -i.i rojjjjj oi ih Kpits-ojial Clmrch. Tjckms - F..i quaiFer oi kj u-ce'Ks. fpr ] nglich branches frtfrn 8,tü 5; Pienrti md Lmin c;ich 83 extra if pirsuéd togethpr witb :be lingliih s:ude.-i. or sepárQicIy, ,v,5 tiéch. The arhool wül b fürnislied wuh u Philosophir&l oppprauis; and oceosional Jecturcs given on the Kotumi Sciet.c?s. Mrs. Hiiphs wül ive nstruciion lo :ill vil, o desiteit. in Alusic. Druwing, Painting and Needie Work. Rliss Smiih refetB to the followinggenltemtn: Professors Wüliiims, Ten .' rook, nd Wheerloñ of thf Uriiversity; Rev. W. S. CurtiK. Rev. Mr. Simons. Uov. C. C. 'laylor, Hon. E.Mundv', Wtn. S. Maynnrd Fpq, ' Ann Art.or. April i?9. 146262-if MICHIGAN LAND AKD TAX AGENCYII. D. POST, Blasón, lngiiam Co-unly, Michigan. y ÍIjí' ntJend to the pnyment of Taxea, ext V aiaipatiQii ol Tules, purchaee and aule of Lnnds. L e. &c. Any liuaiiifoscntrualëd tqjftii will be trnnsneted wiih prouptne8s and aoWTrtjey - Addresa bv mail. Rrfcrences. (hy pet mission.J C. Murlbut. Dèltoitj J C. Miii!t. dioilier & Co. Í - Wilderfe ShoSV, Troy. Woodbury'; Avery &. Co. ) .. „ , R. G. Williams, AiK Vork' CHSAP STGVES AT TSILANTl! 1 O? COOKING fePARLOR STOVES, i allí j,13 rectived. by the Subsciiber, (mosty frniti Albnuy) inaking a goud assdrimohl of the lRti!.r ind best pmtorns. which will be eold il Low Priccs! not to be undeisold this sidc Lake R;ie! Al?o. Coppor Furni'.urp. Cautdron Kertlcs, (Ioüow Ware of af! sizcs, Stovc Pipe, Sheet Iron. Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnufncttirod. nnd consi-intly kept on hand which will nlso bc sold very low P. S. - I'urcluisers will do well to cali and examine for theirown sntibi'nction. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. Jne 20. 1846. S7It FOR SALE C'IF.AP rou CASH, or e-yery kind ofcout:Saddles, Br!d7cs,Harncss, Trunlcs, Valtses, Trunk Valisrs, Carpe? Bags, fyc. Alm n yoo'i (tetiuittueiij v. tv I... sun, which will be su!d yï-Cy low, nnd no mi-tijk:. 8t oor: v RojjiNsOiN's. Ann Arbrtr, J- I.-46. 5i77-tf E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIBST ROOM OVEU C. M. &Í T. W. ROOT1 STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARHOK. C CLARK, Attorney nnd Counselor, ind .li!-tii;e oi the i'ei.ce. -Ollice. Curl ''Mü-o. Arm Arbpr. V9()tf MEDICAL B00KS. ANF.W o of M.d.cid BooUö. just open4 and tor eal chean tor cash ai June 15. tf Pjsrbt