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Letter From Rev. C. Galpin

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Letter to the Editor
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Lebano.v, Jan. 1, 1857. Brother Foster: - After encountering the dangersofthe soi for ihespace of three raonthsand ten days, I have by the mércy of God, been permitted to place my ioot on American so!l, and have thought thnt t might be interesiing to my friends and perhaps lo others, to follow me in a brief sketch of the si range path that the Lord lias led me in. In returning froni the Alliance, I left Liverpool fas stated in my last,) on the llth oí Sept. in the Ship Metoka for New York, with the inieniion of returning to Michigan before the close of navigation. But the Lord's wa}rs me not our wnys. He has sinccled me in "poths that I knew not of." After being wrecked and saved by bis good hand (as describe in my last) I was left on the coast of Ireland, in the city of Cork, where I spent two montlis very pleasanily. I spoke of my cordial reception and kind attention while in Englond, but itseemed tome that it was surpassed by the Irish. But I must make two or three exceptions which cannot well be excelled, as exhibed in the case of Sir Culling F. Smith, Mr. Bidgood, and Miss Carmine. Cork is situated on ihe river (called Cork) about nine miles from its mouth, which is the head of navigation. it then separates into six or seven branches, which are all covered but two, and over which the city is built. The city itsclf snot very pleasant, lying ns it does in a valley, but it is surrounded with the mostbeautiful scenery that I have ever wit nesseri. It has a popu Jatinn of about 70,000. About three-iburths are Roman Catholic, two Wesleyan Chapéis, andone of each of the oiher denominations. The first Sabbaih that I spent there, I was invited to prendí in iwo different Chapéis, the second in four different ones, all of which Í could not do. I was invited todine almost every day while ihero by the gentry, and soine times more than osee. Father M;thew invited me todine tvvice, whiüh 1 could not do or. account of other engagement?, but bad the pleasure uf taking tea with hiin at ihe celebration of his birthday together with the Mayor, two Ex-Mavors, and other diatinguished gentlemen. The Temperance refbrmation is slill going on under his supervisión. I saw him administcr the pledge to a number, and discovered nothing olfjection.ible ín it as mnny mainiain. But sny they, the penple have a superstitious notion that f they can take the pledge from Father Matheyy; and securo his blessmg, they shall not break it. Yery well, so inuch the betterif this will prevent their breaking it, for all that tho Temperance Society professes to do, is to keep men from drinking.All these things are pleasant lo a visitor, bilt there is another acene which clcstroysit all toonewho has a heartto fcel for those who are standing at the corners of the streets and by the waysiJe, pleading for a bit of bread to prevent starvation. But I must not go into detail, for my sheet will not admit of it. The fatnine is-gicU, but the irish have hearts that are too largo tosee thcir brethren die of want, and have taken mensures tosupply them, though it may cust them all tlieir snbstance. But I must pmceed. A way seemed to be providentially opened for me lo get f rom Cork to America without reiurning lo Liverpool. The British Queen hnd sailed from Bristol for the Bermuda Isles, butsprunga leak and was obliged to turn back and put into Cork for repairs. Shc was nearly ready for sailing when we arrived thcre. A very kind offer was madeby Capt. Lord, and after being fully satisiled that it was the best course that I could take under ihe circumstnnces, I einbarked. We had beiutifol weather for three weeks, in which lime we sailed about three thousand miles. - I was the only passenger on board. The crew consUted of 16 hands in all. I feit that the Lordiiad placed me amongthem, and I was my duty toiry to benefit them [ labored three weeks with no succpss a I thujght, and was on the point of giving up the ship, when the Steward (who was a profrssor of religión) carne to me and said that some of the hands wished him to ask me if I would come down and hold a meeting with them. 1 knew not what to ihink of it, but sent word that 1 would come with a!l my heurt; and to my surprise found ihat they were in earnesr, and under conviction. Very soon one was converted. This éncouraged mo to go on. We had a meeting in the Cabin evcryevening that the eather would permit, for at this time we had adverse winds and severe stor.ns, (by a otorm I mean a gale of wind, with, or without rain) but tho ork waai lili veca:ne near thejsland, and in a few days expected to leave tlicm. I told the Captain that it would bc gratifying to me f he would give an expression of his feeling on the subject. He waited a moment and then said, il is getting ruther late, sir. We closed our meeting, but oh the sccond evening were permiited to meet ngain. Near the close of the meeting, I gave an opportunity for any on? tospeak. The Captain spoke out and said, " fellow Ship-mates, our leader is about to leave us, and we must begin to pray for ourselves (he had formerly been a praying man, but had wandered away and said he, we must try nnd see if we cannot keep up our meetings after he leaves. I hope we shall, I hope we shall, seemed to come forih spontanenusly from the heart of every sailor present, and gave a new impulse to the causo. It seemed as though the Lord had a special design in preventing us from reaching our post, for we had heen beating about withiri 70 miles of t for two weeks. At last we carne in sight, a pilot carne on j board, on Sunday afiernoon we entered a narrow, crooked channel, with rocks lying near the surface of the water, and in some places not n hundred yards wide. This was on the North side of the islsnd, and wecould not get up, but cast anchor and the pilot went on shore. In the nighta storm arose from the North - we cast another anchor which held unti moming, then one of the cnbles broke and left us hanging by a ihread as t were I - we cast out a third anchor, which hek ijs till night; the storm increased anc soon another chain broke. We saw then to remain was sure deaih, and to escape, there wns one chance cut of a hundred perhaps of doing so. We slipped the other cable, and ibund oursplves dr ving against the roeks that Jined the Island on the North as fast as the wind and waves could carry us. We then feit that exceit the Lord saved, vn must all perish in a few moments, and we saw his hand in keeping us from the rocks we thn had to pass out the narrow chrinnelout a pilot ; but the Lord was our pilor, fifid lie took us snfely thruugh. The peo ple gathered on t!)e uanks to see us perisli, but cou!d not help us. Wc we re tijen driven off in a tempesluous storm which Insted four days, but the Lord preserved us, and in one week we got bnck ngain. But all of this had to dy witli our spiritual good, two of our most btlter enemies at this fearful crisis were sub dued; they promised the Lord if he would spare them, tlrey would fïght no inore ; this they told us nfierwnrds, and we saw the Lion changed to the Lamb. The main island of Bermuda is about 12 miles long, the soil is good, but very litile cultivatcd. T'he populntion consista of about 10 thousand citfzeris, sixteen hundred soldiers, and tvvclve hundred prisoners. 1 spent four days on the Islands, and then tot)k passnge in the Brig New Orleans for New York, expecungto be there in four days, but in pluceof that we were out 17 days, and then driven in to New. port, R. I., for safety. We carne near New York once, and then were driven off in a storm that lasted six days. Here I found myself strongly reproved for my diffulrnce on the subject of religión. I found myself in company wirh two sea and a keeper oí a Hotel in Bermuda. F rom their appearance I thought it would be like casting penrls befure swine,to introduce the subject of religión and on this account I held my peace for three days. ,On theSabdath, hmvever, tfie subject was incidental!}' introduced, and I commenced reniarking ratherin the abstract, without intending any personal application, bul found that one of the Captains became very much interested, so rnuch so, that he expressed bis feeling freely and said, that he should be glad to have me attend prayer with them every day. When nigbt carne, 1 proposed it to one Captain, and found him very willing, also iheother pnssengers. I took liberty from this time forth, todéal faithfully with them ir relerence to their eiernal interest, and found them thoughtful and anxious for their soulssalvation. Very soon I was told by the Sieward hat the Sailors hadexpressed a desire that I should visit them n the forecastle. I did it with a chperful heart, and wassurprised lo find them so eager to receive instruction. I visited them every evening after this, (when the weather would admit of il) and six of them gave me their names, which was an expression of their desire and determinatioD to beenme Chrisiians. I left them raí her abruptly on account of going in at Newport, and cannot say what the result will be, but these are the f acts ; and I think I have but one object 'n presenting them to you, and that is, tó stimuiate others to labor and pray for the seamen whonöver they hav anI give these particulars lo show that they are not beyond the reach of the Gospel, as we have thought n times past, but ihat they have heartá that will yield to truth when prbsnnted in kindness. As I have a'.ready intimaied, I left at Newport, and went lo Providence, from therc to Boston, and am now in Lebanon. It is my intention, to spend the Winter al the East, and return to the West early in the Spring.dCf" My friènds in writingto me wiil iddress me at Lebanon, Conr.ecticut.