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Foreign Markets For Grain

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The cry to America for brend is not : ihe clamor of a transient emergency. - - There is harúly a possibility that thepotnto of next jear will meet with a better Inie than that of the pnst year. No one c.nn give any reason for a hope that this . erop will recover from that rn vstei ious Ll:ght which teems to inervase in extent ] 2very year. In short, the gross stafi of t may be considered as eniirely cut ofT. h It is dtVybtful whether it will ever be t pended npon again ns a chief nrlicle of , ubsistence even In Ireland. Now, n a , tecpnt letter, ï gave the opinión of one j of the nio;it extensivo corn-dalers in Englr.nd, thai ii would requifé 4000 ships, , of 300 tons buriteu dch, to import to lrelanH, corn rnough to make up the j riefic-iency in fuod ermsed by the defection s of ihe potato erop. Suppose this corn were imported froin America, the most ( accesible and eontiguous cnrn-growing couiitry ; then its transportal ion would oi-cupy. for neirly half ayear, 1,200,000 rons of sbipping, or alinost half the amountof American tonnnge. Allowing 20 men to each snip, ihen 80,000 sailors or ship hands would be employé! in the tr.'insportatinn of ibis atuount of grain iVom seaboard to seaboard, and perhaps a many men on land jconveying it from the r'w er-pons and Jake-joris rjf the West to New Orlpans and New York. And here let mo suggpst. without ofiènce to the vigilant sensibilices of American ' proie-tionists,' lel me suggest to the , farmers of tho West, whether, as a imtter of rnere policy, the clasw of consumers of tfieir producís whichsuch a commerce would créate, would not be as valualile to them 03 any other created by a system that would suppress the commercé ? Let the farmers of the West consider well ihe course now opening before them. The demand for their Wheat and Indian Corn, Pork and Bacon wilt probably be mori urgent and e.xtensive next year than ithas been this. They will remembcr tint Indian Corn bas been unknown in Great Britain, Ireland and most 'f Europe, os an ar:icle of fiod, until ihe prrscnl year. There is everv reason to believe ihat its consumption wíl! be increnscl annually. In a former leiter I tried io show that Great Britain was filling up with a popujaiion inercasing bv a remarkablo ralio. This fact must be admitted as an important element in the fiálimatp of the future demand fur American grain and provi-ions. But liiere i good ieason lobeliexc thnt Indian Corn will come to be usod for feeding horses and faticning catt'e and swine. Il" tjlis shoold I e tlie case, tlie. imporiation of Indian Corn into the United Kingdom would probably employ more tonnage than is riov engageij in the fore gn tradof the Luit d Sli'tfs. 'Ihe defic'ency of the potaioaud grain ernpa 'n the Continent is cre.iting a demand for Amerii.on breadstufis ihere; and before the resent emergenoy has p;s.-ed away, a joíicy will have taken cflec' which will pen at lenst the ports of Franco to ihe unrestrictel import -tion of Whoal aivi Indian Corn The principies of Free Tradc are f .st ga'nii'g jjround llirnugh the Fiiro-iean [mt of ('hrtendomt nnd ProviOenre seems to re-gnixe c!iem, nts the rimiiive stitutes of Nature's econorm, n ?ill ia rexjni diponsa!ion3 in the Old World. Every toudency óf t!:e times is accftlerating the prog css of tlio-e principies. The voice of the People, on both .vi.Jes of Ihe channej, ia coming in iike a flood for Free Trade j an-f, before tlie farmers of tiie great West shnll be to turn up the sd of all their vast prairies, probably every port in Europe Will be opened to their prodThere isnnother point on which much misapprehrnsion exisls in Amcric-T, to ue a very charitab'e term. In the elabórate argumrjt.s whictS hnve ben put forih to envince tho Wet tliat the opening o-f the liritisb poris to foreign grain wouM be of no adantage te ibem, it b"s been stnted that therO were com-growing oouiitries nearer to Greot Britain thin any of the American States; that ihese eouniries would be nbíe to tako advantage of every favoraHIe turn in the English marke?, and suppiy every sndden demand before it could reach America; ihat wheat from Danizip afid Odessa could be pftured into fhe British ports beroro the grnin-freigínetl ships from America eou ld get hIf acroetho ocean. ?íowr thej e haat btWx í íear, oooe'.hingless honest than n misapprehension perpetuated to the disadvantage of the Wesi on this important póint. Having mnde special inquines of seveml corn-dealer Jiere, I learn that, virtually, lhere is no grain-gnnving country ne.irer tu England tl;an the United S'ntes; that the average jassage from Odrssa lo Liverpool b from seventy to eighly days ! ihnt '.he average passage from Dnntzic to the same por1 c nsumes os much time, on an average