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' The Hiberniabrings Liverpool papers )fthe 5th, and London of ihe 4th. At Liverpool.Flour bas ndvanced 5a6s. sterling; Wheat Is. 6d. per quarter; 3orn,12al4?. per quarter- rise,3a4s. from ÏSth Dec. to3d Jan. Cotton up 3a. to ld. per lb. Coi-n has ad vaneed. The best quality s quoled at 68a72s. Flour, m barrels, )est quality is quoted at 37a38s. per bbl. riie Cot:on market has been more animaed during the past month. So there has een considerable business transneted. Drdinary N. Orleans and Mobile Cotton s quoted at 6a7d.; fair do. 7a73d. good, Íia8d. The money market has been quiet, with ittle fluctuationsince the last publication fEuropean Times. It is said that S300,)Ü0 in specie carne over to Boston by the übernia. . American Lard has been verv largely lealt in, kegs selling at 4s. a 5s. Ameri:an Beef and Pork continue in exellent demand; and alihough suppUes re coming in free, very stiffrates are iaid.The last message of President Polk has been nssailed by the whole of ihe pre.s, and ugly narnes have been gtven to the processof reasoning, in which the President accounis furthe Mexican war. One passage has been sirongly commende.J "pon. That in wliich he sia'es that the wnr was not underiaken with a view to conquest. The accounts f rom Ireland are indeed deplorable. Never, in the whole histoiy of her suffering people, luis such wide spread inisery prevailed. Starvation seems to have come at last, to fill to overflowmg the cup of their suiferings. Tlie Englishgovernmentaredoingwell in the crisis, and by ihe mensures whicli hnve been taken, wil] afïbrd much relief. Bul notwithstanding all this, and the large sums which are transmiited Croin tlns counlrv, an miiipnse amount ofsuifering exisN, and is on the increase in a frightfu] ratio. Immense number.-s of slarved cieatures find their way into England and subsist by begging. Tho ditress continúes to increase.