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Uder dn heüd, wo publi, Jree of cbar the nqir)e, reaidence. nnd business, of thos,} wbo Jdvenisc in the.Sos.iL or LiUkktt. w Vu' Threshing Machines. Scia. Arbor. J' W' MayNa1{I) irgií8i8, Anu Euoueu &. Cn , Tnnncry. Detroit. tv ua Co' Merclnni8, Ann Arbor. VV K. PK,lfly: Jio,.h,ellur. Ann ArUr. U U.akn, i,av OUicc. Ann Arbor. ö; f. Lkwjs, Broker, Poiroit. . . BunoKK, üniiiiai, Ann Arbor. U Bliss, Jenelcr. Ann Arbor. F. J. Jj. CfUjiK. Jnsitrance Oliie,Ann Arbor. i ti' Iinseed OH, Lake. J. M. KWcKwKLr.? Alarble YBrd, Ann Arbor. K.vai'h & Havjlanj), Macliiï.iste, Ann Arbor, u. akwev, J emperonce Hoijae, petroit. Í5?; ü- S.mith? School, Ano Arbor. ti U. h-osr. Land Agency, Mason. xXo Koi51iSÜX Harncia Makers, Aon Y' A. Ravmond. Merchont, Detroit. [ M:.Brovvn, Stoves, Ypsilnnti. H WllKKr'KK' ''rciini" Ann Arbor. ' " W. Hardware. Ann Arbor. Sraouk. Tailor, Ann Arbor. S. l), Bornkt, Dennst. Ann Arbor. Sanforu fe Brothkiis, Gem of Scicnoe. Stkvess & Zlo3, Upholsterere. Detroit. Vm S. Buown, Attorney ál Lnw, Ann Arbor. S Fïr.CH Shoe Store. Ann Arbor. J. VV. C binet Ware, Detroit. Mains, M'Uowkll, & Co., Merchanti, Axn irl)or. Üai.lock &. Ratmüxd, Clothing Store, Deiroit. Ingall", Lamb, & Fisbèb, Sieani Mili, Ana Arl.or. J. A. Twiss. Fnrm for Sü!e. Ann Arbor. Mills &. Martin, Tniloru, Ann Arbor.