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rOR SALE4 GOOD FARM, containingone huni T 1Xly acrts ot Zo)i '"'"'"C hnd. bOicres underimprotement, wnh n good pninted house, frame.i Lam, and 10 acre orcl.nrWine - A payment w.ll be rcquired down, and tho balnee m 2 nd 4 ywrs-. Ti.le indiSp„„[,e. Jior lunher inormaiion enquire of J. A. TWÍSS, ■TnnUnryt0.17Ann L B -l55 CLÖCtfS. AlorgoloTf t ífjlü 0Iiroí,nu 8 day ÍJ"Cbcka for sale, f 4 and $22 by the en.e. ' J. W. TILLMAN.ï NEW' P&VG SíT'OR'E, S 5 in Batllc Cfteif iXtkd' the S 3 lipoihecarietf IK a II, g 5 7L foiind a neto, txtcntití. and ft( H . T complete ae r inent cf Draga, S ■ icincs, Chflmicals. O.Js. Pnint. Dye-S;ufls, if C" Qroeenes, Surgii] Insuuaients, Patnt ï 6 Medicines, clool Booka. Funcy üuods, 5 g Jowtlry, tfcc. puchnsed direetlv of ilie 5 K, porters; whiph ore ufíl-red to he IC i o tv at as low p;ice$ a? at ony oiher s pj liahment in the Siajp- Detroit nti cAcep Op ■3 ted. r 5? Ji Physjcinns. Surgeonq, rnd, the Trade. K 3 wijl Ie supplicd upon tJie luycel ierro..- ( C Prescnpi'uns and oidpisi attenjpd to wuh 5 jJ3 crt-f and dexputcJf fcj JS Be sure torecollcct ilio plnce. 3 ÖJ G. F; IIARIUSON CO. 5 S Battle Creek. JS47. :;{ tg "BV INDUSTRV WE THRIVE ! ' New and Fashionablo TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, ' In tlie one pregnant su' ject ol CLOTHLS nghtly understood, is incluüt.J all thflt tnen havJ thougit? d.reamed, don.', and been : the wholo exterpal Uiuversu. Hiid wliat it hol J 3 but clifamg { and ihe essence of all science lies in the I HiLosoiHï o Cloïhks .- CurlyU. TI9E Subscribers hoving formed n co-parinersliip Cor tje purpose of earrvin n the Tailoring finainen 'm all it branches, would takc this nieihod oiinfürniini; iho cii2ens o. A nu Arbor and vicmity, ihqt tjiey n.ay be luund u their hap, .o. 13, „„„,], M0n gt., whc-e they are prepared (o do all wurk in ifaeir line m a manner not to be surpasseci in fit, style or durllity, by nny oiher Cüiablishnieni in ih ot3tO. Those gentlemen are particulnrly inviied ta cali who preíer hoving their gnrmeiits in a shop where none Lm e.tperionced workrnei are ernployed, mstead of btíing made bj a thou lul. of iris- lor, be it known, thai we cmploy none but the best of hands, and having madu permanent urrangements wiih G. C. Scolt of New York, the Napoleon of Fashion PubÜBbera. ro be supplicd wiih bis American opd Kuropear Spring and Fall, nd also hia 'Mrror of Fflshior.s," a Monthly Periódica!, devoted 10 the fpiencc of caniqg and making garments of all kindi-tnose advantages, combined wnli tho atiention and expenencp of the subecribers, rendors 1 it almost an impossibility of not bcing abls to pleoae a!l, even the most fastidious. Particular ntteniion wül be paid (o 'the cmiine of garments which we do nol mako. And liero we will state for the information o( all concerned, iliat ;he common cry of tho lailors i? all a hoax when ihey say the lailorcss hs fpoiled the snr,neni - there U no hopts of mnking g good fit of it ; when in nii.cty nine ensf-s out of every hundred. the fault lies at the cutter's door. Therefore, to put a veto on tfiis method of domg busmesa, he subscribers are indueed to warrnnt all their cutiir.g without the un. venal proviso, ij propcrly v,a,le t but warrant it without nny t , or aVds. Alilioiigh do not sot ourselves up nS tlie peraonifioat.on Mf 'perftction yet itwill be borne in mind that wc make ouf cuttmg 30 plnm, thai a tujlpres cniinot ruake it up wrong ií sha try. One thing muri : wö will do our werk ju as our customers wish it done, for vvo labor lo pleaae ilieni in reference to thair work, and not ourselves; and in return, we eaptct them ta please us by pnyments. Aithousjh "'J he Iove of money is the reot of all evil, yet aa t ts vcry nocussery in thr3 der, genérate times, we wIJ make a liberal discount fr Caab. L. MJLLS. . . , , CE. MARTIN. nn Arbor, January 4, 1847. 300-3m READY MAD33 OLOTHIKG-.M n.4LLOEK & KAYiTÏOIVIÏ, HAVE now on hand. just manufaclured undr their own instruction. at their wdl known CL0THIN6 EMP0R1UM, corner of Jffercon and Wcodicard acenue, Dktroit, one of the largest and most comnlew assortments of Ready Tlaüe Clothiag ever before oflëred in this Stnte, which they ar prepared to sell at the vrry Uto-st Caikpricu lor these Cash times. C:i!l and sce ! ! Detroit, Jan. 5, 1817. ' ;9?_tf ATTACHMENT NOT WE. State of Michigan, ) WA9H1XKAW CÓlHTt. 8S# John Diamond, vs. Mathew Tously. f rSTICE COURT befo.eMicbwIThompaon u ."J'.q0,.1116 A"w?ní iuod Use. lötli IS1G ; returnnhle Dc-c. 5Gth J8I6 at 2 0 clock P. M. Ailacbmeht ralorned, servcd by takins twelve or fourtcen liiuhols of Vhe„t ün the I Jth uf Dec. 181G, on return day court called. Defendi.nt d.d not appear. Court adjourned '.o Jan. lGth 18-47, af 2 dock P. M. Court adjourned to Fob. Gil), at 2 oVlouk P. M. I certify the above to l,e n trunscript ' of tho above cntitled suit. this 'Jfiih Jon. ld-17 V 2 31 ICH A EL THOMPSON. CORIV, RYE & WHEAT yj7ANTED by the subscribors, 10.000 1 '0 OO'J bualiela ui VVhw, deh vered at th Steam M.ll. for whieh C.ish wiü be ,mid INGALLS. LAMB, & FISHER Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, J847. 2üS-:f! ORIGHT and Black Log Chains - f-J6. 6 16, 7-lü, & 8.J( wiappm" do htrn.ght and twisted link Tr.ce do Halter ""' vi.Xt Tci n!1CaP ? 'be Sie" f Üie Bi Án' HENRY W. WELLES. Ann A.b.,r, Jan. !ü; 147. 298-ly ï? COUNTY ORDERS. ryilE higliest pnce paid incaMiby G. F Lcvr n' xcl!ínee. Broker, opposite tho Insuranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on nny of the counues in the Staie of Michigan; alsobr Stato secur.t.ea of all kindsund uncurrentunds Cali ana set. Dec 1. 1845 24i_M MEDICAL B00KS. A NEW lot of Medical JJ„ukS, just openod and tor sale rhcap for cash at June 15. 270-tf Pkhrv', CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHTNES and Seperatora aro and 8Oid by -lH!Sull8crbers.a. ,LS JJE chine Shop, noar the Pnper Mili. Lower Towñ Warranty Deeds, Quit-Claim Deeds, MoRTGACES, Chattel Mortoagesk SüMMONSES, SunPGENAS, Attachments, ExECUTlONS, Leases, Maííte)' Deeds, Foreclosurks IN CnAN-ffEir Marrwge Cert}kicates. Ihe obove are printed on good paper, ui H mSt aPPved forms, and catt be hnd by the single, urnen, quire, or bnndred, at the Signa! Office, An Arbor, Lowpr Town. Nambcr I, 1846,


Signal of Liberty
Old News