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Ai the recent Arwual Meel of the State Society, Mr. Cima. H. Stewart introduced a resolution, which was unanimously ndoptcd, setting forth, that u view of the embarrassmenis altending the publication of the Signal of Liberiy, tho nublishersoug!it t) raisethe priob of the paper tu Two Dollars a vear. Tiiis proposal of Mr. Stèwart, and tho action of the Society, we re entirely unexpected by us ; and though the state of our oflixirs was truly represented by him, we have hesitated considerably lo follow out tho action recommended. Bul for some reasons we will mention, we have concluded to adopt the precribed course. The credit price of the Signal hasnever been less than Two Dollars, ai.d the majorityof our subscriben nro paying, and have always paid, at that rate. To thkm, therefore, the change will make no diflerence. Tlie only class lo be oflTected are those who wish to pay in advance, and who paid last year at 1,50 per volume. Owing to adifierence in our arrangement?, nfterthe 17th of April next, when the present volume expires, the price will be Two Dollars to all alike ; and we shall expect pay as nearly in advanco as may be. Bul lo obvíate nll occasion of discontent, we will give those who wish an opporiunity to pay for future volumes in advance at Sl,50 a year. Any person forwarding ndvanced pay prevtocs to that time, shall have the paper at Si, 50 a year. The small sum of Three Dollars will pay for two ycars. Thus, those who wish to have a paper at a cheap price, can have it at a low rate, if they please. Wo think none can complain of such an offer. Afteii the 17th of April, the price toall others will be Two Dollars a year. We wish it distinctly understood, that we neither ask nor expect doxatjons from any one. All we want is pro.upt pat from every subscriber. We shal publish tho paper so long as the pay wil enable us to do it, and no longer. Oui embarrassments, from the bpginning, have been owing to the want of prompt payment Many excellent breihren, of good property, have had the paper for years withouf paying any thing thus far, although often 6olicited. We make no complaint of them : but we mer.iion il as the grand source of all our embarrassments. VVe are determined lo avoid it in future : and we hereby give notice that on the 17tb of April we shall erase from our books the names of all subscribers who shall then be indebted to us one year or more, and forward their accounts for collection. Further, we shall coNiiküE Ihe same process from week to week throughout the yeir, so that no person shall owe for more than one year's subscription. In this way, those who pay, can have the paper : those who do not pay, cannot be supplied at our expense. As we do not inlend hereafter to employ a collecting agent, we wish all persons to forward remittances by mail, or otherwise. Letters, enclosing Two Dollars or more, may be sent by mail at our risk and expense.{L The pro-slavery Democracy find trouble every where in getting the whole of the people to approve their war for Slavery. In all parts of the country, there are some intrepid spirits who will maintain a proper spirit of independence. In the extreme backwoods settlements, aswell asthecrowded city, we find the same threatening and brow-beating of the Democracy, and the same resolute resistance. The last " North Slar," printed at Snginaw, has a communication from Rev. C. H. Baldwin, of that place, who had been notified that his allusions to the iniquity of the Mexican war in his praying and preaching were not in accordance with the feelings of the people, and he must discontinue them or his support would be impaired. Mr. Baldwin replies, in the true spirit of manly frecdom, - "I know no enemv but theenemies of right, and theyare my enemies whether claiming citizenship with me or with foreigners. If to speakout on l his subject - to opposean unjustwar - to desire the triurnph not of ourarms, but truth & justice, is giving "aidand comfort to our enemies," and ihereby proving the traitor, l hesitate not tobear the name and suffer the odium. If any man difTers with me in opinión, I hope still to honor him, tho' 1 must say I prize the opinions which I esteem to be true, of more worth than the warmth of my back, and iho liberty freely to express them, more thnn the cravings of my stomach. By still holding sentiments which I think to be just, I may lose what I rnust highly value, but I shall save what to me is of the utmost importance, my self respect." ftT The American Citizen, the only Liberty paper in Eastern Pennsylvnnia, has becndi8conlinued, and the subscription lirt hosteen transferid to the Nationa' Cr.


Signal of Liberty
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