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tui: zli of Sciencr, i . ■ .,..,. , Sccn'.cand llcfiirm, deyou-d to a.a.H.iism mi. Icol.nt . ,.,s and MiscelluitfnUa; , nú Mnn.bk. E. H. SANFORD, EDITOR. .; C Ó Y VOI'.V ■'! I' ■ ,,,. . oud ihc n,.uii un che afuvo I n r ov tu i: gf.m. :,;,;,,,:i'oii o!' Volume hl "" f. ,-,„..-., :■",::...! ..! wiili n index and ;.,',,,.„. , ol i.he Volume, n ai StófwAi ilvo I ili "f December, 164G; CONÏENTS. intj.d í..g to the true lovrr o'i Sc.cnciT .ml o . ...„ „f NitMrè, ihiiTthcfeeti .., .heÜmjed-Sinies. ín sh.ri, "l ,- TrniK." wHich will bo ,.I;kvü v,tm.nt:kÍu::achc,im:vkryfam j:,Y. u-.; u-iidcr u doúbly inteiesimg and pioüT 3 !& SS S ■ , V i„ ,,rfere: A liberal discount wil b ",.1,-sc l,o h ,v qnty W endose the ainounl ui II ' 'l!' ■"sVxroRD&nitoTHF.Rs, o ihc Gen ol Scieiice, Ánn ArKdiiors wlio will give ibw Prospectus ol!-, tw„. or threo innions, shall ;W-j ihi i,, les duly ceciproca ■ ?J?:' Tr.mpêrance House'. 1S17. is-ir. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. nrmuiT. Miciï. E. la'vc tlns vvi:ll k.iowu Stind-, and ihoj O„ il) r 'I t tlUüUChOUt. 1SIM.-.V E.MT:MVC , ,cci)nmiodMe bs inends and i.i 'j'cvollm ' iu'.l.c wiUi all tbWó convenu'n.-ecalc;.;.i!! lo wake llrem comloruble, and wuli ( s lo snit the times ! Mrnls. 2"5 Cëtitsl Easlern and Southern Stage OJice kcpl at this House. D Ó Lus and Riggag Watoñ nlways on a,, igera io and Iro.n tliu llrtása ,. nruc. 296-6m ATTENTION THE WORLOÜ Free Trade and Tailors Rights. Tli: citizons "T Ann A.rbor and viciniiy, of V?asbt4 i ■ iv JcMinty and Couniies adjuining. a u i.i.ojm. i! ':it :iosv is iie time to ! couiforíaíify CLOTIIED and ÏIXEÜ UP for a c'i! Winter. The vory best kind of CKths and can be bougjuche'ap in Ann Arbor.Lower Town. audkihpre is. a TAIL011 opposiie G & L. I-ckley's yiore, whücairtbeóutdoneauy where in 'i.-; p i. :. He ia prepared to do wnrk in the most F.ishionable S:..-.'o. offóilów die dircetiona ut lus custoMic s. and betng poSsësatcd of n Inrge share ol JÍ1C Mil!; of H-iiim.'t KindrfeM, bis tennsare enlablislfttl pn [Ua priáciIe of Lí'J AÑÓ LET UVE.". F! has n pcijuünr trait ín his character wbicl) i!,I bc n'oticpd, it i' 8tr'ani: vet mie es btodco,- J ol Voluit his Pronis-. - {■ .., ., ,,. ■_, . m liive iheir' gsïrmenii ai the tim' ificd. FAilMr.Rrf cm lo of sood ii.nuz .od easy pquing CÏ--1 MTF.XTS. nnd arp lint u!l kinds of PRODUCIZ (.excepj c-ibJaire) wili be tnken in lor his servi ces f Ie cülfl lo order, and bis garmenis are sunto St it" properly jnutle up. Öp3-ll j. spragul:. Ann Arbpr, Lo-wer Town. Ddc. r. 134(5. J.4CE DËGLAKËD, A.D A WHERBBY S. FELCIi cax hold Kr.!.:: ai Com.v.i; :rr. in Í2 J O 'I'S, LJ"O E , 1 JS.-1 TJtfr, íííííZ JFiiidingfj of al! kinds, widi a!l nersons, Naiives or Forrt, on i?ip lolfowíng just nñdcqüflil terms. Gaqd A.t l-C - Low Priccs - Recuhj Pmj -■ Tbc sobscriber hfvin? fulh' testcl tbe Creciir Sy&Munju bis grea; Id?, bul!) o(' cjnüJcnce and . nnd [inving suiFe'red much loss ly lire. ne iiy compels liini to coHeci his jmy ' bijire ;á "' AFTER H1RVEST nnd SEXT TALL." i'iten come up "," leaying Sini sad li i:i 'lic liool-hale. ile bascóme to the same i ;sio;i thai cenain sensible giila hd on a ta:c occasion, [tr.c to Uil or n husbund, readij jni'l or n) Shocmaliing ) All uérsOfts [hai eau cpjpfprni to the nbovc tre.iy uill d vc!l lo a on S. Felcb. Ann Arb :-, L wei Town, No. -J Huron Bluck, wberp t'i ■ will nul bc taxcJ for others' work who nevcr pay. . B. All peranns indebted in any way to X'r.'j S'ibíciibcr, bad beller cali and pay if iliey are ! mit and mean to keep so. coron s. felch: Ann Arbor, Lowsr To-vn. Jan. i, 1817. FURNiTURE & UPHOLSTERING WAREJR.00MS. ■STEVENS & BUG, IN tïielüwer end of t'no Wniie Iilock. directly ie i ie Michigan JRxcujígb, have on hañd a lurge as5mnent of llJIl.Xiri' HE, of tboii ow:i manu acture. viicl ibey will scll very iow iw Cash Tliey íiIíío keep esperiencïd Upholstcrcrs, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholsiering at tli shortnst notfee. r'urnilurc tííali kinds made to order of ihi bcát materia!, and warranied. STEVENS 4Ü: ZUG. Deiroit. January, 1, IÖ47. 297-1 y R0WLAND'S best Miil Saws, O, 6h, and 7 :. - Kov.Iund's best X Cm Saws, Í!. Ch. and 7 feet. -ii C. S. l'it Suws. (ij nnd 7 feet. Superior Ainertcan Mi II Snw Files. 10 to G inclies- For snlc at ihc sign of ibe Big Anvil, U'jprjr Town. UENRY W. WELLF.S. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, J 647. 2(J8-ly LIXSEED OIL! ! Til E Subscribór is mnnufacturinir Linsecd Oil on an e:ensive scalo and be is able to suijp'v SIERCHANTS AMD FA INT ER Si, on lerma more fay T.ilile for tbéni i'hon have ever beldre been oÍKr..d In fbis country, and he ie prépaféd io supply orders for large or smu'l quan pri ces èxtremt hj toto. llf Coiiiuiuaicauons by mail vill be prompt ly ai'.cndeJ to. D. L. LATOURETTE. LongLake, Genesec Co. Mich. 283-ly WAXTED, at Ferry's Booksiore, '. '1' nis clean Cotton and Lincn Rajs. 1 Ton Ikrswax. nnd 3Ó00 DullarM in ca.-h. ior ibe Inroest ns?ort ment of IJoo'cs and Stationery ever oflered in this Villaje, and at fiis usml low prices. Aan Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7. lFIfi. L'fiC-tf JUST A RRIIED B Y EXPRESS. Til!" Moznri Collecnon of Sncrcd Music, bv E. lv''s Juri - contflininjg Üié ■t-lcKraicd Cbrisiusnnd .Mi&ercre by Zingarelli wiih English words. Toncliers of Musie will pleasc cali and cxarnjio tbe work at Tkury's BooKSTonr. Octeber 7..1816. Utii-ü■ [- 1 I 1 1-- L' " - "UnnÜliinl! PnSSwjSS ïP. i LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! TTILDRED & CO.,' No. 123, Jefferson Avenue, "Eldred's Dlock," Detroit, J_J this opportunity lo inlorm their customers, and the public generally, thnt they stil] continue to keep on hand a full assortment of Spanisfc Solc, AIso? L;ists nnd p Curriers1 Tools, &C. SteMdiWcd o Hcnirock innncd Upper Lcather, Conlovr.n do ■ 2 , ' , „ ' , . " Morocco Skins, F ri'iiL-h tanncd CalfSkms. sen jj0 Oak and lU-.nlnck tnnncd do Gaat Rin.lmir, Koinlvck tanned Harne&sand Bridle Lcailicr, Deer and Lrinib do l{li ,„' . ,li " " VVhit.andCo!oredLininSs, Bai nnd 1 op Lcmlii'r, Printcd do Ski ling, Pu!.ulo!:.-. and O'liio; Shoe TrimRusset do tning9 nnd Kit ui ü!I Uinds. As the Subscribers are now manufneturing their own Leather, they are preparcd to sell as low nscan be purchnsed in thia market. Merchants and mnnuiacturers will find it to their odvantage to cali and examine our siock before yiurchnsing elsewhpre. (CCa.vA and Lcalhcy twehanged for Hides ancSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1S40. 248-lvNEW GOODS! Chcap for Cash!! THE iJni'Êciibersbos (cave to info nu thoir o!d cti8turiiera, and the public génernlly. iney ore now revefvingu large nnd splrndid ïss.irtDieüt ol English, American and West india, GOODS, Crockery, She.lf Hardware, Paiyits, Oils, Dyeslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. Also u general assjrtment of JRON, suitoblc Cor Ironing Waogona nnd Buggies, Nail Ito'l s. Ffoise Shops, and Morse Naibs, Sheet I.-on, 'J'in Waro and Tin JPiute - also a general a?3onment-of BOOTS fr SHOES, tn:ck and thin sa!e wórk, and cusióm work to Siijl purchasers. All of which ihoy will sell on ;lie luwest possible lerms lor Cash or Baktkr. Fecling confident ns we do, that we can niake it for ihe interest of all those wishing to purchase any of itie above mentioned Goods. we do most earnestly sulicit nt lenst a'n invesiigaiion ot'üur Goodo and prices belore purchasing elsewhcic. JAMES GIRSON & CO. JYp. 3. Exchange Block. Ann Arbor, I.ower Town, Sept. 14, 18'0. 285 -t f CLOCKS AND WAT CHES!! JeCJ r I tPIE Subscrüierhae just jrie' ■- receivcd. (and s conlf,f ï"LjLstanl'y receivinc) from tl ( mSK ew York an elegant ard VV 1 fe woll selected assortment Jeweiry, Clocls, Walches, cc. &c. wliicli ho intênds to sell as Uvo as ai uny oiher esiublishinent ilns side ol Búllalo for rcathj pay onlij aniong wi.iclï may befound iheiolluw iu'í: a etíod assonment o.' Gold Fingcr Rings, Gold Iireasi pins.Wristlets Guurd Ciiains and Keys. Silvcr Spoons, G' Süvcr Toa aiuí Tutíle Spoons (first qii.ilny. ) yilverand Gorman do Sugar Tongs, Silver Sñll.Mustard and Crean) spoon. Butter Knivc-s, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. Gold Pens. "■ h Pencüs, Silver nnd Germán Silver TJymbles. Silver típccracles, Germán and Siecl do. Go?iles, Clothes. Hair and Tootli Brushes, Laiiier Bruslios, Razorsand Pocket Knives. Fine Shears and Scissors, KnivfSJind Forks. Erituniiia Tea Po'.ssaud C.iS'.ors. Plated, Bmsp, a:i'l B: 'iiianin Candlesiicks, ÍSnuflers & Trays, Shavhi2 boxe8 and ëoaps, Ciinpmaii'8 Best Itn.or Strop. Cal land Morocco Wallcis. Sdk and Cotlon purses. Violins and R.íws, Violin and Bujs Viol íáiiinp, Flutr?, Fifes. Clarionetp. Accordeon? - fciusic iocks for the same. Motto Serla. Sirel Pens and Tweezcrs, Pen cases. Sftüffatld Tobacoo boxee, [vofy Dressing Coniijs, fride and B.'ick and PockerCombi, NecHlcMcasf'e, E?lel noes, WaterPainis ■tn.'J B:us!ies, 'J'oy WreïchöS. a iricai vnriety ol Dolls. in short ;lie reair-si vnrieiy of loys evrr bronght to tLis niarkèi; 1'ni.iy work boxc;. chüdren'8 teasetts. Coloane liir Oils. Pmdjinc Snlts. Conrt Plasicr. Ten Bclts, Tlifrtnoiiiercrs. Germán Pipes. Vood Pcncüa, BRA:S AAL) WOOD CI.ÜCKS, fcc. in Tact nhnost cvery ihing to picase the fancy. Ladics and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yoinseiveí. Ciocks. Watches and Jcwf'ry répaired and warrnntcd on 6hort notice. Shop at bis old stand. oppoMte II. Becker'i brick Slore.. in the Store occupied by M. Whrflor. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. - Cash paid for old Gold &, Silvcr. Ann Arbor. July lst. 18Í0. 271-Iy FIEL3E3! FIK2QÜ T7 J. B'. CRANfi ivould n-.rcu illy notify the citixens oTAnii Atbo'. Pftd the surroiindiiiir oitiiiiy, iIkh i.'c cóotiiioes 10 ocï vs Ajsni of lio HARTFORD FÍRE INSURANCE COMIW.W, and will insur J? i'nst 'o?ses hy Fire. atlbélówes espatch and accuracy. 'i . kc Cörnpniivis onë of the ol'i ■ le ii '!ie (.oi'uuy. nnd all lopsWsusrainPd ly lirin will ho - .is ihey ever have been - pro íptli ru! Fire is ;■ flangerous o)ünci){ .,, : ooi o he uifled wi.!: hfirelore. m.ikc up ni'nd to jumd against; it tind oon't uelay ! A íew íiouis tíe'.iy nnr'y he your ruin. Mr. Cmm". iin'fe nevv Elock, córner 01 (lic Public Square. Aiin Albor. 380-tC TEETH! TEETHH TEETIIH! ]VT AST1CATI0N and Articulation, IyJL warranted by ihcir being propcrly repiaced. S. D. BURBJETT, will coníinMe the practice ol Dl'.N'l'ISTRY in ;i!l iis various branchoá. vi. : Scaling, Filling. and Tnsertinnn go)d pintes or pivote, from one 'o nn eniire sei. Old jlates or mísíiis remodIcd. añil made cqunl 10 ncw. OFFICE ver C. B. Thomn-.on & Co.'s Shoe Store. Ladíos who request ti can bc waited on at their dwellings. N. B. Chnraes umisually low, and olí kinds of PRODUCE ïakno. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 5, 1846. 293- ll CLOVER MACHINES. TIIRASHING MACHINES and Spperntors are made and sold by ihesuhBcribers'.nt their Machine Shop, near the Paper Mili. Lawer Town, Ann Arbor, KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jan. 19, 1846. 3ir ftmt Êrbor tu; ft JVflf ■í!B.?ii& -j re iU wA'tilft'tfirn THE Subscriber hnvincr pnrchnsed tiie nteresis of J. M. Rockwell il ilie Marbté Busines. would inform fho inhabi'nnts of' this nnd ndjoiniiiij counües. ihot he will continue the busine s at ihe old stand, in tlie Upper Town. near ilie Presbyleriun Church, and manufacture in order : JSIonuments, Grive Sioncs Paint Slone, Talléis, $ï. 3'c. Those wis'iini; O obiain ;my iiriic'e in hisline of business will find by cnllin tliat lie bns nn assoriri'rnt óTWhite óiul Vn'rïogatèd Mirblp from ilie Ensiorn Marble Qmrries. whtch wili be wr.oughl in Modern fiylè. and íold ni enstern pri-rs. ftdding transpormiion oulv. C-ill nnd ;ei liie proof. W. V. SPAULDÍNft. Ann Arbor, Jan. 30, 1817. 27'2 y THE SUBSCRIBER has )-eceived his wmier siock. wlucb he oliera lor Caxh. a greatly rcduccd [)."i:c3. The Public are invitëd to cali, examine, and judge for tlicinselves. iN'ow on hand, nd daüy ;iddii;g. SÜFAS of every variciy and p.ntein. und iliu loïest l'.isbTon. prwcs Irorn A'50 nnd upHfifik, DWAStí. O'irO.MAXS. LOUNGES. BUREAUS, of all kindá. from and up. Cenirr. Ourd, Tea, Dress, I'icr, Dining. and Ncb-t Tables. Wnsjï, C.'indle. and Toilet Stands. Bcdsieads - Msdiogany, Maple, and Wilnm. from $2 nnd up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single Matresses of hair. 6huck, palm Jeaf, or straw. Doublé and sinle Cot Bedsteads. do do Writing Desks. C11AIRS. - The best aséoiiment tbat can be found west of New Yoik and die clieapest in i his city. Windsor Chairs, a good nrticle, at $2 50 the sett. Mahognny French (chaire, hnirseat. a first rate aniele, and well rini&hed ior $:' 50. Cash only. IMabogany Jlofking Chaiis. hair sqt and back. vvarraimd good, at the low pi ice of $12, for the cash only. Flug nnd Cane Seat from Gs. and up. Biri) Cages, plain and gallery : Bird Cln'-Ts. Mubby Horses, and Toy Wheelbarrows, forchildren ; Patent Sliower and Hip Baths ; Boston Buth Fans, Camp Siools. Umbrella and Uut Stands, Fanc) Bp!lva. Fooi Scrapers, Cane Seat Counter and Bont Sloo'la. Curtain material. Tablö covers, Patenc PosL-Ofnce, Pictme Frames, W'illow Wagons, Cradles, Cliairs. Clocks, and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Cusiors. vcry chcap. Mahogany nnd Rosewood Venccrs ; Varnisb and Japan : Brótíze, Mahogany Knobs. Locks. Glu, (urled Uair, and Cane Seats. Also, o large assoriment of American Castors, expre.isly for Cabinet Makers, very cheap. Cash and the highest market price paid for aoy quantiiy of Wnlnul and Ciierry Lumbcr. I will alio cbhiracl for any quniity of lirsi raie SValnui Lumber, io bc eawed lo order, and clclivcred by llie Jst of June next. J. W. TiLLMAN, No. S7. Jeli'crdon Avenue. Detroit, January 1, ' I-. 207- I y THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HüNpRKD COPIES of the Hfih eai tion of his highlypöpütar wiírk are for sale at i!ie Sisnnl ofiii-.e fit 50 cents tingle, or $4,50 per doen. Tenn3 C.ish. Now is (ie linio (or Liberty choir9 tb supply themsclves. WW. S. RISO WA, Alto rney fy Counsel or at L aw, ANN ARBOR, MICM. (FFICE wiih E. Mundy. ICso.. 2Ü7-l.y onsin? GUfTAR, BRASS VJOL, AND VIOL1N STRINGS, just reecjved by Dec 19, 116. 21)6 C. BL1SS.- TPÍIE pruccding liyure is given to represen i lio InsenVibla Perspiration. It is the gf,e evacu ilion lor the impuniics of ihe body. Ji will [e noticed that n ihiuli clouily mist issues (ruin uil points ol' the sunace, wlncli indiciaos tint ihis. perspirulion fl-wg uninierrupledly when we ure u healtli. but ceases when we nre sick. Li'e cannol bc sustained without it. lt is ttiruwn o(I from the blood and other juices of ihe body. and disposes 'uy tliid mcans. bfnenrly all tlic iuiptirities witliin us. Tlie blood. by ihis rr.eans only, worUs iltelt pure. Tbc lunguiige of Scrip turéis, "in tbc Blood is :lio Life." !!' it cvr becomes iinjuuc. il nmy be truced direetly to lbo stoj'p ic ol' the Insensible Purspiration. Il never requiies any infernal medicines to clcanse it, its it aluays pin i lies itsclf by tta own lieut nndaction. and throws oil' a'l ihe ofiending hnmors, tliroiiL'b ihe Insensible Pcrspustion. Tbus wt sec all Uut is ucecssary when the blood s stagnant, or iniecied. is lo open the, ond it relieves iisell Ironi i:ll impuriiy instanily. lisown bem and vitaliiv are sulliciunt, without partiële ot rntdieino. eSccpt to open ihe porcf t)pon thesurf;ice. we soc tbc lolly or laking so mncb iniernnl remedies. All prauiitioners. bowover, direct tbeir efiVts to restore ibe Insensible perspiráítonj but ii seêtrts ld be nol always the proper uno. 'l'lie Thompsoninn, lor insiance .steanis. ibe ríydropnihisi slirouds 'sin wei blankcis. the Momopnth st deals out intinilissimals, the Allon.nhisl blecds and doses us with mcrcury,and the blustering Quaek gorges us wiili piils, pills; pills. To givcaomc idea ofilienmnunt of the lnscn siblc Perspirulion, we will state tbat thtf learned Dr. Lewcnhock. and tho grent Boerhaave.asccrtained tbat iive-eighihsof uil wereceive inio tbc storriach. pnsscd oll' by ibis nu-ans. In othet words, if we cal and drink eigbt pounds purday. we evocante tive pounds of it by tbc Insensible Perspi raiioa. Tbis is none other tbnn the used up particles of the blood, and other juiees giving placo to the new and Iresli ones. To check ibis. ilierefore, is to retain in the systein iiv-eiuhihs of all the viruleiit niaticr tlint nature demnnds shouldleuve the nody. And even when this is the case, i!ie bl.iod is of so active a principie, tbat it determines t' ose particles to the ski-i, where they torni scabs, pimples, ulcers. and othsr spots. By a sudden tnnsition Irom bent to cold, tlie pores are sloppcd, the pcrspíráripn ceases. and ilisease bugins at once to develope itself. Henee, a, 8topp.ige of tliis flow of tbc juices, originales so many eoinpinints. It is b'y stopping the pores. ihnt overwlielms mankind w;ih cougbs, colds, and oor.sumpttons. Nine-tenths of the world die froni dise:ises induced by a sioppuge ot the Insensible Perspira tiou. Il "3 easily scen, thereforc, how neecssary ié the flow of ibis subtle humor to the surtiice. to preserve hetilth. It cannot bc stopped; i t 'jannot bc even cHeeked, without inducing diseasc. Let me ask now. cery candid mind. wliat course 6eems ihe most rcasonable to pursue. to unstop tlie pores', alter ihcy are closed? Would you ive pbysie to unstop tnc pores? Or would you npply sometlnng tbat would do this upon the surface, where the clorgínj actünlly is? Would not ibis be conimon seruel And yet I knowoi no pbysician wlio makes any external applicaiion to effeit it. The reason l asaign is. that lio medicine wiiliin tbeir knowledge. is capableof doing it. LTnder these eircumstances, I presint to physiciaiii. and to n others, a p repartición that Iris tbis power in its fullest nxtent. (t ia Mc Al. STEITS ALL IIEALIXG ÜINTMEXT. orthe WORLD' S SALVE! It has power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the liead, around old sores, upon lbo chest. n short, upon any part ol ihe body, whether diseased elightly or severely. It lins power to cause all exter.ial sores, scrofulous Iv.tmors, skin diseas-cs. poisunous wounds, to discharge tbeir putr.d matter, and then heals i!:em. Il is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of cuiatieous disorders, and restores the entile eutiele to itshealthy fitnctions. It is a remedy lliat forbids the neecssity of so many and deleierious drugs laken inio the stomacli. It is a remcdy that ncither sickens. gives inconvcnicncc. or is dangerous to ihe intesines. It preserves and de.lenda the surface from all (lorungenietU of its fnnciions, while it keeps opèn the cliannels fur the blood to void all its impurjties and dispose of all ts useless particles The snrlace is the outlet of five-ei'Jiths of the bile and nsed up matter wilhin. It is piereed ' h milüons ol openings to relieve the intcs..ie8. Stop up these pores, and deaüi knocks at your door. It is rightly tenned All-Healing. lor there is scarccly a distase, external or imernal, thatit will not beuefit. I have used it for the last fnurteen ycars, for all discases of the cliest, consumption. liver, involving the utmost Hanger and responibility. aud I declare before Heaveu and man. that not in onc single case hae it failed to bencfir, when the patiënt was within the reuch of mortal mrans. I have had pbysicians, lenrncd in tbc profession; 1 hnve hnl minisiers of the Gospel. Judgesun the Bench. Aldcrmon and Lawyers. gen tlenieu of ihe highest erudition and multitudes of the poor, use it in every variety of way. and therc has been bul ono voice. tne united, universal voicc. saying, "McAlister, your Ointment is good!" CONSUMTTION. II hardly be crcdited that a salve can have any effect upon the lunss. reated as they are wiiliin the systenu Bat wesny once lor all. 'bal tbis Ointment will reacb the luntjs quicker than any medicine that eau hc given internally. Tlius. ít' placed upon the che6t, it penctratos direetly to the lungs. separatca ihe poisonous partidos thai are consuming them, and expels them from the systern. I need not eay that t is curincpersonsof Consumption contiuually, althouh wc are told it is loolishness. I care not what is said. so long as [ can cure severa! ihousand persons yearly. HEAD jtCHK. Th)3 Salve ban cured persons of the Hcad Acbe ol 1V2 ycars standing, aud who had it icgularly cvery weck, so that vomii'ng of on took place. Deafness and Bar Aciie ara IHocd with the likc sucecss. as a!30 Ajiicip 'ie 'ace. C01.D lT.r.T. Coasttmption. Livcr complnin?, pains in the chest or side, fallin? of ibe batr. one or the other alwaysaccomnanies cold (eet. It is a sure aign of disease in the system to have cold feer. The Salve will restore ihe Insensible Perspiration and thus cure every case. In Scrofula, Eryiipelos tmu Salt Rheum, nnri other diseasesof ibis nniuie. no iniernal remedy bas yet betn discovered ili-tt is so good. The same may be snid of Bronciiiii. Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseabcs. Broken or Sore Breast, &c. And as for the Cbest Dísense. stich ns Asthma, Pain. Opprcssion mul the likc, it is the most wonderful antidote ín :be World. For Livcr Ccmplnint it is equally eflicacioiis: for Burn8 it hns nol bas iisequal in the World; also. Excrcscnces of every kind. suchasWarts, Tumors. Pimples. &c, it makes clean wark oi tbeni all. SORE EYE8. The infinmmation and disease nlways licsbnek of the ball of the eye in tl.e socket. Henee the virtue of nny medicine must rench the sent oi the inflnmotion or it will do lit tic cood. The Salve, if rubbed on the temples, will penétrate dircctly into ihe socket. The pores will beopened, a proper perspiroiion will bccreated and the rli8cn8e will soon poss offio the sur.'ace. PIMPLES OS TI1IJ FACE, KRECKÍ.KS, TAN, MASCU1.INE SKIN, GROSS BVUFKCT. lts first octlo toe.xoel hraor. It willi n ccasc dr;i w n. till the lace h l'rcc tnim ony natier tlinf may be lodged under the skin nny rcquoñtly biéaklng out lo ihu eurlaee. lt tlit-n le.tls. Wlien thère is iiot litng but grossness. cr lull repulsivo surliici', it begins tu &oiien and jIich muil tlie skin bcconies assmooth and ('elj:nio as a cluld's. lt throws a freshness and )lushing color upon tlie now wlntc. irnnsparc'ni skin. thut i perluetly cnch. uiting. Somc times ín case o Frecklea t wiil fust smrt out ihose tliat havo Inin ti nielen and secn butseldom. l'ur suü ihe á.ilvc and all wiil sumí disappear. WOVMS. Ipnrents kncw hpw fatal most med'cines were to clilídrcn laken inwurdly. tluy wuuld be sluw lo resoi t to iliein. Especially 'mercurial lo.cnges." called "medioated lozenges," pills, .Vrc. Tlietriítli is. no one ein tell, nivurinbly, when wornis ato prqse.nt. Now let me suy to p;irentt. ihiit tliis Salve willalwtys tell if a cliüd lias srorms. It will drivo every vestige of ihcni a way. Tliis ís a simple anl snle cure. There is probably no medicinu onathe face of tlieeanh at once so suic and so safe a the ex misión of worir.s. lt would be cruel, nny wieked, to i ve nte.rnal. douhtful medicines, so long as a harinless, exicrnal une could be liad. TOll.KT. Althouh I linve said I tilo nbout it as n hnir rsstoralive, y't 1 wifl sinke iingninst the World! They nny brïng tlieir Oils lar nnd near, nnc mine will reítors ilie Inir two cases to their one oi.i) sunr.s. ímoktii'ications, ui.cküs. ktc. Thnt some Sores are an outlet to ihe mpurilie of the sysiem, is hecnitsc they cnrrnbt pns off ttirouah ilie naiii al chnnnols of tlio Iiiscumlil; I'iTípiration. Jf such sores are hcaled up the inipurities tnust have sonto ot hr otitlct. or i will endanger lile. This is the roasim why iti hnpoliiic to use (lie common Salve oí ihe da' n such ceses. For the Ijuvc no power to opeí avenues, to Iet oli" iií morbid Matter, aiu ihb consrquohces rirë always fatal. This Salv willalWays próvido for such enicrgencics. DI8FÁSKS OK fHlU)HKi. How rnany ihousandsare swept off hy pivin,. intern;! medicines, whnn thiir young bodie and tender Iraníes are unable to benr up ngainst t henil Whole nrrniea are time sent to their graves mercly Ironi pouring into tb(ir wenk Slomachs powerfnl drugs oud pliysics! It is to sucb tbat ihe All-Heiling Oinmient tendera, se sale, ple.-.sant, and harmless a cure Snch Can ses as Croup. C.'iolic. Cholera Infnnmni, Wor:ns, and all Stimnier íoitiplainie. by which so ninny chilJren die. the Ointment will remove so speediiy and surely, thnt a physician will never be needed. " Motheis! tlirougliotu all tliis land. we now soleninly and sacredïy declare to you that ihe AÍI-Healing Omtment will sive your children frorh an eurly rí.ve if you will use it. We are not now actuated by the least desire to gain; but knowingas we do that vast bodies of iniants and children dio eorly; which is eupposed to be inevitable nnd impossible to prevent, we hold up our warníng voice, nnd dncÜra Ttt the face ol the whole world, CIIILURCN NEED iOT DIE MORE TtlAN OTHERSü But it is from the want ef proper nourisl-mcnt and the constant drugging they undiTro which mows Uietn down as the rank 'grass fníls belore the scythe. Motheis! we repeat ngnin. and if ihey wcre the last woi-da we were ever to utter, nnd ol course pasl tbe rench of all interest, we woulc say. "tisetíie All-ücaling Ointineiu forsickness among childicn." KHKUMATISM. It removes almost immctlintcly ihe iiiílatiintion and swclling, when the pain of course ceabta. KKVIRS. Tn cases of fever, the difficulty lies in tlie pores being locked up. so that thc h?at and perspirntinti cannot passolf. Il ihe lenst moisture could be started, the crisis ia pnssed and lite danuer over. The All-IJealing Otniment wil in all cases of fevers almost instnntly unlock thc skin and bring forth the persjiirntion. F KM ALK CO HIT. Al. VIS. Infl.tmation of the kidneye, of the womb, nn itslalling down, wcaknots, and rregütarny; ii shori. all those difliculiics Wbf$b are frequen i:h lómales, lind rcady and permanent rf:licl. Wfi have had nged ladies tell us they could nol live six months without t. But 10 females abou to become mothers. f used for somc weeks nntecedent to their confinemonr, very few oftbose pains and convulsione which nttend tl:em at tba period will be feit. Thisfact ought to beknuwn the world over. scaf.d n f. d. We linve cured cases thnt actnnllv defied everyihing known,as well as the abiliiy of fiOeen or twenty doctors. One man told us he Kn spent $500 on bis children without any benefit whe a few boxes of the Ointment cured tbcm to kns. Peoplc need never bc troubled with ihcm i they will uso it. As a FAMILY MEDICINE, no man car mensure iis valué. So long as the stnrs rol along over the Henvens - so long s man tiead thc cartb. subject to all ihe infirmities of th flesb - so long as discase and sickness is knowr - just so longwill iIiír Ointment be used ant esti-emed. When innn ceases from ofTtheeartb tlien thedemand willcease. and not ull then. To a 1 1 a y all npprthensions on account of il ingredients, in possess-ingsuch powerfnl proper ties, we will state that it s coniposed of some o the most common and harmless herbs in c.xtstence There s no mercury init, asean be leei from ihe fact that itdoes not injure ihe skinon pnrticlc. while t will pass ihrou,"h nnd physú the bowele. JAMES Mt-ALISTER & CÓ. 1G8 South etreet. N. York. Solé proprielor of' the above Medicine, t whom all comrnunications must be addiessee (post paid). Price'r cents and 50 cents. lEPCAUTION.xfl As the All Henling Ointment bas been great ly counterfeited, we have given this caution te the public, that "no Ointincnt will be genuine unlfss ihe ñames of James McAlistcr, or Jame. McAlisierA. Co.. are written with a pen npoi every label." Thc label is n steel engraving with thc figure of "Insensible Petspiration" or thc face. Now we hereby offer a reward of $5(.'O, to b( paid on conviciion, in any of the constituiec courts of ihe United States, of any individua cotinterfcitinj; ovr namc and Ointment. MAYNAIID'S. Ann Arbor, Wholesale Agents; Smiih fe Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchum A. Smiih, Tecumseh: D. C. Whitwood, Déxtcr M.t Bower, Manchesier; John Owen fe Co. Deroit; Harmnn fe Cook, Biooklyn. Dec. 18, 1845. 244- ly On Hand Aain! THE Subscriber would respectfully notify iln' public, I hot he is located onct more in thc village of Ann Arbor, nnd is prepared to accomniodaje the community with a choice and well selected nssortnient of NEW COODS, consÍ8ling of Dky Gooks, GHoctitifs, Hardwark, Boo'is asv Shoks. Crockkkv. &c. &.t which he will sell for READY PAY as cheni as the same quality of Guods can be had at any other store in lown. Persons who wish to-makepurchasesfor Cash. at Cob' Prices, will do well to cali beforepurcha sing clsewhcie. By kceping the firt quality of anieles, by sell ing ot small profits, and by a fair and honorable coi i reo in business, be e.xpccts to rnerit a liberal sliiie pf public patronage. Mósi kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be tiken in pnymeiit for Goods. Q117 Don't J'oigct thc place, - on the Eost Side of Main sircci. n few doors south of the Public Square, in the sume store with C. Bliss, Jeweler. M. WHEELER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. 52!h-tf Hfire and dissolution. NOTICE is hereby given tlmt the Copartnership heretolore existing between the Suhícribers, is ibis dny dissolvcd by mutual con sent. All pereons indebted to 6aid firm, are requesjed to cali forthwiih and settle, as our loss by fire renders it necessary that inmediato payment shotild be made. The accounts are lefi with Sabin Feïch. at tbe old stand. SABïN FELCH, EMANUEL MANN. Ann Arbor. Nov. 14, 1846. N. B. S. Felch will continue in thc Boot, Shoc, & Leaiher Business, as usual, whero he hopes thnt all his old patrnns. nnd tho public generally will faver litm wiih tbeir patronage. 39I-3m SABIN FELCH.BOOKS! BOOKS!! AT FERRY'S HOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC THE undersigned liaving returned froni New York wiih a ncw, laige and valuablc stock ! Books, Slalionery and Paper Hangings, is now reatJy tü scll lor Cash, nny thing in bis line ni !iis nrw stand on Aluin sireet, opposiie II. Becker's Brick Store. He will sny lo Book pinchaseis, that. by liis ffins l;ist fallón hts tu'iirn from New York, the price of nearly every thing in his line lins been sold less thn'n lieretufore. nud hnd it not b;en for liim. puichasers would have continucd 10 pny the piiccshcreloloie chnrgcd. He can say nlso, that his snles linvc been bevond his most sanguine expuctutions. showin cohcluèively that a public benefactor. nlthoiijh ever so smult, will not o unrewarded in this enlighiened comniunity. He 3 iluHikfui Hr the fnvors nlrcnrty hestowed, and would retpeetfully s"licif ucontininmce of ihe trade; nnd he would say it ihose who never have purchnsed books of him, ihiil he wil! show them nrtieles ml prices wiih pleisure B' ony time tlu 'V mny cali wheiher they wish to purdmsc or noi. Ca.h orders from the country will be ntlcnde( to, nnd the books pneked as wel! is if the persons wcre present 10 nttend the purchasea. Ht will also U childen as cheap as their parents. Purchnscrs will do well to examine his stock nnd prices hèforé purclwsing elsewhere. Don' l f orgel ihe place: be svre yon cal at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main l Streel, a few doors South of the Public i Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor. June 27, I8IG. ÜG9-tf i THRESHING MACHINES. HPIIE unduieigned would inform tlie publi JL ih'at he inanulncturcs JJurse Powers a;n TliresliMi Mnchines ai Scio, oí a tuperior kim " inverneil by üiinseU'. TnèVa Powers and Mnchines nre pnrticulnrly I ndnptcd to the use óf Farmers who wish to us e them lor threshing their own gmn. The pow er? threshernnd fixtures cm 11 be loruied into a common sized wagón box nnd drawn wiih on póir of hor es. They me designcd to be usec wiib four horses. and aie abundanily strong lo , ihnt nunibsr, nnd may be salely used wiih sfx o - eight norses win'i proper care. They uork wit lessstrength of horses orcording to the ainotni o business done iban any oiher power, nnd wi II tluesli gcnerally about yOO bushels w beat pe e dny with fouï honcs. In one instunce 15 bushels wheat wcre ihreshed in three hour with fout horses. This Power and Machine contnin all the ae vani!)cs neceesnry to make them proliiablc t tho pureh.iser. They are atrong and duiable.- They. nep eosily moved from one place to anoh er. The work of ibe nmses is ensy on ihos 'o nndihe price i LOWKR ilinn nny other power and machine have ever been !old in the State, accordiix to th real valué. Tlic tenns oí paymeht will be liLe ral lor notes that yre known to be absolulel ' good. I have a number of Powers and Mnchtne nowready for snle and persons Wfsíiíng lo bu 11 are invited to culi soon. CLEAN ERS. I expect to be prepnred wilrn a few days t (, make Clenners for those who m.iy wnm ihen;. n Tiie uiüiiy and odvnninges oY ibis Power nn M Machine will apprar evident to all on e.vamihin . 'he recornmenda,tiona below. 't All persons nre rnmioned n;ninst makiri bfse Iowers nnd Machit8; ihe imdereigne I adoptcd the neeessary mensuiea for scci ring Ieders patent for the same wiihin the urn required by law. n „ . _„ , S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Wasfttehnw Co., Miei... .Tiinelri, KÏJG RECOJlSfENDATIONS. .. Doring ihe ycar Iló. c;.ch of ;l.e undersine n ptirchused nnd used either iiulividually or joinil (J wnb otiiers, or.e of S. W. Fosicr's' hëwly in t vented Ilorte Powers and thieshing vnach'ines ,; nnd hóHeve they nre beller adnpted to the use o Farmers who want Powers and Mnchines fo .f their own use than any oihcr power and ih.i-l er wiihfn our knowledgo. Thoy are cnlculate io 'oc used wiih fonr horses añd are of onm f strengih (or that number. Thoy nppenr to I consnucted in such n mnnrier'as to ren der the ' veiy durable wiih linie linbiliiy of geiiíng out o r order. They nre e isily moved from one p!;ie to nnoiher. They can be vvörked wiih any nuu ber of hands from four to cipht. nhd will ihres ' nooiM UGO bushels wlieni per dny i L ,K?lU:MUS' Sri0' Wnshtsnaw co Cx. Jbljf'OD. " tí r' T. RICflARDSON, }l SAMUEL HEALY, " 3. P. FOSTER, " ;; II N. A. PHELPS, u ADAM SMITH, c J. M. BOVVEN. Lima WM. WALKER. Wcbsier, " THOS WARREN, '- ; D. SMALLEY, j.odi. I thresbed last fnll and winter w.ih one of 6 W. I-osters horse powers. more ihan filtee thousnnd bushels grain The repairs bestowe upon tie power nmountcd to only fiJ mnts nn it was in good order when I had done threshing I invanably used si. horsps. n m t A A RON YOUiVGLOVE. " Manon. June 6, IS 1(3. I purchnsed one of S. W. Fosler's hors powers Insifall and have used it for jobbinj. ie have used many difierent kinds of powers an (i beheve this is the best running power 1 hav j, evereeen. D. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 18-1G. We purchHsed one of S. W. Fostcr's Mor? t Powers last tfalj, and have used it and thiok it ■ ; a firat rate Power. JESSE HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June, 1846. 269-if 5 Al 'J1Jt: 1 l f NEW DRUG STORE, - g in Battle Crcelc, callcd the jfl JMpothecariesi Hall, S WL be found n neto, extensizv, ond ' Ja u complete assortment cf Drug6, Med' - Dj eines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints. Dye-S;ufls, i K Grocenvs, Surgicil Instruments, Patent I' 5 Medicines, School Books, Fancy Goods, ' ■ Dj Jowelry, &c. purebased directly of the Bj porters ; which are ofiered to ihe i ' JB nity ut as luw ];ict.s as at any oiher estnb' j lishment in the State - Detroit nut CAcep! ■' led. , f, Physicinns, Surgeans, rnd the' Trade. ' ,i will bo supplied upon the loica-t tenns.- Cj Prcscriptions and orders attonded to with ■J care and de. spatcfr , ja Be sure to recollect the ploce. i fr G. F. HARRISON & CO. ' fl Battle Crerk, 1847. 303 TO COUNTRY MERCIIAÑTS. THE Subscriber hns constant ly for sale good assortment of heavv W00LEN CLOTHS, , well adnpted lo t!ie country markei which he wil sell at wholesale or retail, vkht ww. Cali anc see them at the M inhattan Stokk. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVKR C. M. & T. W. ROOT STORE, JRANE & JEWKTt's CLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. ■ C CLARK, Attorney and Counselor and Jus:ice of the Pcaco OHice, Cour Souse, Aan Arbor. 9tfThis excellent compuund ia for sale by the )roprietor's Agents. .„ MAÏNARDS. WELLES' h.ÍRMnlIlMi STORE. Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Store south of the Square on Main Strect. THE Subscribe-, hoving received winter stock. w:ud respectfully invite 10 its in spécïioji Cuniry Dealers, Mechanics. and Fur i.ers. contident ihni they Will li„d the nssonmcn't is general and complete, and the prjLf.s as (with ihe ndditiüiial charge for iranépbrtot'ióri on ïeavy goods) os nt any establishment of ihe kind ii Detioii. IJ is stock is compriscd in part of the followinir anides fc KOR BLACKSMJTHS. Juniata. Swedes. and Old Sable Bar Iron Juniafa nnd Peru round ni.d square Iron froin ;5-]Gihs lo 3 incbes; Band. Uoop, Stnke, and Horse Shoe Iron, all sizcs ; Nurwcian and Old Sable Nail Kods ; American. Swedca, Knclisl Biister.Getman, and Cast Steels. Albany Spring Steel. Albany made Wagon and Seat Spring Wagon Boxcs. Sleigh and Cune; Shoce, MoI lea!. Ie Crstings ot every postible form, Hurse Nails. Bbrax, Morse ShocShapes. Jiusg) Band Armitnge Mouse Hole and Wright'a Anvils' Coitrel Keyed Vict'8. West's Bellows, Sledtes and IJiind Jlaniiner. Hollow .Augcrs, Files and llusps of every ehape and size. FOR CARPENTERS, A full assoitrncnt of eautern Bencli and Moul ding Tools ; Piano l.ons: Mülwiiebl. Fiaminc, Corner. Duck Bill, firmer. an;l Tuininc. Chisds ; Millwnght, Tinning, and Firmer (fougi 8 ; Concave. Concave Nut, and Common Augcre Auger-lippcd. Centre, Spoon. Gonge. and G',m'. biet Jiitts ; Hand, Panel, Buck, Coiiipass. nnd Keybolc S;iws ; Steel nnd Jron Sqiiaies ; Try Squares, and Bevels : Spirit Levéis ; 2und 4 folii Rules ; Broad. Hai.d. and Nafiow Axes ; Uammers. Sctis of Binces aud Bitis. FOR BUILOERS. Cut Nails fiom 2.1 to 60d, Wrought Naila, Bioail bead and Finislnng Noijs, Cut Brads, Dry and Mi.t-d I-ead. LTnsted Oil ; ' Bellcvemon" Glassfrom 7 by Í) to 10 by 14; Amnricnn and Norfolk Laicbes ; American and Etiglisb Run, Moiiise, nnd Citiae Locks and Latones, vvifb Rosewood. Brass. Mineral, and PlotcrJ Knobs ; Cast, Tniifl; and Wroughi Bmis; Screws, Bolig' Door Btlla and Furniture, Brass Knockeis. Cistern Pumps. THE FARMERS, wilt fi id every niensil ifa'y require. A.vr. Mnnurennd Piicb Forks, Iron and Cast Steel Shovels and Snadts. Gruis and Cradle Sythes. Grnin ScODps, II. .es. Grubbiriir Hoes. Siraw Kflïvra Crowbars. P ck A.xes. Wool and Hotse Carda' Horse Briièhei and Curry Combs, Log, Trace'. Coil, Wrappuig. and Halier Chains. 11 OUSEK KEPERS, can select from ilie rnofct fplendid aysortmeni of american and Fnlish Talile Cuilcry, S'hears Scisors; Pen nnd Pockat Knives; Buiicr Kuiven Iron. Bniiiinma, Gcnium Sil ver, and Pínied Trá ;ind Tablo Spoons ; Bi innnnia Ten and CoflVo Pois; Brass, Iron. and Britiannia Candlesiicks ind Lnmps, Smifi'crs and Troys, Ten Trays, Brossond Jron Andirons, Shovels, and Tonas! Brass Keitles and l'üils, Sad Iioiij. &c. &e. toeiher with a largc aseortment of Albany Cn COOK, PARLOR & BOX STÓVES; all of which. ljavinsrpurehased for Cash, he will ofl'er at most rcasouable terms. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor. Der. :?. .J0. 2i):i-ly SELECT SCHOOL. MISS J. B. S.MiTJi. nBsisied by Míes S. Firr.r.annountes to the public' tliat the is i.ep;.red io nceivc young ntijca uito her echdül in tltebastment room of die Ep"isipnl Chuich. I Kisiiis. - For rjuai tor of I ! wéfefte, for Er.glish bruuliesfioni $ r: Ficneh and Laiin ench 5,.i'.tra itpu sue-J together wiil, :ie Englfth ó'r eepaiaicly, $5 eaeh. T,e se'hool willbefurnished wiih a Philotophical npparatus; nnd octasional Jectures given on tlie Katural Sciei'ces. Mis. Huphs wijl give nstruciinn (o all v.l, desire it, in Music, Drawing, Painting and Needlework. Miss Smiih refers to the followii.frgenlifn,cnProfessors Willhmie. Ten ! rook, nnd Whecdon of the lniversiiy; Rev. W. S. CurtiF. Hev. Mr. Simons, R.v. C. C. Taylor, flon. E. Munily, Wm. S. Maynarn1 Efq. Ann ArborJ April Q9. 1,-'-,'6. 2fi2-tf CHEAP STOVES AT yPSILANTl! Tí)?: COOKING & PARLOR STOVES, wt justreeeived, by the Subiciiber, (mostly from Albany) making a good as6ortineni of the latest mul best paiterns. wbich will be sold at Loto Priccs! not to be undersold ibis side Lake Erie! Also, Copper Furniture, Cnuldron Ke::lcs, flollow Ware of alJ eizes, Stovc Pipe, Sheet iron, Zink. &c. TIN WARE Mannfncturcd, and constanily kept on hnnd which will nlso be sold very low. S. - Purchasers will do well to cnll and examine for their own 6atibfaciion. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti, June 20, 18J6. 271t FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind of cour. try Produce, Saddles, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carpet Bags, Lc. Also a aooü assortment ot Wmps tV. Lasuib, which will be sold very low, and no mfsftkc, at COOK & IIOJJINSON'S. Ann Arbor. August 12, IS4G. 277-tf LOOK HERE ! P BOSTON CASH STORE: No. 2 Exekangñ Building, Ouc Door Soulh 0 the Es.chanste. Hotel. Upcr Toion yJAW A II B 0 11, M1VH. JUST received and oprninrr. for sul Cheap for Cash, being ONE OF the best assortments of DRY GOODS ever before offered in this Market- snch as- BROADCLOTHS, CASSLMERES, SATINETS. PRINTS. SHIRTliVG AND SU EETING, VESTINGS. PLAIDS, SÍÍAWLS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT, &p. and almost every thing in the Dry Goods line, too numerous to niention - nll ol which are of the latest nnd most l'asltionable Stijlt Tho public are invltcd to cnll and examine this STOCK OF GOODS, and to judge for tbemselves. Goods will be shown at all timcf, nnd every attemion paid to thoee whovisit the Boston Cash Store. Don't forget the number. 1V0. 2, Exr chango Building, Upper Town, Boston Cash Store. MA! NS, M'DOWELL & CO. Ann Arbor, Januory, 1847. 298-tf BRASS C LOCKS. A lorgó lol of :iv hour and 8 day Brasa Clock for salo, at $14 and 22 by tho case. J, W. TJLLMAN.


Signal of Liberty
Old News