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In ihe Senate, Feb. 16. A bilí was introduced repealhg so muoh of sèc. 9, chap. 69, of the revisión us ootifers upon the circuit court original jurisdiciion in civil aclíoDs and remedie at law, nnd of prosecutions in the name of tho people of this Siate for crimes and misdemenn, ors,ofTences and penalties. & sec. 4 of the bill gives this jurisdiction totho county courts. Feb. 17. Mr. Green made a report adverse tothe proposilion toauthorize the Auditor General to cancel nnd release al) mortgnges in his office given for the ultinate redcmption of the liabilities of the vild cat banks. From the mnjority of tha same com. mittee, f Mr. Eldrcdgo diacentingj Mr. Green made an unfavoraüe report on he bill to sunplify and rolronch townhip expenses. La id on the tnble. In the Holm:, Feb. 17. The Internal ! mpjovcment debt was discusssed. Mr. Goodwin made a report adverso to he praycr lliat the law obolishing capital juuishment be repealed. In Senate, a bill was passcd, by vliich field officers of the militia ma y be elected by the commissioned officers of he regiment. In Senate, Feb. 19. Mr. Allen from cnmmittee on ircorporaiions, reponed a bill to secure the bill holders against loss by banks. Reud iwice and orderedto be printcd. Mr. F.ldredge moved to take from the lable, Senate bill to amend the law for the consolio'ation nnd revisión of the statutcs, and to refer itto a.-elect committee of three, with the following instructions : "To amend the bill so os to continuo the district court for one year. " To relain the criminnl jurisdiction in the circuit courts - próvido for return of jurors in counly courts the srme, as nenrasmoy be, as in circuit couris and no oftener than shnll be necesary. " To amend chap. 92 so that declarations and pleasshall be filed in writing without oath, and ihat where county judgei interested, case may be tried in circuit court. "That supervisors mny, if judge eiects, provide compensation in lien of fees. " That causes may be continued more than three mom lis on cause shown." Agree to, yeas 17, nays 3. Mr. Fitzgerald, agreeably to notice introduced a bill to amend the charter o the Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, am to provide for a deposite of state stocks, a security for the redemption of its ei reu laling notes, which was ttvice read anc ordered to be prijiled. Feb. 17. On motion of Mr. Coe, the bill to amend sec. 2 of chap. 92 fin reía tion to the election of county judges) was taken from the table, and read a thirc time and passed. Feb. 20. Mr. Eldredge from sel cc committee on that subject, reported back the bill to amend title 21 of the act for the revisión and consoüdation of the gn eral statute?, accompanied witb a subsli tute, which wnslaid on the table and or dered to be printed. In the House, Feb. 19, the time was mostly consumed in discussing the pro priety of oppropriating lands to impróve ;he St. Joscph Kiver. Mr. Adam from commiltee of ways and mcans, on n resolution of the House requinng thecommiitee to inquire int' ihe propriety of bringing in a bill to approprinte all of the internol improve ment Innds for the liquidation of the inier ■ tal improvementdebt, reported the fullow ing: Resolved, that it is ine.pendientat ihi session to make any further appropriation of the internal im(rovement lands: Car ried, yeas 35, nnys 20. The bill to repeal the charter of the Adnan Lyceum and Liberty Association carne up, nvolving the propriety of Odr Fcllowship, anci Messrs. Turner, Adam Deming and others defined their positioi thrreon.


Signal of Liberty
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