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"BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE ! ' Xtfew and Fashionablc TAILORÍNG ESTABLISHMENT. Jn ilic one picgnant tu ject of CLOÏ'HL8% rigluly uiicjeist jod, is intluocd all tliui men buve ihutigni. dreamed, don, oud been ; the wholo extemat Universo, aid v, h. . t hul Js is but cloihing ; Qnd iiie essence óf uil scienco lies in iho PuiLosoruv or Cloiiiís, - Carly'.e. Tilli Subscribers having formed a cupur tiiuibtup lor the purpose ot carrying uu the i'ailoring Buatncu in all lts branches would take tin incihod of inlörniing the citizcM üi" Ann Arbor qucl vicinity, ihat thcy noy be luund at Üieir hpp, .No. 11), souih Main St. wlicc tliey are pitpmtd to do uil work in their ine, in a mnnncr nut 10 be surpasca in fit. style, or durabjlity, by nny oihcr mbliahtneni in iha Siaiu. Tliose gentlemen are particulnrly inviicd to cill wtio p.'cfi-r Imving their girmenta ruade ia a bhop wlierc none but eaperit-nced worknieQ are ctnployed, insiead ot being made by a shop I ui I oí girlB - lor, be it known, that we ctnploy none but the best of limids. orid having mudo permanent urrangemenu wnli G. C, Soott of New York, ihc iNnpoleoo ol 'Fashion l'ublisbcra, 10 be Bupplii-il wnli bis American and Kuropean Spring nnd Fall Kashiona, nnd aleo hia " Muror ot l'.ithior.s," u Moiiihly Veriudicul, dcvoied to the pcienco of cntitng aiid muking gannents of dII kinds - these ndvantages, cumbined wnli iho &tiemion and expenence ui the subscribere, renders il uliuoai on impossibility of nol bciilQ ablo tú piense all, even itie most iaütidious. Particular atteniion will be paid to the cutting of gorme ril J wljich we do not tnake. And her wc will state for the iniornmtion ol all concerned, that liie cumnion cry oí tbe tailors is all a hoax, when tliey ssy ihe lailoresa has spoiled the garmeni - ihere is no hopea ol making a good fit of it ; when in nineiy uine casca out ut cveiy liundred, iho Tault lies mi the cutter's door. Therclore, tu put a velo on thu nicthnd of doing business, the subicriberv are induccd to wnrrnut a!l ihcir cuiwiig without the un. versal proviso, if proper ly Vnode p. but warnnit it wnh out nny if'a or umi's. Alihongh we do not set ourselves up na the personitic.ition ot' perlectton, y ei it will be borne in mind that we mak our cittnpg so plain, tbut a taioress cannot make it up wrong ii she iry. One thing more ; wc will do our werk ju$ as our custotnera wish it done, for we labor to piense íhem in reference to their work, und not ourselves ; and in return, He expeci ihtm tu p!ense us by prompt pnyments. Althouijn "'Iheloveol money is the root of all evil,'" yet ng it is very neecsscry in these de- genemte limes, we wil] make a liberal discount lor Cash. L. AULLS, C. E. MARTIN. nn Arbor, Januory 4, 1Ö47. JM)ü-3m JREADY HADO í Í HALLOCK & 1MYUOM), HAVKnow on hand, jusi monufaciured undor tht-ir ou-n instruciion, at ihfir well known CLOTHING EMPORIUM, corner of Jffcrson and Woodicard avenues, ÜKTKoir, une of the largest and most complet aesortnients of Reittly tlade Clothivg ever before oUercd in his Stnte, which they ar prepared to se!l ot tho rrry Utozst Cash price$, for these Cush (mes. Cail and sec ! ! Detroit. Jan. 5, 1847. i93-tf A TT A CHMENT NO TICE, State of Michigan, Washtknaw Coühtt. ' John Diamond, vs. Matbew Tously. Jl'STICE COURT before Micliael Thompaoi Jusiice of' the Pcnce. Attachnient issued D.c. ltiih IS4G ; rcturnable Dec. 2üth 1846 at 2 o'clock P. M. Aiiacliinent returned, served by inking twelve or lourtecn bushels of Wheat or the lát h of üec. lci-16, on return day court calied. Defendant did not appear. Court adjournedto Jan. IGili 1847. ai 2 o'clock P. M. Court adjourni'd to Feb. Gih, at 2 o'clock P. M. f cernt'y tho ubove to be a transcript of tlia above entitkd euir. ihi íÍJih Jan. 1Ö47. 02 31 ICHA EL THOMPSON. CORIV, RYE & WHEAT. WANTED by the subscribers, 10,000 UiK-hels oi Curn- IU,O(.Q büshélibf tlyo, and iü.fiO.) biislirli of VVhent, delivered al the Sieum Mili, for which Cash will be pnid. IiNGALLS. LAMB, fc FJSHER. Ann Aibor, Jun. 4, 16-17. 2J8-:fN BRIGHT and Black Log Chains4 IU. 16, 7-1(5. & ÖJ w rapping do. Strargbi and twisted link Trace do. Haher do. For sle vcry chcap at the sign of tho Eig Anvil, Uppor Town. HEXRY W. WELLES. Ann Aibur, Jan. 10, lt'47. 2ü8-ir COUNTY ORDERS. THE higliestpricepaid'íncáH G. Fv Lexis, Exchange Umker, opposite the Ínsurance Dank, Detroit, for orders on ay of the coumies in the Stare ot Michigan; isofor Slnt,o securities of all kinds and uncurreluijds CaH_ and see. Dec I. 1845 241-if MEBICAh ÜOOKS, ANt'-Vlotof hjokg. just openeif for salfi chenp forcAsh a,v Ju.ic 15. ÖiVif Penr.T'f FOB. SALS G0OD FARM, Qontainingone hup-, drt'l nnd m.iy aciwot good larming !nnd, GOocre uuer iinprovcnienr, wnh a goo.d painted Imuse, framed liarn, and IU aore oroharding. A payment will be reqmred down, nnd the balance in 9 nd 4 yenrs. Tille indisputable. For iurtlier inormaiion enquire of J. A. TWÍSSU Ann Afbor, Lower Vilhjse January 10. IS17. 296 V BLAOZSUZTKS9 ?OOLSL " 4 KMI TAÜK Muu.0 HöU" Anvïls,. jTV ■ Wright s o. Coiterel Key-d Viccs. Wesi'sböst'öcÜws, "O to Sft rr,thms. Sledcrs, Hand HTimrnere, fSïea nnd ltsps f evcy kind, can be found a, the Ircu Store, ica of the Big Anvil. nNRY VV. WELLES. Ann Ar.jor, 10, Jc'47. 2i)t-ly


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