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Relief For Ireland

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Al nn ndjourned meoting of the citi zens of Ann Arbor, hcH at the Courl Hou-c on tlic evrning of the 27ih February, 1817, Rev. C. C. Taylor, President, being absent, the meeting wnscnlledtoorderby Judge D. M'Iutirc, Firsi Vicc President. The chnir laid beforc the meeting the follou'ing circular from the Executive C(mmittec of the citizens of Deti-oii, adiressed tothe President of this meeting, which was received :CIRCULAR. Detroit, Fcb. 26, 1347. Sm - At an adjourned meeting of the citizens of Detroit, held on the 25tl instant, the unilersigned were nppointcd nn Executive Committee, to nddress thcir fellow-citizens in the several counties in the State, with a view to the fonnation of nuxüinry committeos, and tlie adopiion of such mensures as mightseem bost adapted to enlist the eympathies and ebtaiu the contribu'.ions of the peoplc of thts Sta'e, in behalf of the sufiering poor of Irelond. The address will be forwaraed lo you as soon ns it can be prínted. In the meautimö, tve hasten to entreat j'ou to cenfer with your neighbors, nnd procecd at once to the formalion of a county committee, auxiliary to the committee in Detroit. We respectfully suggest that such committee be composed of nctiveand efficiënt men, who will be willing not only to give of their abundance, bulto devote tliemselves heartily to the work of ilisseminating information among the poople of their county, nnd drawing out its resources. Having devoted sometinie to the subject, we have Iearncd ihot corn in bulk and corn meal not kiln dried, connot be transporled sa fel y , and that nothingthtit Michigan can give, will beso nutricicusnnd 50 suitable as flour of the qualitv usually denoini:iated fine. We suppose t bis can be as easily obtained as any thing else. Washington Burley, has been nppointed by us Consigne?, nud all articles addressed to him, with letter and schedule explanatory, iyill be dujy carea or, and will beuniformly markcd " From Michigan to Ireland." Charles C. Trowbridge has been Qppointed treasuner, io whom any coniributions may be sent. We suggest the importance of the adoplion of a systematic plan, by which tiic contributions of eac-h county rnny be accounted for scparately. ThePontiac RaiJroad oompny have generouly ofiered to transport ftee of charge, all provisions given in that part of the State for this purpose; nnd the Micbignn Central Railroad Company have oilèred to transport several hundred barrels ín the same manner, It ishoped asimilar oíler will be received from the Southern Railroad Compnny. The warehousemen of this eity have proposed to receive nnd storely, and as fór as they power, send to BufFalo without charge, all articles received at this depot. We hope the same arrangements mny be made at Monroe, and thnt wiih due care, the vho}e may rench ireland without expense of trans portation. e. c. TaowafciDOK, HENRY L.EDYARD, EDMUNO A. BRUSH, THEO. ROMEY.N, WILLIAM OKAY, Ëxecutioc Committee, The meoting then listened to an array of frets upou the condilion of Ireland, collectcd and rrad by Judge C. Clark, appointed forthat purpose at a former meeting. Judge D. M'lntirp, ehairman of the onmmittee appointed at the fonner meeting, lo prepare resolutions, reporlod the following preaml)le and resolutions : "A cryof human misery & distress has g-me forth from the hült a.nd glei.s of Scot'and, nnd from the hamlo's and coitagosand orowded ciliesof Ireland. At first il was faintly heurd ia Ihe distanco hut is daily becoming louder aud more urgetit ; it procceds from thousands, aye, mi))ions of fellow beings, boqnd to us by the ties of universal broihelood, from whom the earth has withhold her usual inórense, and who would gladly labor to earn bread (hr lhemsclve3 and theirstarving families ; but even this privilege s denied hem; fthc low rate of wagos be. ing so disproportionate to the high price of provisions, that laborers who can get work, tlioiigh regularly paid, eannot with their whole earnings procure sufficient food to keep life in lliemselves, much less to support their famishing wives and little ones 5) it oomes from thousends of famishing futhers and nnthers and children, from brothprs and sisters and from our kindred and friends. all involved in onc common ca!an)ity j ií has been reiterated in thrilling tones by the Jadíes of Dunv monway, in the county of Cork, and has bfen eclioed fromihe hosom of tho mothr er who occujies the throne of Great Britain, nnd has found its wny across the Atlantic to the hearts of American fnthers nnd mothers, and sisters and brothers. - It has come to tis while our granaries md storehouseá are filled with the richand .superabundan! productiot.s of our own fair Península, ard lias told us that a civ ilizedandehristiun people, noarly cighi momhs in advancc of their unoertain harvest, s sufiering all ihe awful horrors and exeruliating pangs of starvation ; that al ready hundid of our race have fallen into uotimely graves, nnd othor hundióos havo been reduced to ghastly skeletons and frightful maniacs, the victims of a provailing fnmine and ifs attendant pestilenco; tíjnt when casting about for relief from the gnuwings of hjnger, the survivors havo belield blight and mildew resting upor. ir.any of ilic fairest and most ferlile portions of Europe, and have found their population enduring ihe same severe trials as themselvcs, and the nalions of the Continent terrified by apprelinsions of similar impending evils ; wliile in thoso Uni:ed States, fihat land of unmerited l-lcssings, which. have ever been a home to the emigrant and an asylumto exile,' and whither many of their kindred and friends have fled in pursuit of those copnfoita and thnt happino-s which were denied them at homej thore is enougli and to spare of tbat which thcy need to save them from perishing wilh hunger. We have heard this cry and our hearts have bosn moved yviih pity and compassion towards the suifcrers, and with graiilude to ihe Giver of all good, that while our ncjghbors and friends across the ocenn are languishing and dying for lack of food, ice, with no better claim on His leneficenci than theij% havo been made the recinients of a superabundance from which to supply their wants, alleviate their distress and oispel the gloom of des pair which now onshrouds thom, and we unhositatingly acknowledge our obligations to extend relief to suile ring hiunanity wher.ever it mny bet without regard lo distance or country, or complexión, or clime. Thoreforc, be t Reso!vcd,Thnt Messrs. Donnld M'Intyre, Gcorge Sedg vick, William O'Hara, Edward Cl?rk, and Calcl) Clark, of Ann Aabor, be appointed a general Executive Committes for the county of Wnshtenaw, toreceivo conlributions and forward the sam?, orlhe proceeds thereof in provisions. to the scène of suflering. Resolved, That Messrs. Guy Beckley, George Hill, Luke Daley, Wm. R. Perry, William Stubbs, Thomas CulleiWilam Kinsiey, John Newbery, Martin H. Cowles. Bethuel Farrand, Orrin White, and Daniel B. Brown, he appoinled a Committee to obtain subscriptjons and make cojleciions from the citizens of Ann Arbor, and todeliver the same to the jeneral Committee ficsolvcd, In order ihat all our citizens may have an opportuntty "to cast their gifis into this treasury of love and good vill," that it ba recommended to the ieveral towns in this cminiy,immedJAte]y o appoint committees to receive contrijuiions and to mnke collections in their respective towns, to be forwarded without lelay to the general committee at Ann Arbor, and it isearnestly hooed that "the rich will contributc libcrally of thcirdance," and that 44hose wiioso mean uro less will remember the bcnediction sestawed an her who of her penury cast in two mites." Rcsohed, Thot M cssrs. C. C. Taylor, D. M'lntyreC. N. Ormsby, LukO Daily William O'Ilarn.12. P. Gardiner, and M. H, Goodrich, oflicers of the meeting wore oppointed a conr.mitteo of pubücatiori, to cm.'mmicatfl the proceedings of this meeting to the several towna in the several newspnpers in this villnge. On motion, the above report wasac-i cepted and unanitnously adopted. On motion, a ïubscription, which was presented by Judgc C. Clark, was adop, ted, and abiut eighty dollars subscribed immediately, ncarly fifty of which was paid in cash. On motion, it was Resolved, That when this meeting ndjourns,it will aHjotirn to mest nt tho cali of the general Execu tive ConiniiUoe. On motion, the meeting adjourned. C, M. M'Intyie, V. P, Preaiding. C. N. ORM8BV, P i.ikk daily, ?■ Vice Prcsfls. W.M. o'llAKA, K, P. Gaudineu, l Secretartes ,M, U, GCQDRICH, Jö-'


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