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THE Geni of Scïeaacr, The advccme of Science nnd R, ]nlf ' i Pi:7:'sl'xron"n,KDn'ou. SECO yO VOLUME. The present fncilitirs tor puhlish'ing. nml iha "■ ! eawRg demnn.l for intorn..n.un un he alpyi ■ prmoipres, have inucci nn P ENLAROKMKNT OF TUK GF.M. nnd coiweqiiemly thé puhlica.ion o: üné lolumr , ; in tico, QuartD Form nml CONTENTS. Thecontcnts of lh Ge... ore , proi.nbiy ino.c ■ iniesiing to.Uie .rué Íóww o' Science, -n.l 10 j he devo.ed S&VM &$' l!l1", ''T', 'i lii ! WITJHINTHEREACH OP C.VKRY FAM i If,Y, will remler it doubly in.ensung and j The Gkm of Sciknck ü ;,1 s'-o.l at FIFTY CENTS for six monihB, or ONU UOLLA Ka yeor in adeanre. A liberal .I.schuh wíl be ínade to Clubs and Agente. Perdió désmng lo subscribe, only to endose thetmowtt'M a letier, directed to 9ANF0RH & BROTHF.RS. Publishers of the Geni oí Science. Ann Ar bor. Michigan. O Editora who will give ibis Prospectus one, two, or tbreo inserüons, shall jnve tlien favors duly reciprocated. Jl-l-w Temper anee lío u s c ! J847. 164?, STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MÍCH. DANIEL BARHEI', living taken this wcll known Si.-nl; nml tWui repaired it iTinníshout. is how extensivo ly prepareil to ncconunoduie h3 incniis and I he Travellin" Public with all h"se convememe calculated to make ihe:n comfoftuble. and wiin prices to suit the (inie3 ! Meáis, 35 'Cent. Easlcrn and Southern Siage Office ícept at this House. D"7" Omnibus ond Bi'gnge jVngon alwnys on and to canvey .-yfewbgerti u and fro n th House free of oharge. 93-Cn. ATTENTION THE WORLD!',". Free Trade and Tailors Rlghts. THEcitizens of Ann Arbor an-l viciuty, n( VVashtenawCounty and Counties adjoiñi rtg are informeel th-it now is tne iin; to ct cuín fortably CLOTHED and FIXEÜ UP for a cold Winter. . Tho very best kind of Cloths nml Tnmn.ings can be bought clienp in Ann Arbor.Lc.vV.:r Tuwn. and there is a TAILOR oppositc G. i& U Beckley'a Store, whocan'lbcoutduneany wlicre in thtsc p%rts, m. ■ He 9 preparoU to t!n work in the most l'asliionable Styíe. orfoilow ile tíireotior, of bis customera, and being poisseesetl of a Infge sharè ! the Milk of Huma. Kindnes3, his tennsaro cstablished on the principie of "LIVE AND LET LII L" lie has a peculiar trait in hia chnracter whícji should be noticed, it ia etrancre. vet trtio us frange,- He icM vqí VMu'c & Promi-.- Customcra can hve tbeir garmenis al the time specified. FARMERS enn be cerinin of coorl fiitingami easv G AfíMKXTS, an-l arr jnformed that all kinds of PRODUCi: (excej.' cnbbage) will be taken in exchango lor bis serv; oes. He euls to order, and his g-irments are sure to ñt if properly made up. l rRAüÍr Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Dec. 5. I8-l). PEACE DECLA KED, AND A TRSATY F0EMÏÏD, WHEREBY S. FELCH can hold Free Trabe aso Commeuci: ks BOOTS, SUOESi EiE&THer, and Findiugs of all kinds, with all persons.. Nativas or Foreigners, on the following just and eqnnl lerms. viz : Good Anides- Loto P rices- lica'ly Pau -and No Trust. The ub.scribfr havins fully tesre I the Credii System tu hia greqt loss. both of coiifllence and cash, and hnvine sutfeied much lot-s by tiie. ne cessity compels him to collect his pmj : Ixjirc harvest," as {'jarren harvest and nkitkai.í.." Yery olïen come up "" leaviug him sartly in the He has come to the snmr conclusión that certain sensible girls lid on n late occasion, (lee total or ni husband, rcadtj pat or no ShoemaJúng ) All persons that can conform to the above treaty will do weü to cali on S. Felch, Ann Arbor, Lower Town, No. 4 Hurón BlocU. wherc they will not be taxcd for otliers' work who never nay. N. B. All persons i ndcbted in nny way to the subscriber, had beticr cali and pay if tbey are honest and mean to keep so. 297 -Gm S. FELCII. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Jnn. í, 1847. FURNITÜRE & UPHOLSTERIXG WAREJLOOMS. STEVENS & Zl'Cr, IN the lower end of the White íilock. dirently opposite the Michigan Exchangk. have on Jjand. a large aseortment of FURNITÜRE, oí their own manuiacture, which they will sell very ïow for Cash They also keep experiencid Upliolsterers. ana re prepared to do all kinds of Upliolstering ai the shortest notice. Fqrniture of all kinds made to order of the beat material, and warranted. STEVENS & ZÜG. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. . 297-ly RÓWLAND'S bestMiil Saws, 6, 6è, and 7 feet. Rqwland's best X Cut Sawp, (!, f.J. and 7 fcet. English C. S. Pit Saws. f} an-1 7 ieot. Superior American Mili Saw Files. 10 to 1G in For sale at the sign of the Big Anvil. Upper Tqwn. TIENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. 2)Ö-ly LINSEED OJLf ffiHE Subscriber is manufhetunng Linpcrrf J. QH on an extensive scalc and he is ablu io supply MERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS. on terms more favorable for them thn have rvcr bpfore been offered In f his country, and he Í prepared to supply orders for large or sniall quan titics at prices cftrtmely low. HU Communications by inaii vill bc prompt ly attended to. D. L. LATOÜRETTE. Long Lake, Genesec Co. Mich. 28--1 y WAMI-I, at Ferry's Booksiore, 5 Ton? clean Cotion and Lincn Ragt. 1 Ton Beeswax. nnd 3500 Dollars in cash, ior the larscst assorl tnent of BooUa and Stationcry ever offered in tln-Village, and at his usual ow prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Villngo, Oct. 7, 1P10. ae-tf JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS. THE Mozart Collection of Sncred Music. b'. E. Ives Jun- contninins '-'u' 'etebratofl ChristusJind Miserere by Zingarelli wiih Eng lish words. Tenchera of Musie will picase cali and i ne the work at i Fí-.nny's Bookstohe. Octebor 7, 1846. 236-tf■,-v, _■ : :" '-" " 'T1 ' 11 TANNERY;. j; LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRGD & CO., Ño. 12:3, Jefferson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, take this upporluniiy to nform their customers, and the public gonerally, thnt ihey still continue to keep on hand a full assortmentof Spnniih S.)!c Lentjier, J Also. Lqsis nnd Peas. Curriers' Tuols, &c. SlatiijliUTcd do Horsc nnd Coiuir Lenthor, Nemlock uinncd Upper Leather, Cordovan do ()lk '' " ' Marocco Skina, Fronch tanned Otilf Skin?, Seiil do OnU mik! (lenil.Qck i.-uincd do GoalJÏLndiug, llomlock toimed Uarnessand Britlle Lentlicr. Deer nul lrnh do 9nk j _3" " " ;i Wliiio and Cülarcd Lining?,, Printud do Ski ■■un2. Pliiladelpliiu and Oliioj Shoc TrimRusset do mina. and Kit ol :ili kinds. As the Subscribers are now mnniifnctiniti their own Leather, thcy are prepared to sdl as low asean be purcliased in I hï.i market. Merchants and manufqcturers will find it to their advantnge to cali and examine our stock before juirchasing elsewhero. ftjCash and Leather exchanged for Hides anc'Skins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan, 1616. 248-lyNEW "GOODS! Cheap for Cash!! TUF. Suhsoribers bog lenve lo inform ilieii old cusiomers, nnd ilie public gsnerully. ihnt tlicy are now reeeivins;a larce and splnHu! issnrtineru ol Engtisfc. American and West India. GOODS, Crockcry, Shelf Hardware, Painls, Oils, Dic&lyfis, Drugs a?ul Medicines. Also n general asS'Ttcicni of IRON. suitnble for Ironing YVa2ons and Uugsies. N.iil Rei's. Hotsc Shops, and llorse Nnils, Shcci l.-on. Tin Wnre mui Tin {Piafe - also a general assortmem ot' BOOTS $ SIIOES, ih ck nn-1 t!:i.i .s-ilu work, nnd custoin work to mik Mmhrseis. AH of wliicli ihoy will soll on Mie uwcsi possiltle lerrns lur Cash or Baj.tkr. Fei fr conïiaent ps ve do, that we can tnoRe i' !ir itie interest of all those wishing to purchasc qny of iheabove nirntioned Gpods. we do most eirnesily solieit at least nri irivesiignrion of onr Goodá and pricos bc'ore purc'iasing elsewhcie. JAMES GIBSON & CO. Wt. 3. JÊSxckange BlockAnu Arbor, Lovver Town, Sept. 14, 1S46. 2g2-tf CLOCKS AND WATCHES ! ! Ji mHL Subscriberhos just -■ -. JL received, (and is con5j,is:anily receiving) froin w New Yorknn elegant ar.d 'fsH vvc sclected assortnieni JTcivclry, Clocks, Vafciies, &.c. ie. which ho iniönd to scll as io%c as at any other esïablishinent this side ol Buflalo for rcnily pay onlij nmong wl.ich mqy be foynd Uieiollow inv: a aood asèortinent o! Gold Finger Uint, Gold lireast pins.Wrisilets Guard Cliainsand Keys. Silver Spoons, Gertnan Silver Tea and Table Spoons (first qnaliiy. ) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tongs, Silver Snlt.Mustardond (Irenm cpoons, Bntter Knives, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gjld Pens. ' Péñciís, Silver and Gprmnn Silver Thinibles. Silver Spnctacles, Germán nnd Sieel do. Oogklep, Clothes. flair and Tooth Krushes, i j :i t i i e r Hrushes. Ror.ors and Pocket Knives. Fine Shcars anl Scissors. Kuivesand Forks. liriiiannia Ten P.'.and Cnstors, Plated, Rrnss, anl Brittania Candlesticka, Sr.ufl'ers & Tiays, Sliavins boxes and Sonps, Cbapmiin 8 Best Rnxor Strop, Calfand Morocco Wallcts. Silk and Cotlon purses, :iolins and Bows, Violin and Bass Viol Stringp, Fl'utcp, Fifes. Clarionets. Accordcone - Music Bonki for the same. Motto Sor.'.s. Steel Pens nnd Twcczcrs, Pen Siuiñ'npd Tobacco boxea, [vory Dressing Combs. Skír and Bnck and Pocket Comb=, Neodle cases, Stelettoe?, WaierPaintf nnd Broshes, Toy Wntches, a great vnricty ol Dolls. in 8htrt :lie trèotcst variety of toys cvn Virought to tliis markei. Fancy work boxes. chil-Iren's tea setts. Colonne H.'iir Oils. Pnielling Salts. Conrt Piasier. Ten Bells. Thermometers. Gorman Pipes. Wood Ptncil. BUAGS AND WOOD CI.OCKS, Ac. in fnct almost everj thing to picase the fancy. Ladics and Gentlemen, cnll and examine for yourselves. Ciooka. Watches and Jewelry repnired nnci wárrnnted on short noiice. Shop at his old stnnd, oppositp 11. Beckr's brick Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wheler. CALVIN BMSS. N. B. - Cnsb paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July Ist. 1316. 271-íy FJ. B. CRÁNL would respectfully notify the citizens of Ann Arbor, and the surroundinr country, that hu continúes to actas Ajrenf of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insnre Property nsrainst 'osses by Fire, hl the lowest raies, nnd with despatch and nccunicy. The Hartford Insnrnm-c Cotnpnny is one of the oldest and most Atable in the country, and nll loRses sustnined by them will be - ns they ever have been-rpKQMPTi.v ninl Fire is : dangerous clement and not to be trifled wiih ; ;lierefore, m-ike up yonr mind to gunrd agninst. it nnd do.v't uki-ay ! A few houi.s delqy niay be your ruin. Mr. Ckank's Ofllcc p in Crnne's ncw Block, corner ol the Public Square, Ann Aibor. 2.a0-tf TE E TH! TEETHf TEETH.'U MAST1CATI0N and Articulation, warrnnted by tlietr being properly replaced. S. D. BURKETT, will coniinnc the practice of DF.NT1STRY in n i;s vorjons brnncb1 viz : Scaling, P'illing. nna Insertüison gM jI.-Iís or pjvotp. from one to nn entire sert. Orí pintes or iriisiits remodI'-(!. ;:v made f(u:il lo ncw. OFFICE over C. l Thmnpson & Co.'s Shofi 3ttNé; Lriili-.'s v.-ho roqiicet it. enn fo waiied on n d-ujcllings. .'. IJ Clinries unusunlly low. and all kinds ofPRO)UCE mken. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 5, 1 8:0. 2i:ï - tl CLOVER MACHINES. TfIRASHING MACHiNF.S and Soprrntors nre mnde and sold by " thcirMaclnnc Shop, near tho Pnp#r Mili, Lower Town, Ann Atbor. KNAPP & IIAVILAND, Jan. 1!), XS1Q. AT f ,:3nn Arbor THE Subscriber hoving purchnscd the interests of J. M. Rockwell in the Marble HusineFs. would inforrn 'lie inhabimnts of ibis and acljoining connties. ihat hewill continue ihc liusine s ar the qM stand, in the Upper Town, near the Prcsbytcrian Church. and manufacture 'o order : Monumenls, Grove Stones Paint Síono Tablels, $c. $c; Those wisliinír to obtain any nrticlc in hislin of bupinees will tind by caüing thnt he has nn assortrrent ofWh.ijfl and yáriegated Murble fron the Enstcrn Marble Qmrrie?. wHich wili b wrousht in Modern style. and pold at enstern pri ees, ívdding transporiation onlv. C.-ill and ge theproof. W. F. SPAULDINCi. Aun Arbor, Jan. 30, 1847. Iy THE SUBSCRIBER has received h winter stock, which he o llura for Casi al greatly reduced primes. Tho Public are invited to cali, exánime, am judye for thetnselves. iNow on hand, ind dai! addipg. SOFAS of every variety and patterr imd liie Iniest üishion. prices froni .s."Ji( and up wnrd=. DIVANS, O'lTOMAiVS. LOUNGES BÜKEAUS. of olí km;).-. l:om .xl an.l up. Centre. Card, Tea, Dress, l'tcr, Dining, anc Nest Tables. Wnsb, Capdle, and Toilet Stands. Bedoteads - Muhogany, JVlaple, and Wilnu írom 2 and up. Pidiio fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools Doublé and single Mjtresses ol hair, shuck palm lea f, or straw. Doublc nnd single Cot Bedpfeads. do do Writing Desks. CIJAIRS. - The be-t assortment thnt can b found west of New York and thc chtapcst i mis cit_y. Windsjr Chairs, a good anido, at 2 50 th sett. Mnhogany French (Jhairs, hairseat, a first rat article. nnd well finished for $3 50. Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, hairseat and back wairnnted good, at thc low price of !$liJ, for ih cash only. Flng and Cgne Spat frotn Gs. and up. Bird Onges, plain nnd gnllery : Bird filasses Hobby Horses, and Toy Wheelbarrowe, forchi) fhen ; Patent Shower and Hip Bnths ; Bosto Bath Pan, Camp S;ools. Umbrella and llu Stands. Fape} Bcüows, Fooi Scrapers, Can Seat Cour.ter and Boot Stool. Curtain material Tiible covers, PaierK Post-OíHce Baiancei, Pie ture Frames, Willow Wagons, Cradlufl, Chaira Clocks. and Ba{ets Brittannia Tab!e Castors very chuap. Mahogany and Rosewood Venecrs ; Varnisl and Japan: Bronze, iMahogany Knoba, Locks GIup. Curled Hair, nnd Carie Soats. Aleo, i Inrge assortnient of American Castors, expre3sly for Cnbinet Makers, ve,ry cheap. Cash and the hilioet rnarket paid for any quantiiy of Walnut ntid Cherry Linnbcr. I wi!l also coniract fr any quniity of íirsi rate Wolniit Lutnber, to be sawed to order, and dehvered by the lst of Juno next. J. W. TiLLMAiV, No. -7. Je1'erson Avenue. Detroit, January I, lr!-17. 2U7ly THE LIBERTY MINSTREL OE IIL'NDRKD COPIES of ihe lifih edi lion of tliis highlv popular work ore for sale at t!ie Síentí] oíTice at "0 een s single, or $4.50 per cioen. Terins Cash. Xo v ís the lime for Liberty choirs to aupply themaelves. Win. é'. browiv, Attorncy fy Counselor at L aw, ÁNfí AIIBOR, M1CH. Ff ICE wiili E. Musiy. Esq. 2í)7-ly 3MS1W GVITAJi, BRA88 VIOL, AND VlüLJN STllLWdS, jiist rfcoived by Dec. I y, 18-ltí. tUU C. JJf.ISS.T'ílE prcceding huve is givcn to represen ihe Insensible l'crepiraiioii. It is ilie ire; ivacu.ition for the iinpurfties o f the body. Ii will ie noticed ihat u ihíck cloutly mist issues ÍYoin til poisits oí the suri'ncc, wliich indicntes tlint his pcrspiralion flowg unintcrruptedly when we are in hcalth. but ceasi-s whf 11 we are sick. Lio íannot be sustniuud without it. Itis thrown olí íroni the blood nml other juicos üt ilu; bódy;and uwposes uy tan moans. oí neuriy nu me uninriiies vvitlun us. The blood, by ihis inenpp n!y, works it?ell pure. Tfïc hmgiMge of Scrip ure is, "in lbo UUiotl is úw. Lift1." Il il evr bocomcs iinpure, it inny be troced directly to the toppnge of iliu lusrnsi!lc l'cipifhtioni Ji ncver equiresnny inlciual ïneilicincs o cloonse il. as i ilwiiys puiifiis iifuli by its own heul niulucion. and fïirowö olV n'l iho óffeñdíng hnmorB. lironli ilo lasenible FerspiriMion. Thns we see nll ilit is itcpt-ssarv whpn ibe biood is stagnani, or nïcct'ëtl. 3 fe open hc pores, andit reievcs iieiilllrom uil nipuriiy instnnily. lisown i::n niu) vii-il.iv nro suHicient, wiïhoitt onepofjticlo of tntdicino, erccp: 10 open ilie pórci npon thesurfiicc wc sec ilie lolly 01 tukiny so nnch intorn'iii remedies'. All pnicimoners, liowover, diroci ihfiir rtFms 10 restore ihe Insensible perspiration, but il scetns tq bc not always the proper one. The TKömpsShinji, fur in'sfahce stcniiia. the Hyflropatliist shrouds 's in wet ; eis. the Ilomopaih stdenUoui mfiniti.saima}8,the Allooailiisi blredsnnd dosca uw v,-ith nicrcury.and the bhutcii.ig Quuck tcorges us wiih pilla, pills: pills. To ivo somc idea of ihenmnnnt of the Tnscn sible i'e.-f-piration. we wilt tho lo.rirned Dr. Lewenhpck-. and the gieat Bocihrtavc.ascertained ihai fivc-ciyhihsof all we ri-ceivu ilifó the stomnch. passed off by this humus. In other words, if we cai ai.l drink eilu poundá per day. we evneuate live pounds of it by the Insensible Persp ra ion.Tliis is none otlicr tlinn the used up particles of the Wootl, anil othcr juiees giving place tb the new and l'roah ones. To check this, therefoie, s to retain in the systein fiv-eighilis of uil the virulent maticr tyit nature demnwU shouldleavcihe hody. And even wlien this is the case, the hl.od is of so active a principie, that it determines t qsc particles to the skii, whcre tliey form scabs. pmiplps, ulcers. and oihorspots. By a suddeü imnsition (roen heat ia cuUi, the porr's are Ptopp'eth ihe perspiration ceases, and .liicieehegins at once to developeitself. Henee, n stoppiigc of this fow oflhe juices, originatcü ■u niany eompi;iiit9. It is by stopping the poros, 'hnt overwiiclms mankind wiih couhs. cu kis, and oonsuniptiuns. Nine-tenihs of ilie workl die froni dise:iseá induccd by a stoppage ot the Ivïensible Perspira non. It ís casily seen. therefore, how nccemry ib the rlw of thia subtle humor to the surlice, to preserve henlth. It chohiil ha stoppod; it 'jannot hoeven cheeked, without inducing disensc. Let me aak now, evury cainlid mind. what course seems the mo3t reasonable to pursue. to unstorj the pores, nl'ier iliey are closed? Wouid you ive physic tounstop the pores? Or yould you apply someihiug thé't would do this upon ihe siirface, vvhere the cjogging aciuolly 8? Would nol this he cominon sense? And yet I knivof no physicinn who makes any esternal application to efl'ejt it. The reason I assign 8, that no medicine within llieir knowledge. is!)lc ot doing it. Under thse ctreumsiances, I pres?nt to phyaioiaas, and to a!l others. n prepnration thut has this power in its fullest ixtont. It is aicALSTER' 8 ALL HEALING OiNTMEXT, ortho WORLD S SALVE! It luis power to restore perspiration on the fect, on the beid, around oíd sores, upon iho chest, in short, uprm any part ol the body, whcihcr diseascd tlightly or 8evercly. It has power to cause all exter.ial sores, scrofuloushumors, skin deseares, poisonous wounds, to discharge thuir putr.d matter, and ihen heals theni. It ts n remcdy that swerps ofT the whole catnloguo of cutnneoii8 diairdurs. and restores the entire eutiele to itshcalthy iunctioiiB. It is n remedy that forbid- the nrcessity of so many and delctcrious drugs taken into the stoTincl). It is a remedy that neither sickens, givcs nconvenience. or ig dangcrou? to tl]e intes'incs. It preserves nnd defends the aurfnee froni al derangement of its functions. while it keeps open the channels for the Wood to void all its impurities nnd dispose of all its useless particles The snriace is the outlet of fivo-ei hths of the bile and used up matter within. h s piercet .vi h milüons ol openings to relieve the intcs..ies. Stop up these pores, nnd death knocki at your door. it is rightly termed All-Healing h)r there is aoareuly a disease, e.xierral or inter nal, that it will not benefit. 1 have uscJ il fo the last fourteun years, for all discases of the chest, consmuption. livcr, involvin;; the utmos darjgerand rcsponsibility, and I declare helor rleifven and man. thatnot in onc sitiólo case hat it fafled to benefit, wheri the patiënt wa within ilie reach of mortal moans. - I have had physicians. lenrncd in the profession; 1 havo had ministers df the Qospel, Judgeson the Bench, Alafcrmen and Lawyers. gen tlemen of the higneBt erudition, and multitudes o the poor, use it in every varicty of way, an( there hasheon hut one voice, one nnited, univer sal voice, saying, i;McAlister, your üintment i good!" COKSÏfMPTtOir. It can hardly he ciedited that a salve can havt, nny cfTcct upun the lungs, cated as thcy are within the systum. Bat we sny once for all, ha this Ointmcnt will reach the lunas quicker thai any medicine ihat can he given iniernally. Time ií placed upon the chest, it penetrales dircctly t the lungs, sepáralos the poisonous partióles thn are consuming thom, and CAjpelji thom froni the ey6t8m. I need not say that it iscurinporeonsof Con sumption cDii'itiuaüy, although we are told t i looliehness. I care nol what is said. so long a [ ca'n cure severa] ihoüsand persops yearly. 1IKAO ACHK. This Salvo iuis cured porsons of the Ilcad Acht of V years standing, and who had it regttlarlv every week, so thnt vouiiting of en look place. Dcafncss and Kar Ache are halped with the likc succoss. as also Ague in tlic Face. COI. D Fi.KT. Coasumptiqn. Liver complaip:, pains in the chest or side, fallini,' of ihe óair. one or the othe alwayg accomnunieg cpld feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the systein to have colcl fcet. The Salve will rcsimp thp Insensible Perspi ration and thus cure overy cafe. In Scrolula, Rrysipelas and Sah Rheum, anc other diseasosof this nature, no internnl remcdy has yct been diecflyen-f] iljat is so goud. The same may bo said of 6ronchiti., Quincy, Soro Throat, Piles, S)innl Diseases, Broken or Sore Breast, Sec. And as fortlic Clipgt Disensos, sach na Aslhma, Pain. O]iprt'83ion nnd the like, it is thcinost wonderful antidote in ihe Vji !d. For Irfivor Ccmploini it is cqually officnciotis: for Burns it has nol has its equa! in the World;, Excreeences of every kind, suchas Warts, Tumor. Pimples, &c, it rnnkes clean work oi hem all. SOK E KYK8. The inflnmmalion and disease nlwnys ücsback of iho ball of the eye in the ocKet. Ilcno.e iho irtue of any medicine must rench the sea; ol hc inila-nation or it will io litile nood. The Salye. if ruhbed on tho temples, will penptrntc ircclly into the socket. The pores will bo opend. n proper perspirntion will ho created nnd the isea8e will soon pass offio the sur'ncc. IMP.I.KS O.V TUK. TCK. ÍTIKCKÍ.KS, TAN, MASCUI.I.VK SKIN, fillOSS SUr.KCK. lts firat action to c.xocl hurnor. Itwiljwt cense drawir.g till the tace :s íree (rom nny nntier ihat muy lie ludgetl umier llifi tkin uny requenily lncakmg uut to ilie surlacc. It then ic ilrf. When tlmrü is niiihni ; bul grosarices, or luii repulsivo surlhcc, it bégtné tu súffeñ and taf le ii u'inl the skin bucomes uv sinoith and t'elí;itc :is n hila ë'. It ihrows u l'rcshncss int.1 jIusIhiií; color upon sltje now whiic. un)i8p;ircni jkin. tliai is penectly enclianting. Soma iiincs n case o'. FrèeKlcfl i( w i i I irsi s-iri om thost tliut liavo Liin liultlennnd scen bm scldom. 1 u r buü t lio á ilvo and till wíll soon disappciir. wovms. It'pTrcn's kncw lunv faial most nicd'cincs won: to cliildien uiken iuwardly, thty would be sluw to resort lotneini EspfiCia'JIV nieieuiin! lozeiiges," ciilled ''inediciiied lozcngst" pilla, Are The irutli is. no onc cin tcll, invnriably, when worms ar1 present. Now let mesuy lOparenió. li:it tliis Salve v.ill alvr iys tcll ia cliild liasvortns. It will drive every vestiré of thcm avoy. This isa simple and sale cure. Tlie.c is probabty nu im-dii.ioc: on the face ol lie earth at once so surennd su safe in the expulsión of worms. li would be cruel, hay wicked. to grive intnrnal. doubtf'ul itio.dicines, ?o langas n iiarmles, exicrnal one eould be hád. TOII.l'.T. Althoiish I havt snid little nbout i! as a lioii rssiorotive, yet I will sThKe it ngainsi ihe World They may biin tlicir Oils lar and neiir, uní mine will resloie thc hnir two cases to ibeir ono oi.n 'soiik.s. MoiM ii'ic'! ion.s. i; ktc.Thni somc Sores uro n ouilet 10 liic iuijmri- tie? of lbo .sysiuin, s bccause iliey cnnnoi pnss off thronali ilie uafu öl clmnnols of tbc insensible Peispirntion. Il snel) sores nre lienled up, the impuritios must luve some otlier out lel. or il wilt BndapgtM' li'e This is iho roaSon wliy il is impoli I c tu use ibe comnion Salve oí the ilay in such clises. For ihoji4ine no power lo opeti ollie. nvenues. to iet oii'tlw inoibid mnttur. nnd the einsrquenct'S ore iilwnys fatal. Tliis Salve wiil ;ilways [irovidi! lor siïch emer;ent'its. iiiKA11;:; óy cúiiDÜK. How roanv thousiindsnrq swept off ly givin ntern:l inediciiifs. wnári iluir young bodie aml tendor framea are unnble to benr up ugoinst til e ui? Wbole Tniics are ihus senl to tliir graves nierely lrom pouring ino iheir weak stoinachs powerful dihss oiul [ihysics! ft is to sucb tbat ibe All-IIenling Oinnr.ent tenders 80 safe, pléisnnt, and Iinrmless n cure Sucli con : sea as Croup. Clioüe. Cholcrn Infanium. iVorüis, and all Stimmcr Conijilaints. by whicli so niany cbillien die, ilie Oinimeni will remove so speedily and surcly, ilmt a physicion will nevf:r bc uceded. MolFiers! througbout all this land. we ïvnv solemnly and sncredly declare to you Ihat ihc All-Henlm Oinunent will 3 ivc yiur ebildren f rom nn oarly i f you will use it. We are not now actuated by the lcnsi dftsiie to cain; l)ut knowing ns we do that; bodies of inlnnis and oliildren die enrly; wbicli is supposed to be inevitable andlo to prevent, wc hold up our warniner voice, ind declare n ihc fnce of thewhole worid, CIllLÜHKN NEED iSOT DIE MORE TMAN OTHERSÜ Bnt it is froni (lie wnnt ef pro'per nourishtucnt nnd the constnnt druggini? thcy undorgo wlnch nowB ,hcni lJuv.'m as t lie runk grass falls before the ficythe. Motlicrs! wc repent ngni. and f ihey were the last wouls we were ever to utter, nnd oí courae pnst the rench of nll interest, we would say. 'fuaöthe All-Healing Ointiucm foraickness among children." It rc:noved nlmost ininiedintely the nflnsia(ion and swelling, wlien ihe pain of course coatíes. KK.vrns. ín cases of fevcr. the lifiicnliy nes in ihe [)ores bcin locked up. so thnt the Jieat and per8p'rotiin ennnot passoiT. Il tlie least nioisture coulU be starttd, tlie crisif. ia passed nnd the danser over. The All-Healing Ointment wili in all Cüsesof' fevers nlniost instantly unlock. the skin and bring forth the perspiration. FE.MAI.K COMI'I.AINIS. Inflamation oí tlie kidneys, of the womh, nnd it8Ía!líng down, wenknees. nnd irregularity; in short, uil those difiiculttcs which ai e frequent witli 'icninic, tind rcady and permanent relief. We have had agod ludies teil us thcy eould not live 9ix months without it. Bu to femaleenbout tohccumc niothers. if used forsorne weeks antecedent to iheir conilneinont, vcry few of those pains and convnhiions whicíi nttptul tlem nt that )eriod wil! be feit. Thisfact ouylu to be known the world over. SCATJf) HKVD.' We hnve cured casos that actunlly defied everything known, as well as the abiliiy of tiffeen or twenty doctors. One nmn told us he hm spent $'500 on his children without any benefit when a few boxes.of the Ointment cured them COKNS.People need ncver be iroubled wilh jhem if they vvill use it. As a FAM1LY Í.IF.DTCINE, no man cnn measure iis vnlue; So long ns the stnrs roli along over the Heavensr-so long ns rhnn treodi the earth. spbjcct 10 all the infirmities of the flesh - so long ns diseapc and sickness is known - just so long will thiti Qinlinent be ueed and esteemed. VVhrn mm cenècs frpm ofTthcearth; tlien the (Iemand will conse, and not uil then. 'J'o iillny uil r.pprehcnsions on necount oí is inercdients, in possessing such povcrfuljropcrties, wc vvillstaie thntit is composed of some ol ihe niO8t common and harmless herlis in cxistenco There is no tnercury init, nscnn be "seen from the fnot that it does not injure the skin onc particlc. wliilo i will pass (hrongh and physic the bow'els. J A M RS Mr A LISTE R & CO. IC8 South etreet. N. York. Sole propricior of the above Medicine, to whotTi nll communipnlions iniisr bo nddressed (post paid). l'rice !5 cenisand SOcenta. CFCAUTIÜN..O As the All-TI paling Ointnicnt liris been grratly counterfeited, wc hicive given this cautioi to the public, that "no Ointment wül be genuine unleáa ilie riamos of James McAIister, or James IcAlisier& Qo., ar vvritien with a pen upon every label." The label is a stee! engraving, wilh the figure of Insensible Perspiraüon" on the face. Now wc horcliy ofTnr i reward of $300, to be paid n conviciion, in any of the coii6timed courts of tho United Staips. of ay individuai counierfeiiina o'r name and Ointment. MAYNAliD'S. Ann Arbor, Whoksalo Agenis; Sniilh & Tyrfill, Clmion: Ketchuni & Stnith, Tecinnscii: U. C. Whitwood, üexier; fl.t Bowef, Rlanchcsier; Johp Owen & Co., Deroit; Harmnn &, Cook. Iirooklyn. Dec. 18, 1815. . 2-14- lyO ai Slasid Agalla! THE Subscribcr would respeclfully noiify the public, thot he s locaicd onc more n ihe village of Ann Arbor, and s pre pared to accommodnto the community with choiee and well sdected nssorttnent of NSW 6GOSS1 cnnsistinc of Dry Goons, GiiocERÏïs Hard WAKK, BoOIS AND ÖHOKS, CrOCKK.HY. &C. &C. vvhich he wij! eell for READY PAY ae chen lis the siiir.c qunüly of Goods can be bad at an otber siore n town. Pereons who wü to malie purchasesfor Cash al Cash Priccs, wil! do wcll 10 b'cfore purchn sing flee here. By keepin iho first qunlity of anieles, by sell ing at sinnll profits, and by a fair and honorable conrsc in bupipcsSi hc expecis to rnerii n libera 8linrc of public paironngo. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil bc tuken in pnymont for Goods. ILr' Don't f orgel the place, - on ihc East Sido of Mnin etrent, a few doors sonth of the Public Square, in the same store with C. Bliss, Jeweler. M. WHKKLER. Anu Albor. Nov. 24, l.?6. Öü2-tf A TT A CHMENT NO TICE. State of IVlichiüan, I Wasjitenaw Cocmtv. S John Diamond, v8. Matbew Tously. JTSTICE COUKT befoicMipbncl Thompson Josticc of thp Peacc. Attachrncnt ie'sued D-'C. I8ih 1816 ; rcturnable Dec. Ö6ili 1S4G at 2 o'clock P. M. Atiachmept returned, teived by taliins twelyc or lourteen biblicls of Wheat on ihe IDib of üec. 184G, on return day court calied. Dcfendnnt did not appeor. Court odjourned '.o Jon. lüili 1847, ai 2 o't-lock P. M. Conti ac'journed to Feb. Ct}, nf 2 o'plock P. M. I ccriif'y the nbovo to be a transcript of the above cntitlcd snit, this 2ulhJofr. 1847. .12 M1CIIAEL THOMPSON.BOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC f TUF. undersigned ha ving returncel from New York wiili a ncw, laige and valuablc stock it Books, Statiomry and Paper Havgings, is now rcniiy to scll for Cnsh, my ihingin liin line nt bis ncw stnnd on Mnin strect, opposiic II. Becker's Brick Store. He wilt sny to Book puruliascrs. that. by his ifiVfs last fnll on lus ie1 urn Irotn New York. the price of nearly every iliing in liis line hns been gold less iban hcretoforc. oud hnd it not been for him, puicliosers would have cuntiuucd to pay the piiceshcre;ofoie cliargcd. He can say also. that his snlcs hnvc been heyond his most sanguine e.xpoctüiions. showini; conclusivety thni a public heneiiietor. akhough ever so small, will riöt yo unrewarded in thisenlighiened conimuniiy. He3 ihnbkfulfor the fnvorsalready besiowed. and would rcspccifully s licit a contirïuohce ol'ihe trade; atidlie would s-y tn ihose who nevcr have purchased books of hm, i tint he will show theni anieles and prices wiih r..!e.isure af any time tlicy may cal! wheiiier they wiah to purclinsc or not. Cash orders from tho country wil} be nttended to, and the 1 ooks packed as well as if ihe persons were prossni to nitpnd the purchases. He will albo bult to children as chenp as their pnrents. Purchasers will do well to examine his stock and prices before purcltasing elscwhere. Dow' f orgel the place; be sure jj nu cali t PEUUY'S ROOK STORE, on Main ■ Si reet, a Jeto doors South of the Public l; Square. o ÏÏM. R. PERRY. C Ann Arbor, June 27. 1816. 2G!)-tfTKRESHING MACHINES. TIIE undeiaigned would inform ilie pnfo'ic ihut lic incnuliictuips llorsc Powers nnd 'hresliing Machines at Scio, of u tujjcrior kind nvenicd by hiniseW'. Tliesj Povers and Mncliincs nrn pnniculnrl) dapCed ti tlie usc of Farmers wiió wisli to usthem tor thresliinij tieir uvn grrip. 'ïiv power, threshernnd fixiurcs cm all be Iparied mío u coinmon sizcd Whgon lox and drawn with oiiepair ot horses. Jlieyaie designen to bc ustri viih four horses. and are abuiïdnnil.y stron !ui lint r.uniber, av.d mny be salely used wiih si.x 01 cight uorsos wiih proper cnre. Thry work wiili essstrenplh ol' horses occording to tlieamoint ct )U8Ínesá dono ihan any oilier power, aml wil! hresh gcncrally bout 5(j() bushels heat per Jay with four lióles. }n one instance 15iHishels whent were thrcshed in lluue houre wiih four horscs. Tliis l'ower and Machine confain all the nd vantages necessary to wake tbem proiimblc n the purch.iser. They are s'ron and durnble. - They nre easily moved froin one place 10 anoihcr. The work of the mises s easy on tln-se 3owerin con pnrison to o'ber?. and ilie price i LOWKR tlmn nny other power tud machine. have ever been sold in i!ie State, accoiding to the real valué. The ternis óf pnynient will be liberal fur notes that yrc known ty be abbolutely good. 1 have n nutuber of Powers and Maclilnenow ready for &e and persuns wishing to bii) are invited to culi soon. CLEANERS. I expect lo be prrpared wih'n n few days li mnke Cleaners for those who mrv want them. The uiiliiy and advaiüascs of ihig 'ower anc! Machine will appear evident tu 1 on axamtnin he recornhiieruinijona bebw. All persons me cautioned nsainst mnlin ihese Powers aml Machines: thu uderaigned havfng adoptetf liio ppoesiary ïneanres for secu ring letters patent for (he same wiiliin the tinu requircd by law. S. W. FOSTF.R.Scio, Woslifcnaw Co., Mitli.. Jine 18. 1346 RKCO-MMEKDATIONS. During ilie yeor 145. Cüchof ;!io tindersigncd nuchused and uscd cillicr individoally or jointly vith oiliors, or.c of S. W. Foster's ncwly in k-e:ited Hofsé Poweis nnd thresliing uiachinrs. ïnd bclieve thcy nre boller ndaptcd lo the usc of Farmers vlo wnm Poweis nnd Machines foi ilieir own usc thün nny other power nnd ihrtther wnhiii our kuoVflèd&b. Tliey nrc cnlcülnicd (o bc used wiih ioiir horac3 nnd are öfam'plq 8trcngih ior liint mnnlier. They .ippeor to b( constructcd in sye! t mnnner as to render ihen vcry dur;ib!e with linie liabiliiy of getiini,' out o' order. Theynre eisily movnd from ojie pl:ic to anoiber. They can be work'ed witb nny num her ot 'hands from four lo ciulir. n;-.d will ihresli aboui yüO bi:sl)e!s wlieni per day, J. A. POLMEMUS, Scio, Waslitonaw co G. BLOOD. ' i T. RICHARDSON, SAMUF.L HP:ALY, 5. P. FOSTF.R, ? u frlS'. A. I'MF.I.PS, ADAM SMITU, " J. M. BOWEN. J.ima " WM. WALKRR. Webier, tiios vvarrf:n, t D. SMALLEY, JjOdi. I threslied last fall -jnd winter w.ih one of S. W. Fosier's horse Ppwers. mue ilian fiheen thousand busliels grain. Tho repairs besiowed upon the power arnounted to only ( cents, nnd il was in ood orler when I had 'done threshing 1 invariably Uf-ed si.v horseg. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Manon, June 6, 18Ií I purchased one of S. W. Foster's hom poweis lost fall and have uscd it fur jobbinjí. J have used inany diflereni kinds ofpuweis"and believe iliis is ihe best ruiming power I have everscen. D. S. BENWET. Hamburg. June, 18 1C. We purt-hüsed one of S. W. Foster's Horie Powcrs Inut ïiill, and have used it jind thmk it is a first rute Power. JESSE HALL, DANIELS. MALL, HEULEN S. HALL. Hnmburg. June, 18-16. 2G9ifE AT TUE B y NEW DRUG STORE, f in Baitlc Creck, callcd the S iniïpolfiecariesi Ifalt, í TX7"1Uj l found a ?icw, cxtcnñrc. and '" f T complete assoriment cf Drugs, AledJ cines, Chemicals. Oils, Püints. Dye-StufFs, Urvccrus, SurgicfJ instruinpnts, Pdtent Medicinas, Schuol ílooks. Fancy Goods. S Jcwelry, &c. puroliosed dircctly of the irn? portera; wliioh are offered to ihe cominuc nity at as lote p;ius na at any oiher estobí lislimcnt in the Stute - Deiroit not e.ccp Physifinna, Siirgcns, rndthe' Tradc. '■ wül be supplíed upun t lie loirett tkrips, - S Prcscriptions nnd ordrg ottepdcd to wuh cure and desputclr Be sure to recoilect ilie plnco. 2 G. F. HARRISON &. CO. 5 Bntlle Creck. 1847. ' 303 TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber has conutnutly Tor tale good nüsortment of heavv W00LEN CLOTIIS, wcll adapted lo the country niarket whích he wil! sell at wholcEale or reíail, lovv. Cali and see them ai tho Mi-nhaitan Stork. VV. RAYMOND. 275-tf Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Ventisi, FIRST ROOM QVER. C. 11. ó Y?.; ROOT's STORK, JRANE & JEWETT's RLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. C CLARK, Attarney and Counselor, nnd Jus-.ico oí the Pcaco Olhce. Court House, Ann Arbor. 2K)tfTli9 excellent coinpuuud is for sale by the propnelor's Agents. MAYNAUDS. 2Ü3-ly STORE. Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Si ore scvth of the Square on Main Slrect. THE SubFcrihcr, having rcceivetl his winto stock, wc uld rcspecUully invito to its inej-ection Cainiry Dc;ilere, MechnniCfi. nnd Farincrs. Lonfidem ílmi they will find thcnesortmeni íi generulunil cnhi píele, , and the prices as low (with ih cfiargo for iransportnuoo on heavy gotis) as m any cstablishineBt of the kiixd in Detroit. His stock is comprised in part of the foüowin articks FOR BLACKSMITIIS.Jiininm. Swedes. and OU S;ible Bar Iron ; Jrthinfa nm! Peru rotmd nui square Iron, hom :]-Hhhs ti) o iiichcs; Band, Hoop, Sialu, and [oree Shoe iron, n!l sizes : IVórwegian and Old Sublc Nuil Jlodg; Ameiican. SwecJes, F.ngliih Biisier.Geimnn, and Cnst Steels, Albnny Spring Steel, Albany n-.nde Wngoh nnd Seni Springs, Wagon Büxls. Kleigh nnd Cune: Slioos, Mnllt!il.le Cfatinga ol every possible foim, Horie Día i Is, Bor.-ix. Dorso Shoe Simpes, Bugg) BanHí, Anniiatrfi Moüsp ilole nnd Wriglu's Anvilgj Conrel Keyed V ces, Wcsi's Bellow?, Sledgci nn.d Mnnd ilnmnie.'s. IIollow Augcrs, Files und ll;i:['si ut ' cvery shnpc and size. F.OII CAlU'i.iNTEUS,A fill nssortnicnt of casto n Iicnth and 3Iow}dm Tool ; I'lnne Irons ; Millwriht, Framinj Corner. Ducfc Billj Firmar, nnri Turni'njz Chinela ; JVJillwright, Tuining. nnd Firnier Gougta : Concave, Concave Nut, nnd Cornmon Aupers : Aager-lijpëd} Cenin;. Spoon. Gonpc. arn GímhleiBilts; il;ni(l. Panel, Buck, Cttqiinss, nr tí Keyhole S:ivs : Sirel nncf ron Squares; Tiy Siiyaes, pifil licvels : Spiíii Levéis ; 2 and 4 luid Rules.; Bioad. 1 1 ai d. and Nnrrow Axes ; Adzes. Hammers, Sctis oí Brnces and Bilis. FOIt BUILÜKRS. Cm Nils ffpra 21 to COd, ought Naif, Brond heiid and Finiflnn ITaili. Cut Brad8, Diy üt'ul Mi.SL'd Keitef. LinSfed Oil ; " Bellcvernon" Glasslrom 7 by 9 lo 10 by 14 ; American and Norfolk Lniclics ; Aniericun nnd Knglish Rm, Muriisc, and C(illne Locks and Láteles, wi Roscwnoi). Brns. Mineral, nnd Pfiijcd Knobs ; Casi, Tariíl'. and VVröughi Bults; Screws, olií', Door Hls nnd Furniluie, Brnss Knocktrs, Citern Ptuiifij. THE FARMERS, will í .d overy u'vnsil ihoy rrquíre. Axei, Manureand I'í:l"Ii Foik. Jron nnd Cnst Sli-el Shnv. els nnd Sondes. Grass and Ccncjle Syrhes. Grairt !-o-ps. il.'cs. Grvitói:i Uofis. Siraw Knivei, Crowbars. Pick Axtp. Wool and Morse Cnrds, Horse Bruslics and Cnrry Conibs, Lug, Trac. Coil, VVrnpping. nnd Hnlier Chains.UOUSEKEEPERS, rnn select Oom the most splendid asnrtmciit oí mcric::n ant Englisli Table Cii'.loiy, Shear, Scissors; Pen and pocket Knivcs; Butler Knivw, Irdii. UriitHnnia, (Jermnn Silver. and Plaied Te ;ind Tnble Spoun.8 ; Bullnnnia Ten and Coffeo Po's; J3t;:ss, Iron. and Biitinnnia Candleslicks and Lninps. Snuflers nnd Trays, Tea Tray, Brons nnd Frón Arulirons, Shovels, and Tongs, Brass Keitlrs and P.iüs, gd írón'j, &c. &c, toüeiher witli a targe assortmea at Albay' Cui COOK, PAP LOR & BOX STOVES, nn( wlncli. [inving purchesed for Cash, he will o fier at ino3t renson:lle lerrrs. ilÈNRY W. WELLES. Ann Arlor. Der. ;}. 84Q. 2X-y 'TISH J. B. SíiiTH. assisicd ly Mss P. --A p iV.r.r,nnnunc9s to ihe pvibiiL ih'at $V? ï pri-pnred lo n-eeive jonn-r ii ics iito lirr (=choo) theh.-isniient lomu ol the Ppi;pol Church. - For (jii:merof '12 weeks, for English brunches fi om $210 ó; Frcnch and Liitin emh $!oxtiu il u sued logeiher wiih :I-e Englifh studies, pr gopniiiulv. :r ench. The gclwjol wi'lbe fiirnishcd wiih n Phüoüophicnl npjmratus; nnd occasional leciuits givtn on the iNatunil Sc:oi pr's. Mrs. Ijuphs viU arive nstrncn'on to nll wl.o dtsireit. n AJugip. PiuyPL, Paiptipt and iccdlework. Miss Smiih refers to the followinppfnlif mon: Professuis U illmnis. Ten J rock, nnd Whccdon f ihe Universiiy; Kev. V. S. Ciirííí, Rev. .Mr. Simons. ReV, C. V. 'Jnylor, Hon. E. Muniy, Win. 8. IVlaynnriJ jEeg, Ann Arbor. April 29. lS-,'6. 2C2-tf CHEA? STOVES AT VrSILANTl! ■jQ COOKING &.PARLOR STOVES, t- just reedvecj. by ihe Subfoiber, (mosi!y from Alhnny) mnking a gnnd ssormient of the Intest and best patterns. which - be sold nt Lote Piices!. not to be undersol ia 9de Lukí Ene! AI30, Copper Furniture, C'nuWron KcttFes, (Tól)uV Ware of all sizes, Stove Pipe, Shcel Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnniifnctnrcd. nnd constantly kept on hand which vvill tilso bc sold very low. P. S.- Purchnscrs will do vvo)J to cali nnd examine for their own satibfaction. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. J:me 20, 1846. 27lt FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind ofcoun try Produce, daddlcs, Bridles,Rarness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk F(í9?j, Carvet Bags, Sf AIso a Doa assortmeiu of Vhi?s fc Lashw, which wfll be sold very low, nnd no mistake, at COOK & ROÜINSOK'S. Ann Arbor. August 12, 1846, 277-tf LOÖ1HËRËÏT EOSÏOH CASH STOEJ: Na. 2 V-icliungn Building, Ouc Door South uj' the Ezchumrc Hotel. U] per Toten ANN AllDOll, M1VH. 1$í2W& (& 5 B 23 S JUST received nnd opening, for sale Cheap for Cash, bei ng ONE OF the best nseortiiicnts of D R Y Q O O DS eycf beforo of(erod in tliis Market - sticli us-z BROADCLOTHS, CAS8IMEREÍ3, SATINETS. PRINTS. SIMRT1NG AND SHEET1NG, VESTINGS. PLAIDS, SHAWLS. A LARGE ASSORTAJENT, &c, and almost every thing in the Dry Goode lina, too numerous to tnention - all ol which are of the latest and most Fdshïonnble Shjlcs. The public are invited to cali nnd examine this STOCK OF GOODS, and to judijc lor thetnsulves. Goods will Lic shown nt all timps, nnd every nilention pnid to thosc whovisit the Boston Cash Store, üon't forget the number, No. 2, Ex. ehange Building, Upper Town, Boston Cash Store. MAINS, M'DOWELL & CO. Ann Arbor, January, 1647. 298-tf BRASSÖLOCKS. A lorge Ipt of 'Au hour and 8 dny Brasa Clocka for sale, at 14 and $22 by the case. J, W. TÍLLMAN.


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