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We gave last week a pnrt of the subjtance of iMr. Colhou u's speech, in reply loMri Turnpy, in which he acknowleigf d his agenc in the Annéxation of Texas, and assigned as a renson for his haste, the npprehension lest, "a fatal blow might be injlicicd vpon Slavery." He conti nued : The Rio Grande was not fixed as the boundary j it wns left open, to be settled upon liberal principies, and a correspondence had been opened with the Mexienn Government upon that very subject. The true canse of the War was the niarch of Gen. Taylor to the Rio Grande. Mr. Calhoun referred to the proof in a letter, Nhowing a correspondence between Gen. Tnylor aud Gen. Arista, in which the latter ngretd that if Gen. Taylor remained North of the San Colorado fthe next river South of the Nuecesf) ihere would be no hoíle colusión between the Mexican and the American forces- önd there would be no war. The President hns not the authority to define the boundary. If the President may settle boundaries at his option, he may make war whenever he pleases. The Northerut boondary was unseitled from 1783 down to Iö43, when it wassettkd bv the Senator fr mMassnchusents, (Mr. Webster.) Duriig i nll thaí intrval no President liad i ed any troo,is io tfccirpy fhat boundary. i VVhen Washington was Presideni, the i British held possession of Detroit, and FortSinnwix, fnow Utica, N. Y.j And why did not Washington mnrch an army to expel them ? Becaiïse the President was not the war-making power. Returning, then, to the question of his poütical cortsistency, Mr.C. said he was no party man. He wetit Tor the mensures which he believed ío be righf, and with the pnrfy xvho advocated ihem. All hi lile he had occupied an independent position. He had joined in no caucuses on eitherside, except in Í84Í, when he believed it recessary to deféat a series of measüres hich he beliefd tobe wrong. As to the insiniration about ihe Pres:dency. everybody saw that it pointed at him, nnd it would have boen mire manly, nt least, if the Senator from Tenncssee had namec him. As to the war, Mr. Colhoun said he deplored its beglnning-he deplorea the wny it had been carried on. When foi j that GeD. Taylor had bOen ordsrodlo the Rio Grande, he weuld scarcely be lieve il - he did not al firsi ; but when ha found it was so, he told ihe Senntor from Delawarethat his marcb ought to be arrested. Mr. Colhoün said that why h did not interpose was, that he did not wish to lose his infiuence with the Adminis tration pending the danger of an Uregon walmand he desired to get out of that difficulty first, as the most important, and still hoped it might be done in time to sav# a wnr with Mexico But for that he should have moved a resolution recalling Gen. Taylor from the Rio Grande.- Upon the Oregon question he was free to sav thal lie believed he had rendered somservice tohis country. During the debate, Mr. Westcott, of Florión, a Democrat, attacked the administrotion in the roughest slylo. 11 Mr W. said, since he had been her he hnd been rather puzzled to know what was democracy. He had followed soma of the great lights of the Democratie party, Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Benton and oth ers, but he found it impossible to folio all of ;hem at the same time, as they went different waysl. Sir, said Mr. VM in a loud and env phatic manneand amidst perfect silence, " what is moáern democracy 1 At thii day and under thts administration, it i nothing more than n parly combination to secure the loaves and fishes - the spoil ofoflïce!! [Great sensation.] Sir, tha people of the Uniied Stntes have no idea of the gross, feculent, festering coruption that exista here ; they have no conception of it. [Increased sensation nnd close i'.tcniion.] Sir, ifthe peojde of the United States supposed (here was a twentieth part of the rotlenness and corruption that is to be found here in this city of Washington, they would in 24 hours assemble here nnd pitch the whole govern ment, the President,Heads of Depatments, bath Houses of Congress, all inío the Poturnac, nnd set up a better, and they would doright. - [Much merriment and sonsa i ion.] Mr. Westcotl pursued this strain o f re mark for some prodücing a vtry itrong eflect.' Mr. Corwinj Senator from Ohio, madd his maiden speech on the S3,0Ö0f000 bill. He took these nositions, in substance : 1. That we had long insulted nnd abused Mexico bjr wresting from her Texas. 2. Thnt the President's message wwf a fabrication of falsehoods.3; I nat tho war viras cotnmenced by us without cause. 4. That t on result in no benefit to our nntiom". 6. That it isotir duty lo withholdall sunplies for cari ving it Oft. 6. That we must withdraw our troops from Mexico, and offer her terms of peace. Mr. Corwin, H is said, through th present session, has uniformly voted a-" g linst all suppüe of men and money for rosecuting tho war. This Speech haa exciied very considerable attention thro' the country. We shall publish a part of t, as soon as we cnn find room. The Ohio Tiue Democrat,, the orgnn of thsf Anti-ilavery Whigs of Ohio, says :" 1 he speech, nnd the votes m opposition to the 28,000,090 Lom Bill, and the Army Bi}}, place iMr. Cortfin at ones ■ t the head of ihose ' Young WhigV' who are Iaboring to prevent the extensión ofslavery, and to bring nbout such i reformntion, in thp administration of tho' Government, as is called lor by the principies of freecTom and the Cofetitution." A great seneation was made in ne House oti Saturday, by tire ent ranee of the venerable John Adárns, detaincd hitherto' from hisseat by illness. Mr Hunt was speakin'g a: the time. He im-' mediately suspended his remark?, nnd the House, with one unanimous sentiment, rose to receive the venerable nnd vene-'rated philanthropist and itaUsman". Mr. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, who occupied previously hs ses-sion the former setii of. the Representative from Q'uincy, escorted l)im to hi i-hnir. He relinqüished ihïs set to Mr Adrims, nfter having adtiressed him, fhro' be Speaker,in a few eloquent & pertinent emarks ; to which Mr. Adirfts made aproprinte response - thanking Mr. Johnon for his and expfessinp ta he House his grent satisfactiort in meef ng them ngain at his cherished Jpost. - = Vlembersat' both poïiticaï purtres, with ai common feeling of entíre gladness gáthered around him and íe'nd'ered' their con-' gratulattons on his recoVery. Mr. Hunt nade, also, in his speechy proper allusioiï o the scène. Mr. Adams seems to have oot flesh, but neither strength of body or vigor of nvind. A messngevtas received from iheTres-dent respecting the proséciiion of the orar with Mexico, No overtures ofpncf h"d be"n necspted by Mexico He a6k for an additional völanteor farce fn canmquêixx of tb dlucharg of many ot th


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