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THE Getn of Scicncr, lVDnrt...eii. P.UM s'ml Mrtiltnlv: E. H. SANFORD, EDITOR. S EOOND VOLUME. The present facilité t,r, Êtid il.c incri'sing aémnnd for nformat.on un cha ai.ovc pr.nciples. havo mdueed nn NLARGD1ENT0FTHF. GLM. nn.l coii-q..Miily the pobiioiöoa o' on, I olumc , in two, Quartp Form on-I NEW TYPE. for preservación nnd binding, wi.h nn imlcx and JÏÏ-lpHBe m h cl,.., ot ihe Volume, in X CONTENTS. Th conrents of the Gem nre probabiy m infetttlrig reí rhi irn tover . Science . .n.l o the WevoH S:irfii nf:NUfE, ihm ilm ui any similar piper m the Uniieo" Stniea In sh-rt. the -iHMlli tone of ,8 coni.uis. a.l if ox,.oSnu... Of HO which w. 1 . plr'-r WfTHIN THE RfiACH OF IA KR Y PA M I.'iY, wils reinier it Joubty imcrteiing and piot;tablc. V. _; The Gkm of SctKWCR i puWiflied t F IFTY CENTS for six rnoniha. or ONE DOLLAtt a year i rfrrrtcí. A liberal dUcoutlí wI br rnnde to Clubs anl A.-nB PrMif ilwnng to subscribe, hnye only U? endose the amounl ■ let:er, directed to SANFORD & nROTHF.RS. Piihliohrr."! of the Gom of Scieuco, Ann Ar bor. Michigan. ET Editora wlio will give thi ProapwHii one, two. or thiea innions, shall nn.v.P tl-cu favors dnly rpciprocated. 29-l-l2w Temper anee House! 1847. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT. M!CH. DAXïKïi BAREY, hnvmg taken tliis wel! knuwn Stand, nml tl" oiighlr repnired it (lirnnshout. i xtrnsive Jy prepnred to accommodate hi fnemia ik! Ihf Travdlin? Public with a!l hose convemnre calculnted to make the-n conifort.iblo, and witb pricea to .uit the linies ! Meals, 535 C-n's. Easlem and Soulhern Stage Ofice kepl at tlus House. OT ÖmniUns and Bagage JYgin nlways on and to convey l'asiiiisurá ta and iro n the 11. use ATTENT10M THE WORLO ! ! Free Trade and Tailors Rlghls. TÈTE citizena of Ann Arbor nml vicmiiy, ot W.TïhtenawCoiiniy aiid Couñtiea ndjoining. nre infonnod rbnt is the time to p.-t com fortably CLOTUED ar.d FIXED UP for a CTliVcVv"rvrie3t kind of Cloth nnd THnW.ïngs enn be böughl ctieñp in Ann Arbbr,Lówer T„wn. andthere is n TAILOR opposiie G. AL. Beckley's Store, who canibeoutdineany wheie in thtsc pirts. ... . t u He is prepared to do work in the most Fashiohable S.yle, orfo.low the direction of his customers. and being poed of a largo share oí the xMilk of Hüma.i Kindness, hts ter.nsare established on the principie of LFE AND ET LIVE.'' He hM a peculiar trait in his cháwcter whch sbnuld be notlced, il i transre. vel trne a Cii-omers enn their ahi?n aj fhe tinie BDeciéed. FARMERS c-.n be cmn of poo fiS.nnn ensy setting GABVF.STS f. ?n! nr. ng!?m'edthat all kinds of Pfi'JDiCr (excep. cabbag) wiH be taken in exohange (or l.ta rv cea He cutí to order, and his garmenw art wir to fit if propcrly made up. gpRGl I Ann Arbor, Lowerown. Hcc. 5, lHi. FE ACE DECLAKED, AND A TRBATY rOB.S2SD, WHEREBY S. FELCH can hold Fkk.k Tinm: ai Comvf. cv. in BOOTS, snOKX, LE.1TII er, and JFindiags of all Ttinds. with all persons. Na ies or Forei-ners, on the followinu just and equa! terms v.i: Gol Attcles-Low Vnccs-heOAlylaij - and i'o Tnist. „ ,. The subscriber bavin? rally tefé3 'ne Credr Svstem to his ereat Iosí. both ol lance an- cásh, and hnving suffi-ied much RMa ï.y hie . ne cessity comptls 'him to collect hie pmj 'o;jiti harvest." as attrr hahvkst and xtwiu very alten come up missing." leayjog bim sad lu in the Boot-hole. He has come to the wiüí conclusión thnt certain eensible pir s did on .-. Inte occaéion. (tá to tal ot n husband, readL pau omi Shocmiiking ) ,u. -t,tfr 1 All Inat cin conform to the nbovr trea.y 'vill do well to cali on S. Felch Ann A,borLower Town, No. 4 Hurun Blockwb' they will nol be taxcJ for oiliere worfc whi neN.rB.y"All persons inilebted in nnr -ay ithe s-.bscriber. had be.ter cali and pay if thev are h-nw an' mean to keep so. Ann Arhor. Lowar Town. Jan. i. WWFURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING WAREJROOMS. STEVENS & ZVG, I thclower end of the Wnne Wook . lircnly "opposiie the MioaiOA fL?i$ hand a large assortment of FURrfnUKJ o. tfflrown mnuu acture, wbich they will tl vcry They als keep experiencsd Unhnlstcren.. and re prepurH to do all kinds of Uyholatenng ai the 6hrit'st noiioe. . Fnniiturc of sUÍkind mádfl to order of .h bet material, and gíj & ZUO. Detroit, Jamnry, 1, dtf. fJ7 íñÓWLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, Gi, ííS7Sx Cu, Saw„, G and 7 fcet. For sale at the of the Big Upper Town. - w WELhF.s. Ann Arbor, Jnn. 10, M7. 2'-H-ly LINSEED OILf TITE Subscril-er is mnnuraclunng Linnc Oil on un extensivo scale and he is aole tBUVP]iIERCIIAXTS AMD PAINTERS. on tenns more fnv .r.l.le for tl.em ihnn hnye evv before lcen oOered In ihis country, and he prepared to sup,,ly ordrrs f-r large or smull quan titics at pnces extremtly Uno. ZT Communications by mail vill be prompt lyattendedto. a L. LATOURETTE. Long Lnkc, GenesecCo. Mich. 283-1 y WAiED, at Perry's Bookstore, 5 Tons clean Cqttoo and Lmen 1 Ton Berswnx, and 3Ó00 Dollars in cash. ior the larscst assorl tnent of Bon'a and Stationery ever oflercd in tlus Víllnae. and at his usunl low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, J_t JUSTARRWED BY EXPRESS. THE Mozirt Collectton of Sncred Muic, b Y. Ive Jun - concaininc the -e!elrate( Chris; us nnd Miserere ly Zingarclli with Eng ll8TecTrs of Mueic will pleasc cali and exam „e thewerkat ?,„„ Bookwouis. (Xr 7, 146. -xi.■■ ■ lATHËÜ! LÜATHER? IJEATHER! ELDRED & CO., No. 123, Jefierson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, takc thus ipportiuiity to infrtnn iheir customers, and the public generally, thal ihey still continue to keep on hand a i'ull assortment of Spanisli K.ilc Leniher, Alsa, Lnstï and Pegs, Curriers' Tools, &c. S!aimliier!d do Hree and Coitur Leather, llcmliick umned Upper Leather, Cordevnn dü Oik '; ' " Morocco Skins, Fruncí) t.mned CalfSUiiii. Se;il da Onk nnd Hemlock inrined dn Goal Binding, , Uenilcck tanned Hurncssand Ciidlc Lenthcr, Deer and Lnmb do OaU " " " " White and Colored Linings, Rng and Top Lcntlipr, Printed do Skiiinü. Philnddpliin nnd Ohio; Shoe llusset do ming1. nnd Kit ol ;i!l kinds. Astlie Subscriben nre now mnnurnciuring their own Leather, they are prepared lo soll as low nsctin be ptircbnsed in thi.. market. Merchants and manufncturers wijl find il to their ndvantage to cali and examine our stook liefore jiurchnsing el".pwbpre. Cr? Cash and Leather exchanecd for Ilides ancSkins. b ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 248-1 yNEW'GOODS!"' Chcap for Cashü THJ3 Öubwribefebeg Irnve to iníofni ilieir oíd cusiaiiLM8. and the pulilic feSjnerully ilnt ihey nre now r-Teivingu large ánu p!rHid issortmeni oi English, Ameritan and TPVíi' india. GÖODS: Crockery, Shelf Hardicarc. Painis, Oils, Dyestujfs, Drugs and Medicines. A'#o n general as8 rtment ot JUON. snitable or Ironing Vaions and Bueies. NailRols. H')tso Slioca. and Horse Nnils, Shrci bon. Tin Ware anti Tin Píate - also a geneial assortment oí BOOTS SHOFS, thxk and tliín sale work, nnd custom work to suit purclmsers. Al! of wlnch ihey wiH s-cll on the lowcst ps?ible terms fur Cash or Bi tf.r Feeling confident ns e do. thnt we can nile it for ihe interest ofnll those wishir.e to purchase nny of tlte ati(ve montioncd Goods. we lo mosi énrnestly solicit t lenst on ofonr Goods anJ pricos be!orc pun-basiiig elsewhere. JAMES GIF5SON & CO. .% "c 3. ExciiE:nge lilock. Aun Albor, Lowor Town, Sept. 14, l-6 tf CLOCKS AND WATCHESf Jé2 ryH K Su'.'scnfierbns just !w m A_ rcceivcd. (nnd is con &f) 'a'rfntfv rceivmg) from =S2 Nt-w Yoikan elegant at d UJhR Wo" sclfcied asüorunent JewtJry, Cloo3s, "Walchcs, Jcc. wiiicii lio mielitis to jsejl aeio:isi nnj othercstablishineiH ilns bidé oí BufTilu tur retidy paij oíyamong wl.icli mav b" Rfúüd 'leollow .(!.;: n ood asormient cGold FingtT Ring?. Gold Üreast pins.Wristiets G'iard Chains a:td Keys. Silver Spoóhs, Germán Silvertea uid Tijble (firet rn;ility.) Siiver and Gt-rman do Su:;ir Ttmge, Silver Salt.MiisinidTiid (Ti-;.ni Jiooi. Buttpr Knives, Gold and íüKer J'encil Cases Cid Pens, ' '' Pencils, Silver and Germnn Silver Thinibles. Silver SpfctaclfS. Germán nnd Siffl do. G,.2ales=, Clothes. Hnir and To.-ili Hrusbe?, Lálher Hrushos. Raz'Ksand PócfcfJ Kriive?. Fine Shcars ar.d Siíisore. KniviF and Forks. BrittanniaTea Poisand Cnwof; Plíited, Brugs. nn(I Brittania Candíesncks. íánulFcrs &. Trays. Sliavm: ln'Xfs nnd So-ips. Cliipmai' Best Riizor Strop. Cñlfíind Mfrocci WnlletB. SilU and Cntion [.urpes. Violins nm' i?,. ws. Vioün and Basf Vtcil StrinsHH, Fluí, f, ■MÍfci. ClarionciP. Accordi on?- Miwf Bu. U 'or tbe saine. M.nto Scn'.s. Suri Pena nn( PweVzer, Pen entes. Fnuflniul Tolmcc" boxps. f v,,rv Dressinf Comb?. Sidi nnd Htñck and l'ockAl C-mih. NerdlecnpVs. Píele muf . W atél Pinnte inH 15 ushes. Tov Wnicnes. a srrent vnriety o l),ls. in short ;!Íe rren'fM vnriety -f toyp pvím rondi 10 mnrkei. wmk boxr6. cM'rcn's tn sene. CoWm? Haii Oils. RméllilU Sr.lts Cour! PlasTer. Ten Be-lis. Thermometer Oennnn Pipe. "Wood Prnci'v BP.APS -ANI VOO!) CLOTK-S. &.c. in fi ühnost" efery hmír to piense tlií fnney. L?dirjB nnd Geutle ncnT onll anH examine Tor yönf?e!vf. Cocl?8. Wntfhes nn.-l .lwelry rrpnir nnr. varmntod on short noiirp. Fbop nt lns oíd mnd. nppnsite )l. Pe( Uit'f brick Siorc. in the Store oceupdby M. WWfr pí B - Casb pnid for oíd Gold & Bilver. Ann Arhor. July Im, 184fi. 5i7l-ly FIES! FIREÜ Jl the cilizens ofAñnArlior. nnd ifee nrouiídinücouniry, tbat he continúes to a el os Vgent ofilic HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO M PAN Y, -nd will inmire Froperiy jigKit 'pscs by F'itp. u ihe.owcs' rale?, nnd iil dpspnich anri tcciir.icy. The Hartford Insii'ninr rómpñrty is onV f the ol.iest nnd most staMe in ihp country, and ill loase WWtnined hy ihcm Wfll luí- as they rv-i inve bcon- prompti-Y 1 Fin1 is . flnngrerins elemeni and noi U) bo iriíled wi:h: :hre!ore. mke up your mind to conrd npoina. it Ktfrl „os't LLav I A ícw houisde!ay niay be your ruin. Mr. Crívf.'s OfTico íp in Crnne 8 new BlocU. córner oí the Public Square, Ann Aibor. TEETH! TEETHf TEETIIH! MASTICATION and Articulntion, warranted by U.eir beinc; proptrly re plactd. S. D.BURKETT, will continue the piaouce l Df NTISTpY in all its vnrioua branche, viz : Sc;ilmg. F'illinc nndlnserting.;n go).l ph.tes or piv.tK. from nne lo nn eniire pph. Oíd pl;ites or misSts remodled. nnd mado equnl 10 ncw. OFFICE over C. P. Thompson & Co.'e Shor Store. Lndips who request it. can be waited un it tlieir dwellins. N. B Chnrgre? unusuallylow, nnd all kinds of PRODUCE ikcn. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. IP'fi. 293- tf CLOVER MAC til NES. TftR'ASHiNG M ' -.CMTvps ind Sproforí iré marte nnd solfí by hr9iil'í"; tlieir Mh hiñe Shop. near the Pepe MiH. Lwer Twn, Ann Atbor. KNAFP & IIAVILAND, Jan. 10, 1S46. 24T fAnn +trbor TÍIE Sub' -ribcr hnvitiii pnrchhPec? llie inter csi8 of J. M. Rrtckwpll in ihe Mnr'.UHusirtP". wonlrl nfitt-m 'lie inlnbi'nnts of this iinl fiHjoinine cntin'ies. iha he will roniinue rhtustne 8 ni ihe o Bt'and. in tne Upper Town. .enr ihe Presbyteriun Cliurch. and manufaciurfn order : Monumcnls, Gr-ve Slones Paint Sione, Tabïets, 8fc. 8c. TliO5(? wifhini: to nhrain iny irticl in liislin of husinepp wil) find hy oalliim thni ho hns nn nsBortfi rut if 'Wliiii' hnd Vafingated Mirble from tRfl Rnsiêrn Mnrhle Quirrion. which will be wrouoli' in M-i'Irrn sivlc. urul sold at o-i'prn pn rrp. sdfíing mmspomiion pnly. Gsll ""'1 ?" iheproof. W. F SPAULDïNfJ. Aun Arbor. Jnn. 30, 1847. . 272 IyTHE SUBSCHIBER has received his winter eick. vvlncl licolleia tur Cmk a greaily reducëd primes. The Public are invited to cnl!, examine, am! ;ii(le tor ilientsdvri. iow on hand. jind dal!) 'd-iug SOFAS5 ot ev"ry varicty and pat tem. .lid ilic l.nesi iiishiiin. pru-es lrm $30 mul upwïfó DIVANS; OTTOMANS. LOUNGES. BÍJKEA0S, ol all kinds, firom SI nnd up. Cenirc. Jard, Tea, Dre6S, l'icr, Dining, and Xet Tables. Watth. Cnrcdle, nnd Toilet Stands. Bedsieads- Muhogany, Muple, and Wilnui. ■rom $2 nnd up. Piuini P'oriCi ; Pinno Covers ; Pinno Stoolo Duuble nnd single Aljtiesaes oí hair, shuck, palón lenf, ut stiaw. Uoublp pnd single Cot Beiis-pnds. do do Writing Desks. CHAIRS. - TIip bet nsemlinent that cnn bbund west of New York and tlie cheapesl in tin city; Windsjr Chaire, a good nrticle, at $2 50 thÍCtt. Mnhognny Frcncli Cbairtt. hnirsrnt. n first rad' anide, nnd well rinislicd tur $:i 5 ). C'ish 'nly. Mnhognny Rockiug Chairs. bnir.-srat and b.ick. wHrrsin:ed good, at the low price of $12. for iht c;;i.-li onlv. Flnu nnd Cane Sent from Ga. ari'1 tip. Binl Cngi-3. pinin nnd giHery : Bird G!a8S's. ÍI. Horeca, nnd Toy Wheêlbarrnwa, forchil dien; P'iteni Sliower and tlip B:ith ; Boston Bnth Pan?, Canip S;ools. Unibrella and Hhi Stands; Fnncj Beüowj, Fooi Scrapers, Cam Sent Counter nnd Bont SiooU. Gdrtaín material, Tiibl; covers. PnieiK Post Office Bnlance.. Pic nu 3 Frames. Willow Wagons. Cradles, Cliairs Ciockfl. ni.d Bu.-keis ; Briitannia Tuble Castora, very cheap. Mnhcigriny nd Rosewood Veneers ; Vnrnisli ind Japan : Bronze. MMhoanny Knobs, Locks. plne. Curled Il.iir. and Cune Seats. Alp, n lTti iwrtitinfchi of American Cnslors. expre.'slv tor Cabjriet Mikcrs. vcry ciieap. Cash and the hií?hei mnrket p ice p-ud for iny qiinnri'y of Walnni and Clierry Lumber. I wtll nlso coirrnct for nny qufötlty of lire' 'nte Walnut Lnmbfr. to besawed to order, and elivered by the 1 st of Jun n xt. J W. T.LLMAiV. No. P7 Jefferson Avenue. Detroit, Jannnry 1. 147. J y THE LIBERTY MINST REL OVE HUNORKD COPIKS of the fifih pa tion of ibis bisihly popular work are for eale il the Signal office nt 50 eer e inrle. nr $4,5 I ier (io.en. Terms Cash. Xov is the time for Liberty choirs to tupply thenmelves. W1Í. S. BROWili, Attorncy Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICM. ( FFICE wi'f Muntt. Ksa. 297-1 y i 31 su ir GUÏTA11, BllAXS VIOL, AND VIÜLIN STIiiNGS, jiim received by Dec. ÍS), 1846. 206 C. BL18S.'T'íIE prccedm ngmu ís given to rcpreson ihe Insensible l'-fínraiun. (t ís ihé gren evacuitiun lor Uie ínj'puíiíies t ihfe body. Ji Wïll be-HOliced iliat u ihiek cloiuly nnsi issues from ill )oinis of til BjirtVce, which indícales tlvn ilús (.erspmmon ífowt uVinièruptèdlj tfüeh we. are in heulth, but censes wlteil iva are sick. Li ■ en riño t be susmitied without it. It s thrown !) Irom Ue blond niM othtr juicos ol liie body. and dispoBcs by tbis íneuns. ol nenrly all the itnIHiritic-s witliin us. The bluod. b ihis nfíenns only, würks iiselí pue. The Innguage of Scnp nireis, Min the Bluod s :he Life." It il evr becomes tñp'ure, it muy be Irnced direcily i" he sioppngo of the Insensible l'crspirntion. Ji never rcquiresnny imernnl medicines to cleanse it. ns it alwéys piirifiea ueelf by ító.owh be:it oñdaction. and throws olf nl ibe oHeniliog hnmos, ihroiiph the Insensible I'erspir.Mum. Tlins we see nll ibt is nocesenry wliin the blood is 8tngnant, or iníected, ia 10 open the pores, andit relieves itselt (rom ull iinpnrivy insíflotly. lisown heat and vitaluv are Biilfictcnt; without one partiële of tntdicine. éxpípl to open the pore lip'jn ihesurface Th.ts we 8f;0 ihe lolly 01 laking so mnch imernal remedies. All prnc:it"ners. how(.ver, dirret thcir fffiris to restore the Insensible perapirjttion, hut ii lo be not always tln; proper onc. The TholnpBÓnVnh, or insninc stam. tbe Ilydropnihisi slirouds .isin wethlllik ets. the Uomopath st denla out infínitissininls, ihe hleedsnnd di.sesu with ntercury,anl the hlustenng Quacli gurges us with pilis, pills. pilla. , . - To give snme idea of thenmniint of the I usen siblc l'erspiration. wo will sintethat tlnleumed Dr. Lewenho.-k. nnd the gieat Boerhíihve, auccrtained that five-eighihsol all we receive inio tlie stomach. Dnsi-ed olí' by this mans In otlieiwords. if we cat and drink eiglit pounds per doy. we evacuaré five pounds of it by the Insensible Persi ra on. Th. 8 is none othcr thon the used up ..f ihe blooil. nnd otlier juioe giving placo to the new and freeh ones. T. check th.s. tliereforc, is ti remin in the systcm fiv-eishlhs ol ill tlie virulent niuuerthat demanda thiuld Icavc ihe iiorty. Andeven wiiun this is the cuse, the bbod iö of so active a princjple. that 11 determines t oso p-micles to tlie ski i, whore they torm sciibs. pimples, ulcors. and oihsr spots. By a sndden tr.nsition Irom heat to cold. the pore's are 8t-tpped. ihe perpiranon ccases, and diseaso begina ai once tu dcvelopeitself. Henee, o stoppacc of this (low of the jusces, originales so niiiny comp];iin'8. It is by stopping the pores. hat ovcrv.v;Ims mankind wiih coughs. colds, and oonsunipnon?. Nine-temhs of the worl.l die from disemes induced by a sioppage oi the Insensible Perspira tton. Il ia f-asily sren. therefore, how nccessnry is the il,iw of ihi.8 aubtlc humor to the surtiice. to preserve hcalth. be atoppcd; it cannot hoeven checked, without i nducinu disenv. Let me ask nuw. every can. lid inind, what CÖursè ioemai ihe most reasonable to pursue. to unstoo the pores, alier ili-.-y are closed? Would you sjive phyaic tounsiop t:e pores? Or would yon apply s.imething that would do this upun the iurface, where the clogging aciunlly is? Would nol this b comnwn eens'--? And yK 1 kn-uvoi nu pliysician who niakes any external applicaiion to eiTe;t it. The rcason I assgn is, th".t no niedicine within their kiiówiedge. i cajjnbleol doihg it. ünder tbse circumsitances, I pres nt n phyaiciona. apdto nll otiiors. a preparaiion thains this power in is ftillest ex'ent. !t i Mc AL SMERIS ALL HBACrNO OlNTMEXl. n ihe WOli LD' S SALVEI Ii h"s P"wer iv restos pcr;=)iratiiii on ihe leet, on the head, around old sores, upon ihe chest. in short, iipgn :inyp;irtol ihe body, wheiher diacased iglulj or severely. Il bas power to cause all externa! s( res. scro■„I.mshiimois. skin diseafefl. pois-n..u? wounH. ■odibchargc thei i.uir.d matter, and then luat ' lúa a remedy that sweeps oiT the whole catalogue of etithneoua dis .rders. and restores iht euTire cuticle to i's healthry funcrions. It ís n re-nedy that the npcespity of so nanyand delcterious dniys tuken into thenach. . . It is a rc.iieily that ncitlier sickens. gives inconvenieñcc, or is dingerows to the intes ines. It preserves and delenila the iiirfnce from al! leranenient of its luncuons. while it kcips o,i.'ii tle channels for the blod to void all its impuriiies and dispose of all iie useleas paineles The enrtece is the outlct of five-eu.tuhs ol thi oile ntid used tip matter within It is pi ü ree I v' h miüions ol openinga to relieve tLe intcsiP8. Stop up theêo pores. nnd deüth knbeke ii y'nr door. It is riéhtW termed All Ueiilum. tur thare is scnrccly a disenso, e.vtenial r inter na!, thatit will not tieiufi'. 1 h'n'vé "scJ u lohelnst fourteen years, for nll disease.s of ih ■!i(?st. consuniption. liver, involvinii ihc uunos' Hjinger nnd respon'ibüity, nid l declnrc befor. fdieaven and mn. ihnt notin one single ense bat it fuilnd to licmfi . whon the patiënt was wi:hin the rench of mortal incans. I ïvivc had pliysicians. lenrncd in the profrssion; 1 have had ministers of the Gospel. Judg-8 on the Öench. Al?!ermpn and Lawyt-r. gen lemen ol' the highést erUttilioh and multitudes o1 the poor. use it in every varioty of Voy, nnd here has been hut one voice. ono iinired. n'niyér sal voice. saying, "McAlister, your üinUnent i.good!" COKSUMFTION. It cin hardly be credited that n snhf! can have iny efTect iipon the Innss. eoted ne tliey ar witliin ïhe system. Bat Wësny ncc tor al!, 'hni ihis Ointnient will reach the lun8 quirker thnii .tny medicine that can be given internally. Thus. i! pl.v-ed upon the clu-st. it penétrate dircctly te ho lit'pgs, sparatcB the poiaonapa p'irtu-les thai ire consuniing them, and e.xpels ihem from thi systsin I need not ay thnt it is curinsr persons ol Oon ■jun.ption coniniia'ly. altlioucli we are told it is loolishncsp. I cnre not what is sad. so long as[ can cure aevernl ihiusuud persons ytarly.HKAO ACHK. This Snlvc has ctiroil persons of tlie Hend Ache t I'S yeare standing, and wiio had t reduin!!) evcry week, fio that vomiting ofen tonk place. Denfness and Kar Ache are hdped witb thlike 8ucce88. os also Apne in the Face. COI.D FEKT. Consutnption. Livor eoninlainl, pnins in the chest or Bidé, fnllm of the h.'iir. one or the clhei alwaysnccompanies c-'ld feci Ii is a smeeign of disease in tlifl sytieni to have cold fret. The Silve will rnsiore (he Insensible Perspiration and ilius cüré éviéry ente InScrotula. Rrypipolas nd Snit Rlipum, anfl oihfrdispfisesof tliie nature. n imcrrinl remed) tías yct bet-n ditcöverèd ihnt is sn poórf. TIn ■inrne niay be faid of Bfoncbtti. Qumcy, Sort Throat, Piles, Spinal Oiseuses, Broken or Sort Breast.&c. And as fortlie Chcst Diseafsrs, s:irh ns Aeth ma. Pain. Oppr-8sion and ilie like, it is lliemosi wondcrfnl antidote in the World. F-r LivcrCcmplnini il is eqnally flica(Mon=: for Burns it hns not ha? iiaeqaal in tho World: nlao. F.xcresencPS of evety kind. guch a8 Wart?. Tumor?, Pimples, &c, it niakes clean work o) them all. SORE KTEfl. The inflnmmation and disease alwoyp lipfback of ihe hall of the rye in the socket Henre ihc ytfinfl of any medicinf musf rench the toni l the nflaovitiön or it wijl d linie goud The Snlvn. if mbhed on itie iéroplfS, wjll penetran ■lircci'y into thwflOcKet, The pores will bn open61, n proper perfspirarion will becfeftted and the 'Iien8" will soon pnM off'o the sur ace. PIMPLES OV THV. FACE, FRECKf.ES, TAN, MASCUI.I5E SKI, OROSS SBBF4CE. Itsfirst uotion ! exoel Jmor. Itwinut'cèasc BrawYn'g lili fhé tace :n Ircc l'rom imy maner (imt may bc ludjjed under tlifl sLin ony frequdïiily orenkmg "out 10 ihe tJttriace. lt ihcn lie.iis. Wheu ihcre is notlung bat grupsneès. 01 duil repnleivê surlace, it bgin.8 lo eolien nnd tiotten unul ilie skin becoines aw sinO'Hh nnd 'i-licnte a n cliiltl's. it ihKiw's n IrcshiK'Si nnd blusliiiif; o!or upon the now whne. Iruiispumu skin. i li t ts p'orlectiy ench.innng. Sonic iin.eria irasu oí Fieekk'.s it wul firbt start out tlmse limt hnVO laiií hulden nnn seen bui seldom. l'ur sitd ilie Salve and all will soon disajipear. wor.' vs. I'"pnrrnts knew liow lat.ü most tncd eines wpmto cliiklifii tnkon inwaully. tlicy wúiiíd !i slow to réioil wihe'iit. Espcei..lly lucrcuiinl lozencr:ü." cülled "mediciited lozengcs," pilla. &c The irutli is. no one c:m icll, invoriobly, whcii .v.iruiB nrc prcsont. NW lei mest y lo pircni. iliat lilis Salve willalwiys teil it a cliilcl hac wurm. It will drive every vusiige o( llicm n way. Tlns is i siiïipic nnd'snlc CUré. The'e ia i'iobably no mediciny on tlic fnre "f tlieeanli nt unce so sure and eo safe in the exmisión ol wollus. lt would be crupl, nay wickod, to give intornn, ('oulítlnl medicines, so lony aa a harinlcs, B.xicrnal one could be '';d. TO1LKT. Alilionsh I hnvé smd Intlc nbout it as a h.i'n isstoraiive, ypt I will siake it ngninsi ilie Woild! I'Iihv may lrnu ilieir O1I3 lnr nnc! nenr, nnel mine w i I í restore tle hnirtwo chsps to iheírbne. Ol.n SOKF.S. MOKTIFICATIONS. ULCKRS. KTC Thnt some Sores nrp un ouilei to ihtj impurítie- of the syBitMii, s liprniiBO lliey cnnnot píflís .ifi" throuali ihe nam nl clmnnule of the Insensible Per.-pirntion. If such sores nre healod up, the impurities innst h:ive sotnc other outlet. or ii will endanger ii e This is ihc ronson why it is impolitic to use ihe roninion Snlve of the dny n 8iieh cuses. For ihcy íinve no power lo opea othe nvenuPs. ti leí oíFthi'í murbid matter, and díe consrqitenees nre nlwnya lotul. Tlim Salvt1 will always providef'r sucli cniercoiicies. DISKaSKS OV CIMI.DRr.N. ÍIow many ihousnnds re swqpi o(T by pivinp iniern-1 medicines, whan tlifir yoürtgBodíe and tender frnmcsarc iin:ille to lCRr up agninsi Mum? Whule nrmie are tlius sent 10 thíi graves inerely tr in pouring into thoir wenk titomachs powerul dr.nga ond phyi-c! lt is to sucl thnt ihe Áll-FÍenling Üiiitment tendéis s'1 safe, ple.-.sant. and liarniless a cure Púch enn eg as Cronp. Cholio. Cholera InfnnHim. Worins, and al! Slimmer omfilainte. by whicli so many ehiUren die. the Oii.tnvnt will romove suspcedily and eun-ly, thnt n phyèician will nover be needed. Mothcrs! throlighóüt all this land. we now eolemnly and socrcdly doclaro to you ihat ihe All-Hcalmg Omnnont will Bive yotir children from nn early errve i f yon will use it. We nre not now actuoted by tht lonst desire to gain: but knowing ís we do thot vast büdics of iniíinte and children die early; which is snppost'd to be inevitable and impessible to prevent, we hold up our warninï voice, ind rf!c:l.ire in ihpíaccof (1ip whole world. CI11LÜREN NKED NOT DIE MORE TÍIAN OTIJERSÜBnt t is from the want cf proper nnurisl'mem nnd Hie constant driijrcinfr thcy nmlerco which mows diem duwn 08 üie rank graas falls befori the Bcytbe. iMutliers! wc repent ngnin. nnd f ihcy wcro tlii:)nst wO,rda wc were ever to utier. rnd oi cnurse past ihc rench oí nïl interest, we wotiltl sny, "use the All-Ilcnling Omliacni füi sicknets üinong cliildren." RÜF.OMATtSM. It removes nhriost iirmiecJiateJj' the infiatnnlion nnd swelling, whén the pain of coursc ceabes. rr.vEns. Tn cases of fever, tho difficulty lies in thf ptires beinc lcked up. so thnt the heat and persp:rntion ennnot pnseolF. If the lenst moiRturi could be started, ilie crisis iú pnsaed and ihf ;laner over. The Al!-Healing Ointment wil! in nll enset of fevers nlmpat instantly unluck tluskin and brin (bril) the porspirntion. KK.MM.K COMP1AIMSTnflnmntioti of the kjdn.eys, of the womli, nm' itofalhng down. wenkriess. nnd irri'pulnri'ty: in short, uil tho?o difilculiies whih nre freqncn" with fenmlep. (inj rendy nnd perninneni roliel. VÍA have had aged hidies teil na tbey could nrl live six nioriths wiih'ó'ui it Rut 10 f'emnles abou'. lo beenme mothers. if used forsome weeks antecedent t tbtir confiiietiHMit. very few o) thopr pnins and convulsión? whicb ottend tlem nt ihfli period will he feit. ThUfaci ought to beknuwn 'he world over. scai.d nrr). We have cnred cases thnt nctnnllv dofirdpverythine known. as well as i lic ahility of fif'eei )"r twety doctors. On man lold us he hm' pent $500 on hip childrrn without any benefit, when a few boxes of ihe Ointnietit cured them. con ns.People nced never be iroublcd with ihem if they wtll use i'. Ás a FAMILY MEDICINE, no innn can measure i9 val ue. So long uh the stnrs rol ■ long over the Henvena - si urne s nmn trend; ihe earth. subject t all thé inHrmiiics of th rtesh - so Ion; ae disonse and sickiiess is knowr, just so lonswill iIiír Ointmeru -e vecd nnd estceiiifd. When min censes froni ofTtlieeartli. ihen ihe dernniul wil! cense, nnd not tili then. 'J'o allay all apprehenaions on acpaunt oí he nsredients. in posscssirigflücK pnwerlulpropeiriêè, we willsinie tlinf it is cnnpoec) of some o ihe rnosi cuinmon and liarinles herls in cxibience There sno mercury nit. nscnn be ieet from ihe fnct that il does not injure the skinóni partirte, while.ii wiíl pn?p ilf'Mtph nnd phvsi the bowels. JA M F? McíAl ISTFR & CO. 1C8Souih etreft. N. York. Solo propriotor of ihe aliove Mefiicine. t' whom all C')mmunicitifn8 intifi lie nddres8C (poet pnid). Trice 5 cents nnd f0 cents. CCAUTION-XD A tho AU Henling Öinimeni has been rent !y counierlciied, we have triven 'his cnuiion to thepublie. thnt "no Oinimrnt will be genuine unlrss ih(B name of James AïcAlister. or.Jamei McAlisier& C'o.. are written with a prn upor every lnliel " The label is a steel en;rnviiig. with ihe figuro oí "Insensible l'erspiration" ot ihe f;ice. Now we hereby ofior a rewnrd of $.r(0. to Ik paid on convicnon. in nny of the constimte conrts I the United Sratcs. of nny individua! fjoun in e p'vr nnne and Oininient. iMYNAHD'S. Ann Arbor. Wh..ksnle Aa.-nis; Smith !fe Tyrell, Clmt.m: K"tchum & Smith, Tecumreh: I) C. Whitwood. Dcxtci: 11. t Boweri Manchesier: John Owen & Co.. Deroit; Hinrntañ &- Cook, Brouklyn. Dec. 18, 145. 214- lyOn Hand Again! THE Subscriber would respect fu II v noïify the public, that lic is loc ited iiict more in the villnge of Ann Arbir, nnd is preP'ircd to nccominodnie ilie conununity wiih : choico and wll pelected neportmeni of ZSFSW GGODSi oonsiptinc of Uk y Gnous, (.hwckhus. Hartwark, Boots and Shoks, Crockírt &c. &c. wliirli he wil! sell for KEA'DY I'AY as chci is the same qunliiy of Gooda can be had nt any oihcr ptorc in lown. rerpon8 who wish to mnke piirrlineesfor Cnsh. nt Gouh l'ricrs. will do wcll to tall bfjforcpurchu sins 'lefwliere. By kt-epins iho first qnaliiy oTarticIra. by sel! inc at Piiüill profits. and by n fiiir and lionoiaM cinirse in husmees, he expeds to mcrit a liberni slinre of public pmronnee. Moqt kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil! Hp tikfn in p'ivmeul for Goods. itT Dontfoigrt the place. - on tin Enst Sid ■t JVJnin 6trfx?t. h Irw (tours soiuli of th' Putlf Square, in the snmc store with C. IMiss. Jewelei M. WHEELER Ann Arbnr. Nov. 24. IP'6. W?-tf ATT A CITMENT NO TICE. S'.Tte of Miohicn. ) WaSIITKNAW CofNTT. John Diamond, vs. Miiihew Tously. JFSTICE COURT befoie Michnel Thompson Jusiice of the Penre. Áilnchrnent if-siiecí De. I8ih Jf46 : retnrnahle Dec. 2fiih IR-U! nt 8 .)'c!ock P M. Aiinchnu-nr reiurned, prrvrd b inkin_' iwelve or f"Uripcn luilu'ls Öf Wliem '"' ihc JPih of Dec. IP'IG. on rrturn dny conrt cnll oH. De'enel'int dir! not nnpenr. Couri adjournt(] n Jno. lfith 87. ai 2 o'dock P. M Couri idjnurned to Ftb. Gih. at 2 o'clock P. M. I certify the nbove to be n tianscript of hc above cntitled suit. th-8 42fith Jan. 1847. .lf.2 MICHAEL THOMPSON.BOOKS! BOOKSÜ H Ü at peury's rookstorf:. TO THE PUBLIC THE undcrsiiiiietl httvmg returned from New Yorü witli :i nt-w, laiu and vuluablc stock ,i Books, Slationery and Paper Ilavgings, e iiuw icii.'y lo scll lor Cush, uny fliing in hli me at Siis ik w semd on jMain eireet, oppoiic II. Bickerf8 Biick Store. Me will sny tt. liouk purchastTS. thni. ly his tff'iis last fiill 01 is re'iim Ironi New York. the piico ol t mlcvery thing in hU line hf)8 bccti sold lesa l.linn liereti'fore. aftd had il nol been for hiw, puichascrs would have conimued lopny the priccsheretofü] e clüirgcil. He can say also. that his finios have been be vond his most sanguine expectatidns. Bhowinp concliisively thnt a jniblir henelnrtor. olihuugh ever 60 eniid!. will not go unrewarded in ihis en liih icid conimiiniiy. He ia ilmnkliil l'"r ihé fnvors alrcntly hestowed. nnH wiKilri rcpecifully s-I ici t a Ciiniiniiiince of du nide : nnd he wniild say ! ihose whp never havo pórchaaéd books ol him, ihnr he wil! show tliem nrticlea and pricea wiili . leisure a1 nny time ihcy may cali wheilier iliey wish to purcliuee 01 noi. Cash orders from the couniry wil] bc attended to. nnd the books packed ns well as if the persons proeeni to attend the punchase?, fio will als-o bell to childon as cheap as thcir parents. i'urchasers will do wcll to examine his stock nnd iricfs Ixifore purchnpintr elsewhere. Don' f fardel 'the place; he svre yon cali flPERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Slrect, a few doors South cf the Public Square WM, R. rERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, 18)6. 2G9-tfTH R ES H ING MACHINES. TUE und!isign;d woulil inforin the publir ttiot he mnnuiacturps Horqe I'owers and Threshing Mnrluni'8 at Scio, oí 11 tupenor kinci in ven led by himselt'. Tlif9J Powcrs and M.ichinos nre pnrticnlnrl) adaptad lo tlie I16C of Farmeis who wish to hm Ihem lor thresliins: tlieir vn gr;in. The power, ihrcsher nnd fixturce Cali ill be loaricd into common sized wnpon lox and druwn wiih one [air ot horses. Tli.ey uie desined to be usort wiili four horsèsj and me nbundamly strong loi iliai nurnber, and may le snfely us-d witli si.x 01 picht norses wiih proper cnr. Thry wnrk wjtliIc88 8trenj:th ot horses aiüording to the amount ol business done than any oilier power, and will ihiesli gcneraüy nlxmt !()() buehels v hnt per i!y witli foui hores. In one inptflñce Í5H hushels wheat werc threshed. in three liours w'nh lour horees. Tliis I'ower atid Machine contnin all the ndvnntapes necessary to mukc tlitjin proliioble t. i!i' piirch.iKor. Tht-y nrt; stron and durable. - Th'-y .".re ensily moved front one place to another. The work of the ïotsrs is easy on thrsi po wei 8 n con pnrison to ohers. nnd the pnce is LOWF.R tlmn ntiy.óthcr power and ninchin1. hn ve ever been sold in the State, accordinc to the real valúe', The ternis of paytnèn't will be lihp rnl f..-r notes ihat yre known to be absolutely good. I have a number of Powers and Machine now roadv for snle and persons wishing to buj ure nvked to cali snon. CLKANERS. I expect to be prepnred wi h'n n few days t( make Cli-nners lor ihose who inny wnnt ihetn. utility and aQvanCneíá of Pover and Machine will appear evident to all on e.vaminiiii.' 'he reconunendoiions below. All persons aro cfliltioned nj; niakiru1 líjese I'owers and Machines: ih nndersigner having adoptcil the neci-ssary meaenree tor secu ring ctteis pnicni lor the same wilhiri the tnn required by atv. S. W. FOSTFR Scio, Washtonnw Co., fVTicli. . ïunelö, I31HRECOM MENO ATI OXS. DnrinLT ibe yeat 145. ocho ;lie umlersigno' nirc-hüseí! and Ueed eitlicr i'nrfivijltfaily or joint!) witli uthers. ore 'út S. VV. F-qier's ncwly in vented Horse Puwcrs nnd thrcching uinchihes imicI relieve they are bütrcr adnjited to tho use o Fnrmers wh'i w;int l'oveis and Mochines fm their own use thnn nny ether power nnd ilniulir wittiin our kni'wlcdíTo. Tlicy Bre coicüiatec' tobe npcd vith fóür hnreea nnd nre oí an)il s'reni'h for thíit unmber. Tliey nipenr lo 1i (tonsntictod in sucli n mnnncr ns to render líieii vcM-y dur;ihe wjih li'tle lifdiility nf getiing oufo order. 'íhcy nrfí eisüv movetl f--i)in one lo nnotlier. Tliey enn le woiked vviib nnv num lierof hnnds from fonr to .ialit, and will ihrcsluboi't 200 liusliels vti-nr pnr d.iy. J. A. POLHKJViUS. Scio," Wnshtcnaw co G. BLr.on. " T. R1CH.ARDSON, M SAMUr.L HVALT, 5. P. FOSTRll, " " N A. PflFLPS, " " ADAM S.VüTK, J M I?0WF.. J.imn. WM. VVALKRR. Webster, TI JOR WAHKEN, 1). SMALLKY. Lodi. I th'reahed Inwt fall and winter w.'th one of P. W. Fiier"p liors-e powprn. more ihnn ílfiort rbonsfind busbels crn;n The repnire brjuowef1 upon iie power nmonmed to only fi centr. nnr it was n goud order when I liad done thréshin? ] invuriiibly uí-ed six horpps. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. M;rion, Juno G. 7316. I purchnspd one ol S. W. Foster's horsi poweis lnsi (all nr)d have used it for j'.ibbing. J have used nmny diflerent kmds oí puweis nn' lifheve ibis is the best running power I havt ever e en. D. S. JiKNNET. Hamburg. June, 1810. We plirchnèed one of S. W. Fostcr's fíorji Powers hist fidl, nnd huve used it and tiimk it i.a firsl late Power. JFSSF. HALL. DANIEL S. MÁLL, REUBKN S. HALL, ílnmhurpr. June, 1846. 2(i9tKBH rt I i lit, 5 S NEW DRUG STORE, ï i Bnttle Creek, calcd the ? I$pothecarie& ISall f "YTST J-L-JL be found o cío, estinñtv and Í TT eotnplele isson inent -.,f Uiuys. Med L icint'8. Cheinicnls. Oi!s. Foiñta. Dye-Ö:ulls. ? Grucenes, Surírio-.l Instrumenis, Pnu-m ï Mtflicines, School JSunKs. Fnncy Goods. í Jfwelry, &c. purcliAéed idirectly ot ilio J ourters ; which ure nfiered to ihe C nily nt ns luir j;icr.s ib ui any oiher esinb i l:shment in the Siutc - Detroit nut exeep f PhvRicinns. Purgponp, rntl the' Trnt'c. ï will be supi!ird upon the loxcrst termt. - S l'iescripiiüfis nnJ ordvis atlci.dd tü witli rc anfl despntchy Be sure to rëcolléct t!i piuco. ï G. F. IlARRIöON &■ CO. K Rmilp Crfrk. 147. HOS 5 5fawawA figgggggeggggK TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. fBHE Sulisciiher hns constuntly lor 6ide J.. goorf nf8ortmtni of hfnvv WOOLEN CLOTHS, well ailnpted u c eoouniry inarke( which ho wil: :ell at wholesole or rciail, VKKT LOW. Cali Bnci see tliom at tlie Mmivttan Kiore. VV. A. RAYMOND, 273-tf Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ItOOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT'fSTORE, -CAÑE (fe JEWETï's BLOCK, l2Cl-tf ANN ARBOR. C CLARK, Attorney and Counselor, nnd Jus:ico of the Penco Ojtice. Coun Houee, Ann Arbor. 2T0tfThiB excellent compound id or solé by th proprietor'a Ágeme. MAYNAUDS. 2G3-lyivEiïïii& hardware S T OR E . Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Store scuth of the Square, on Main Streel. npflE Subscriber, hoving received hia winte JL BUick. wculd respectfully invite to its inieciion Ci'Uiiiry Dealere, Mechanica, ond Fnr[ncis. confident Ihal ihey will find the nssori ment is gem-rul nd complete, nnd the priccs op low [wiih ilie nddmoniil charge for tranportotion on heavy toods) ns at any establishment of the Kind in Dftroii. lus stock is comprised in part of the follawinL articles FOR BLACKSMITHS. Juninta. Swcdes. nnd Old Snllc Bar Iron ; J tl mata ond Peru round ni.d square Iron, from :t-I6tl)8 to 3 inchep; Band, Hoop. Stake, and Floise Sime Iron, all pizes ; Norweginn and Old Snhle Nüil Buds; American. Swedee, Engliah Bii8!cr.GtHTiiin, and Cast Sieels, Albany Spring Steel, Alduny mndo Wagon nnd Seat S tïnzn. Wagon Boxea, Sleigh and Cutte; Shoes, AlálIciidle Ccstings óf every possible foim, Horie Nails, Borax, norse Shoe Simpes, fiugg) B.-!Bctr AripUage Uouíq Hole and Wriglu'e Anvilr Cottrel Keyncl Victe. West's Bellowa, Sledges nnd Hiind Hnnimers.. Hollow Augers, Fües and Rasps of every shnpc nnd pize. FOR CARPENTEftS, A ful! nssortment of enstern Bcnth ond Rioulding Too Is : Plnneirons; Millwris;ht, Framing, Corner. Duck Bill, Firtner, nnrl Turnine Chiels : Millwright Tiuning, and Firmer Cougea ? Concavo, Cur.cuve Nut, and Common Autora; Auger-lipped, Centre, Spoon. Gonpe. nnd Gunhlet BittB ; H.ind, Pane!, Bntk. Coninnps, nnd Koyhole tíawa : Steel nnd Inn Squaies ; Try S'iunres. and Bevels : Spirit Levóle ; 2 and 4 IdIí) Rules ; Bioad. Hai d, nd Nnrrow Azea ; Adzes, Hnmmtrs. Set! ol Brncrs nnd Bilis.FOR BlüLDERS. Cwt Naila fröni 21 to GOd. Wrouht NaiF, Bronrt hekel mui Finishing Nuil f, Cm Bind, Dry una Mixed Lénd, Linsted Oil ; Bt-Hovtrnon" Glii-8 from 7 by 9 to 10 by 14 ; American ond Norfolk Laiches ; American nnd Engliih Rim, Mortise, nnd Coiinge Lóok'é mul Linche, witli Rusewood. 15rnss. Miuunil. nnd Pl.itcd Knobs ; C'néi, Tiirifl". nn.l Wroughr Bmiii; Screwp. Uo)iSf Doot Iitüd .md Furnituro, Bross Knuckers, Cielorn Pumps. THE FARMERS, wjll fi iJ evory ntonsi! ih;y requiro. Axíi. Mamnennd l'iicli Foiks, Iron nnd C'nst Slfel Shovels ond Sondes, Gr:iss nnd Cradle Syrlirs. Grain cenps, Hoes. Gruibinjr Moes. Sirnw Knivrs, Crowfaprs, Pi-ck Axe. Wool nnd Horve (..'nrdu, Horse Brnt-lips nnd Cutry Combe, Log, Trace, Coi], WrapjMiis-. nnd Holler Chnins. HOUSEKEEPEKS, can sf-Wt froti) the most spk-ndid ossortmfni of inisricnn and Êficlisf) Tuble Ciulery, Shcarn, Stissus: I'en nnd i'ockei Knive8;#Bytlr Krtives, Iron. BlitthrVnia, Genuan SiJver. md PJntcd Tra md Tnble Spoons ; Briiinnnin Tea nnd Cofil Poib : Brnss, Irori. nnd Briltannia Cnndlrsiicki nnd LnmpH, SmiJTeo Jind Trays, Ten Tray, Brawnnd Inn Aridironn. Shovels, nnd Tonga, Hrr.?s Kenl"K hrid Pnils, S;id lion?. Ac. &c, ii'gdhcr wiili u Inrpe nesortrñeni 01 Albany Cnsi COOK, PARLOR, fc BOX STOVES, !1 of which, inving purchüsed for Cosli, he will iTcr at inosi repsótlable terms. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor. Der. 3, 1846. 1 ySEX.ECT SCHOOL. 'j'Vf'ly B. ÍSmith. HWfiisufj Iry Miss S. --tJl Fif.i.p, ntiimurnes to public tbal slie if ;)ii').irrd i rtccive younr lncies into lirr rlol n vb: smient room pi the EpUjopnl Ciiurch. Tjck'ms - For qunrtor of 12 wceiis. for Jr.'nglirit bntu-hesfiom $t2hd $5', Frencli nnd Lnlin eavU $3; extra ii i.u sucJ togeiher wiih :he l.ngliïh studies, or sepmaicly, L5 ench. The school Will be Ininislied wnh a PhiloFophiml nppnrn;us; nnr) occasionn] itcturts given on ihc Kalurül Scic ci-8. Mis. Haphi WfH gi've nstrncion (o nll wl.o Icsire ii. in Music. Drawing, I'aintijig and NeeHU- woik. Miss SmifH refere to tlic folloviirigpcnlifn'fn: Professors Willitmis. Ten : rook, oud Wheodon Univer6iry: Rpv. V. S. Curtip, Ptv. Mr Simons, Rt v. C. C. 'laylor, Uon. E. Mun. .ly, Win. y. M.ivnnri! Vrq. Ann Arbor. April 29. l-'6. 2C2-tf CK2AP STOVES AT YPSILANTl! O COOKING & PAR LOR STOVES, jnst reci'ived. by ihe SuoFCiiler, (moiiy fmm Albany) nmking a goud nsBortmeni of the lalcsr nnd best pniterns. which will be fold at Loto Piicesl not to be undersold this side Lake Erie! Also, Topper Furniturr. Cnul(Jron Ke:ttt8, Mollow W.ire of all sizcs, Stove Pipe, Sheet Ir on, Zink, Are. TIN WARE! MnnurncMrcd. and conetantly kept on hand vvliich wiU nlo be 8oll voy low P. S. - l'urclmsere will do weíl to cali and wamine for tlieir own saiibl'acticin. J. M. BROWN. Ypsüanti. June 20, 1846. J71t FOR SALE CHEAP Fon CASH, or every kind of cour try Produce, Saddles, BridlcsHarness, Trunks, Valtses, Trunk Valites, Carpet Bags, %c. Alto a aooa assortmeiu o YVnirs &. Lashks, which will be sold vnry low, ond no mi-tfike, at (OOK RUBINSON'S. Ann Arhor, Aujinst 12. 1S4G. 277-tf LOOK HEREir EOSÏOÜT CASH STOHB: iV. 2 Esfffiange Builtmg. Ove Door Soutk vf' the Exciarinre Hotel. U vnr Toten ANN ARDOR. MlVH. JUST received an'! opm trisa íor snle Cheaf or Ciii-h. bing ONE OF the best ntiort' .items of 1) R Y GOUDS ever belorc ofler;d in this M.irkct - sitch as - BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMFRES, S.ATINEXS, PRINTS. SH1KT1NG ANE RMEETIN'G. VT.STÍNGS. PLAIDS, 3IIAWLS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. te. ind almost cve"y thing in the Dry Goode line loo nuinerous to niention - nll o which aro o ihe Intcst nnd most F(uhinnatle SSlylcs. Tb( public ure invitfd to cnll nnd 'xnniin this STOCK OF GOODS, nnrl tn judire ior tnoniselves. GoudH will l)e eliown at all times, and ever] nttoniion paid to those whoviiil the Boston CïI itore. Don't forgpt the nuwber, Ho 2, f 'bange Building, Upper Tuwn, Boeion Cae! Store. MA] NS. M'DOWELL & CO. Ann Arbor, Jnnnary. 1F47. 2i)8-tf BRASS CLOCKS. Alorgelotoi 'Av hour and dy Urnes Clocks for al at # 14 and S22 bv th ca8e. 302-HJ, W. TILLMAN.


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