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The Telegraph

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Col. Speed, ol Ithaca, N. Y. callod oi is last weok. He is on a tour through fhe State, prñ(xratory to the formation of ï Telegrnplv Company for the construction of a line from Detroit to Milwaukie, by way of the Central Railrond. - The estimated expense of construction is 8125 a müe. We understand that a route of this length woulc? render advisable about si.x stations ín Ihís Stato - say at Detroit, Ann Arbor, Jackson, Marshal!r Kalnmazoor arid at the Lake. - Col. Specií iníórnis us fhat the wholo work can be completed by Seplemberr i f entered upo i m medial el y. ín casO enough is rrot subscribed! on tlvis route íor the consíruction, the patenlees will takO a direction acrossthesouthern part of the of iho State from Lake Erie to Laka Michigin, which will shorten the distnne from BuíFalo to Milwaukie about 100 miles. I reíerence to the capacíly of a TeF egrnph lo do tho business of a community, in tho imperfect state ín which it has thus far been usedr we learn that t transmite letters at the rale of GO a min which is as fast as a rcady wrifercaa wrile, Bt oflk-ial documnts are put throu-gh much fasler, bscauso the words are contracted more or les?. Thengc of Gov. Youn-g of New York, wa tiansmittcd at tïïo wfcr of 93 letters to miiiutp. Tiie chaxga for n messngeof 15 words f rom New York fo FuilTtlo, OX' elusivo of the direction ís 50 cents. - This nmount covers the expense of writing and delivering the letter at the othrr end of tho route. For shorter distanco ihe charge is loss. Onr Legislatura hnve p.issed an act to facilítate the formation of Telegrapfo companies, but have required them to transmit news in regular order for each corner successively, as millers are required to grind for customers. The object of this is to prevent monopoly. A momont's reflection ought to convince the honorable gentlemen that this provisión would efFectually defeat the end they had in view. Supposo a steamer has just arrived in Boston with ihe news that Flour has advanced in Europo a dollar a barrel. The rich capitalist there, (if thi law were in operation in Massachusetts) would mmediatly communiente the news to hi agent here : and to givehim time to scour ihe whole country, and buy up all the Flour at low rates, he might occupy the Telegraph all day with putting through an old almanac, or any other trash. The Telegraph would be his, os long he wa disposed to pay for its uso, although hundreds might be waiting. A modificaron of the law would make it right. Lel th Telegraph company be required to trans mitforench person in order, but not ex ceeding a specified time, in case any oth er person was waiting. This would be both wise and equitable. It has been proposed to let the Company transmit for whom 'they pleosed : but the effect of this would be to throw the whole concern into the hands of tho rich : for the company would naturally bc most disposed to werk for thosö persons who paid them the most, in preference to transient customer-i.O? Tho Marshall Statesman, Whig, which occasionolly has much advice to give Abolitionists about the management of their cause, and is very solicitou to get their votes for its party, ie out for John McLean for President, and Zachery Taylor, a Planlalion Slaveholder, for Vice President Í Verily, the Statesman is a remarkable paper. 07= Col. Benton has declincd the office of Major General, proffered to him by the President.


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