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An experiment with the Submarine Telegraph, at Portsmouth, England, encourages the belief that the lightning news conve)'or will yet make the circuit of the globe. The account given of it states : The fact of the water acting as a ready return conductor was established beyond question j for, to test this most thoroughly, repeaied experimente were made, in the presence of the principal dockyard outhorities, including the heads of the departments. Therecan be no doubt, without reference to dislance, tho water will actas a return conductor in compleiing the circuit, Independent of the simpücity of this sub-marine teiegraph, it had an advantage which even the tclegraphs on land do not possess, in the event of accident it can be replaceil in ten minutes. The success of the trial here, has, ve understand, determined the inventors to Iny down their conternplated line across ihc channel from England to France under the sanction of the respective governments. The present Administrotion is pariial. hs influence is exerted entirely in one direction. To prove this, it is onlv necessary to enumérate its prominent acts, viz : 1. The Annexation ofTexns - for the South. 2. The Sub-Treasury - fur the South. 3. The TarifT of" 1846 for the Souih. 4. The Extensión of Slavery - for the South 5. A War- for the South. 6. Veto of the Harbor bill- for the North.- -Albany Jmtrnal.A PlIILOSOPHEft IN THE PoOR HoUSE. - Among thé three thousand foreignerá now confined in the Alms-House in this city, is a learned Gerrnan, Dr. Heideerg, who was oncea prracher, then o professor in the Berlín nnd Hulle Universities, an nuthor, a doctor of philosophy, a rationalist, nnd now fnlmost f course) a pauper. He came to this country n! o ït two years ugo, whère he suppost J his great learnitig would find n marie et. He is a master of the Hebre w, Greok, Latin, French and and Germán Innguages, a bitter reviler of the Christjan religión, and at the samo time the object of Christian charity. It is said that l)e has been brought io his present condition by the uniied iniluence of bis infi. del principies and the worst species of ntemperence. - N. Y. Express. Two hundred and two suicides were commiitcd in the United States last year. Of this number, 38 were by cutting the throat; 51 hanging; 29 shooting ; 25 ; 22 poison ; 10 jumping from a heiglit ; 6 stabbing ; 6 undor rnilroad cars ; 16 unknown. Of this numbor 59 wore insane, 15 drunk ; 18 remorse and d ipair. Makixo Moxey by Magic. - The famed " Magician," Herr Alexander, is said to nave made 15,000 during the last year, by the exhibition of his wonderful tricks atsleight of hand, &c. SWEET MUSIC OF A BaTTLE FlELD. While Bonaparte was surveying the field where occurred the terrible battle of Montebello, between the French and Austrinns, Marshall Lannes, in describing to him the eilect of the Aus trian cannon, said: "7 could hcar the bones crash in my división Uke hail stones agninst the windows." Horrid. - A servant girl in the family of Gen. H. B. Duryea, of Brooklyn, N. Y. last week sent all her earnings, $30, to her friends in Ireland, and on Monday received information that her faiher mothor, brothers, and sisters, eight in number, had died of starvntion. The poor gir], as may be expecied, is frantic. Another girl, in the family of N. B Morse, received information that two o; her sisters had died ofstarvaiion. Pay or officers in the Army - The pay of a Coloncl is $166 per month ; Lieutenant Colonel, $145 ; Major, S120 Captain, $79 ; lst Lieut., 60; 2d Lieut., 64. Eebellisiiino a Stort. - The St. Louis Reville of Fob. 26, has some late news from Santa Fe, through a Mr. Coons, who, wilh three others, left that city on the 14th of January. Among other romantic stories, Mr. Coons tells the fullowing : " Previously to . his departure, an express had arrived, bringing inlelligence ol the fight between Doniphan's command and the Mexicans. The Express was cnrried to Santa Fe by Thomas Forsyth of this County, who also stated to Mr. C. beside the written report he had brought in ot the battle, that noarly three wagoii loads af the euemy' 's grenadier caps, or shakos, werc piched up on the field, the fiont píate of everyone of which had been bored by a rifle ball. This is some evidence of the skill of the Missourians as markmen." Sha'le of old Siccius iJentntus ! what a story ! It puts us in mind of that sudden coming on of winter, that is raenlioned in Charles Observator, when ' the strenms froze over so sudoenly as to catch all the froga in the ice by the nape of their necks, and when upon a pond of three acres a two bushei basket full of frogs heads :ha! were left sticking in the ce wore kicked oiF and gathered up in the short snace of ten minutes." - Christian Citizen. A Long Thain. - A correspondent of the Rochester Democrat writes frmo Albany thus: "On our way east we passed the longest train of cars on the Boston and Albany road that has ever crossed the track. It was composed of 122 cars of an average length of 30 feet each, making a train of over 3700 feet, or near threc-quarters of a mile long, and all drawn byouc powerful engine. Exct'SAnLE. - Whilst a regimeot of volnntccrs werc marchei through Camargo (a. strict disciplinarían,) obssrved that one of the drunn did not beat, ordered a lieutemnt to inquiro the renson. The fellow, on being intenogrited, whispered to the li -utenant, I have two ducks and a tQrkey in my drum and the turkey is for the caplain." This bcing whispcred to the captain, hc exclaimed, M Why did'ni the drummer say he was lameï 1 do not want min to dothsirduty when they are not able."


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