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WELLMAN'S Illusía'ated líotany, VOL. ., 1847. edití: r,-j. l. comstock, wl d., Aulfwr of Rci.imj JW -il Pülosepty. CñcmíVrv. aUttefalogv, " fy Natural lii (o y r .i.:': '■'■■ B' J. C. LrJ.Mri '."UCK, EQ. Tfic iicd Botony ia rv Ion triinéru, for.aiUiouph iijwsbeen n existente but ono yenr, ii slretidy has a rn-u lation of nboin tivo .mi, n s.ÜOTcieíit numbur wi.ioh c;m:iot be s d oí" r.ny r n ork oí' ihe kinil. Itideéd, it b tl e („,jy :ier jiüblíshcÜ ín -lis country, w&tíh ■ ábilrty añd a Iob Ii í" . AVo thiii!. il ilictccoiul ycjr ol iíugol . . One rcas'Hi fói thifi op7!ia':i ■-. h '■ : t Jai it is now vory DOpulur, hflvin a ■ ■ ■ ids. Auoilicf very important êcuring iJj ái Ediloi for the c Ui 'vlm.o iioptil.Kity na -n til) thor ín (he'varrous tminches oí Science, Ï3 so xionsjvè ná tö Ieave his name faniltar o every eiudont nce in Uiis uoimny.- VVe are íul'.y - it li.o Bonny wiil, un(!or tho reí'. :it ív.i oís. Ovar !u tuverest inticfsm; a')il c i.'ito:d that it m1i;i1í becotnc ihc laniiard w aJt.. Ín ihc ctrúrsc of ts publicatiriñ, it will contin an Inúotlactíon 10 [he Natural Syitiím,ol Bolanv, a iborough TreoHW on Ihe are ;■- . g una ittipprtaní rMe F;n.Mlojy. Notices on Fosal ', 'i.'id deíciiptiuiif, botii si'í'-'ii: i ::c lar, oí" numerous fpeeica o( planta, tlü pioperrud oj which, medtuinal and . will be fully cxphiné In shori. it ís u tenii ..1 íSLproscni u complete view f ilioli'cöi and e's. dÍ8coverie8, and thco [tepartnient oí' ihc soicnec. The w!ioio ülustmted by s)lcndd eolored engrayings, tokn tVoiu Natura, i'ull sise, und ñniaihed i;i the i - f mvderi) art. This work is dèsigned to be emincntly popuIsr iii it3 np Itcátipai i.nd there enoiïgh tbat whieb lü strutigor thafl üclion uboui it to render it, ia no oui!;i:i:y degrec, ii;tercáting nnd instructíva Wo do not inleud i confine ouiselvcs to thc botr.n-c.l dj "I cío! p 1 a ni. but to tnakc ita tlióroughiy scienrific wnrk, in all te depnr.tmen' i" vvill a!s- pjve inforniniion on llio cuhivi'. -il óf i! .lus añil ilcv. i r. Inri word, ii wi!l co.:)imí the wJiolo scicnce. Vc give below íhe (rce opiuions ut tl;c pies?. ihe Christ'n Adv. &. íour.. edied by T E, L'-n U :-i. d. The prín .r na pro re ,iy. cxt.üicsitely doiso ; and thc :; nurvcl vi:h ns e, Low ihe work can b it iho loiv jr.'eü of .;o ptr annom, or iwo copies to an addrt-ss for 5. Kngravings C3n be chcnply tnuitipüed, but paíntings mttst . i.Mtoly. .-üid wiiiiotit the aid ot labor-savtrtg mauhinery. It will give us ie.i! plcasure ''io annoünce tiie succes-sive Durabers oi this bcautii'ul perioiücal, as we have heen le 1 to think t lie stu ly of Boany iidí only an innocent recreation. tu: emincnily proiuotive of picly.From Exciiange Papers. ÏLLTSTRATKD BOTAN Y- tfimbcr six of ery prctty fioral work ias been received. a.nd iá, ns usuil. filled with pintes rcpresenüng naiivc and foriijru flowers. and witli natitír re Lung thcreto. c iiivo hcreiofore spoken n térros oí commcmlaiionof thiswnrk. We ihink it superior to any thingot' ihe kind pubüshed. ILÍ.TSTRATKD BOTANY- To nl! lovers of the beauciiul in Nntureand Art, wc cpinmend this work as eminently wörifiy of p'atroflage. - N. Y. Tribune.ILLTStRATED BOTANY - Amona the v.-r:ous puhlyntions thnt flom our country, we FCf thi' we cnsider of more trterejt to the rïsi or awnilrpr ot Nature, than the iünstrafed Botay. It is iüuslrnted with from foiir to pía engravings cvery uiontii, handsoniely olored. rrprcrentiny :he p!ant true to nature, lts redding maner Í3 dcscripive cl' the plants nepresented, making it a vuluabie as ve!l as bejutiful work. TER MS. This work rrill bo pubhshed monthly. with from six to ten flowêré, hinJsomeiy paintcd, in each nurji'uer. PnVe, $3,00 a yeír, or two cop ies sent :o ne addresa for g5.00. ILr A verf li ?m! discount nllowed to ngenis. J. K. WEIXMAN, Publjaber & Froprietor. ?. 1 Ií5. Nássáú-st. Januaxy I, IS 17. P. S. "Ktliiora who havo pu!il?ahod otir Pms pectus for tle fi ?t yenr, wl'll plenst publisli the abovo for the tecond year. 'S. IL Publicbers of newspnpers who who wil! give the above ihree insertions, shall receive lic work or;e year. UTL'Ii A35VERTÏSEKS. Undcr this h.:od, wo publish, free of rhate the iiaine, residonce, and bi'&iiiess, of thoso who ■dvenise iri the SaNAL of Liukrty. S; W. FüSTir., Threshing Machines. Scio. ;i ,i J. W. Jil.vv.sAKü, Drugis:s, Anu Arbor. Comstock Sc Setk.ür, Morclionls, Jackaon. T. II. Ansí t;:ono, lint S.lore, Detroit. J. Gisson & Co., -Mertrnn:?. Anu Arbor. W. ii. i';..i,': J'. kscücr, Aun Abor. C. Cj-auk, Law Üüice, Ano Arbor. G. F. I . ; ■. Broker, Detroit. E. i. BoRÖERj Dontist, Ann Albor. lé&i Jeweler, Ánn A F. J. D. Crane. Insurance Of!ice,Ann Arbcr. D. L. Latourkttk, Linsecd Oil, Lakr. W. F. SpADLmNG. Marble Yard, Ann Arbor. Ks.krp &. íIavii.asj), M;ich:iiisis.. Ann Arbor. D. Baknev, Temperance Hdiisc, D. Q. F. .M.uuïisox & Cu., pruggidtfl, Iiuttle Cfièekj Mtch. Cook & Robi.sïo.s, Harncss Makeis, Ann Arhor. W. A. RiTMbstr, Merchafir, Detroit. J. M. Brou.v, Stovcs, Ypsiiartti. , M. Wnvsi. .::, Merchant, Ann Arbor. H. VV. WtLt-Ks, Ilard-.vare, Ann Arbor. J. Sphaguk. 'I'ailor, Ann Arbor. S. D, BdrMst, Dc-ntist, Ann Arbor. San ford & BnoTHF.Ks, Gem of Science. Stkyess et Zv.ov, Upholstcrers, Detroit. Wm y. Br.o.v.N, Attornev atLnw, Anu Arbor. S Fklch, Shoo Store, Ann Arbor. Mills Sc Martij Tailorti, Ann Arbor. J. W. Tnr.HN, Cbinet Ware, Detroit. Haixocx & IIavmjxd, Clothing Store, De troit. ÍNOALI.S, Lamb. & Fisher, Steani Mü!, Ann Arbor. C.iME into my enclosurc in Decc.Tihcrlast, a palé red IiÉIFEIt, aboui twp years olri. with a white Epot on her forchead, ond sonic wliite on the back and ihnks. The owner is requcBtcd -t- cali, pay charges., and take her awuy, orshe wtil be sold ccc.irdins io )a%v. WILL1AM LEN'iXON. Ann Arlar, Mardi 24, 1847; J09-8w AAA Kegs Albany and Troy Cut dJJr NailaHdio S.Jd. 20 Kegs Wrhught Nails Gd to 12d. 5J Boxes 4i Belleyemin " Giass from 7X9 to 10 X J-f. 50 Kegs pure Lead in Oil. 500 lbs. " dry. 300 Galons Linseed Oil. '20,000 feet Pire Lumbi r, seasoned, c'.ear stuff. Togothr with a ful! assortnient of Locks, Latches; Butts, Screws, Window Blind Paiten ings, &c. for sale at witnin B fraction of Detroit pnces, at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. IIENRTW. WELLS. Am Arbor, March 13, 1847. 303 COUNTY ORDERS. TF1HE bighestpricftpaid in cachby G.F. LewJL p, E;chnnt;c Broker, ppposjte tbc Insura:io Jian'i, Detroil, for orders un nny of the coun:48 in tho Suü o Michigan: nleoiorKtotfe wcurititw o! :iii '-'..''■- ..ui -tr. ut u-iit lunds Gtdl ml tl se. Dee 1. 1SI& '-41-ijTO TH? 'FARMERS. 'yfïfï s' Superior Wool Twine. ou'l B fnllnssoriinont of Fnrming utonsils of n!l kinds, Axèa, Shovels, Spndr-s Mnpure nnd Hay Porks, LOg .'Ki'! C:il!e Cluins, Ukisj Tee:h, títnw Ki.ncs. C'mv Hu. Pee!: A x es, 1 loe?, üo. lor 8i!c nt thoClG A.N VIL "STOKK. UVVïAX TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Ann Ailwr, ÑTnrfeh 13, 1847. 308 COÜI3TOCK & SEITMOUK, Dealers in Fancy and Staplc Dry Lood9 Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crocfcery $ Grocericn, al No. 3, Portcr's Blode, Sou'k :;tuc of ÏJie Puhlic Square, 308 JACK SON, MJCH. Te 2np c v a n c e SSo u se! 18-47. 18-17. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. ):ri:orr. MIOH, DASÏvï, BAR.KY, liavin lasten luis w.ell kiiowa Stuudj nm! tlio onf.'iil} fepaired : üro.iis(iout is now extensive ly )rti ucd to nrconuuodaio frienda ánd tl Tinvrümr; Pu!!ie wiih nll those convenience f-alculiffed to malie iIicmi coüifortablu, nnd wit prLccï to snit ih'é titoes ! Meahy f23 Cents. . Easlern and Sout.7 era Stdc Ojjice Üepi at this House. ÏÏT Onimtuè rfnd 15f}gnge Wnn nlways o nn'l io co!)vl-' Passengerd lo and Irom the House i'rcc o! i (j 296-6ia PIS A CE DECLARED A.ND A WHEREBY S. FELCII can hol ' Kil BE TftApJS D Cu.MAIEUCK IX BOOTS, SMOES, BjJEATIT vv, and Findiags of nll kindt. wii'n all poreons, Natives or Foi einers, on the followinij just and equal lerni, viz : G'i.itl AiV.cics - Loto Priu-s - RcadyJPu - tiurl Xo Trun'. The suhscriber baying ful ly tcsied the Cred Sysicin to his greai loss. bmli of conlilciico ai.c c isl, and havitfg sulicted tnuch loss by Cue, nt cessiiy cotnpels him to colleci his pmj ' bJ- liartcst," as fí'Freft ti A vest and nkxtfall, very ofton come up " missing," leaving him sai Ij 'm the Boot-hole. He has come to the san conclii&iuu ihat certain sensible giils did on late occasion. (Ice to tal or ni Imsband, rcad puij or ii) Shocmdking) All pirsons that can conform ir the nben tréaty wi:i do weli to cali on S. Folch, Ann A !or, Lowet To%vn, No. 4 Hurón Block, wher tliey wili not be taxeJ for oihcrs' work wii nevcr p'iy. N, B. All peïaons ndebrcd in nny way to the s'ibseriber, had beiier c'all and p'ay if tliey are honct aii'1 mean to keep so. L97-fim S. FELCU. Ann Arbor, Lowor Town, Jan. i, ítí-17. pOVVLAND'S bestMiJl Saws, 6, 6h, ÜL and 7 fect. Rou-land's best XCtit Saws, 6, fi.V and 7 feet. Kngüsh C. S. Pit Saw=. (l nnd 7 ieei. Superior American Mili Srlw Files, 10 to 1G inches- For sale at ihe sign of the Big A'nyfl, Upper Town. HFNRY W. WSLLESi Ann Arbor. Jan. 10, 1847. 298-lyLLYSEED OIL! ! THE Subscriber ia manufacturing Linseed Oil on an extensive scale and ho is able to sapply SlERCHAXTS AMD PAINTERS, on rerms more favorable for them than have ever before been oiTered In xhis country, and he i prepared t sjipply orders lor large or small quaníiíies nt pricea eïtrcincïy low. TT Communications by mail vill bc prompt !y atteiided lo. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lnke, Cenescc Co. Alich. 283-ly FïREI 3TIRS.'.' FJ. B. CRANC would respecifully notify ;ho citizens of Aon Aibor. and the surrovindin-i country, tliat lic continúes to actas Apen! cf ihb HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insure Propeiiy ngainst 'osses by Fire, at (he lov.-fï-r ratcs. and witli déspatch and nccnracy. The Hartford Insurance fompany 8 one ot the o!(?est and most etable in the. country, and all loisejsust.-iined by il,eni will bc - as tliey ever have been - i-komi-tíy iaid ! Fire is a dangerous element and not to be trifled with: 'Jiereiore. make up your mind to guard a::ainsr. it and üos't U0..1Ï I A few iiours dclay inay be your ruin. .Mr. Crane's Office is in Crane's ncw Block. corner oí the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 280-tf TEETU TE E TH TE E TH MASTÍCATION and Articulation, warranted by their being properly re placed. S. 3. BUR2METT, u-i!l continue the practice of DENTISTIiY n OU iis variousbi anches, viz : Scaling, f'illin'. and Insertina;on goW platcs or pivots. from one to an entire Old plates or misfits remodled. and made cqual to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store. Ladios who request it, can be waited on at tliuir d'-velüngs. IV. P. Charges unususlly low, and all kinds of PRODUCE tnken. Ano Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293- tl WA iVTEÖ, at Perry's Bookstore, 5 Tons clean Cotton and Linen Rage, 1 Ton Berswax, and 3."i00 Diillars'in cash, for tho largest nssnrt ment of Boo'cs and Staüonery ever offered in thig Villoge. and at his usual low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Viiiage, Oct. 7, 1 8-lfï. 2öC-tf JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS. r J1HE IVInzirt Collection of Sacicd Music, by JL E. Ives Jun - contamina the cclchratcd -Chris'.usand Miserere by Zingnrelü with Eng lish '.sorda. Teachers of :Muac will please cal! nnd examne the work at Pkht ie jutoüe. October 7, Ifi4ï 28C-tf THE LIBERTY MINST REL ONK HUN DR ED COPIES of the fifih cm tion of this higlily popular wrk are for snle il the Signal ofFice nt 50 cenfs single, or 4.50 rsr dozen. Terms Cash. No'-v is the limo lor Liberty choira to supply themsef vee. VM. S. BKOWiV, Attorney $■ Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. CFFICE with E. Mundy, Esq. 297-1 y BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of 3hourand8 day Brasa Clocks for sale, ai S;M and $22 by the case. 302-tf J. W. TILLMAN MEDICAL B00KS. A NEW lot oí Medical Böoks. jnst opencd and for ale cheap for nt June 15. 270-tf Prnnt'sÊnn Qi'bor ■ THK Subscnber havirii,' ;i,idi;i;til liic uu-resis of J. M. Rockwell in iho ÍVliir,ílc Musini--. woüld inform ?ho imnibnahM oí' thte and ndjoinins countics. ifcal lic will continue tiie businc s ni tlic old stand, in the Upper Tów.n, nenr ihe Prcsbyierian Church. and manufacture to order : Monument 's, Grive Sfones Paint Stone, Tableta, $c. Sfc. Thosc wisbingjtó obtain nny ariicle in liisline of business wil] lind by calliiiR that lie has on iissortment of White and Vnriegated Maible from the Enetern Marbje Quarries. wlueh vijl he wrouglit in Modern style, and sold nt onstern prices. hdciing traiiiponmion only. Cnll nnd jei ihe proof. VV. F. SPAULDJNG. Ann Arbor, J;m. 30, IS 17. 27a ly NEW GOODS! Cheap for Cash!! T VilV. Suiiscribers bcii lenve 10 inform iheir JL old custoiners, and ilie ])ubhc ynendly. ih it tliey nre now receivinga laige and sploidid assorlmeiu oí Englisk, American and West India, GOODS, Crockery, Shelf Harchcarc, Paints, Oits, Dyestvffs, Dntgs and Medicines. Also a general assurtment of 1RON, smtabjo for iruning Wagsons and Buggies, Nail Rods, Hoise Slioes. and Horse NaÜB, Sheet l.-oti. Tin Waro nnd Tin JPlato - also a general a;eur ment of BOOTS SHOES, thfck and tbin sale woik, and custom work t suit purchasers. All of which iliey will tel! o ihe lo.WOét possible terms for Cash or Baiïtkr Feline confidehl as -ve do, that we can innK it for the interest ofnll those wishíííg to pu chase any of the above mentioncd Goods, u do most earnestly solicit ut lenst nn invesiigaiio of our Goods and prieel betbre purchaeing clse wliero. JAMES GIBSON & CO. JYo. . Excita nge ISlock. Ann Arbor, Lower 'J'own, Sept. il, Jt?-i(j. 282-tf CLOCKS ÁÑD WAT CHES.'! Isí f I TÍIE Subscriberhas jus &!e'm reueived, (nnd is con nf Lrfvstaiu' receiving) fioi fífS. M N'cw Vüikan elegant ai vV ! 'ilsR wc" 6t-'lcctctl assortmen JTcwelry, CIocSs, IVaíchcs tSc. 5c. which ho intends lo sell as luw as ai an other establishínent lilis tide ot Buflalo Cor retid pay only ainong which may be found thelollow nf: a eood assortment o Gold Finger Rings, Gold Bronst pins,Wristlet Guard Chains nnd Keys, Silver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea nnd Table Spoons (first quality.) Silver and Germán do SugarTongs, Silver Sah.Mu&tnrd and Cream BpooiiP. Butter Knivcs, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens, " Pencils, Silver and Germnn Silver Thtmbles. Silver Spcctaclcs, Germán ana Steel do. Oogoles, Clothes. Unir nnd Tooth Brttshps, Luther BiusheS; Rozors.and Pocket Knives, Fine Slic-trs am íSc-íl-jius, Knives and Forks, lirittanniaTen P.otsand Caslors. Plated, Brass, nnd Brittania Candlesttcke, Snuilcrs ifcTrayt, SKaving boxesnnd Soaps, liapman's ÍJest Ra.or Strop, Cnlfand Morocco Valléis. Silk and Cotlon purses. Violins and Ï0W8, Vtolin and Bass Viol Strings, Flntes, ''ifes. Clarionets, Accordeons - Music Books or thc same. Motto Seáis, Steel Pens and i'weezers, Pen cases. Snufl'and Tobáceo boxes, voiy Dressing Combs. Side nnd Bnck and Pocket Combs, Needloca8os, Stelcttoes, WaterPaints nnd Bruahes, Toy Watches, a great variety uf )olls. in short thc greatest variety of loys ever ronght to this tnarket, Fancy work boxes, crfílIicn's ten setts. Cologne Hnir Oils. Smelling S.ilts, Court Plnstcr. Tea Bclls. Thermoineters. Germnn Pipcp, Wood Pencils, BRAHS AND WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fact nlmosl every hing to piense the faney. Ladics and Gentlenen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Watches and Jewelry repaired nnd vnrr.'mtcd on short noiice. Shop at his old iand. oppositt; II. I!e(.kr:r't brick Store, in the Store oceupted by M. VVheeler. CALVIN BLTSS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July Ist, 134(3. 27 ! - 1 y3 I - ' - r. -V; ■ f THE SUBSCRIBER has received his winter stock, which he offers for Cast at grcutly reduced p:iocs. The Public are invited to cal!, examine, anc judge for iheinselves. JNow on hand, and dniiy adding. SOFAS of every varieiy and pattern nd the laiest fasliion. prices Irom :?30 ond upwnrds. DIVAKS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES. BUREAUá, of all kinds, from $1 nnd up. Centre. Card, Tea, Dress, I'icr, Dining, nnc Nest Tabica. Wash, Candió, and Toilet Stands. Bedsteads - Muhogany, Maple, and Witóut, íroni $2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stonls. Doublé aud single Matresses of hair. shuck, palni leaf, or siraw. Uouble and sinyle Col Beds'eads. do do Writing Desks. CHAIRS. - The bcst absortment tliat can bo -found west of New York and thc cheapest ín i his city. Windsor Chairs, a good article, at 2 50 the aett. Mahogany French ('hairs, hair sent, a first rate anide, and well finished for ,$í 50, Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, hátraeataad back, warrnnted good, at thc low prico of' 12, for the cash only. Flag and Cañe Seat froni Cs. and up. Bird Cages, plain and gaílery : Bird Glaases, Florees, and Toy Whcelbarrows, forchildren ; Patent Shower and Uip Baths ; üoston Bath Pans, Carnp Siools. Uinbreli.i and Hat Stands, Fanc Be'lows, Foot Scrapers, Cañe Seat Counter and Boat Stoolo. Curtain malcrinl. Tnble covers, Patent Post-OÍIlce Balances, Picture Frames. Willow Wagons, Oradles, Chairs. Clocks, and Babkets ; Brittannia Table Castors, very cheap. Mahogany and Rosewood Veneers ; Varnish and Japan : Bronze, Mahogany Knobs, Locks. Gluft, Curled Hair, nnd Cañe Sents. Algo, a large ossortment of American Castors, expre3fily for Cabinet Makers, vory cheap. Cash and the híghest mnrkct price paid for ny quantity of Walnut and Cherry Lumber. í wtll also contract for ony quntity of (irst ite Walnut Lumber, to be sawed to order, and elivered by the lst of June ne.xt. J. W. TÍLLMAN, Nvo. 87, JefJ'crson Avenue. Detroit, Jánunry 1, 1847. J y'"MIK proccding figuro is given to represen the ínsensíbje Perspiration. It is hè gcc evacuntion tbr the impuritics of tlie body. Jt wil! bc not eed ihat a ihick cloudy niisi rdáiics i'roin all poitus of the surtbce, whicli indícales ttint tliia perspiruiion flowá unUiiernlptedty when we are in healt'.i. lut ceasfs when we ure siek. (jift oannot le sustanu d witboiit t. It is tlirown of iVoni the blootl mui othcr juices of ilie body. and disposes by tliia meqns, of nearly all t!ie iüipuiuies within lis. The bloöd, liy ihfè ne.'ins only, wurks itsdt pure. Tlie language of Scrip turéis, "in tlie ülood is :lie Life." Il it ev,-r becomes impuro, it mny be traeed directly to th stoppagc of tlie Insensible Perspiration. It liever requires any intérhál medicines tQ cleanse it. at, it always purÜies ilteH by its uv.n h.-at undaelion. and thiows o ft' n'l ilie oilending hninors. throúgh ilie Insensible Porspftatfo'n. 'l'hns w see all that is noceesifty win-n ilie blood is stagnant, or inioeied. is 10 open the ppres, andit relieves iiM'If iruiii &!l impnrity ïhstaotly. ltsowi bont and viraittv are snrlïeient, wiihoul partido of medicine, exeept to open ilie pores 4 pon thf.sui Aire. Th is we s.e tlie folly or'ttfkihg so rhnch nternnl remedies. All practitioners, howcver, direct their cfFirts to restoro the lnsensibli perspiration, but il seetiia to ie not always tlie propr-r one. The TliompsoDian, for instanct .stean.s. i h e Hydropnthist shnnuis as in wet blankets, tho Iioinopath etdealaout iniinitissiinalí, iLe A!!inn:li:st bleeds nnd doses ua with n)crcúry,anc tlie hlustcrilig Quuck. gorges us with piils, pills pil Is. To ;i-e some idea of die amiinnt of theTnsen sible l'erspiriitiiin, we wil! state thnt thu loarnei Dr. Lcwenboek. and the grent Bocrhnuve.ascerf ainocl that tive-cighthsof all wereceive into the stoinaeh. passed o(' by this mcons. In othcr wordsj f we ent nnd drink eight pounds per day. . o cvr.cj-ie iivc pounds of it by the Insensible Perspirarion. Tliis is none olher théri the used tip particles of the blooil. and othcr juiee giving place to i h now and ijresli oiich. Tij clieck iln. tlicrefore, is lo retain in the systein fiv-eij;hths of all the virulent matieitliat nature demands sliould !ea t the body. And even wlien this is he case, }hc l)bud is of so active a princip!" that it determines t'iose particles to ihc ski 1, wiiere they foim senbs, piniplcs, uleers. and other.spota. 13y a sudden trnnsition (rom heat 10 cold, the pores are stopped. the porïpirntion censes, and disea6e begins at once to uevelopeitself. Menee. a stoijpittre of this flow of the juices, originales so many eompiniñts. It is hy stopping the pores. overwhehnb mankind wiih coughs. colds, and oonstiinpiions. iSine-lentlis of the world die f?öm dieéasêa induced by a Btoppugs oí the Insensible Perspira tion. Itis easily secn. iherefore, how nccessary ií the flow of fiiis subtle humor to the surface. to preserve health. It ennnot be atopped; it cühnot be even cheeked, without indueing dise;ts?. Let me ask now, evcry eandid mind. wl:at coinse seems the most reasonablc to pursue. lo unstoi) the pores, aller they are closcd? VVonld you give physic to unstop the pores.' Or would you npnly. soniething ihat would do tliia upon the surfnee, wberc the clogging actunlly i? Would not this be common senseí And yet I kno'wóf no physieian who makes any external application to elFeit it. Thcreason l assign is. that no medicine withiü t!ieir knowledge. is eapable of doing it. Under these circumstances, I present to physicians, and toall othors, a preparation that ins this power in itafnllest extent. It is RIcAL STKIVS ALL HF.AL1XG ÜIXTMENT, orthe VORLD'S SALVE! lt has power to restore perspiration on the fcet, on the head, around old sores, upon tho chest, in short, upon any part ol the body, whether diaeased süghtly or severely. It has power to cause all external sores, scrofulous fiumors, skin diseascs. poisonous wounds, to discharge their puthd matter, and Uien luals thein. It is n remedy tlint swecps off the wliole catelogue of cutaneous disorders, and restores ttu entire culiele to itshenlthy iunerions. It is o leniedy that furbidi tho ncesi-ity of so many and deleterious drugs taken into the slotnarh. It is n remedy tliat neitlier sickens. prives inconvenlence. or is dangerous to the iniesünes. It preserves and defemls the iiirface f rom ni! deranenient of its lunctions, while t keeps opèn t I;e channels lor the blood to void all its npurities and dispose of ail its useless particles. The il the outlet of iive-cilnhs of the bilo and used up matter within. It is pierced wiih millions ol opènings to relieve tke intcs..ïes. Stop up these pores, and death knockt at your door. It is rightly ter'med All-IIealing, !or there is srarcely a (lisease. external or internal, thatit will not benefit. 1 have used il for the last fourtef.-n years, for all diseases of the chest, consuinption. liver, involving the utmost danger and responibility. and 1 declare before Heaven and man. ihat not in one single ha? it failed to benc-fi'. when the patiënt was wkhin the roacb of mortal means. I have had physicinns, learned iri the profession; 1 hnve had ministeis of the Gospel, Judg?3on the Bench, Aláermen and Lawyura. gen tlemen ot'the higlmst erudition and multitudes of the poor, use it in every varicty of way. apd thcre has been but one voice, one united, universal voice, saying, "McAlister, your Üintaiem is good!" cortítíMPYroxi It can liDrdly be credited thnia salve can have any eflect upon the huiirs, teated as they are wi!iin the system. Bat wesay once for all, 'hat this Ointment will rench the lungs fjuicker than any medicine that can bc given intcrnally. Thus. t] placed upon the chest, it penetrales directly to tlie lungs, sepárales tho poisonous particles thn: are consuming thom, and expela them from the 8ystsm. Í need not eay that it is curiiigpersonsof Con8timption contitiually, altliough we are told it is oolishncss. I care not what is Baid, so long as [ can cure several thousand persons yearly. HKAD AC3IK. This Snlve hascured persons of the Hcad Aehe of 12 years standing, and who had it regularly every week, so thnt vomiting of.en took place. Deafness and Ear Ache are hr-lped with the ikc succesa. as also Aguc in tho Face. cold fki:t.Consumption. I-ivcr eomplnint, pains in tlie cliest or side, falling of lbo hair. oneor the other dlwaysacoornp.iniea cold feet. Ji is a sure sign of disease in the system to havo cold feet. The Salve wijl restore the Insensible I'erspiration nnd thu6 cure everj' caso. In Scrofuln, Krysipclaa and Salt Rheum, and other diseasesof this nature, no infernal renicfly lasyetbcen discovcrod that is ho good. The ame may bo said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore riir.iat, Pücs, Spinul Diseuses. Broken or Sore 3reast, Src. And as for the Chest Disenscs, sucli as Asthma, Pain, Opprcssion and tHelikê, t is the must vonderful antidote in the World. For Livor CcmpUint it is c-qualty eflicaciotis: or Burns it has not haeitBequal in the World: leo, Excreecncea of every kind, suclias Warts. 'umors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work o; i HM U Uil. SORE KYES. The inflnmmation nnd disease always licbbnck f the ball of tho eye in the socket. Ilence the irtue of any medicine must reach the seat oí ie inflnmation or it will do littlc (,'ood. The alve, if rubbcd on the temples. will ponctrate ircctly into the socket. The pores will boopend, a proper perspiration will becreated and the isease will eoon poes off to the surface. IMPI.ES ON THB FACE, FRKCKf.F.S, TAN, MASCULUfk SKI, GROSS 9BRFACE. lts frrst action toewoei h-umor. Ilwnot cease draw ing till ihe face in freo from nny maller thiit may bc lodyed HJïder the skin uiy frcquontlybreakjpg out toibo surlacc. li then he;ils. Wiicii diere is nothing hut grossness, ox dull 'repulsivo BtirCacë, it be'grns tö soitcn nnd buiten uuiil bucqrnes a.smot'th mul deJii-aic as a clnld's. jt tlirows a freshness and ulu.shing color uion the now white, iransparein sRia. tiltil ie pcricctly enchaiiting. Some lunetui cuso o i' Freek les it wiil. fir&t sirut out thoée that lii.vo lain bidden and sten buisddom. Pur alm ihè sSalye umi all will sooa diaappcar. I( ji.rciHs luiew how fatal most medicines vere lo ciiUdreu taken inwardly, thty would bo slow i.) resort to thein. Especially "inercuiial tozch„'(.-■," bolled "nedicated lozongesj" pil!, Sto. Tte tni th is, nu une cm teil, iñvariably, when worins are present. Now let me soy lopurpnW, dial tilia Salve ivlll aiways teil it a cliild has. wornis. It will drive evcry vesiige ol iliun oway. This is a simple and sale cure. There is probably no medicino on the face of ihceurth at once so surc and su safe in the expulsión of woini8. li would be crue!, ñáy wiYkr-d. to giv'o inte'rnal. c'ouiuiul medicines, sb long as a hartïïles, esternal onc couid Ue Iim!. "loll.LT. Alihough I iinve smd üitle nbout it as n haiij rssloralïve, yet J will stako iingainst iho Worldl They mny bfing ineïr öils laf and ní-r, nnd mine uill restore ihc h.nir uro cases to their onc. 01. 1) SOUKS. UIIK'I !1 1( Al IO.S.:, L.(I,KS. KTC. 'i'liat ébrfié Sores aro art oirtlet to tiie iu.purilie? ot t!u' syeu'ni, ia becniiQ tlicy cntitmt p'asa iii' i!iroii:;h iIk; naiu'ol chañnela of thq insensible Vcr? pi rat o ii. II' 8iich sorca nrc hcdled up', llië imRUrttitö i!iti! Invc .-.onie otlier outJci. pr it will endangor lile, 'l'liis is tlio roojBun why ii is impolitic ioi:.-e ihe roimnon Salvo of llieüay in .sik i r':.--. For iheyhave no power to pi u other aveniKS. to let oiïthis inoibid matuu-. and consrqiicMici'M are nlwaya Taujl. Tliis Salve -.villalways provnio lor sucli erjiergènpics.. DJSEASI 1 cmr.ilRE.N. Huw mnny thousandft are swopt otY hy pifng iniernül tnedi cines wban thoir younn bo i nnd tender fi ;i:nes-ai e unable to bcar óp ugain's ihem? W'hole hrniies aro llius Rent to thei gravea uu-rely trom pouring into litcir vv.eq jtomnchs poworful Urpga oud pLyaicë! il is t such that the AU-F!ealmir OiniMieni WWdeffl S sale, pkv.sant. and baitnlcss a curo Such ca ses as Croiip. C-iolie. Cholera iniatmini Worins, ati) all Sumnicr f-onifilninls. by whic so many clnl.lieii die, iho Oiiiimcnt will re müse su spec-dily andsurtlv, ih.i; a nliysicio will never be nceded. Mothers! ihrdughófl ill tliis huid. we now solnnwily and clare to yon tliat tlie Alí-'Hoaíing Oin tinent wi save your children from nn oarly grtve if yo will nse it. We are not now actuated by th casi dèsfré tó'cain; buit kVowing Via'we do tfto vas: bodies of int.ini and chihlien die carly wliicli is supposed li lie iiicvit.;!!c and iinpossi lle ii prevent, wc hold up our wárhih's vóiö'e nnd dficl.ife in the face of ilie wholi? world. CIJIMJUKN NEEO NOT 1)1 L MORT THAN ()!! Bnt it is rrörri the wanr ef 'proper uourisbnien nnd (he conslHiH idfuggiüg they uud -ryo wlue mows vliem dwn us liie rank grass faïlbbefor the scythe. Mpthersl we repeat again. and if (hey wer the last yiprúa we were ever to uttcr, and o ooiirse past tlie reach oT all interest, we woulc say. "use the All-llcaling Ointment for sicknes among children." RHRUMÁTlsar. [t removcrt nl:nost immediately the inflamaitou and swelling, when the pain oí' cours cèffwes. i'Kvtns. Tn cases of fever, tho difiicnlty ües in th pores being locked up. so that the h'éut and per spiration cannot pass off. If the lenst nioistur starten', ihe crisif. ia passed and tn danser over. The Ointment wi) in all cases of levers alinost iustantly unlück th skin and bring forih the perspirntion. KKM t.K COMTLAIMS. Inflqmation of the kidneys, of the woml, an itsfalliofi down, weaknees; and irrcgularity; ii short, all lho-e d.-ílictilties which are frequen with feinales, liiu] r'eody ancl permanont reliel We have had aged ladies teil us they cuiild hú live six months without it. IJm to lemaleaaboti tobecome mothers, if used forsome weeks ante cedent to thcir eonfineniont, very fow ófthose pains and convulsiona which attend thein at tho period will be feit. Thisfact ouglu to bc known ihe world over. SC.W-D HK.ID. We have cured cases that actuaHy defiedeve rythiny known. as well as the ability of fi Heen or twenty doctors. One man fold us he har ispent .-SíüOO on liis children without any benefit wbuii u few boxes of the Ointment cured ihem COltNS, People need never be troubled with ihem ;hey wili us it. Ás a FAMILY MF.DICINE, no man can meastire iis value: So lonj; as the stars rol ilong over the Heaveiis - so long as man tread tho earth, subject to all the iiifinnities öf th llesh - so long 06 discase and sickness is knowi - just so long will thifi Ointment be used an( esteemed. When min ceases from oif the, earth then thedenuind will cease. and not til! then. To allay all apprehensions on account of it ngredients. in possèssiiig such powerful proper ties, we willstate that it ie componed of some o tho most coinmon and lesa herbs in cxietenec There is no mercur'y init, asean be 3een from the fact that it does not injure the skin one partiële, while il will pass through and physic the bowcia. JAM ES McALISTKR & CO. lCSSouih etreet. N. York. So'e proprietor of ilio Medicine, t vvhoni all Communications musí he addressec (pust paid). Price 'JÓ cent? and 50 cents. 0CAUTION.o As the All-Heallng Ointment has been great ly counterfeitcd, we have gfvem this caution te ihepulilie, that "no Oiniment will be cnuine UnlesB the names of James McAlister, or James lyicAIísVór & Co., aro writfcn with a pen tpon every lade!." The label is a 6leel ensjroving with the liguro of luscnsible Perspiration" on the face. Pïow we herelty oíFer a rewardof S5Ü0, to be paid on conviction. in any of the constituted court8 of tho Un'nod State?, of any individual counterfeitint' oï.t name and Ointment. MAYNAPJD'S. Ann Arbor, Whoksnle Agents; Smiih & Tyréil; Clinton: Krtchum &. Smith, Tecumseh: ü. C. Whitwood, iexter; iï.t liower. Mauchesier; John Owen & Co.. Deroit; Hannan & Cook, Drooklyn. Dec. 18, lb'45. 2J4- ]g On Hand Again! rjSnFIE Subscriber would respectfully JL nolify the public, ihat he is located once more in the vil lage of Ann Arbor, and is preparcd to aceommodato tho community with a ciioice and well sclccted nssortment of NSW GOODS, consistintr of Duv Goous, (Jhocjíkiks, IIahdWARK, TioOTS AND SHOKS, CrOCKKRT, &C. tVc.. which he will ecll for RF.ADY PAY as cheap as the samo quality of Goods can be had at any othcr store in town. Persons who wieh to make purchasesfor Cash, at Cauh Pricce, will do well to cali buforepurchaeinc clsewhere. By keepin the fir.-t quality ofnrticlcs, by selling at 8mall profits, and by q luir and honorable coursc in business, he expecls to incrit a liberal share of public patronatre. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wijl be taken in pnymunt for Goods. O" Don't forgat the place, - on tho East Side of Main streu. a few doors souih of the Public Square, in the eninc store with C. IiÜ6s, Jeweler. M. An Arbor. Nov. 24, 18-16. 292-n FURNITURE & UPÍI0LSTEK1NG WAREJL00MS. STEVBWS & Z, ÍN tlielower end of tho Wliite Block. dircclly opposite the Michigan Exchvngí:, have on hand a large assortment of t'URNITURE, of thoirown tnanufacture, which they will geil vcry '.ow for Cash. They also keep experionc5d Upholstcrere, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholatering at the shortest notice. Furniture pf 11 kinds made to order of the est material, and warranted. STEVENS fe ZUG. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. 297-lyBOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT PEKRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC TUF. uiidersiyned liaving returned fro:n New York witli a now, laiyo and valuablc stock of Books, 'Stalionery and Paper Hanghigs is now ready to scll for Cosli, fny iliing'tri his lino 11 1 !iis iicw dinml on Mam streel, appo site H-. Bëckèi'g Brick Stom. Mc will say i IJjok puichascrs. that. by hia ifTnisIast fill 01 liis rcurii froin jcw Yoik, the prico of nenrl) overy ihing in hU line hos bcén aold lesa tliai lici uiufoi e. aud had it nol been lor hini, puichascis wou!d have coniinued lopny the p:iceshere tol'oii; charged. I Je ciin say also, thnt liis miles have been bc vond his most sanguine expectiuions. slion-ini. eonchiFively ihat a public benefacior. altliöhgt ever o sm.ill. will not go unrewardod in thiscii lighiencd comruuniiy. Hfi 3 thnnkl'nlfor the. favorsalrcniJy bestowed nnil wpuld respectfully solicita eonlinuanw ol'iht tVdde; aiul lie would sa to those who ntvcr havt puichaïed .books o! hini, ihxt he will thow tneii anieles and pticis wiih (.leisure ut any iÍiik ilu-y inay cali wheiher they wUli to párchase o noi. Cash orders froni the country wül be attcndci 10, and tlie looks packed as well as f the jcrsons wore pn?..i io rittend t!ie purchases. Ut will fil.'O seiJ to chilpVen as chcap as iheir parenis. ruiclin;;i.Msi wül do wrll in examine his stock and prices hofoe purchasing elsewhere. J?o?' forgrt the -place; he sure youcal at PIOUHY'S BOOK STORE, on Mah Street, a few doors Sonlh of the Public 8quarc. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Juno 27, ÏÖ16. íüü-tf TH R ES H ING MACHINES. THE undei8ined would nform the puhlit he inariiilaciures Jlorse Powers nii( Threshjnè Mochines at Scio, ol a tuperior kin( invcnitd by iniiseK; Thos l'owxrs and iMnchinee nre p.irticularlj adiiptcd to the use of Farmers who wish to iibt t.hem lor tnrWeJiirig their i.un giíín. The power. ili!t;hiri aiul ii.viiiK-s can all be loncied into ; cóhimbn Iz'efl wiipon boi and drawn wiih onc pair of hor$es. They ure designed to be usti wiih tour horses. and are pbnndaniJy irong ior that nuinber. and may be sátefy uscd with six or etght nijrses wjih proper caro. They work witl : strenhjot horsea aceording to theamotm o bu6Íñess done than nny oihc-r pf), and wil tbresh eenerally aboui yOO bushels wheat per day witb ioiir Imr.-es. In oce rifKancó 158 bushels wheat wcro thrcblied in three hours witli our horses. This I'ower and Machine contain all thend fnntages necessary to niake thein proiitablc to i!h' pwrcli.iser. They are siron-,' and durable.- Thty ensily moved froni one place to amuher. The work of the horses is easy on these poweis in con.parison to óihers. und the price is LOWRR iban pny'ètticr power and machine, have ever been sold in ihe Süire. okédTiimg to the real vnliie. The terms of pnymont will be liberal Uit notes iliat are known to bo absoluith good. I have a number of Powers and Machines now readv ior snle and persons wishiiii; io bu are invited to cafl soon. CLEANERS. I e.pcet lo be prepared wiihin a few days to meke Cleaners for those who may want theni. The ntility and advantages of "this Power and Machine, will appear evident to all on exntnininu he recoinniendations below. All persons are caniioned agai'rist ninking iIukc Powers and Mnchines; tho nndersignec having adoptcd the neeessary meaömes for üecu ring lefters patent for the same within the time required by law. 5. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washlnnaw Co., Mich.. June 18, I34G RECOilMENDATIONS. Durin the year Jí4ó, eechoííhe nnJersi'ne' purchosed and used eilher individtiaüy or joint! wiih others. oi:e of S. W. Koster's newly in vente! Ilon-e Powers nnd ihreshing lachincs. nnd bolfevè they nre boiler adapicd to the use of Farmers who wnt Powers and Machines tol their "wn ute tliñn any oihor power and thresh or wilhin our knav!, ■::„. Tl„v nie eu'loufifcd tobo uted wnh fourhoreOB and are of nmpksircngth ior that liiin.jb'ec. They pppear.toln eonsiructed in siu.ii a mnññef ns ro rë'iïrlcr titen vory durnbli; wi;h liit! IjabHity of getting out o order. They are e'xslly moved from one pcj to anodicr. They can bë ivork'ed w'üh unj mun berot'hands frönifuiirto tight, and will ihrcsl about 200 bus'iely whent pnr dny. n 'V, lrVLílOIÜy Stií.. Wabhtcnaw co T. RICHARDSOIV, " U ■ SAMUFL HKAT5F, =. P. FOS3?RR] " . N. A., ii ADA.M SMITH, {t ii J. M. B0WF..V. rJímo WM. WALKKÏi. WebMer THOS WAR!U:i, c D. MALJ.KY, Lodj. I threshed last fal and winter tmïi onc of S. V . Foster s liqrso poivers. more than fiftecn Ihoümnd bushels grain. The repairs hestowed uponthe poweramoimied toonly 64 cent and u was in good otxïèr whon I had done tÜreéníng 1 iiivanably used six horpes. . AARON YOÜxXGLOVE. Manon. June C. 181G. I purcíiased one of S. W. Foster's horet powers Inst fail and have used it for joÚtíiág'. 1 have used many diñ'crent kinds of powers" and bclieve tliis is thu best running power J havt ever fren. D. S. BEN NET. Hamburg. June, 181o. We purchaisèd one óf S. W. Fostcr's flor.e Powers lasi liill, and have used it and think it is a fïrst rate Power. JESSE HALL, DANJEL S. HALL, r, ; REÜBENS. HALL. Hamburg, June, 1846. 2G9-IÍ svBSMaMaigia:ggaw E AT TUE g f NEW DRUG STORE, 5Í in Baitlc Creek, called the S JBpothecariesi Hall, 3 J WT"- fuund a nao, extensivv, and C JJ H uompUle assonment et' Drugs, 5 5 icinea, Chemicids, Oils, Piiinis. l)ye-S:ufTs, S C Gruccncn, Surgic;il Instruments, Patent ï Medicines, School Books. Fancy Goods. fi A Jewelry, &c. purchoeed directly of the ? V porters ; which are offered to ihe Ja nity ut as loic p;ice.s as at any other í K liBhmeniin the Stato- Detroit not excep. fi S letl8 S Phyeicians, Surgeans, cnd"theTrade, B V will bo supplied upon the lowcst tervtt-.- S ? Prescriptions and orders attended to with C care nnd S ij 13e sure to rccollect the place. c G. F. HARRISON &, CO. S ] Battlo Creek, 1847. 303 Eg TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber hos constant ly for sale good ussortmont of heavv W00LEN CLOTHS, veil arJaptèd ld the country market which ho will ell at wliolesalc or retail, vkuy low. Cali and ee thoiu at the Manhattan Store. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOt'8 BTORE, ORANE 6i JEWETT's BLOCK, jfll-tf ANN ARBOR. C CL ARK, Attorney and Counselor, and Justico of the Peaco. Öflico. Cotirt louse, Aim Arbor. 3")!)tfThis excellent cumpound is í'or sale by tl0 proprietór's Agcius. MAYNARDS. 26J-Iy 'BV INDUSTRY WE THRlVE ! ' New and ï'ashionable TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. ' In the ono pregnant uljuci of CLOTIIES rightly iiiulortKicd. is included uil that men have thoughi, dretuned, don, and been; itic wholo exreinal UniVéree, and what t liolJs is but cloih. ing ; nnd ihc essence of all science lies in thu P.H ilosoi'iiï o r Ci.ü T il k s . - ÜarlyJe. THE SubscviLcrs haying formed a coparinorsliip Cor the pu'rpóèo óf carryirig on the Táiloriñg Business in all jts branches, would tak e tiiib rnctbod ofinj'orming the citizena of Arm Arbor and vicinity, that they may be found at thiir shop, .o. 19, south Main St., wlicc thêy are prepnred to do nll work in their line, in a marnier not to be surpaf-sed in fit,'ety)e, or durubiliry, by nny oihcr ia ihé S:ato. TlibBö gèntieineri nro particulnrjy invited (o cali wlio prëféc hoving their ganr.enls modo in a shop where none bui experjenced work men aro cmploycd, instead óf bting made by a shop lull of girls - tbr, be it known, ihat wc cntploy none but ijie beet of hands, and haring made icnnnncnl nnanpinu nts wiih G. C. Scott of New Yoik, ihc IN'npoloon of Fnshion Publishera, io be Bupplied wiih bis American oud European Sprin and Fall Fnshiuns, nnd alio bis 'Mirror ol Fushior.s," a Momhly IVriodical, devoied to the fcitncc of cuiting and mnking garments ol" nll kinds - ihcse iidvaninges. oitibméd wuh the atieniion ind experiencc of the subscrilerB, render? il almost an irnnuêsibilily of not being aLlo io ptcusc all, even the most lastidious. Particular otteniion wjlj be paid to the cutting ol" garnicnts whicli we do nol make. And l;oio we vvill state for the infoimntion ol all concerned, that tho common cry of the tnilors is all a hoa.x, wlien tlicy sny the taiJotrss hus ïjioiled the garinem - llierc is fío fiopi s nl inaktng n ood fit o( it ; when in nirujiy ïniic 8 otu ol eveiy hundred, the fnult lies at the cutier's door. Therefure, to put a veto on ihis method of doing bueinessi, iho subscriders are induced to all tlieir cutiing withiuit the un. versal proviso, ij' pTiiprrly vulde i p, but warrant it without any ij"s or umi's. Afthough we do not eat Durselves up ns ihp personification of periection, yet it will be bor;ic in niind ihat we mnke our ciiüiiit; si) ploin, thai a taüoicí ca:inol niake il up wrong il tbc uy. One ilmiL' n. ore ; we will cío onrvrk just as our custotner8 wisli i düñc, for we labor to [jlciiii iliem in lefeicncc io tht-ir wirk. and t;ot uiitse'vfs ; and in return, uc expect t hem to p'ease us by prompt pnymcrits. Althouoh '') be lovo of nioney is tlic root of nll evil," yct ns it is very n'ecessery in these degenerare times, we will make a libero! discount lor Ca&h. L. MILLS, C. E. MARTLW nn Arbor. Jnnuary4. 1847. 300-üm C2ISAP STOYSS AT XPSlLANTl! 1OÏ CO0KING &PARI.0R STOVLS, just reccived, by the Suófciiber, (moatly froin AIIany) inaking a good itsomi.r in tf( the latent nnd beat patterns. which will be pold at Lntc Prices! nut to bc undersold thiu side Lake Erie! A!so, Copper Funiiture, Gauluron Ke::les, Hollow Ware of ail sizes, Stove Pipe, Sht-et Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! M.-inuracltired. nnd constantly Kept on band which will nfsp bc to!d very low P. S. - l'ttrchnseïs will do well to cali and üxuininc for ihcirown satiolii'-'ion. J. M. BROW.V. Ypsilnnti. J-ne 20. 18-16. 5?li for'sXlë'1 CHEÁ'Pfoh CASH, or evciy kind of cour. try PfOdufC, Saddïcs BridlcsJTarncss, Trunks, Valises, Trunlc Fvo-, CurpetBags,Sfc. Also .-i 2OO0 ürïrtmerii ol ! l.siu.s which wiil bc HchJ mi' !mi-, riiidiio nii-tuke. r.t COCK Ar. JCOlJlNSO.N'S. Ann Arbor. Aygusi l', 1AG, '77-il' GL0THIB"3íí HAVK uow on hand, just manufacturcd under thoirown instruction. nt thuir well known CLOTHING EMPORIUM, curncr of Jjj'crsou and Wootlicard avenues, Dktkoit, one ' the largest and most complete assortmenis of iSeadtp Jïlade Clothmg ever beforc oílered in this State, which tliey nrc prep.ued to aeil at the vtiy lotast Cash prices, for these Cash times. Cali and sce ! ! Detroit, Jan. .", 1817. 593-tf CORIV, RYE & WBEAT. WANTED bythe subscribers, 10,000 boshela ol Curn- 10.0(;0 busheleof Rve, and 10.(10:) bushels of Whvat, delivered ut the Steam Mili, for which Cnsh will be pnid. INGALLS. LAMB, & FJSHRR. 4 Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, J 8 17. 2ü8-:f. W BR.IGHT and Black Log Chains, 16, G 16. 7-1G, &8-1G wrupping do. Straight and twisted link Trace do. üaltcr do. For eole very cheap nt ihe sign of the Big Anvil, Uppor Town. HE.NRY V. WELLES. Anti Arbor, Jan. 10, It47. 238-ly BLAaZS2EITHS' TCOLS. " RMITAGE Mouee Hole" Anvils. J. "Wriglu-s" do. dottere) Kcycd Viccs. Wcst's best Bellows, 30 to oG inchess. Sledges, Hand Uammers, Files and Rasp of eveiy kind, can be found at the Iron Store, ign of the Big Anvil. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Aroor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly BLANKS. Warranty Deeds, Quit-Claim Deed, MoRTGAGES, Chattel Mortgages, summonses, subpqexas, Attaciiments, executions, Lease.s, M asters' Deeds, FORECLOSURES IN CliANCERY, Marriage Certificates. The above are printed on good paper, after the most npproved forms, and eau be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. November 1, 1846.


Signal of Liberty
Old News