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Letter From A. A. Copeland

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Mr. Editor : - In accordance vvith your kind expression a Cew days since, saying, ' We ask the concurrrnce and co-operation of our Liberty friend-,' "give us your confiHence and command ours" ; I attempt a short reply to letters wliicli appeared in your peper a few weeks since, from Messra. Beckley and Nolle, addressed to "Friends of the Slave " and " inembers of the Liberty party." If I understandthem, they nearly agree on one point, that the Liberty party soinetime lince should have " defined its posytion " on other or "all questions of natiomil policy." Now I am a little surprised that tliese gentlemen should continue to complain of the course which nine-tenths of the Liberty party are determined to pursue when they disagree so much belween themseves, in regard to what course the party shou'd now pursue. Mr. B. says - " I now proclaim it to Whigs - to Democrats- to all the world, that the man wlio is right according to the above standard, and has the best chance of success, by whomsoever he may have been nominated, or tovatever party he mny belong. can have my suflrage." Mr. N. says, " there are serious objections 10 giving our votes for candidales of the two great polilical parties, alibough they may avow our sentiments ; and promise to ndopt our measures ; for in so doing, we lose our identity as a party, and nine times out of ten, such men will betray our interests ; for they ar still Whigs and Democrats, and when any great party measure is to be adopted, they go with their party, although tbay may have pledged themselves to the contrary. " Mr. B. says again, " but in case neither of the parties, nor their candidates come up to thi?, (or his) standard of antislavery action, our course is plain ; put in nomination men worlhy ofour support and give them our sufTrage." And fayther states, "that this is the course, as I now view the subject, for Liberty men to pursue, until something more fensiblo offers itself." Mr. N. continúes, "I am aware of the difficulties there will be of agreeing on other measures to adop!, and that the great question of Bank and Tariff, may be cast aside if need be, but unless soma different course is adopted by the Liberty pf rty, I shall pursue that one, which to rne is best calculated to procure for all, ihat equality of right to which they are entitled," and adds, " at some future time, ■ if I think best to do so, I will giv my views ns to measures the party ought to adopt." Now, Mr. Editor, I would ask Mr. B. first, how long we should wait before the time of election to see what men the other parties nomínate, and whether it would not be very difficult to satisfy Libsrty men, even if he was satisfied himself, of their fitness to fill the offices for which they were nominated. And I would also ask Mr. N. to make up his mind, and teil whst course he thinks our party should now pursue, and what course he intends to take, and nlso, " to define 'if he canj his position " on " on other questions of National policy ; as he i bound to do before Jie csn say wilh truth, that Hhousands stand nloof, look on, and pity our folly. ". I alsa consider the assprtion of Mr. N. not true, '■ that we have come to a stand, so fnr as numbers are concerned." According to the rpturns last fnll, thara was alarge .n crease in the Norlhrn States. We cannot be governed by a State, oounty, or town, as a party, when we speak of the increase of our strength.- - One reason why our party did not increase more in this state last year, wa, that some of those who wero in favor of a " new creed " did not vote. I do not wish to prolong this discussion, b'jt would sny, that 1 think it would bo a very difficult thing for the friends of new mensures to agree. Mr. B's. advice seemed to riishoarten some of our Liberty men in this town, from making n nomination this spring ; but we succeeded bevond any former year, by gaining some twelve votes that we have not had before, and witii very little exertion. I heard no one sav if you will add thii
hnt new mensure lo your creed wc JO wilh Voll. I baya not tima to trasver al! objpo ■n tlmse lettPi-s, but would simply ■, ths it s tvident to ntiy own inind, [hat a iinjority of tho Prienda cfinnot nnitc BTnrny nv crecJ. Thon I sny let us Íleon ibe plain strni' forwarrl, pros■ co'.irse wliicli tht Liberty party is mrsuing. artily rcjoice at the steodfastness . the party, that it has a fied purpose, .i, i i never wilj chango its course to picase líber o f ihe oíd parties uiitil ono of tliose ■! adopt our principies ; necording ■ t the resolution passed at the great Cinti Conveniion. Tha Southern pnperi giva a correct if the increase and strungtli f our party. The EJitor of tba N. O. Timos, saya w, aro " in.'reasing Inrg.'ly every year, ' Mr. C;i!hounsTys we now hold tho balon ; o{ power &c. The party is airead; rf.fpeí'tí'd as the "grint na'ioñal reform tvery reform party," nnd it hassen mnjority of re:il inti.slavory man. is no power on oarlh that can stay ivard progress, or change itspolicy, i lure there is nona in heaven, ' i it, for the Lord Alniighty, rod if Liberty, is its leader, anri hns li ed to ui le his people when fighüng tvlth a'n."eye single," Tur iho cause of I m. : nst refrt to one more arguof Mr. B'.., why a " new creed" ; d fíe adopted. "Thealmoat incescalr'íroin honest and wel 1 disposed very men v.ho had nú identified . clvejwithus. "Are we tobe go erned !)V rncii iii poülical Eill owship wilh rs 'í A re wc not capable of ii ;irg our own course t We tbink ace tbat Mr. B's. plan would :,t to amalgamation. I close by reppating the last paragraph Ir, B's. klter, which, I think, concls some of his aóvice in regard to ' for men in other parlies. " Refusing to vote for slaveholders, aad who are in political fellowship with ij caires upon the very fuco of it, nee that wc have too long done batli.o cause of freedom, to come forv.ard and mnke prertures that will in ahy - serve to keep in coun'.cnance aud tunta t!ie exi.-tence of that spirit of i and misriwe so rife amongst nd wiiich is dependant on the instiof slaverv for its existence." tnti, April 14, 18 i7.


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