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Terms Of The Capitulation

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-The principal terms oí capitularon of Vera Crux anti of the ensile of San Juan d'Ullon, were thnt the garrison should la thcir arms as prisoners of war, officera retaiijiiig sworcis ; that they would rnarch out with the honors of war, saluting the fing of tho city & cast'e from iheir own batteries, and striking them nt the moment the troops were surrendering tlioir arms; that the '.roops, regukirs and irregulars, should be diseharged and disperse to their homes under parole, given upon their own rolls and by their own oflicers, nol to serve against tlie United States until dnly exchanged ; ofllcers giviig at the same time their own parole for ilirinselves individunlly ; that all public property of every descriplion should become the property of the United Stales; that such portion of tho armnment as mny not have Leen destroyed during the conlinuance of the war, inay be Hable to be restored by stipulation in a li-eaty of penf e ; thnt private property is to be inviolnte and not Hable to be taken without arrangement with Ihe owner ; that the religión of the inhnbitants, its institutions and ceremonies of solemnity, guaranteed ; that officers and men under parole mny remain in the city tofettle their private nfTiirs, not to exceed five days. - The Mexicnn officers are allowed to retain arms ond private effects, incl'iding horses and hore furniture, and the sick and wounded Mexicans to be allowed to remain in the city, with such medical officers and attendants as mny be necessary to their care and treatment. The terms of cnpitulation were afterwardssigned by Cnpt. Aulick, on the part of the navy, he having been prevented from attendance by the roughness of the sea.


Signal of Liberty
Old News