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Piety In The Army

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Our oflïcers and soldiers in Mexico soom to be in a fair vvay to bc as distinguished for their exalted piety as for their resolute courage. The correspondent of the Piuayuna las t'io follow'ng account of the celebration of Koster Sunday in Vera Cruz. Such worship asishcre desciibed as performedby those who had been "sending dfiuth shots at each othcr, must have been vasily acceptable to the Most High.1' "Easter SuNday. - On Sunday morning last wc entereil tliechurchon the PlaM, and werc gratifi d to soe so full BB attendance of ourofiicers nnd men. - In rather an obscure placo, on the left hand side of the aUle, sat Gen. Scott,and a number of nis frionas. The Genera] appeareddevout and pious, and nol like many of us who go to sucli places to pass an idle hoor. The entrance of the Gen. we are lold created no little astonishment among tlie nativos and he was readily known nnd whispereil (tbout as commandei-in-Chiefof tho Ameriüun?. Tlie doctrino has too long been proclaimed tint we are enemies of thit religión held so snered by tlie Mexicuns, hut wt: hope soon to cor.vince thom that We war against no man for his religious principies, and nothing is betler oa!culaled to demónstrale tbis fiict llian the presencial places of worship, of the high in command amor:gt us, whoseliberality ofreiigious tolerance induces Ihem to worship at any shrine, the great Crcator of the Universe. The scène in the church en Easier Sundav, was indeed on; of interest and solemnity. Many whothe week before were sending death shots al each other, nrw, standing mvi knceling together,communed with the same God. We noi ii-o I that mach deference was paid to our General, and that lm was the iirst one to whom a long ligl.ted cand'e was handed He received t solemnly,atid held it for a long time lightej in his hand. Th.'s was nlsj pleasing to the cilizens, and fioni all appearances they seemed t) ihmk at lea-i' wewere not al all the devils that ihey had pictiued lothem." ÍXJ" Dr. S dgras", of Baltimoie, wr'.tes lo the National Era, - "Speaking of generáis, reniimís mfi lo necorJ a quiie characteristic religieus uiovenient {ft our day and genera;ioii - nothiug less than making General Tayior a '-liie memoer" of the "Western Home Mi.-i,omry Society of Raltimore." Tflis was done in Light-street church the evening. Perhaps all of the readers of the Era are not aware of the extreme piit y of"Old Rough and Ready." Be-sides, what is General Taylor but a "tnissiunary?" - a chic f of missionaries. nfie-r the manner pursned by the "Cruel Brítish" 111 China! Our religión and our principies of govermnent must be propágate! in Mexico, and what f Jeus liiii s.iv to Peier, "Put u) thy sword!" - Tiie religious teachers of our day, not a few of them, have become wiser and holier, and are ready to cry, Put in thy sword - ay, uV the very vitáis of tie aoemy!" 'l'he great teacher aid, "lf thine enemy hunger, feed liirn; if he tliirst, give him drink;'" but tliese, our "missionaries" would say. "Ifhe hunger, cause him to hile the dusl." Qy Geo. Rathbun, member of Congrios from Cayuga Di.trict, N. Y. wiites to the Albany Atlas, - ' Mv feelii'g and my ju 'gment nre so strongly enbsted in favor offree territory, and agáinst the extensión of slavery, that I will vote for no n;an lor repreentative. senator or President ol Ihe United Stalen, who has voted or will vote f r the extensión of slavery or against tha principie of the VVilmot proviso; nor will I vote for any for sucli ffice who is not pcnly end sincerely in favor of preventing ihe further exiension ofslavery ia any territory belonging to. or whif.h mav hcreafier belong to ihe U. S." Oy We have carcfully read so mueh of the corresponlence bet ween Gen. Talor and the Adminis'.ration as has been published in the Washington Union, bul have been una'jle lo see what peculiar advantage either party can derive from it. Were the war one stricily of defence against unjust aggression, we should say that the correspondence was highly honorable to all parties ; bul, unwilling to speak in commendatory terms repecting any part of what we regard as a most unjusl, aggressive movement against a sister republic, we can only say that the Administraron, Communding General, and all subordinate?, have cisplayed n vigor, zeal, and consistency of action, which would have been highly praiwworthy if put forth in support of a righteous movement. IIow deplorable thnt sucli energy, and determination, and skill and bravery, should have been wasted - more than wasted - prostituted, in a war of conquest for slavery ! - National Era. Mr. A. S. Williams, Editor of the Detroit Advertiser, has been elected L;eut. Colonel of the firsl Regiment of Michigan Volunteers, organized, onder the act of Congress, May 13, 1840. - This announcement, ofcourse, e.xplains all the articlos in that paper in defence of the exisling war, which it has, al the same time ackuowledged to beunnucessary and 05" A División of the Sons of Temperance has been organized in Ypsilauti. CC It is said theie will be no combinalion of steambouls on the Lake this jseason. ff?" Mr. llamlin of the True Democrot, the exponent of the Ohio Antislavery Whig.-, will not wknlt thatthis elass of voters will go in a body for Taylor's eleciion to the Presidency. He tells us, - "Not So. - The Eirmncipator says Ihnt Chas. F. Adnins, Joshua R. ü"dding, Stephen C. Phillips, John G. l'alfiey, Erastus Culver, "and thouaaods mare of so called Antislaverv VVhigs." will support General Taylor for President. Tliís is the opinión of M,- Leav:tt. Now we give it as our opinión, ihal tln;y will do do such thing. Time wül show which is right. A crisis is at hand in the Wliig party. Tlio tares and the wheat are to be separated. Thnse who aio at hcart the Prienda of Liborty, and thoi-e who only speak well of it as policy dietates. will be marked. The nomination of Taylor will draw a diviüing line. Thero is a body in the Whig party never bowed tho knee to Baal - a romnant it may bc, but true as steel, and they will necee vote for hini vader any c ir cwnst anees, oihor than that he strike the chains fromoffhis slaves, and avow himself the uncompromitiing enemy of the extensión of Slavery.


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