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OX'B A1ÍVERTISEKS. UnJr thfa herid, we publiib, free of Jjarge b name, residence, and business, of litóse wbo dTírrtse in the S-jsal of Libibtt. W. V. Dkxter&Co-, Jewcleri, Dexier. T. H. AiiMvrRusa, liáis, St.0., Dciroil. JJf.ckli.yb &. '"h)Ma, iteraba nt, AnnArbor R. B. Gl.i7.iks, Farm íor Sale. Ann Albur. . 8. W. Fosrr.K, Threshing Machines. tcio. W tí & J. W. Mavnahd, DruMK Aun A-íhor. Comstock & Sktmiuf, Mercliúnts, Jackeon. 1'. II. Arm trono, Hat Store, Detroil. J. Cmsox & Co., Merchints, Aun Arbor. W. R. Pekrt. Houkscller, Aun Arbor. Cí.ark, Luw Ofllee, Ann Arbor. G. F. I.kvvis, Broker, Detroit. E. G. Burgkr, Deniisi, Ann Arbor. C. Br.'r?. .íeweler, Ann Athor. V. J. B. Irisuronce Arbor. I). Lxtovtiv.TTr.. Lingeed Oil, j,oDg Lke. . SfiUf.'Dinn. Marble Yard, Aun Arbur. tr; !i avilam, Machitnsts, Ann Arbor. D. Jiixsr.v, í 'einperance Huuse, Detroit, (i. F. :1 arriso & Co,, Druggisis, Battle Crftek, M ?b. Coóá (t RoEiNso, Horncss Makers, Aun ArÓ3'. V !; iTiriisn. Merclnn', Detroit. :. M. l'mii'.v.v. Siovcs. Ypiilanti. HTiiefi.kk, Merchant, Ann Arbor. W. U'ii.'KS, Hardware. Ann Arbor. J. SíKAGDE, Tailor, Ann Arbor. H. ' . Dennst, Ann Albor. ;.v .,1 i Brothkrs, Geni of Science. rEKi & Zl'o, Bpholsterers, Detroit. .S. Kiio vs. Atlornev at Lnw. Ann Albor. S Filoh, Siioe Siorj, Ann Albor. ,V M mítin. Tnilors. Ann Arbor. 'I'ii.i.min, Cbinet Ware, Detroit. Hallook & Ravmdsd, Cloihmg Store, De I'BiiU Lina, & Fisher, Steain Mili, Ann Arb. -, Ï8477 WHOLESALE & RE TAI L. A. M'FARREN, .3ELLERANBSTATIOERt SMART'S CLüCK, 157 jKrrKRSON avknub, dbtkoit. K'.iy.'S constnntly for silea complete assor1 inent ot ' Alisjellaneoua. tíchuoi and Ci.issioal Biroks, Letter and Cap l'opcr, plain and ral od, QuüU, Ink, Sealrng Wax, Cutlery, VVrapi'uper, Printing i'aper, of all sizes; and Vewsiind Cannister Ink, ofvnrrons kinds. BLANK BOOKS, lull nnd hall bound, of every vaneiy of llulin. Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchanls, Teachers, and btiiers. buying in i'ianiiiie?: lur discoiini mad.e. S'.tbiúi Schoofwid liible Society D.ipositor. '47-tl A lAst of Books FOR SALE BY ?OWLLKS &, WSLLS, At Tho Fhrenological Cabinet. L31 .a;ui Slreel, NEW YORK. All of which are nea'Jy bound in cheap lorm. TTpr.rssLT to seii'l hiiiil, at the present rtks oy posxACtF, t lile pneca ;íExed to eacii work. Our fiiendsat a disiance may now neloèthe mojiíy for eiiher oí ihe foilowing oí ki. :iul receivi them by iha roiurn of ihe iirs; niil. i-.:p-:OLor,v pvoved. illüstrá' .0 & fíPPLÍED: - üiiiheiiiiion, enUrgttd. E., O. S. Foïvlïr: containing over 500 pages I2tdo. Illuslrnted by opwardi ol 40 engra. Tíos. A Practical Standard wolk on the Science, Prfee $1. MEMORY f INTELLECTUXL DTPROl'E MENTi - New eilition. giealljf enlarged and nnproved. By O. S. Fowi.tR. Appüffl lo el.i ducaiion and juvenile instruction. illnstrated by engr.ninjs. A valuable vvork forold onJ yonn?. Pp. ':1O. í 2 nr. Prirc íiO cents. RELIGIÓN. NATULAL A.VO REVELED: - Or tlia Mural Bearings of Plirenology, ompared wiih iho?e prijmned in ihe Scripture. By O. S. Fuwler príc 50 ceñís. I. OVE AND PR[:NTGE:-pp'eá to the lmprovement of Offspring. By O. S. FowI.EP.. O wbich nnre i han cighteen tliontíind co'.i!os havo been sold iviihin a year. - Price 25 ccnis. KJfATJrEIÏESS-.-ïOr the avils and remedies ola xcessive antí perverted sexuiliiy. inclnding waimng and advice lo ihe Married nd Single; being a Sappleinent to Lovc and Parentsge. - Piiee 12 ccnls. MATRIMOX V:-Or Phrenology andPhystolo. gy apphed to ihe stlaction of congenial comnions lor l:fe : by O. S. Fowlfh. Of which, nime th. n 30.000 copies have been oíd in ihe Uniled 8la,os.be8Ídea Inving been re publi3l,ed in Kngland. Price 25 cenia. &YN0PSW Or PilRENOLOGV AND PHYHIOLOGY.-Üy L. N. Fowi.ep.. comprising a conden5i?d dcscripiion oflhe func'ions of ihe boily and mine'; also ihe additional dts- coveries niade by th aid of .M.'tgne:is:n and Nenrology. Illusiraied. Price l' cenia. M.RIIIAGE: - A neiv edition. enlarged and impioved. containing nn analysis of all ihe Social Orgnns. amrt.'y illusíiated. Also a concise Histoky ol iis forms nnd praciicea in all nsfs and nations. By L. N. Fowler. Price 37 cents. PHIiENJLOaiC AL GVIDE:- Desi2ned for Sludentsof lhir own Characlers. Most of the organsareillusc;;ed wiih iwojengravingf, howing each orgau.Iirge ond small. A goud ibing for baginners. Pnce i2 ceñís. PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGV:- Applied lo Temperance, or Uie laws of Ii'e and he.ilih. of which upwars of tweniy ihonsand have been sold. No one íbould be wiihout it. Pi ice 6 cems. TIGHT LACING:-Ot the evils of compres eing the organs of animal liíe, and thereby enlèebling the vital funciions. Every yonng woman íhould have a copy. Thiswork lias also had an exiensive sale. Price 6 cents. SYNOPSIS OP PHRENOLOGY, A CHART : - Desisned lor the uta of Practical Phrenologists. VViih upwarda ol 40 engravings. Pi ice L ceñís, or $ t per hundred. THE PHRENOLOGÍCAL ALMNC FOR 1847: - Containina the Likenesses of many disünguisbed individuáis, besides n beatniful emblenialical licjd, which shows ihe locati n ul all the organs. Wineiy thousand have nlready been sold. Pric 8 cents, or 1'2 copies for 50 cen's. A SOBER lf TEMPÉRATE UFE:-V,y Ltuis Coriiar, and p ilen by him at ihe age of 83ye.ii; wiih likeness of ihe niiilior.whn byhis températe habiis.aliained the remarkable age el 104 yenrs, and gíving diieeiions aa lo '.he qunnty ol food necessmy to prolong lile. Th wrk lias boe translated into neaily every hiaguage. Pp. 228. 18ino. Price -ñ ceñís. %E PRRENOLOGWhl JOÜRNM.: - h Of 32 largn pages, on good paper dnd type amply llusiraied with enjrnvings, adapieil to all classes. It will be fotind very inslructrve and useful. Terms Ons Dollar a year in advance. , COMBE' S PHYSIOLOGY :- From the lasi Eilinburgh edmon. with noies and oliservatians by O. S. This is the besr work extant on Healili and Longvity. Pp. 32J. Hmo. Price, 75 cents. rHVSlOLOGY-ANlMXL AND UtElfTr Afj : - Applied to the Piesi;rvation and liestoratioD ot Health. By O. S. Fowler. - P-ee, 61. KDUC TfOX: ITS ELEMEXTARY PRIXCll'I.ES ;--Founded on th Nature of Min. By . (r SptRzHKiii. M. L). Sixlh AmerCTn. from the third London edition, enlnreed and improved by tho atuhor. Pp. 320. 12rao. Price 59. ' Boaks for sale at the Phrenogical Cahi7ii, alrc'.ail prices nnli, allor e il her ff viay bc ordered and xi'.nt hj mail, at the pricc ajjixcd o each work. RiTioNAt.E or Cruis, l'rico 62 cenis. Hl'M.lN KlGMTS. " ■'} PlIILOSOPHY OF THE W.tTKIt Cl'KK, " 'ii " Pu 4 enen of the W,ti.k C'ukk, " 95 " Tuk 1'niiMxiriAruic ('i.ass Hook. ■' ö " Tuk 1'homikkw me Ki ahkk, " 86 ' Tuk I'hü.osophv of Mf.íMekism, -5 " Tïa ami 'i ■yi:-.. " 15 " .Iu.t Publiüiiod, Illnatrated t:ii(íoii of. FAMILIAR UËS8ONQ ON PBREKOLOGY. lor Children mul Yuuih. Exienmvflj illusiimed hv n large numbor of neiv ,-intl ony in:i! engravinga. Deipned fur ilic use ul Schools iind Families, Uy Mfs. L. N. Fuwlkr. Prioe 50 cenia. FAMILIAR LLB8ON8ON I'll YSIOLOGY. lor Scliools nnd Famil, Auifjly illusirnied by aj)propriate encravings. Uy L. N. Fow -lur Price ocenis. lllustratcd ÏSotsiiiy VOL. IL, 1847. ED1TED BY J. L. CÜMSTOCK, M. D.. Ail'lwr of liufnntf JSitunil I'li'tist jly. GbêMistttf, Mlnv.t uh'gy, Gto'opy. Nulunil Hitto y. Pxyiiilógy, 'tic . nssiscd BY J. C. COMSTOCK, ESQ. The succrss of ihe lilustrated Botnny is 110 lunger nn experiment, for althongh it luis liecn in cxistence luit one pair, it alrcady hrcs n etrcu latioii ol altuu: tivo ihuuaand, a suificicnt number to warrant its support, which cannot lie said of any oilior work of the kind. Indeed, it is. the only wor'i of this clmracier published in itiis country, wbich proniises stabiiiy and a long l'le. We thiiiU the prospecta of ihesecond yearol thie Botnny are very fiattering. One rcason lor the opinión is, the fcl tint il is now very popular, hoving a large cue-Ie of triends. Anuther vory :mpoiluiit reasoi ia, the secnring of an Editor for the coming yenr, whose popularity ns an nu tlior in ihe various branches of Natura! Science, ia so extensiva ns to leave his name familiar lo fvery suident in the pcionces in this coiinuy. - We are fully iatisfied that the Botanv will, mider Ihe present Editora, bear the severesi criticisrn, and we intend that it tshall becouie the standanl work. ] n ihe c urse of its publication. it will conlnin an Introduction w the Nu Syttsm of Boiany, a ihoroügh Trentise on the mieresiing and important branèh of Vegeiable Pbvsiology, Notices on Foss 1 Boiany, and deseriptions, both scientific and popular, of numerous species of pljnts, the proper i)6a of whiuh. medicinal nnd usl'IuI, will be Jully explnined. In short, il is intended to present a complete view of ihe ntesl ani! most imporiant facts. discoveries, and theolies, ui every depaitmtnt of ilio soience. The whole illoatrated by sniendid coloi'ed engravings, taken rom Nature, l'till aiiw, and finishcd in the ntghest style of modern art. This work is designed to be eminenily popular in its npplicatiun. nnd there ia enough of th.T which is etranger than fiction about il to render it, in no ordinary degree. Btereailng and instructiva We do not intend (o confine ourselves to the botanical deecriptioiiB of pach planr, but to make it a tlioroughly acieiuifie work. in all the depnrtments ol Botany. It will a!so aive informaiion on ihe cultivation of plants and flnwirs. In a word, it will compiise the whole acionve. We give below the Oee opinions of the presp. Fnmi ihe Christ'n Adv. & Jour., edUed by T K. Bond. M. D. The pnnied specimens aro really cxquisilely dono ; and the great marvel wilh ua is, Imw the work can be aSbrded at the loiv pricarof Jfe3, ptr annum, or lwo copies to an addri'ss for $5. Kngravingscaij be cheaply muluplied. but paintinga must be expcuted separately. and without the aid of labor-snving macliineiy. It wiil give us tenl pleasure to announce the successive riunibers o( thie heautrful pérfódical, as we have been led to ilnnk the 6tuJy of Botany nut only an innocent recreation. l.ut eininenily promotiveof piety. From Excnanga Pnpers. ILLTSTRATEDBOi'A.NY.- Nunbersixof tl, is very pretty floral work hal been received. and ia, as usual, filled with platea represeniing naiivs and foreign llowers. and wilh matter re rating thereto. We have heretofore spoken in lerms of commendation of thiswork. We think k superior lo any thingof tlie kind published. ILLTSTR ATED COTANY.- To all lovers of the beautil'ul in Nature and Art, we commend this work as eminenily wortliy of patronage. JT. I'. Tritunc. 1IXTSTR TF.D Among tlie variou8 publicitiona trrtl float our country, we seo none that we considerof more ii;tercst to ihe rlorist orau'mirér of Nature, than the Illnstiated Botany. It is Illuglroted with from four to six engravings every month, handsomely olored. representing the plant true lo nature, lts readng matter is descrip ive of the planta represented, making i a valuable as well as beautilul work. TERMS. This work will be pttbhslied monthly. with Irom S!X lo ten flowers, handsomely paintcd, in each number. Price, 03,00 a year, or two copies sent to one address for $5.00. I? A very liberal discount allowed to aents J. K. WELLMAN, Publishcr & Propiietor. No. 1 lü, N.issnu-st. Janvary I. 18J7. P. S. Èditors who liave puhlished our Prospectus for the fi st year, will please publish the above for h: second year. N. B. Publishers of newspapers who who wil) give the above ihree insenions, shall receive the work one year. Tr o s p e c fïïTi HERALD OF Tl TH The Journal af the day arcilivided into three classes- the Secmrian, the Partizan, and the Popluar. Of the filteen hundred serial puhlications inoi'r land, I Knovv of but two ot three which pretend to be devoted lo the Cause ol Truth on all subjects, unrestrained by seciarian orpartizan interest, by desire, from selfiáh motives, to please ihe greatest number of readers. Those which are not controlled by some rehgious sect. or pöliiical party, or other society of exclusivesi are decidetlly of the popular class, and will defend no caHse, huwever good, if it be unfavorably resarded by the mats; nor publish the honest opinions ol any individual, if they be opposcd to the general sentiment. Menee, 'he Periodlcals of the day, do not miinCain an umeserved alleiance toTruih, on the triumph of vvhich dependa tlie grc.itest good to the human iauiily.- The Cause of Truth demands Journals devoted lo her interests, through whose pages the thoughis of eyeiy candía' mind can be brought before the pi'blic nnd thoroughly canvossed. It will be devoted to the inieiests oí Religión! Philosophy, Literatura, Science and, Art. I, will review such ot the new pubheations os are of siibstantial value. and canvass all question ible docinnns that may be puhlished. Philosophera have demonslrated the infiniie Wisdom and bouudlcss Benevolenceof God in contemplating Mis Physical Universe, and it is time the same dernonalratiuna were made in relation to the Mental World. In the former the sulilimeal Order is manifest, while the Inner, the debasement and miseries that nfflicl Lmankind, indícale Ihe deeped confuaian and disorder. Hk is not responsible for ihe evils of the Mental ÍJmvprr lor man originated ihem, and by man ihcy can and will lie removed. The discussion of the Inws of our nnd phjsicat organizaiion, and iho neccssiiy of obedience t.) them, as the only mode of regeneration willconsutuiea parcioalar feature of ilic Hkraid ot. Tkuth. it will engage vigorously in .ill ihe Reforms of the diy which are loiinded in Truih. prnd as it will 'hope all ..hings' and believe all thirxrs.' tor the hnal truimph of Humanity over all evii Ihe only limit to its aspirations will be the enure redemption of the Human Rüce. The Uerald of Tiuth is pubiished monthly in Cincinnaii. containg eiphty oclavo pae3. neatly pnnted on fine paper. Ii will oomprue two vol■ mes annunlly of 40 paBe8 each, and will be oHered on the following liberal ter.ns One yearly sub empiion, $3,00; Two copies per year, $5,00 , Five copies per year. 1 1 00 ■ Var, ,W,00. Oflers oí twenty copies for tba -vtraordinnry low priee of 80, ia made to tboM lone who form a club.and order ihc Work to bc sent to the same at the Post Oflice. A [iberal discount will he made in Agents. The Hwald ol Truib is placed on a firmbnsis hy sevenil individúala ol greal pecuniary power, !i will appuar prutnplly un tlie litst ol cuch mouih. I'iijiii8 copying lliis Pruèpocius a lew times will rcieive the wolk. L A. HINK, Ediio. Cinrinnat . Jan. I lt47. New Establishment clocks, WATCHES, AND TUK suliscribei would respectfully nnnounce to the ciiizens of DexteT md vicini'y thnt he has oponed a shop in the alxivu phice, in the COrnur siorc, lonncrly knovn as Sliepen! 8 ; where he is prepara! to do au. Ki.vnsot Pepawidg in the line of docks, watche, jewelij ie. on the slmries notice. HavmgllJTrijDtKtWtilvi yenrs experifnee in sume of tlie es' K.stern 8lnps. he (litters hinisell ilial he can give fllirt Ktlifitatam to all those who may lavor hini wilh their work. lie has and isconstnnily receiving, clocks. walclies. nd jewelry of all descriptuns, wliich he will aell us clieap as the cheapesi. VV. W. DEXTER. AL SO GR0CER1ES ol" nll kinds: s'ich as. Ten, Sugan, Motauw, Rabins, Codee, Pcppers. Spiée. Kish. Cnmiics. Tobacco, Cigara &Ch feo. And n lart kverytiiiniï usnally liejii 11 Slieh an psi;il)!ishincni( l.i IDOR kxciíi'ted) oonstarit'y on hand and tur sale cheap. VV. VV. DEXTER & Co. Dkxter, March 8, 18)7 318-tf Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORHTM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO laken tlie Slaud No 5-f, Woodard Avenue. 3 doora norih ol' Doty'a Auclion Room, receiilly oceupied by J. G. Crane, as n IJai Si ore ; and ndded ilie stock uf the latter ti) his owu. nnd also engaged in manulacturinc evcry disoriplion of BATS CAPS, lie is now prepared to offer to (lie Public ever anide in liis line, either ol' li is own or eastern manufacture, twenty íive per cent less ih;m linve been oft'rred in tilia nmket. In bis stock will be fonnd Fine Nutra. Salín Beaver, Ilenver. Ouer. Bruefa nn ' Spprtirrg Hati, Fine Cluth. Siik. Plush. Oil Silk and Vetvet Oups ; also, Ricta Siik Cravatí, Scaii's. Hnndkercheif ; Kid, Thrend. Siik. añil Buckskjn Gloves ; Collors, Bosoms, VValking Canes, Umhrclliis, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G. The Subscriher lias n'so securcd the service? of a first inte Practical Cmter. !v whicli be will lie enubled tofurnisli garments of evcry styleand ríescriplion. and in ihe most approved and íiíahionable menner. He is constanily receiving the bitest fasbiona, and, employinír the best of worknien. he is confident that he will feive the beM of satisfaciion to all that may favor kim wiib their patronage in tbis branch of his busi ess. 310-lf Farm tor Sale ! ! THF. Siibscriber offers for sale his Farm, situ aied two miles east ol ibe village of Ann AiLor. The farm contains eigbty ncies of land well watercd, and iorty acres under iniprovenient. For further parlicnlirs enquire "n the premees of ROBKRT B. GLAZIER. Ann Arhnr, April I, 1847. 810 3m Ilevised Statntcs. NOTIC.'E is liercby piven that the Revised Staiutes of ]H4t have been received at the oHTce o' iho ('nuniy Clerk. nnd are rendy for de livery loall persons enmled to receive ibein. Avn krbor, April), J847. 110 ALARGE chaldron ketilefní sale liy BECKLEVS & THOMAS. Ann Arbfr, Luwer Town. 3iO TWO iJorsö Wageons nnd a Jiiitr"y lor sule by BECKLETS &, THOMAS. CyiME into my enclosure in Dece nber last, a palé red HKI'Eli, about nvo years obi, witb a white epot on her forehead, and somt white on the back and flnnks. The owner is reijuesieil ti cali, pay charges, and take her away, or she w:ll be sold acc-irding to law. WILL1AM LEiXNON. Ann Arbor, March 24, 1847. 3)9-8w JSTSlji J wf 3-l Í'd'iJiÍQ-, hit Wi LJff Kegs Albanv and Troy Cul jL-ijJ Nail53dio 6.ld. 20 KcCs Wrought NailsGdto líd. 5') Boxes " Belleveniiu " G.ass from 7X9 to 1 0 X 1 4. 50 Kegs pure Leadin Oil. 50U Ibs. " dry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oi'l '20,000 leet Pine Lunibcr, seasoned, clear stuff. Togelher with a ful! nssortnient of Locks, I-jatches, Bntts. Screws, Wiudow Blind Fasten ings, &c. for salti at witnin a fraction of Detroii prices. at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 13, 147. 308 C0UÑTY ORDERS. fTHE liighestpriee paid in cafh by G. F. Lew X ie, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insurance 1 nik, Detroit, for orders on nny ol ihu L'ountios in the State of Michigan; nlso for State ecurities of all kinds und uncurrenlfunds Cali nd see. Dec 1. 1845 241-tf On Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respeclfuüy noiify the public, that he is located once more in the villageof Ann Aibnr, and is preparcd to accommodaie the communily with a choice and well selecied assortment of NEW GOODS, . consÍ8tinc of Uky Goods, Grockiuis, Hardware, liou-ia nii Shoes. C'rockfky. &c. &c. whicli he will sell for HEADY l'AY as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bad at tiny otber Btore in town. Persons wbo wish to niake purchapes for Cash. at Cah l'rices, will do well to cali beforepurchasing clsewhere. By keeping the first qunlity of nrticles. by selling at srnall profits, and by a ftir and honorable cuurse in business, he expectl to inerit a liberal share of public patronage. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be tnken in pnyment for Goods. ttJ Don'tforget the place,- on the East Side ol Mam strem, a few doors souih of the Public Square, in the same store with C. Bliss, Jewoler M. VVHEELER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, &4ë. i?!}'!-tf FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING WAREOOMS. STEVEIVS & Zt'G, ÍN thelower end of the Wniie Ulock. directly opposite the Michigan Exchangf. have on hnnd a argc assortment of FVRNITURE, of theirown mnnulncture, wliich tlicywill teil verv '.ow for Cash. They also keep experienced Upholsterers. nnd are prepared to do ali kinds of Upliolslering al the ehortest notice. Fnrniture oi'all kinds mnrfc lo order of the heat material, and warranmd. STEVENS & ZVQ. Detroit, Jannary, 1, 1817. 2ü7-ly TO THt FARMRES. 'ïilO s' Superior Wool Twine. 4vv o (],. fcjheop Shears. .irid n full awortmént of Farmin! nt-nsila of n'.l kimls, Ate, Shovels. Ppades Manaré nnl II ny Pork, Log and Culilc C'li.ins. Drag Teeth, Strsw Knives, Oiow Bars. f'ccli Axrs.Hoe, Sec. lor ale at iIip BIG ANV1L STORE, LTPKR TOWN. HENRT W. WKL1.H. Ann ArÜor, Mareli VJ, 1847. 808 COnSTOCK fe SEÏH1OÏK, Dealers in Fancy and Stnple Dry Gcods, Boots AND SIIOES, HARDWARE, Croekery # Groccries, al No. 3, Porlcr's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1C1I. Temper nn cc lío use! IS47. 1647. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MICH. DANIEI, BARNEY, having laken lilis wcll known Slnnd, and thoi ■ ouhlj' rcpaired it ihronghout. is now fcxtensiveIv prepared to nccommodnle his friends and the Travelling Pulilic wilh all 'hoso conveniencea ■alciilated to malie iliein comfortable, and wiih priccs lo Bilit the linies ! Meah, fL5 Cents. Easte.rn and Southern Stage Office al this House. VTf Oinnil-iiis and Baggnge Wagon nlwavs on and to cnnvey l'assengurs to and Irom the House free of charge. 29ü-Gm Peace Declare cl, AND A TREATY rORMED, WHERËBY S. FI5LCII can hold Psbb Trads and Commkrck in BOOTS, SMOES, JLTITIS er, titul JFindings of nll kinds, with all persons. Nativcs or Foreiners, on tlie foilowing jtist and equnl terms. viz : Gnod Art'dcs - Loic Priccs - Rcady Ptty - and No 'Viusl. The subscriber ha ving fully lested the Credit System to his irreal loss. both of confi lence and cash, and hu ving siid'eied rmich loss liy lire, necessity comjiels him to collect his jhiij u hrfrc Itarcest," as "afi'kr iuiivest and nextfall" vciy olton come up "missing." leaving hiin sitdly in the Boot lote. He lias come to the snuit? conclusión thai certain sensible girls did on n l.ite ocension. (ice, to tal or n hushand, readij pal or n( tSiovmaliitig ) All persons ihat can conTorm to the abovc treaty ill do well to cali on S. Fult:h. Ann Arhor, Lnwei Town, No. 4 Hnron Block, vvheie they will nol be taxed lor others' work who never pay. N, li. All persona indebtnd in any wny (o the s'ibscriber. had beller cali and pay if they are Ivmcst and mean to keep so. 297 -finí S. FÉLCH. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Jan. i, 1847. ROWLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, 6, umi 7 leet. Rowland's bost XCtH Saws, . fij.and 7 feet. Engiish C. S. Pit Saws. fij and 7 feet. Superior American Mili Saw Files. II) to IC inohcs- For sale au ihe sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. 11KNRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jim. ]0, J847. 98-Iy LINSEED OIL.' f TUV. Suhscriber is mnmifiiclurina Linseed Oil on nn extensivo scale and he is able to supply MERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS, on terina inore fnv irable for theni than have ever bclore been offerml In ibis country, and he i.? prepared In supply orders lor large or email quan litios at prices ntremehj lom. ET Communications by mail will be prompt ly attended to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lske, Genesee Co. Mich. 1 y FIRS! riREü F .7. B. CRANfi would reepectfiilly notify the citizens of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, tbat he continúes to uct af Afri'iji of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insure Property ngainst 'osses by Fire. at Ihelowesr rates, and wilh despatcb and accuracy. The Hartford Insurance Conipany ie one of the oldcsl and mosr stahle in tlie country, and all lussessustained by them will be - as the; ever have been - prompti.y taiii ! Fire is u dangerous element and not to be trifled wi;h: ;herefore. make up yottr mlnd to guard ngninst. it and don't delaï ! . few hour delay may be youi ruin. Mr. Cranf.'s Office ie in Crane"s new Elock. corner of the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 280-tf TE E TH.' TE E TH.' TEETHf.' MASTICATION and Articulalion, warranted by their being properly re placed. S. E. BURNETT, will continue the practice of DENTISTRY in all iis various branches, viz : Scaling, Filling. and Insertingon gold pbites or pivotB. from ont to an entire sett. Old platos or inisüts remodled. and made oqual to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson &. Co. 's Shot Store, Ladies who request it, can be waited on at their dwellings. N. B. Charges unusually low, and all kinds of PRODUCE laken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, IS46. 293- tl WANTJED, at Perry's Booksiore, 5 .Tona deun Cotton and Linen Rags 1 Ton Beeswax. and 3500 Dollars in cish, for the lorgcstnssnrl ment of Book and Stationery ever offeied in this Village, and at li is usual low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, 1840. üöC-tf JUSTARRIf ED BY EXPRESS. Til F. Mozart Collection of Sacied Music. b'. E. Ives Jun - containing the celebrated Chris;usnnd Miserere by Zingarelli with Eoglish ords. Teachers of Musí: will piense calí and examne the work at Pïkf.t Ht tvroiiE. October 7, 1841! ÜSti-tf THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HUNDRKD COPIKS of the fifih eói tion of this highly popular work are lor sale at the Signal office at 50 cents single, or $4,50 per dozen. Terms Cash. N'ow is the tima for Liberiy choirs to supply themselves. WM S. BROW1V, Altorney % Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICIÍ. OFFICE with E. Munuy, Esq. 297-ly BRASS CLOCKS. A large lol of ttuhour nnd 8 day Braes Clucka for sale, ai #14 and $-2 by ihe case. 30"-i'' J. W. TILLMAN. MEDICAL BOOKS. A NEW lol Medical fiooks. juit opened and lor ea jcncnp lor caeli at June 10. í! FkukyV .Sun .flrbor TilK Subscribe! hoving purohased ihe interesia of J, M. Rockwell in tlio Marhie Business, would infurni 'lic nhnbittnta of ibis nnd adjoinins counlies. tha lic wi 11 continue the liusme s al the old stand, in llic Dpper Town. Mar ilie Prcsbylerion Chuich, and manufaclure lo order : Monumcnts, Grtvc Sones Painl Slone, Tablets,Sfc. Sfc. Those wisliing lo oblain any artiele in hisiine of business will tind by oallüig thnl lic hos an asjortméni ut' White and Variegated Mnrble from the Knsiern Mnrble Qunrrics. whch will be wroughl in Modern siylr, and suld ;it enitern priee. fidiling transporlntinn ouly. f'nll nml gei iha p.o,.f. VV. F. SPAUI.DINfi. Ann Arbnr. ]nn. CT. 1817. 7'2 ly PÍEW GOODS! Choap for Cash!! TUK Subscribers bes loave lo inform ihcir old custumers, and ibe pullio esnerully, ihnt ibey are nnw reeeivinga large nnd aplndid assormieni ol Engltsh, American and West Tttdio, GOODS. Crockery, Shelf Jlardioarc, Pains, Oils, Dyestuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general assjitincnt of 1 RON, euitable foF Ironing Waggon and Buggies, Naillloils. llmse tiliocs. and Morse Nuils. Sheet Iron. Tin V;ire and Tin J P 1 a t e - algo a general assonmcnl ol' ÍOOTS !- SHOES, th:ck and tliin sale woik, nnd custom work to sint purebasers. All of whicli iliey will feil on lbo luwest possible lerrns for Cash or ]!ai:ti:i: Feeling confident as e do, that we enn ninKr it for the interest of all those wisbing to purcbasc any of the above mentioned Gopds, v( do most eninestly solicit at least an invesligntiiil ofour Goods and prices belore purebasint; else JAMES GIRSON & CO. J'o. II. JExchange ISlock. Ann Arbor. Kuwer Town, íátpt. 14. 1H6. 28--tf CLOCKS AND WAT CHES! ! ipVSÏ rjllIE Subscribcrhas just 0=- - JL received, (and is conf% ÉM8""u'y receiving) liom Ííf9 jÜiÍ '"ow or'i an 't!L'rii't ard t" 1 jüeS WC;" 8l;'ecte' asgortmenl Jcwelry, Clocks, Waichcs, ie. &c. wlucli ho intonds to sell as luw qe al any other establishment ibis side ol Buffato lor rmnhj wij onlij aniong wl.icli may be lounil thcoll )W inj: a eood atsorinunt Oí Gulil Finger Rings. GoldHrenai pins,V"risi!cis Guard Cliiiins and Keys. Silver Bpounv, Germán Silver Tea and Tibie Sptions (Íii8t quality,) Bitrei and Gorman do Stigar Tongs. Silvrr ?1 1 1 .- i : 1 1 (! ;iiid ( 'i rn ni epoon. Butter Knivt-s, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. Gold l'ciii. '.' ' Vencüs, Silver and Uerman Silver Thinihlcs. Silver Spoctacles. Grrinnn and Slecf do. Goggles, Clothes. tlair and Tooth IVuslies, Lnther BruBhes, Rnzorsand Pocket Knives. Kin? Shears aml Suissorp. Knivesand Forks. Crittannia 'i'ea Potsand CailOML PJated, Brnss. md üriitanin Cnndleslii-ks. ijnufl'ers & Trays. Shaving boxrs and Sonps, Chapmaii's Iicst Razor Strop. Call'and Moroeco Wallets. Silk and Cotton puisea. Violins and Bowa, Violin and Iiass Viol Strincs, Flutep, Fifes. Clnrionetf!, Aceordeonf - Music Booka for the same. Motto Seala. Steel Pens and Tweezcre, Pen cases. SnufT'und Tohncco Ivory Dressing Conibs, Side and Bek and Pocket Combi, Neotlle cases. Stelettocs. WalcrPaints and Bruahes, Toy Watches, a great variety oí OoMs. in shorl ihe rrrate=t variety f foj's ever brouglit to tliis market, Fancy wotk boxes. childi'en's tea setts. Cotojuie Hnir Oils. melliog Salts. Couvt Piaster, Ten Bclls. Tlicrmoinoters. Germaa Pipes. Wood Peneiln. IÏHAGS AND VVOOD CLOCKS. &c. in fnct nlmoM every thing to piense tlie fancy. Lndies and Gentlemen, cali and examine lor yonrselves. Ciocks. Watdies and Jewelry repaired and warranted on short nolice. Sliop at his old stand, opposiie H. Betker's brick Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wheeler. CALVIN BLTSS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold & Silvpr. AnnArbor.July1st.184C. 271-ly THE SUBSCRIBER bas received his winter stock, wbich ho oflers for Cash. at greatly reduced p.-ioes. The Public are invited to cali, examine, and jude for themselves. Now on hand, and daüy adding. SOFAS of every variety and patten), 'ind the bi tost fashion. prires (rom !yí(' tind upv, „;,!-. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES, JiUHEAUS, x( all kinds, from $il and up. Centra. Card, Tea, üress, Pier, Dming, and Neet Tables. Wasli, Cao die, nnd Toilet Stands. Bedsieads - Muhogany, Maple, and Wilnut, Irom $2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single Matresses ol hair, sliuck, palm leaf, or slraw. Doublé and sinyle Cot Bedsteads. do do Writing Desks. CI1AIRS. - The best assortment that can be found west of New Yoik and the cheapesl in this ciiy. Wlndasr Chaira, a good nriiclo, at $2 50 the 6ett. Mnliognny French Chaire, liairsent. a first rali anide, nnd well fimshed for $'S 50. Cash otily. Mnhogany Rockiog Cliairs, hnir sont and hack. warrnnted guod, al Ibe low price of $12, for ilu i:i.-!i on] y. Flag nnd Cnne Seat from Gs. and np. Bird Cngcs, plain nnd gallery : Bird Glnsses, llorscs, andToy VVheelbarrow, for childien; Patent Sliower nnd Hip Bnths ; Boston liutli Pana, Camp Siools. Umbrelln and Mat Startds, Fancy BelloV, Fooi Scrapers, Cane Seat Counter and Boat Stool. Curtsin material, Tablecover8, Paten'. Post-Office Balances. Pieluie Frames. Willow Wnions, dadles, Clinirs. Clocks, and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Cantors, very cheap. Mahogany nnd Ilosevvood Veneers ; Varnisli and Japan : Bronze, Mahognny Knobs, Locke. GIiip, Curled Hair, and Cnne Seats. Also, a large nesortmeni of American Castors, expressly for Cabinet Makers, very cheap. Cash and the highest market price paid for any quantity of Wulnut nnd Clierry Lumber. I wtll also contract for any quantity of first rate Walnut Lumber, to be sawed to order, and dfilivered by ihe Ist of June next. J. W. TILLMAN, No. 87. Jcffj.' on Avenue. Detroit, Jamiary 1, 1847. ü[)7-ly BOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT FERRY'S KOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC.' TUE undersigned bavjng hiuimmI frotïi New York vviili x new, lüige. ;inl valuabie slock of Books, Slalionery and Paper Hhngings, is now ready lo Bell lor Cnsb, anv ihing ?n Intimo at bfi ncw slnnd on Main Streel, opposile II. Beckcr's Brick Store, lle will y la BooJt pinchaseis, that. b) liis iffnif losl tull :, lus r i iii-ii luim New York. tlie price of nenrl) Bvery Ibing in hia line boa been old l less than lieretufwrr. nnd had it not been for Bifti, porchasers would have coiiliiiuod lopnytlie piiccsliertiofoi e charged. Me ;an say also, thal liis snles linve boen beymiil hia most sanguine expoatations. thowin conclusivcly ihnl n public iiBnefficior. allnough ever so smnll. will not go unrewarded in lliisenliiiliieiird ('oinniiiniiy. He Í3 thnnkfülfnr ilie favora alrcady bestowed, nnii would respeclfully sol ici t a continuonce of llie Irlds; and he would soy in thosc who nevor have purchuei) liooks of him. ihai ha will ihsw rhem anieles nnd prices willi plensnre a' any lime rhoy may cali wlieilier they wisli lo purrhase or not. Cash orders from the country will bc nttended to. nnd tbc ImnlïR paekei} ns well sa if the piareons nre preeent to ntlcnd tlie purchapos. Ile will also faeil It children as chenp as iheir parcntK. l'urrhasers will do well to examine liis stock and uioes hefnre purchaaing elsewhere. DnnU forgcl Ihr place; he, surc ynv rail l'RRRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27. 18H!. 26fl-lf TH RES HING MACHINES. Tlli: undersjgned would inforra tbc public that he niiiiiiilnctiires Morse Pnuers and Thrething Macliines at Scio, ol a superior kind Dvemed by himBelf. Thess Powers and M.ncliines nro pariicularly adapter] lo the lise of Farmers who wish lo use them lor threshing iheir own grein. Tl;e power, [liresber and fixtiirej con uil beloaded inlos common sized wagon box nul drown wiib one pair ol horses. 1 hey aie destfméd lo i wilh four liiirirs. and are abundanily itrong loi tbai niiniber. nnd niay be F.nfely nped wiili six oi eighl nmses wiili proper care. Tliev work wiil, lessBtrength ol horses according mthcamoi nt ol business done tban any oiher power, and will thresli gencral'y aboul SMlO boshels w hekt pel day with Tour houes. In or,e inataoce I&Í bushek wheat ere ihieshed in three Iioui? with four horsos. Tbis Power and Machine contain all the ndwntagsa necessary to niake tliein proiiioble to iho purchjwr. They are Btrongand durable. - They are easily moved from one plaee to anuther. The work of the .T'isrs is eas' on ihefle powers in conporison to oihers. and il. e price itLOWKR than any other power and machine, have ever been sold in the Siaie. accnrriinj! m the real valué. The term af pnyment wiH be libe rnl for noies thnt (re knowu tü be ubaolutely good. I have a numlier of Powers nml Machines now ready for sale ond persons wishing to bnj are invited to cali soon. SEPÁRATEOS. I nin pre pared lo nmke Seporvera for lliose who may want ifaem. The mility and advantagei of iliis Power nnci Machine will appear evidtnt to al! uu examinios 'he reeomnienciations below. All persons are cauiioncd againsl mtikin; ibetfe l'owem and Machiñts; the urtgersigned havLng adoptcd the neceeaary mensures Cor bi cu rioff letters puteo i l'or ibe.aatue wilhin ij. required by law. . , f'. W. POSTEft. Ejcio, Washtrnaw Co., Midi.. .IjneLs, 134G RECOiUlENDATIONS. Dnrinff (be ye.-ir 1845, eaah of ;he bfide'rsigncd niirchased and viscd eilher individunlly oriojnllv with otliois. oi:e of S. W. ronera nruiy.n veatwi Horee Power and ihreslïing mncliinps niid believe l.key are uetter aáapieti tu the use of Farmers wlio want Powers and Mncli 1 tlieii ■ own uéeihanany oiher poner nnd iluciier within nur knowled&o. Tiiey :c takaJatee1 10 he used wiih íbiir horres itnd are of ampie ttrengih lor ti, ni nuñiber. TUi-y Bipear lo l, consii líete. 1 j sucha mnnnor as to vciy durable with Ititle h'abiliiy or getting 0:11 oi order. Thtyare éiíily moved frorh one plácito anotlier. Thev can be jrked ui.1, ariy mim her ol banda from fpur 10 tijht, ped wil! ihreílj aboi'l 20(1 lii?hrls rheat per ilv t.AiSKMl:M':;iVahir co T. RICHARDSON, ' SAMUEL HKALT, " S. P. FOSTKR, ti N. A. PMKXPS " ■ ADAM SMÍTH, " J. M. BOWTN. Lima WM. WALKF.R. VVehMer " THOS WARREN, " ' fi 1). S.MALLEY, jjOti. ■ I threshed last fall nd winter w.i], One of P 1 ?lr 'lIL0 ??"■' mp than fifteen Ihousand husbels griiq. The repairs hestowed upou the power amounter! to only fi4 tenra and 11 was in comí Or,ler when I had done threshing. 1 invanably used fíx horses. .. . , AARON YOU.XGLOVE. Manon, June 0, 1SJG. I purchneed one of S. W. Foster's bom powers lastfull and hnve used it for jobbing. 1 have used many diíl'ercnt kiiula of powers" and believe tlns is the best running power 1 have everfeen. D. 8. BEiN'NET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. We purehased one of S. W. Fostor'a rior.-e Powers last (all, and have used it and tlilnk tt is a fust rate Power. JESSE HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Ilamonrg, June, 1S4Ü. 2(i!)-if ismsvwuvsw. ? iftwfflïww E AT 'J-IJK & S NEW DRUG STORE, 5 in Büttle Cree:, callcd the g Ipothecarics' Hall-, S WT""-11 be fcind 111 ie. r.rlmirr. and ï JJ T T complete assortnient cf Urujj.s. S ay icines, Chemicals, Oils, Puin Is. Dye-S;ufls. ? ÍC GrucetUt, Surgicñ! lustrumenla, Paienl 5 Medicioes, Sefcool Beoks, Fancy Oooda, fi Jcwelry, &c. pureliased direetly ol the t ■ portéis: which are offered lo the 1 nity at as luw p;ic?s as at any olher Ê, hahment in thu State- Detroit nol C" led. 1 3 Physicians, Stirgeans, rnd the Traile. ï ,j will be supplied upon the loinai term 5, - S j Prescriptions and orders attended to with !" ■y care. and 1I1 -sinti -Ir S J Be sure toreeollect the plnce. ï 3 G. F. HARRISON & CO. S 3 Battle Creck, 18-17. 303 S TO COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. THE Subsciilicr hns constnm ly for sale goot! ossonment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well atlnpted lo the country mnrkêt wuich lic will sell nt wholcsale or retuil, vkby lovv. Cali and sec them at tho M ikhattan Store. Vyf. A. RAYMOND. 275-tf Detroit. -E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. V. ROOT's STORE, JRANE &5 JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. C CLARK, Attorney and ounselor, and Ju8:ice t 1'tacG t-fl.-c. C'ourt louse Ann Arbur a if)tf 'l i.,. t . (...u. luUiuu4U ia lol sitie by llie proprietor's Agenis. MANARDS. Ij 'BY IMDUSTRY WE THRIVE ! ' New and Fashionablc TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. ' In tlie onc pregnant iu'jecl of CLOTHJ-.S, righlly understood, is included all that men have ihoughl, dreamed, don, and been; llie whola exieimil Universo, and wbal it hol js is hut cloihing and ihe esstnee of all science lies in tha 1' il 1 I. o s o p h y o r Cr.oniis . - Curlylc. npHE Subscribers liaving formeel n .. co-parinerthip for n purpuee of ctrrving un the Inilunng Bniiñru in all it8 hranclies, woald tak tbi löeihod inorming the citizena 9. Ann Afbor and viciniiy, ihot ihey ,„B. be fonnd w ehoP? .„. if, soulh ainySt wbe-a lliey.-ire prepnred to do all work in thsir line. in n innnner not to be surpatsea in fit.siyle or dufubility, by nny otber e.lablisbn.em inihi Thora gentianen nre pjrtictilai-ry invitcd to cM wl;„ prefer hnving their gormen!. mnrfe n shop where none bu, e.peri.nced workmen are en.ployed innend of being „!Ode by a si ,p Ml of girlB-for, be it known, ,h„, we omploy none hut the bes, „f hands, and hnving „,ádo Permanent .rrangenient. w,n G. C. Sco.t o" New otk, the Sjpoleon of Fahion Publish.ra' be aupplied wirtt b8 American nd KUror'7n Sprinj and Fll I „Mn„„s. and „F0 bis "Mirror ofFM.ioM," o Mon.hly Periodical, devwed ,o th'Kwnce of ,„d „,,,,-„ gnrmcnt8 ()f ill kinds-thcae fdvantages. combined tl,e atlention and experience of ,he subreribera re - dens it almost nn impoesibility of not being able i" piense alL even the most lawidioo Particular nitenlion ill be paid to tbe (utlinE nr-eiu. wliich e do not make. And n we w,!l stnre for tbc info, n.M.-on o al conccrncd 'hntthen.on c,y of ,1P uuUnb is „„ , ;;- l.on tHyS-,y.!,fi l;„l„r,ss1!iS jU , _; meW-.bereiVno.hopf, malurg .,,„,„! fil ol - : ■■'■ !n.nelynineci ou, ■e'i-e.yl.H,,dred tiefimh , , tbc cutler'ï door. lberefore, to , m a eio „„ thñ method of,,.,,, ,,lw,, ',,,„■,. „...luncdto w.r '■"""', "" !'"" lhe ''"-ve! proviso, ; ;„v7„.-„ ,,.,,f(, , , m I ny ; , or ndS. AithougJ, we do n,n é"t vet it wil! be borne in „umi ibat we make cur .r:;':tf;;" '■- "" plese thew m r.ferewe fo Mir wJrk , .d „ó" i.tirselves; and in ,„„,„, He expwt ihV to p!eiwé lis hy pronfipt payn.ents A'tboOíh "ll.f.lov.olmon.yis the root f II cv,l,' jrei g il . v„rv m.c„(;rv, „ ,hfpp úel onrraie times, we wil] make a l.bsral diwoast I-. MILLS. .... C. E. MARTIN. nn Arbor. Jannary 4. IH7. ñOO-.m CHEAP STOVES AT YPSILANTl! 9 COOKING APARI.OR STOYTS J jus! rcoe.ved. hy ,he Subreiiber. (611y rrrtm AIftBy) oiakinf a jood trtottmeBl of thelatew.mibew patten. h„h wil! bc sold En',.""' t'"fï "ut 'u be derold thii side La ka Also: Topper Furniiurp, Cauldron Ke::lrs, BS5J;s a" sizes' 8iuve sii-; J7tT7A '..„n.lylepl on hand w Inch will ttgo Ijp sold vcry low V. S „,-ri ÍC,S Wldo weJ1 (o c exánime for iheirown aatikfooiion. v .. . , J. M. CROWN. ipsiiami, J:ine 20, 1846. gfj, FOR SALE Sciddte BrUUc.sJTarncss, TrvvLs, Vaïü ses, Trunk Valhrs, Carpel Bacs,8cc Aleo a Booa ssstmineni of WnP, L AHK, a ., ('OOK & OliJNSON'S Ann Arbor, Aigua! 12, 1846. S7if KEADY MADE ■ OLOTHIWU HALLOCK & RAYiTIOD, JAVK now on hanrf, just manufaclured under J.A ilicir own inslruciion. nt iheir well knowii CLOTHING EIVIPORIUM, corner of J ffcrson and Wood,rard avenue, ÜKTBOIT, one uf the largest and most complete Oisonnieiüs of l- tïestdy flade (lot hing ever befme olIWed in thia Btate, which ,l,ey are prenared lo se I at the rcry lotcest Cash prices, lor Ibese Cush times. Cailandseel! Detroit. Jan. f. 1817. S-9?-tf COKTV, RYE & WHEAT IfANTED by the subsciibers, 10,000 Ln.shels 01 Corn- 10.01,0 bushels of Rve nnd 10 fiO ) Lushels af Whem. delivered at iliè bieam Mili, lor which Cash will be noid 1NGALLS, LAMB, & FJSIÏF.R. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 18J7. 2i)3-:f RRIGHT iBlack Log Chains, ■L. S-,8-l6,7-ie,it8.nrwr.pp,ng do. Hnl,éër 'ÍStCd '"lk TraC" vrrZf " 'he sign of the knHE.XRY W. WELLES. m Albur, Jan. 10. (847. 208-ly BLAÖZSKEITHS TOOLS" " A A"'TAGK MM Uol." Anvil8. j ï. " rigln's" ,j0 Conerel Keyed Vicos. West'6 best Bellowa, 30 ,o 36 inchess. SledgM, !,„! Hommers, Files and Raspa of ?3$frKF füund at tlie Ilon SMe' HENRT W. WELLES. Ann Aroor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-Iy m' arranty üeeds, Qüit-Claim Deeds, mortoages, Chattel Mortgages, summonses, subpcenas, Attachments, ExECLTlONS, Leases, Masters' Deeds, FORECLOSURES IN ChANCERV, Marriaoe Certificates. Ihe above are printed on good paper, after the most approved forms, and caa be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Lower iWn. November 1, 1846


Signal of Liberty
Old News