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Positivexess. - There is an impotuosity, a life, a tmve nent, in a posilive a?ertion, whicli interests our loeüngs in favor of the asscrtion; t bis life-liko tnanner is rnore agi-eeable to soms than rjsistancp and doubt, becru?c it settles a mooted point or, what lo the mass is quite tho same, it tukes thetrouble of refleetion Dff their minds, and cnables thoii to lake ihe positivo assertion as true, without proof The preaohor, the orator, the politica! dedsitner who cnn in;ike asssrtions upon nny subject ab.ive the scope of his ence, and make them with a gieat degree of prsitiveness, is soldom without sïren'uous advocates. Ifsuch descend to comBnon-places questionsj such ns the mullitudo can handle without the school-masler, his slodgr-hommer manner beeojres useless. Bui so long a-; ho keeps in the clouds, ihs louder lis t hinder, !l.e more num'Tous and devo'.eJ his worshippers." - Invcsligatcr. Swédish Ciiildp.en. - Mr. M'D n akl, in his travel througli Swedcn, says. - "Youiïg children, from tho age of one lo that of c:ghfeen rnonths,are wrnppeiJup in bandage?, like cyündrical Wicker baskots, wliich are contri ved so as to kpep their bodiés s(.-at without inlerferiñg much with tl.cir growth. They n:e suspended fmm prgs in Ihe wnll. nr ln;l n any con. venient part of the room, il hout much nicety, wlicre t'ipy ex'st in great silénce 'and good humor. I have not heard ihe ïr!cs of a cliild since 1 carne to Sav; StARTLING OCCURIIENCB. - We loarn from tlie Dubuque ('Iowx.)Republican tha1 a fall of aerolitos hs üiken place in tha' neighb 'rhojJ. One instanoa occurred in vvhich a largestone, ;oine six fcet in di" meter, and rcsombl ng a tnass of sul,)! ar il) its'dcsccr.' went through a large trep crushing it to aicnis, nnd buried itself in the eaith s'-tne twelve f.-et, from whence it was afierw'ards recoverod bv those who wilnessed its ful!. Tle traces ofsoveral smaller bodirsof the snme nature have bren discoverod in that vicinity within a short time and ar crealing considerable alarm. A flf.rt 07 Sail. - Yes'erdiy mornng- a fleet of 33 sail stood oö" tho harbor, mostly bound down. To-day we espoet a rush of craft from BufTalo, ns sevcnly-eight brigs and schooners clearpd from thnt port on the 23d inst., all boun 1 up. - Cleve. Plain Dealer. National Rcfok.m Party. - The Na. tioaal Reform vote-yourself-a-fartn Party, in the city of New York, coüed -431 votes for A Uierman, and 303 for MayorThe following is, unquasiionahly, law nnd f;'ct througout tho slnv'e states: - "A s'ave h'is never maintained an action against tho violator of his bed. A slave isiiot admonishsd for ncontinence, or nunished for fornication or adul er ; never proseeuied for bigamy, or pettv treason, for killing a busband being a ■slave, any more than ndmitted to an ppeal for murder. Opinión of Dnniel Delany, E.-q., Altorney-General of Marytónd." - 1, Maryland Rcports, 561,563. Arms tor Soldiers. - A mechanrc ín Philadelphia has invented an ludia Rubber arm which weighs bet little over a pound, for the benefit of thoso who ,n e been obliged to submit to amputation. - Ho thinksof setting up business in Mexico. some facts por. our post master General to cogítate upo.v Duri.n g the recess. - At tho anniversary dinner ofthe Liverpool Guardian Trade Society. Mr. Rowland Hil!, stated tliat, since the introductioa of pre-payment of letters, the dead letters had deersased to a small fraction - lessthan the two hundreth part ofthe whole; but the everage amount of money found in such letters, in coin, bank notes, and bilis of exchange, was L400,000 sterling per nnnum. He also observed that (here are more letters delivered within a radius oftwelvc miles round the Post Office, Onder the ppnny ratf, then where distrihuted, under the old system, throughout the kingdom. - Tho number of chargo:ible letters delivered, before the roJuclion, amuunted to soventy millioiiSannualy; last year they amouniedto two hundred and ninely-iiine and a half.


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