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TKANSLATED ET Dl!. BOUItliO. ■: Rternnl One ! irhosepressi bright Ali.spaco dut!) all motion jrüiile ; h Tnneall duvoslming 11 ' i Tiiou ttu'y God ! Thero is no Ci v bcaiJe I : uil lioinrrs One I me can CjmprehenU umi nono explore : Who fillest ex8tence wiih Tkysctf alone all, BUfpor(ing, ruling o'ei - Beiny whom we cali Gun, and koovv do morel fu ita sublime research, philngi May u.e.isure oi: ihe ocsin-deep - tray nount Tl:e s:im)s, or the sun's rays ; but, God, for thce There u no weigbt nor meo'íora. Nono can niount !"p to iliy mysteries ; Reas'm's brinlitest sptrlc, Tliaugh twindlcd by thy liglit, in vain would !ry To trace thy cniriseis, infinite nml dork ; IrVoiiglu is lost ero tfaought can soar bi : i - Even hUe past moments in eternity. Thou fioiii.piii-icval nothingncss did cel] First c tinos, fhen exisitnce ; Lord, un thee y mi! i;s foundation ; a!l Sprung furth (rom tliec ; of Hght, j'y, hartnony, irigin : olí life, nll beauty thine. Tliy word created all. and dotli créate : Thy splendor filis II space vil rnys divine Tumi art. and wcrr, and shah be! Gloriou:- ! Gieai I liglit-susiaining Potentats ! Thycíuins llie unmeasnrcJ universo surround : L'pheld by thee- by thee inapireil v.iilj breathl Tlieu the beginninj, wilh the end has bound, And-bestHil'utly niingléd life and deuth ! As aparka mount upwiids 1ro. n tic liery l,l;ze. So sins are bjrn, so worlds spring fon. thee ; And ns the sparcales in !ho su nny rays . Shine round the silver snow, ntry iven's bright anny gVitters in ihy praise. i m tordies ' ihy tmnl w ari d hrough iho blue ahysa ; wn tliy poweracromptish 'hy conimand, A!l g.-.y ■■ itli life, all eloquent wilh bliss ; sliill wa cali ihem t Piles of crys n! A glorieus eompany of golden srronms, Tji'.nips of celestial eiiicr, barningUright - "Suns libliag sjstcms viilt iluir joyous be tns ! Rut ilion lo ihcse ar: as lile nnon to Te : rs n dn-p of "it(r 'n lile Se. A i thia mnffuineence in ihee ia l"5t. e tn tiioiism I worlds cjti pnred t.i thee? And wliat n'n I. ihent Hoaven'g unnunibered ti ' '. Th"u;'i niollipüed By myria!s, andèrrityed Ii i í the glory of sublimeci ihoni t, Ij bnt an atnm ii; t lio halan. :e wiigl ej Against ihy greitueu - isa cinbor brought Agoinet infmiiy I What am I, thèn 1 Nouglul Xought I But the erauertce of Thy llghl ilivinc, Penai'0'4 worlds, hatli reachcJ tny bosom too ; ï"ea ! i tny spirit do:h t!iy pi:it sliinn. Aa shines the aunbeam in :i drop cl dow, Xought ! bnt 1 liveaid on If. pc's pin:oiis í'.y Eáger towards thy presen'ce ; fur in thee 1 live, and breathe, and dw('l aspirmg li yfi, Even to the throiie oí' thy divinity. I a n, O God ! and suttly 'Ihm muíl be I Thou art ! direcling, guiding all - tnon art ! Direci my un'lerstandin, thfen, to tfiee ; "o urol my spirit, suido my wmidenng hea;t. Thougii bulan atoin 'luidst imniensity, Still I nui sometfiing, foshioned hy Thy liand ! I huirla uiid ilo rank 'twixt heaven and'carth, On thüla-t vergo of mortal boiog atan I. Cl se to tho rcaluis where sngels llave Iheir I iith Just on the boundar;c3 of ihe epiiít-Iand I Tho chai n of being ie compicle ín me ; In msis mntter'a gradation h et, ilie next step is spirit - Dcity! ) cm commánJ the lighting. and ani duet ! A monarch und a slave, a worm, a th1 : Whenoe carne I here, and how? So marvelouly C'o.istriKMrd and conceived 1 Unkpuwn I Tíi o cl,d LivesauroJy tlirough soine liiylior energy, F'jr from itsclf alone it Muid nut be ! Crealor, yes ! Thy w'sdom and thy word Gréati á me! Thou souice of life aml good 1 Tho. i spirit of my spirit, nnd my Lmii ! Thy hght, liy love, in their bright plentitude, Killed me wi h r:n tnmortal soul, to tpríqg Over the abyss of denih, a. id bade ii vear The garments of eterna! day, and wing lis henveuly beyond this little sphere, Kveu lo ita soarce- to thee - its Author there. O, thought neff.lile I O, visión bleat I Though our coicbptlona all of thee, Yet shail ihv Bhadowed imano fill our breast, And iráft its hoinnge to thy Deity. God ! thus alone my lovvly thouhts can soar Thua seek thy presenco, Beincf, wise an.i cood ! 'Midst thy vast n-orks admire, obey, adore ; And hen the 'ongue is eloquent no moro, The soul ehall speak in tears of gra'.itude.


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