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The Fcgitive Slave Case. - Afier the experience of ihe last few days, we thinkit may le fairly concluded, tiiat ifa slave once escapes to Pennsylvania, his recovery is out of the question. Aside from the iiuurmountable dilïïculus interponed by the law of the last session of the Legislature, it is clear enough that there is a feeling among people whieli will renderit impossible !o re-conduct into bondage any fugitive from slaverv. who may escape hilh'er from a slnve Stnto. If all the laws in the Commonwealth had been on the side of the of the sl.ivp, whose mosier claimed him kist Friday, it is quite cerlain to ihe unimpassioned lookor on, that the cap'.ure of the s)aye would still have been impossible. Men were standing around to rescue him by main farce, while not a hand would be raised to protect the master in his alleged righls. No species oí property can be inore precarious than f-lave property, f it is once bronght upon the soil of Pennsylvania. If we were a Southern man, and one of our negroes should run awny, we would consider it useless to fuliow him furlher tlian the PentlSylvauia State line, for so many instances have occurred, wilhin our observation, to prove the folly of all attempts nt recovery, that we consider that future attempts would be utterly futilc. We would advise Southern men, in all kindness then. never eilher to bring their slaves with them, or lo feek t'iem here when thej' have escaped. Even were there a disposition on the part of our municipal authorities to aid ihem, il would be impossible to do s-, under the strongly excited feeüngs wliich these casos alwnys induce. The ins'ant a slave treads on the soil of Pennsylvania, his freedom is in his own hands. It is proper that Southern men should know this state of things. and govern themselves accordingly. When they come North, they lioukl come without their slaves, uriless, indeed, they wish them taken from them. This Mr. Logan is doublless a very excellent man - but inttead of having any hope of recovering the negro, he is only anxious to escape himsolf. The fiel is sufficiently significant of the real nature of the nsc.-Pilsburgh Journal. According lo a letter from Indin,a boy 7 years old, was lately discovered near Ferozepore in the den of ashewolf, who is suppesed to have ' nursed nnddor.e for him" as an aticostress of ber's is said to have done for Romulus and Remus some centuries ago. The boy is quite savage nnd will touch nothing but raw flesh. Four Dollars a week in Case of Sckness.- " The New York Express and the Tribune are discussing the mprits Of Health Insurunce, which the former Journal regards as a gooJ idea. Tlie Tribune thinks ditto, but claims t us n Fourier notion, and jokes the Express for advocating onq feature, at least, of Social Reform. The business of insurance ngainst sickness is likely lo be as profltable as life usurance." The movement i.s a gnod one whoever orginaled it, not only becausa it will afford the sicic the means of subsistence without toucliins; cherislied p:ide, but because e thinksuch an i usurance would be asecurity for almobt continued liealth. The company would, of course, omploy itsown Physicians nnd as tliey would most likely receive a salary, of course tlieir object, as well for their own comfort, as for the interestsof the company, would be to make the sick man well as soon as possiblc - a proceeding which every one must acknowledge to be very uesirable. - U. S. Gaz. The Great Suspension Chain Bridge. - This structure near the Fa'la ol Niagria, 700 feet long, 200 feet abovo the river. to afford a continuous route from Michigan by the Great Weern railroad in Canada West, is now surveying, and about to be commenced. It will unite with the Buffaloaud Albany railwny. The time at present occuaied in reaching Buffalo from Detroit is from thirlysix to forty-four hoUrs, by the proposed route tliesame distance can he accompüshed in ten hours,and probably in eight liours. Proposals have been made to erect n suspetuion bridge cap;,ble of sustaining five hundred tons, to be completed by the fall of 1 48, at a cost of 200,000 ; add $'25.000 for building?, &c, connected with tho bridge - making aiotal of $225.000. What is a Bombshell 1 - Many of the officers in tlie army have met their dealh, though by accidental blows, from these feil projectiles. Their danger is graphically shovvn by a letter-writer from Vera Cruz wfio says : I wish you could hear one of these huge projectiles in the air as they are coming, and sce the scntteringlhey make. The roar they make may be compared to a tornado, and even1 man within a qiiBrter of a mile of the spot where ihey strike thinksthey are about to fall on his individual head. The consequenco is, that there is a general scampering to and fro - I mean wlien tlie men are lying idly about camp - and so deceptive is the sound that one is just as apt lo run directly towards as from them. It takes two men to pack the mere shell ifeelf, vet I intend sending one of them to New Orleans if possible as a sample. VVixd Ship. - The Independence Expositer says: Mr. Thomas, ihe gentleman who has been engaged for some time pnst in building a wagon to go by wind and sail, as a ship has, we understand, nearlv compleled his undertaking.and will mak e a trip some hundced or Uvo miles out, in a short time. He has engnged the services of a regular sea captain, we are iaformed,who isa gentleman of much tnlent. He has dubbed it the "Wind Ship" - it carries one hundrcd square yards of sail. Don't Fear a Warm Bath - An impression being prevalent thatlhe warm bath makes those who use il Hable to take cold, ihe comniittee for promoting the establishment ofbathsand wash-houses have published a certifícate to the contrary,signed by one hundred and forty four eminent physicians and surgeons. - Buildcr. Charles C. Burleigii has ngain been immured in Chester county jail,for selling ant.-slavery bookson Suilday. In a letter to a friend from his jail-room, he says there was nothing but an unlocked door between him and the street. He ofTered to go alor:o to the prison, and carry the commilment, but the constable refused, on account of ':the manifest impropriety of a man taking himself tojail." Not unfrequently the wisest and best of men for a whilo resist change and reform, for fear of evil results, but finally yield to the foice of truth; - thus some of lhe most worthy of the English judges failed to recognize tl.c monslrous injustice of punishing pretended witchcraft with dcath, until lng afler it had been demonstrated to the satisfaction of oihers, and so late as 1743 the repenl of the penal laws ngainst .witchcraft was lenounced by the presbytery of Edingburg as a national sin. A fine body of workingmen of New York city - Americans, Germnns,lrish and Englishmen - have form.ed thems-elves into an association to emigrate to sfme dis'.ant, unseitled and unsuiveyed portion of the public lands, take possessionofand cultívate ench mar, his farm, trusling for the ownorship to the specdy alvent of the day when the principies of the national veforrners will be applied by law to the public lands. This is a practical exemplification of the vote-yourselfa-farm theory. Aehican Beans are becoming a standing disli n England, Irelnnd and Scotlanci, and are used instead of potatoes. They do not understand cooking in the good old Yankee way ; never having known the blessedness of a pot of baked beans, a la Connecticut. They boil them usiially without any salt. J have tried to brighten up the remembrance of my good motber's way of ccoking beans, and have made several desfents intü unto Únele Jon's kilchen to show liis servant maids how it was done. 1 wish some friends n Norwich, Ct., who have lived near Bean II il! , would communicate hrough the Citizen a receipt. for one of those "pots of baked beans which our pious foj-efuthers used lo eat in their pews, i of a Sunday noon, in the ofden time. - I carne away wilhout being ha If equipped for my mission. The johnny cakes work ( wel!. - Burrilt. Horrible scexg at Buena Vista - The batiery of Capt. Bragg díd terrible execution at Buena Vista. Si. tliousand Mexican cavalry inade a charge on him. lie aitcd until they wero within two hundred yards, when he poured a terrible firo upon"thern,his pieces charged with musket balls, cutting a lanetlirough their entire coluinn thirty feet broa). - The leading srjadron was mowcd down, and tliey stopped for a moment, Bragg's gun was instnmly loaded, and a second discharge as doadly as the first threw the enemy into confusión and a third put them to flight, leaving the ground ct vered with men and horses. Only imagine fur a moment, a battery of cannon, charged ni most to the muzzle wiili musket balls and slugs, fired three times into a dense mass of men and horses, at a distance of two hundred yards and you can form some idea of the slaugbter. Thirteen human bcings, latcly bclongng to tlie chattel roll of jur neighbors across the Oliio River, had ihe audacity to prefer Liberty to Slavery, nnd on Saturday passed Ihrough our city on their way to Canada. Thoy consist of tbree men, six women, and four children. A reward of fifteen hundred dollars was offered for thcm, but alas ! the price set upon human blood and sinevvs, nnd liberty, has lost its charm, even among those who, the Charleston Myrcury says, " undersland too well the science of cnlculation." Is !t not shamefu!, that men, women and children, born upun the soil, are obliged to flee this boasled land of Liberty, to escape chains and servitude 1 Of coarte, the slave don't want to be free ! - Cleveland Bemocrat. Chambers' Journal Office. - I went through this vast laboratory of civiüzation and knowledge the other daj-, and t s truly a world's wonder. Wm. Chambers told me that they paiü the government 1,500 per annum, dutyon thoir paper. They uss 25 000 rms. during the yenr. Their printing office is in the former kitchen of the Earlof Roxbury's iiouse. Thev have ten steam press es in constant operation. - Elihu Burritl. Col. JefTerson Dav.s of the Mississsipp regiment, and son-in-!av of General Taylor, hnving been named for the office of Governor of Mississippi, wriles the Mississippian " that he wül not be a candidale, or pormit'his name to be connecied witli politics in any manner, so long as he holds a military appointment." CoNNECTicüT. - The Official canvass of the votes cast for State Oilicers at the recent Connecticut election gies the following aggregaie for Governor : Whig. Lono. Clark Bis?ell, 30,13 7 fho.T. Wbtlessy 27,402 F. Gület, (Abol.) 2,095 : Scattering 41. Bisseü over Whitlcsey, 2735 : do. over all 600. Mr. G. Burdick of Albany, hasdiscovered a melhod of manufacUiring a new kind of glnss, of which lie has exhibited some beautiful specimens. Tliis glass is made of clav, and susceptible of a variety of colors, and of an extra brilliant lustre. Dr. Delan'ev's Fine. - Gov. Shunofc has remitted the fine of one liundred and fifty dollars, infamously imposed on the Editor of the Myslery, for an Ilegal libel. The cltizens have also raised money topay off the cost?, by twenty-ffve rem subscriptions. Honor to Pittsburg and to Gov. Shunck! John Quincy Adams holds his estntes in the lown of Quincy, under the oiiginal Indian deeds ; and Mr. Pierce, of the famous " Indian HUI Farm," in Essex Co., Mass., holds that property in the same way ; the old parchment deed, with ils arrow liead mark, being the only visible title. Governor Doilge, of U'i.sconsin, has calledanothersession of the Legislatura, thatauthority may be immediately givcn for the organization of n Slale Convcntion to remodel the Constitution - that adopted by the previous convention having been rejected by the people. Post Office at the Capítol. - The Postmaster General hasestablished a post office at " Michigan," the new Capital of the State, and appointed George VV. Peck. Esq., P. M. Keepino Ecos. - A fn'end who has had no nconsiderable experience in the business, informs us thal he many methods fur preserving eggs, but that the following Imspioved the most e Sectilni. Take a cask or box, or nny vcssol that is proportioned n size to thenumber ef eggs required lo be kfpt, and cover (he boitom with finely pulverised sált. - The eggs nre to bo sel on the smul] end, so near as lo toucli e:ich other, nnd the inlerstlces to be filled with sait, the whole to be covered with a stratum of tlie same article, and another layerof eggs deposited in ihe mauncr of the first. ín this wny the cask may be fillec'. If the eggs are deposited on their largeends, the yolk will adhere to the shcll, and become putrid. We hnve tried the above un a s-mall scalo, and fiml it lo work admira" bly. A correspondent, to wliom wesome time sinf e communicated the above method, nnd in whrse statements we place the most implicit Taith, in a letter to us. receritly receivccl, remarks ns follows : - "I have adopted the plan recommendcd ly you, in keeping eggs, and find it to answer admirably. I have now severnl dozen eggs which were pneked one year since, and which are now assweel ns when taken from thnest." - Maine Farmer. War Trophies. - The Washington correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce says Commodore Perry has brought from Alvnrado many spoils, which il is suggested will be sent to Washington as trophies. The spolia ojtima of the war will be eollec'ed at the ?eat of governmpnt. The curious old Spnnish br.iss cannon, with remarkable devices and in. scriptions, the opper balls andshells, and the lances and flagsof the Moxicans, and perhaps sorae of ihe decoralions of the halls and altars of the Mexican capital will bfi deposited in Washington. There are already in the adjutant general's office, the trophies of the victories of Palo Alto and the Valley of Palm. Wheu Tnylor beat off the Mexicnns at Buena Vistn, and had a bullet sliot through his oíd brown cna', he was i-ure of Ihe presidency. Being whig, the whigs would all vote for him. Having damned the Mexicans, the Democrals would vote for him. It is true that Scott, according to the latcst reports, has captured the castle of San Juan, and the cily of Vera Cruz; but he was dished in that "hasty pinte ofsoup." He cannot be any thing more than Vree President, and he will perhaps neeó to swear somc to secure that. - Chrono lype. Nearly one seventh of the entire surface of Ireland h occupied with bogL,and it is cstimated tbat the total amount of turf fuol is equivalent in power to above 478,000,000 lons of coal, wbich al Ss.per (on, is worth 280,000,000 pounds sterling. The U. S. Gazelte oí a recent dato. winds up an article with respect to Gen. Tnylor's prospects for the Presidency as follows: "Ofcourse, the party n power feel alarmed: of course, fiiiling to put down the Genera], they will try to put down the propio: stifle the voiceofa mnjority by insinuations about slavery nnd an'.i-slavery. When nntislavery peopletakea nnn ÍYom n f live holding State, the South need not fear." The Washington Union gives notice that all volunteera who may have served their time out nnd received tbeir land, will be entitled to another 160 acres if re-enlist for another Ier. ti. Teleghaph. - The line est from this city will be commenced in a few days, comracts have been aulhorized from Pitsburgli to Cleveland, and there is a probabiliiy thnt the line will be completed to the lakes in the moi th of Ju?y. - Pi t ;burgh Paper. It is reported that a celebrated pluugh maker has received orders from Ceylon for ploughs that nre to be drawn by elepliants. The Prrsident, it is positively stated, will order out the remainder of the volunteers authorized under the 50,000 net, as soon as the recniits for the ten regiments are raised. We believe the"numbcr is about 17,000. A Father af an inlrfstng famlly ncir Detroit, who chews $14 worth of tobncco yearly, stopped his only newspaper because he could not afTord i t. Mrs. Victoria draws a pound sterling from John Buil, with every breath that she draws throug'h her Étay lips. Ths salary of the Governor of Massachusetts is $2,500. On Friciay the Senate voted ti reshire it to the o'd con. t men tal sum of $3,606 661, bul the House refuscd to concur, and the salary is there. fore lo remain as nenv. - Post. Diued Strawberries. - Lnst summer, by way of experiment, whenstrawberries were plentiful, 1 utlached ihreads to their stalks, and hung up a few which wcre over ripe to dry. I placed them inside a window faeing the soulh, where they re mained from June lastto the present time March 28.) - They have j'ist ben tnslcd nnd the reauh is most satistactory. The Corn and Meal Tkade. - For the benefit of those dealing in corn and corn mea!, wc transfer the lollowing suggestions of a c-orrespondeiit of the New York Tribune to our columns. The letter is fr"rn Sciieneclndy : "I have had much experience in the corn trncie, and in ordor to benefit tliose engaged in shipping corn. I submit tho following facls: Corn taken in the winter season contains from 5 to 15 per cen;um water and oil. The present season is rather more fuvorahle, but t must contain Trom 5 to 8 per cent, water. The warm wcather is approaching when corn musl c;o t'brough what ia termed a sweat, and if it is not taken good care of, will spoil in one week. I have known corn to be in good order in the spring, and when the warm wealher carne on to be n a slaie of fermenlfltion in tijree dys. With the vast amount to come to your market, collecled through the winter senson, will i! be safe to ship it without kiln drying' Should it be sbiprcd in a damngrd slnte the consequences will beilïjarious to the shipper and also to the corn trarle. There will be bfiü more dunger in meal that i not kiln riried, as t contains the snme amount of moisture and not an equal chance in barrels hended up tight. As to the amount to come furward, it must exceed 2,000,000 bushels on or bofore the Ist of Junp, from this stnte and the western states, which is but a small proportion to go to market. After corn is thor. oughly dried there is as much safety as any other grain. Frce Press. WlIO WILL SELL A SEAMSTRESS ? Who thinks Ihat Northern seamslresses making shirts at four or five cents a piece would be benefitted by being sold ? - Whnt searnstress herself thinks so ? - Now is her time. Let lier speak. - The Selma, (AlaJ Reporter, edited by a Methodist minister, has ihe following announcement under i(s editoiial head : - Important. - Any person who has a good senmstress to dsspose of, will please apply to (he editor of this paper. A good price wil! be given, if she will suit. "Whnt do you suppose the world thinks of us?" inquired a pedantic young man of Dr. Johnson. "VVhy, I suppose," replied ihe Doctor, "that they think me a grent mnstifF, and you a tfli kettle tied to my tail." The total cost of Trinily Church, N. Y. irrcluding furniture, bell, &c, was $393, G30 - including 811,252 for ihe organ, and 84, 844 for clock and bel Is. A Mr. Aitken, of Aberdeen, has taken out a patent for the manufacture of iron coaches. His trial omnibus, carrying nineteen persons, besides driver and end, weighs only 11 cwt., and can be drawn by tvvo oróinary horses at the rate of tsn miles an hour. A Forceo Loan. - A young lady, whose trunk was broken open and robbed of $84 last week, has receivcJ n note from the anonymous thief, stating that the money was only taken os a loan, and will be repaid, with five per cent interest. - Post. It is announced in the foreign Journals, that SchLnbein, the inventor of gun colton, hasdiscovered a method of rnnking paper Iranspárent, and impermeable te water. It is tobe used in making boules, window panes and vases ; for it has all the qualit ies of glass except lts bnt'.leness. Slperannuated Preachers. - It was decided at the late Rhode Island Methodist Conference to employ the superannuated preachers ns Colporteurs for cir- culating their publications, afler ;he plan of the Volume Agent of the American Tract Society. Tremf.ndous Passage From. Albany to N. Y. - The elegant steamer Roger Williams arrived here yesterday afternoon at 15 minutes to 3'clock, having lef' Albnny ot half-past 6. This is the quickest passage on record. - N. Y. Sun. In the recent election on the 1 Ícense question in Buffalo, "lieense" received 1309 votes, and "no lieense" 190. A New Spanish Paper called the Arco Iris has been commenced at Vera Cruz by the editor of the El Indicator. Curiosity. - A. lady in Providence, R. 1., has satisfied her curiosity, in the discovery, tliat there are 3.Ü25 seeds in a fig. The dates from the city of Noxido to the 9ih, state that the dlergy of the capital hnd ogreed to furnish tlio governmont wilh a m Ilion and a. half mont'nly, and other bishop ricks had made similar promises. The manuficturingcompanies in Lowe)I have resolved afier the first of May,to allow their operntivcs thrco quartersofan hour for breakfast, mid the saine for dinner time. - Ileretofore they have hadthrre quartors of an hour for dinner, during jhe months of Mny, June, July and August, and only half an hour during the other eight months of the year ; and half an hour for breakfast the year around. Cost of War. - It is stnted that the cost of a bomb shell is $3 87. Some hundreds of thousands of bomb shells hare been ordared for the present war.


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