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E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST nOOM OVF.H C. M. & T. W. ROOT'? STORE, JRANE & JKWtTT's BLOCK, oGl-tf ANN ARBOR. CCLARK.Altorney and Counsellor, Hoime nn ulir " (In MTÍ. S. ISKOWIV, Atlorney Jj' C ounselor at L a w. AN AÜBUR, MICU. f FFICE idi R. Vum t Kbo. ?Ó7 I) BfíyíSS CLQCKS. h lurg lol of 'iixn iiil - i! .y i(r.iss C Ikck tul ale. oifl nnd iJ-2-' hy ilie cnoe. Sttó-tr" .1. W. TIU.-MAK FOR SALE C'IPAP roR ( ASH, or ei'eiy kinrl ofcooi i'V Ptndurn. Saïdlcs, lii-dlcs.IIarvcss, Trvv.ks. Ya'ises, Trunk Yalisrs, Carpe Bags,c. Alio a iLtiu :i.-S'm m. cni ui - i. i t i .. s . i s. whicli will be old vrry low, nnri i ■ mi luid-, ut (Oi'K l!'-.JJ!.-.()f. Ann Krhnr, Anirnfl3 l-lfi. -.'TT-t' ÍLAC2!S1THSÍ'TCCLS". " i RMIT.iGt; ttuUM Hole" Anvils. . " Wrijlit'g" du. Coitoriil Keyed Vics. Wesi's l'est üeilows. "O to "(! inclies. SlrdgeS) HnnH Hnininera. File nnd R;iFps of veiy luml, can lie found al ttie Irun Eiore, .-ign of the Big Anvii. HENRT V. WFLÍ.ES. Ann r,mr. Jan M 1M7. ,"!'--1v L1NSEED OJLf.' TflE Subscrtfier is iiimiunu-piriri! Linpei-1 Oil un un extensivo scüle aini lie is uble iaupplv Mr.ltCHAXTS AMD PAÍNTEftS. on tenns nv; e f;iv TiMe fnr them thau have f ve; ricinre heen offered In 'hi country, ri:d he c prepired tn ftnpply orrfars fr !;irL;e ur e:n:i!J quan tinos ni pnces fjtretm-'r lom. O CuiBHiuniciitijiiM i)v mail viii lie prumpi ly auendeil lu. D I.. LATOURnTTF. Lnll!T Lnke, Center C '8 '.- 1 V TE L 77 TE E TIT ! f TE E TH .'.' MASTICA'1'ION and Afticulniion, wuinijiicii ly ii.en [tcjiii; ptopvrly npUctd' S. D. BUniSETT, will eonnmie the practica "i ;JV ISTKY ii a!l i's r.iMuus hinnrhps. vz : S il ng. Mlu e ■lid Inaeiuni: mi !-i p! .tes ur [iivil. Ircit rnii Oil il ,(.-., or mibSls repioctlec). nnH 'iiailu eqwil lo new. OFFICE ovit (". B. n'ho1:i.sfin & Co.'s Pho. St'i'u. LtIis lm .eqni'si it. cm be waiied al ilieir dwi liiniis. fl. B Cliniííe.s uniisuallj1 lovv, and aJl km!s ofPRODUCK iken. Ann Ar'..r Der. 5. IH'!. 893- tl BR1GHT anrl Black Log Chaina, .i-iti. U r. 7-.ti. A rt Iti w iiiping do.'giit and twiüiediiiik Trscv do. Hnlter tl". Fnr efile verv clieap nt ihe sign of ilic Big An ▼il, l 'ppiT Ta o. Il F.M! Y V. WKi.I.F.S. Ann Ar!i„r. J.m 10. I V . 2. 8-1 y "FIRSI ORE!! F.T. B. CftXXK wbrfld npesifully notifj the cmzens nf Ann Ail'Or. ni,d iumt roumüii: 'oiiniry, tliai hc conunucs lu act n Airrii of 'h. HARTFORD FIUR INSURANCE COMPANY, anii will insnre Properiy HyninM 'u(Cl hv Fire. at the owjs1 nt'es, ftfld with cfeépacch ann acnmoy. The Hartford Insu'finuo lin(i;iny is out of the o!iiet and moflí itnMe in tho country, finfl all lopses B'isTiiinf'fl hy ihf'tn wHI for - afi they pV'-t hnve heen - promptlt imim! Firp is ;. fia-tiffef ons elenien' and noi tn le irifled vi;h: ;hireJire. m'keitp y 'ur mind lo uunrrl eniiist. it niv' diin't uet.ay I A lew Iioiíib deúiy muy be yciu ruin. Mr Cu ui;'p i ín Crntic's nov Ultick. comer ol the Public Square. Ann Albur. 2f(J-tf GoUl Pens, P R I C E RUT) U C E I) . Ir is fi'l miteil hv uil ttba u ' l tha Piquen-' Gnld Pena me tt ■' nol guperún (o in) everofTerxl n ihis mnikir. pri' r $S,ft'l For sale wholttsale. BHd rei,:l ni ilic ui-m n nc'i' rv. Corner ji Jeiferson Aveiiuo V G i wol' Si . Dfc'roft. Ö14 I r IIÜ.LOIK & RIYJIO.'XD. HVVE DUW .Mi ti'lllfl. JU1 mi' UlfK'IIHr il uu f ilit ie own iuii '.(Miun. i' tlifn wi I! kn v iCLOTHING EIWPORIUM, corner of J [ft-rstm mul Wtïodifiurti tmmtrs 1)i:tkdit. une ui llie largesl aud moM Culliplsli absurtii.ei's nf Rcitdy vflade CloHtivg ever hefiire oHVred in thia Slntt, which ihfy an prepiired to sH nt tho vnyhwtt i-osh pnct? for ihi'PH Ctuh limes. Cail auü ece ! !, .r, 1817. v9J-if "TO COUNTRY MERCIJANTS. T'IE Snhscriber cunsiuniiy lor tule goo'i flSf'rifTient of Iipovv WOOLEN CLOTI1S, well ailapicd 10 i e country ntnrkel which he will sell al w i.jlei-'ili! or retnil, vkit low. Culi umi. see tlie.n at ilie Minihtan Stokt.. W A. ItA YJVIOND. S7B-lf Detroit.


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