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Corwin On The War

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In a lotter of April 4 o a a gentleman n N. York, Senator Corwin maUes some remarles by wliich it appears thnt all the leading Whigs of the Senate acUnowlcdged the ipjuttice, folly,aiid wastefulness of the war, and yet voted tueutyeight millions in money, and tens of thousnnds of men to carry it on! Mr. Corwin writof-, - "I feit, os strongly as any one could, the responsibility I assumed. I difFered with all the leading Whigs of the Senate, and aw plainly that ihey all were to some extent, bound to turn, if the) could, the current of the public opinión aeainst me. Tlwy all agreed with me that the u-as unjust on our part ; that ifproperly hegun, which none of tiicm admitled, we had alrcady sufficicntly chastiscd Mexico, and that furlher proseculijn of il was wanton waste of hoth blood and treasure; yel they toould nol underiake to stop it. They said the President alone was responsible. I tho't we who nided him, or furnUhed liim means, must be, in the judgment of reason and conscience, equally guilty with him. I see the " Democratie' prosses prato about refusing to feed and elothe the brave men now in tho field. Do not these praters know tliat it was nol for that jmrpose we were asked for Buppliee? Did the President vvnnt twenty-cight millions of money and ten regimenta more of mon to hritig General Taylor back to Camargo1 No, ho told us he wnnted them for the proseculion of the War. He wanted to storm the Hallo of the Montezumas! And for what? - That question he will not answer! It is for conquest alone. The great Model RepubUo of the World maken war iipon one modeled after her, to tukc away her territory and utterly destroy her, till her leading men are driven to bpg the aid of kingSi to prevent us, the Great Republic, from robbing those,who, as wcll as they know how to do it, aro trying to establish freo govornmenis aftcr our exampie. I am arnazed that a poople calling itself Democratie - hating kings.and loving free government, should act thus. What does it pprtend! I confess it filis me with melanchly foreboding." We cannot ngreo with iho Advertiser to denouncc the Massachusetts Senate for rejecting the voto of thanks to Gen. Tav lor. If ('ren. Taylor was at home attending' to hi.i cotton and sugnr nnd providing for the comfort of his negroos and ollier live stock, lic would, in our opinión, bo better entitled to the


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