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Western Clotiíing EMFORIUXff. DSTROIT, "ÏXrOL'HWi1jecitully ijive notice ihat ther T T hnve Tïbw received ther emire stock ót Spring aml Sumrner t,nodgnnd are fully pripnred u supply their old cusrftmen and the public witu any amnunt of nciv nnd l.'ish ion ilile Kcady Made Clothfnf, CoiMHUingol every variely ncl description of nrment. i.m numerous lo meniion. All o( Inch they are disposcd to sell al WLWestnu ov ftctafl, upon ihe moet reasonahle terms and prices. Alan on hind n snlendid ngmrtment of DROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, CASMIIARETTS, TWEEDS, SU MM ER C L O T H S , PLAIN AKD PLAID L IN E A S, &c. &c. &c, are fully prepared to make to order upon t)i horiest noiice. anj most fualiionablB ninniier at tbeir wel! knuwn "Clothing Emponum," DETROIT. corner of Jefcison and VVuudward avenues. Detroit, Miy ül, 147. N. R Two or three first ratc Tnilore maf find employm.nt tipon ii„nietlja.c npplicaiion te. (lie subscribers, cor. Jefiurson and Woodwaid aviínues. 3I tf HALLOCK & RATMOND. IS KO Robbery! 'TIFIE Suinieribrs are fiüI in Market, Rnri n-a tioa r,ïiL"tftPaniliaff Pcr" GREAT BARGAINS, in FULLF.D CLUT1IS, FLANNELS, SATfNETS, RROAD CLOTHS, and in ihort neariy all k'il:lj o!' Di? Y GQODS f GROCEHIES, BÏ WAY OF EXCUA.VQK FOB W O O L and most kinds of Country Produce. Tl.o WOOLEN FACTORY situated n thit village is iiow in their possession. nnd is in tno ceaslul opd.-ntioni by means of vvluch tliey ;ru abltj t offer beller nHucemenis to wool ar. owms. t!ian nrty other es!a()!ishinent in the cotinty. NOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN! These ttrha wish Cash. üky Gouds or Groceriks for ilieir Woul, or produce of any kind, sh.uild be surc to cali on the Subscnbera betore.' uu rt has: il g die Vi'here. WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESSING done to nrder on the shortest possible noiice. Calí and s e, e f 318:f BECKLEYS fe THOMAS. Aun Arbar, Lfiwer TaWn, M iy 20, '47. Fariiiin lUnsils LOG-. Cable, Trace and Ilaücr CflAINS, VVndswtrrth's. Vedder's, ahd Tower' HOES, Hay. Barlev. and Maimre FOliKS, Cradle and Grnss SCY'I'HF.S, Lanison'f and other Snatha nnd Cradlts. Inih and Cnst Sieel Shovels and Spades. Drag Tsedt, Crow Bare, I'eck Ases. Chopping Axes, Cross Cm Saws, Hny Rukes, and all other tools for the Farmer, cm be boug'it l.nv al llie Anvil Store. Upper Tot). KK.NRY W. WELLK8. Ann Arbnr, 22,1 May, '47. 2U2.Iy CASHMARETT AND TWËgDS A beatuiíúl nrlicle for Gentleinen'a nlnnmer car. jnet rt-ceived and w.ll be i.ianulhetured n ihe l.alest siyle nnd hesi poasible manner, ai the " Western Cloihing Eniporium." HA1.LOCK &, RATMOND. 318 il" DïTJiOIT. Cor. Jcff and Wotxïward nvenuefi. Slee! Cultivator Tecth. THE eubfcribpf i? cent for the Patent Stool Cultivator Tceih. and hae just receid I roeliflupply, whic-h he will teil at the manulacfurer's price. T hie oriicle is coming inio ironetnl use whcrever fiiroencadi and hos reeeivud rthe approhation of ihe first BgriciHiuristu in the Uniitid States. Anvil S ore. Upper Town. flF.NRY W. WELLKS. Anv Arbor, 23d May, '47. 29. ly Biiilditigr Materials. OF EVERV KfND. Nail. Glass. White Lead. Linstied Oil, Lockj, L-nches. wir.d"w blinH and s.-ish Thmniinajl. Brads. Butf, Screws. Fimshini; Mails, nnd all artiolrs nccetsary for completing n huildinj, can he bought at Detroit priees at Llm Anvil Store. Upper Town HENRT W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, L21 Muy, '47. BJ)9 y COOPERA TOOLS. " JUST i ect i ved t ihe Anvil Store, Upper Town, a complete assnrtnien; of ihe c-lehrnted Locuport To.ilg, ni;,d by Wtn, nnd 'he Ohio Citv, made hy Wali.. which will bo warrantcd and sold i.t grKly rnrluooH nr'crIIIXRY W. VVELLEg. Ann Arlor, 22c! J!ay, 1847. ïili.ty Shirts, cj.oyrs Hosiery-j leceived at the " Western floihinp Einporium, b Bplendid nwortmentnf fino and superior. plam nnH ianov Shins, GIovüp, Stocks, Hündker chipis, Suspender., &o.. foj sale low. HALLOCK & RAYMOND SlP-tf DETROIT C'r. Joft nn) AVOjJword oiejiue.


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