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Amkricax Tf.mi'eraxce Union. - The Anniversary of the American Temperance Union was held at the Tabernacle last evening, ihc band of the U. S. ,slii) Nortli Carolina being in altendance, nnd playing a number of lunes in n very superior manner during the eveninj. A fier Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cnlhoun, of Alnbamn, llie Secretary, the Rev. Juhn Marill, read an abstract of the nnnunl report of the E.vcutive CoftlmitteP, wliich relerred to the mreling of the World's Temperance Convention ot London, and the decisión of the I Ícense qaestion by the U. S. Supreme (Jourt,8 the iwo distinguishing events of the past year - congratulating the world on the spread of temperance generally - said that 70,000 American ramen had Mgr.ed the plcdgfi - that 500 dislil'eries had been clo.sed in Sweden - tliat there were 1,200,000 members of TV mperance Societies n Germany - and 2,000,000 in England, Scotland nnd Wales, nlthough lliere 62,000,000 hushels ol' grain were consume 1 in distilleries and brew-houses whi'e the psople of Ireland were stnrving; and the cheering fact lliat the Irish Mili mainlained llieir pledgp, as ihey sui'fered !ess than they would if thev had lovn to liquor. Italsosiid ihnt L50,000,000 was spe nt n Englnud nnnunllv br liquor, but the cause was steadily progressing boili iliore nud all over the vorld, and t the census of 1841 howed that there were in the U.S. 10,306 dii-tilleries, givingout 4fi, 000,000 aüons of spirits, and 400 breweries, urning out 20,000,000 gallons, with a capital inves'ed ol' 9,147,000, ;hey nnücipated that of 1850 would show that the weighiiest part of ïhe work a1 been done. The rceiptj for the yoar ere itnted at $1,623. Addresses wcre rfelivered by the Rev. M. S. Scuddpr, of the M. E. Ghurcb ia ihiscity, t':e Rcv. Jno. Todd, D. D., of Pittslïpk!, .Mass., and others, nnd tho meeting, whieh was a large onc, separatcd higlily pleased. The Chocktaws to TSElIt White Brethrex in belaad. - A meeling for :lie reüef of tlie poor of Ireland Wna held at the Chocktaw agency on i!ie 31 uit. Mnyir Wm. Armstrong was callod to the chnir and J. B. Loca appointed secret.-u-y. Á circular of the Memphis caminiltée wns read by Major Armst roug. nftor vvliichthe meeting contributed $710. All subscrilied, ngents, missioriaries, traders and Indinns, a considerable portion of wliich fund was made up by the lattsr. The "poor Indinn" sending his inite to the poor Irish ! Arkansas lul. Bowie Knives in the Sknatio. - Mr. Golquitl, a tenalor from Georgia, and a clergymnn, in hifl remarka on tlie threemiilion bilí, said, "If división must come, tliere would be found men ofthesouth ready enoogh and brave enougli to oommenee the struggle; and they would comraence it here - hcre; the ven capt lliat covers thiê legislalive floor mighl be stained with bood of thosewho new stand upon it!" That i?, inJeed, high talk in the nntion's sanotunry - to come, to, from a mhiis!er of the Gospel! Th is Mr. Culquitt is a disiingui.-hnd Methodist c!ergymnn. wlio ia odJilion to 11 is político] duiies at the S Pinte Loard genemlly preachea every Snbbaih in one ofih? Methodist cliurohes in VVusliington. - English Paper. Isthmus of Tehuantepkc. - We ! card t statod ye:-terday ïhatthere wereofBoers noiv n oor ciiy, who were 10 proceed shortly witli their commands lo ihis poinl in Mexico, ihe possossion of whk-h has been considered of so much advanlage,ns securing the most ftauble route for the contemplated carril to connect the Gulf of Mexico and Pacifn Ocean. A topogrnpliical survey of the country is to be made undcr the protection oí a largc nava] and military farce. - JV. O Delta, oOth uit. Eight distiller.', "uil honorable men," recontly petitioned Pailiamfnt for som? mmunity in favor of their husiness ; and Lord Stanley slaed in the House o' Lords, that the exa'se duties on suiriis manufacttireá by Ihfse eiglit gentlemen smountad to L3,000,000!! or ne;irl nercnteen milliona af dollars, per nnnum And these eight geniipmen used 1,300,000 quarters, or 10,400,00 buslie's, o!' grain }-early in the course of iheir irade. Pahooned. - Capí. P'ter Flowery.who has liei'n confineJ Cor obout tvvo years n íheSnlem J.iil undor senienfc fr litning : been concfrncd in the slave trnde, has been portloued by the president, and wns on Welneiday re!eae I liy the United Slalrs rrnrshal. The presidfiit, in his pardon pro'.-lamation, recites the different petitions which liíive been prfsented to him, nnd placas the pardon on ïhe ground of ihe increnssing iil lienlth of tlie prisoner. Can nr.y onp, n reading the foregoirg, fftil to contr.nst títía witli the c; se of poor Torry? and in the Ootltrast, cn nny one fail to discover on which side are the partialities of the land - slavery or frecdom. - Vermant Paptr. Tlio Washington Union expc-ses a doubt Mexico will agree tonnytbing reason-iblp." México ís certainly verv un-eisonnble inJee;] not lo agree w!th us, eonsideriog how affbctionata and neighborly wo aro tnwanls liei. Perhnps if we vvere even to sn'flll w her, she wouldu't agree vvi li us. - Louisville Jour. Mr. Wright, ihe Bditor oí' ihe Chmnolype, has been imiicted by the grand jury of Boston, for a libel, on account of bis commenting upon ihe verdict of a jury of tlie Cuart nf Common Pleas-, in the case of Tubbs vs. Tukey, nnd which we re reenrieJ by lhe jui!go as " o contemp' of court." VVe knov noihing of the trut h of tlie statement ras'le by thn Chronotype; but we are ery Hecidedl y of tlie opinión, that if il be a contempt of court to comment upon the verdict of a jury, then tlie time is not far off when nll who avow thut doctrine, wheiher judgps or eliiors, will l-.e indicted fur conlempt by the common sense of tlie coir munity. In 1711, n slave-markcl was established O Wall-street. A negro slave recently die] f rom ' sl'iugliing of his wounds through excessive flaggellation." The Superintendent of Public Instrnction has api.'üintpd the following gemlemen a l'oard ol'Visitors lo the Universiiy of Michigan: - Rev. John D. Peirce of M:r-. li .1!, Calhoun Co. Ilon. Justus Goowin, Union City, do. " " Geo E. Hand Detroit. Wayne-' P.ev. Clnrk T. [linman. Albion, Calhoun ' '; Anson Tucker, Adrián, Lona wee " "Aid and Comfort." - Givmgaid nni comfort lo an enemy is defineH to bo trca. son, and is punishable witli severe penolties. Bul Josus Christ saiJ, do good to your enen.i s; ifthine enemij hmger,feed hi:n: ifnakeS, chthe himj f alhirsl. give him drink." We often talk of "n ChrisLian civil iz'U on" - where is it? New Use For Glass. - Thoy are imking, in Englar.c], a cnrefuily prepareH ruby-coUured glass as a substituto for the ebony keys of organs and pi-mo fories. We learn froTi n pnrngra;h in the Boston Wliig, tlmt tlenry L. Ellsworth, Esq. fonnerly Commissionor of the Patent Office, now residing ncar Lafayette, Indinna, offers 100,000 acres of the riohest lnnc in the va'lev of the VVabash, to emigrant who will ssttle therenn, upon conditions, to the acceptance of which the e.xtremet poverty can nterpose no obstncle. N rnoney is required : nnd any quantity of the land may be laken and tilled, llie oocupnnt yielding ons half of the product io the owner for threo vaars - nt the end of whicli period hp is lo receive a good war. rantee deed without fijrther psyment. - From 25 to 50 busliels of corn to the acre rrmv be raised without cullivation. - Frea Press. A volunteer w ril ing from Anton Lizanfo, savs,, six dollars ispaid for a barril of Potatoes, 25 cents pound for a of ksugar, and thrce dollnrsor a bolt Ie of rum. Rf.rellious Ren's. - A neighbor of ours sta'oslhat hog'slird is the best thing he can find to mix with the dough be givps t'i his hefts. He snys one cut of this f;it, ns large as a walnut, wiil set n Iipii to lnying immedintely nftei" slic bas been broken up from her seiting; and tlins his hens lay through the wintor. Will sime more experimon'ers try the virtuei of hog's lard. - Ploughman. BHAtL THEHE BE FuNERALS ON TUF. Sabbath?- A distingii.shed clergymnn of Pittsburg proposes this questiou to the considenition of the religious public. It wns to have been discussed on Tuesdny evening nt the first Presbyterian Church of that city. Wlien that question w decideri, sny-; the Charleston Mercury, vvesuppose ihe next thot will be pripo(.'d will lie, vvhether there slia'l be any denths on Saturdiy. Gen. Taylor and the Soittii. - The Npw Orleans Eee ndvocatPS Ihe electi'in of Gen. Tnjlor to the Pre-idfncy, on t':e grounii, rnainly, ihat his nominntion affird'a nnd nnlnoked-for eliance nf e!ecting a. southem man to that offii-e. " The f'ec thinks "ihe inpnrtatice of )lncin; nt the head of ihe govemment a man whu, IVom nssncirition and conviction, is den tifiad with the South, cannot f.iil lo strike everv cnrdid mind." Bombastes PiioDioroBO wns the greates'. and most pions man in tho orUl, but imhnpplly nevcr had a po'l to linghim. He wnnted ii good for-notliing stony farm thai lay next to Kis, and belon-ged to n lazy loifer. He oiTerod ten its va!ue for a part of it, but the owner refused to sell one font. Prodigioso thea swore ;it nt his nr-ighbor, fought him, whipped him, paytd liim twice 'S tnuch ns he nt fir-t uiTered, praypd with him am) mnde penco iih him, havingexpci de) in all 4 tltnra the value of tlio who!e fann, which, wben he had gol it, cost Ivit) more n taxes than is incotne. - Chrunolypc. In thp debater oTthe American brnnch nf the EvaDSelion1 Alliancp in New Yurlt, I we find a very stnkinsc mnnifstation of prgression. The stale phrase of "organie sii," is abandoned for the ver}' definite one of '-involuntary slavcry." This is progress I g i fiir the clenn distinciion. Henceforth 1 om for excnlpating all inroluntary sinnprs - involnntary skve'iold. ers, invnlunl.iry thieve?, involuntary ivts, nvoluntiry kr,avp9, invnlunt.iry robbers, nvotuntnry adulierers, Dvoluotañ' rakes. None of your invidious discriminations. VVhoever invohintarily commits a crime - thal is, hoever commits it wit'i pooi intpnt, and, becatisp, in his opinión, it is bettar lp commit tlnn not lo comm't it - ( is excusable. - Cor. Trw. Dem. A Qt'Eicn Advertisf.ment. - A New York paper puMishes the'following : "A young lady, perfcctly competent, wishes to form n class of young mothers and nurses, and to nstruct thrm In the art of tnlking t'J infanta in such manner as wil] ntercït and please them. Slie fi itters her?elf thal her peculiar tact and great e.xpcrienco in tliis most important branch of househld dulies, will enabie her to give entire satisfaclion." Masomc Antiquities. - During the Smitlisonian ceremonies last week, the Grnnd Master wore tlie apron prespnled to Washington bv the Grand Lorlge of Frnnce, throush their Grand Maslpr, Gen. Laf;iyette. This apron has bren f r the last forly years in the possessionof Mount Nebo Lodge of Virginia, hy whom it was sent to Ihe Grand Loeide of the District, th the reqnest, thal it should be worn by t!ie Grand Ma-Ier during the ceremonies. Tlie 1-ist, though perhaps not lemt in'erefiirig of this train of circumstancei:, was the fai-l tint the tools which, a it is usual in !he Mas'inic cpremony, vere pre sentrd to the Architec'. of Ihe building;, th same that were pre=entfld bv Gen. Lafaye'te when Iip assisteJ in Inving ths corner stone of the Washington Monument, in Ba'ümore. - Pkil. North Am. The Pacha of Damascm has usura n proel irmiion ti the Indica of thit city, in wbich he thrpTtens to cut their noses ofF. i( they do not g-i mire strict'y veiled. Jüstici im Missouri. - Ju-tice is on thn marotí in Missouri. TIir noilmelv hung n coloiTf] mai, in that State, for nttempiing to violaín a w'iito wortwo; Victr Ranasso, indteted for murcler, plead guilty I( theiíhargeof tnauslaughter, was fiiicd one dollar nnd sentencel to tii conniy ail one yearj ami Jacob Lañe inHicted for mnns'auglitcr, in killing !iis fatlier, plead guí'tv, was also finerl oim dollar anti sentunceJ to one monih's imp riso n ment. A memhpr of n Nnrili Carolina re giment w rit es f ram the Rio Grande, - "Our mmbers hnve been s-:dly thinned by disense. Bth ihe Edgenombe rómpanles rnuster obout enough men t" mount guard. The company I beloata.. mustera nhout twenty-eight men out of eighly-five. Ycstcidny, Col. Paine willi wagons from Brazos toCamargo, and worse used men I never snw in my life; out of f"ur companies, not sixty men wñre capablc ofdoing Huty. - Tlie country (ram the moulh ofthe Rio Grande to Monterey is nothing but n vost extended graveyard; the soldieis have whitoned the plains wilh theír bonos, cnriched the soil with tbeir hloi d, and made the natives wenlthy on the spoils of wai." TIip stilijpci of lavery has been discussed n the Chamber ofDepnties wiih gre'it nnimation. Petitions for its immediateand uncondi'.ional abolilion, without com)onsntion to the sbivehoid-srs, bearing 11,000 signatures,vei-e preseriled to tlie cliamber. 'J'lie King of Spain hTS boon pcrsmded lo be a little more civil to liis wife, liaving nttended lier on horseback in her promenade fcently ; but he lias since relapsed into liis foraici habits. Tbe total number of persons employed in cotion fuctones in England amountsto 277,023. Tn'elligence his arrived 'n Lo' do;i t h. ilie empertMP of Russin bns declred hi drtermiriation to investL4,600,000 in Pr. fiign funds, and !t is expecteri that ihe lar. gpst portion of tliis sum II be tvvested in Knglisli cnnsols. If tliis be ihe fací, the m npy mnrket will be relieved in n grpal dgree. Fevpr is more prevulfnt fnd mr.l'gnnut in Ireland, nnd nmny from t'io higber wal fes of 1 íe have nlready fallen bv it. 'I'h cunditionnf things, upon the whole, how. evp.r, is a liitla more iiromising.


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