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THRESHIKG MACHINES, CLOVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. T[IF. gubseriher woul I inform the public ih;ii he continúes to manuficiure the above machines ut the old 6U .d ol Knxpp & Be vil and, ai the Lom er Vilbgeo' Aun Arbor, near ihe Piirer Mili. 'I lie Mochines iré of approvcd mo'VN. have been thoroushly t'sieci in this viciniíy and worked well. Tliey are made ot' ihe bist matenals mi by txperiflneed workmrn. ""'bey will be kept constanily on hand. and iilso be inaile lo order at the shortest no ice. Tiity will be sohl on very reagonnble terms for Cash, or (or no'.cs known to be atsohiiely good. Tlie ahove Mpchines can lie sed by fonr. six or eight hnrsea. and are not li;ihle to lie ensily broken or damoged. Thcy are woll ad.ip ci! luí tlic use ofeiiher Fnrmers or Jnhbers. Tha i urmors can be aiiached to nny JBired or sir .1 ; !■ -d machina of any other Kind. The subscriber won'd reler 10 the folfowing persona whb have ptircbawd and useil his Machines : Miehnel ThompsDn, Salem, Arexnntfer Doano, '" .Taniep Parker, " Alva I'rait. . Pitbfield, M. A. Cravuth, " Charlea Alex.inder, " Wm. Poita. Müor.l. fflnkley & Vimon, Tii'-i f'.nd. Martin I)..iy. Vpsilanii. M. P. & A. D. Iladley, Saline. Wm. Sniiih, C.-iat'in. Isaic Iiurhans, Northlield. l'articu'nr nt'c i'ion will bc p lid lo Rki-amis. C asli will be yid Tor Oíd Castings. Persons desirous "t purch shl: nmchines are rpfi'csted to cali and examine these bcloie pureh.ising elsewhere. T. A. H YVIt.AND. May 17, 1S47. 3l7it GEESE FEATHEBS ! PAPER HANGINIGS FliiST R TF. VOÏWO IIYSON TRA AT OXLY FOUR AND SIXPENCE PEK l'OT ND ! I!v ilii' way no une l'iiys tliis tea once bril buys gnin. umi becoines n ci'a'omer. Nunebetier ior ihe price can be liad in Dotroit. W1LL0W WA G GONS, TltAVELlNG IÍASKKTS, AND IBISO OAOU: ns well íis Ioi8 of otluT gK'ids besid0S fiiy GonHs miay he hnd very cheap al the Lr PinQATT Stork,' Detroit. 317 W. A. RAYMJ.M). RcturnedTAILORINO. THE Sibflcrjher is ííesirous of infoniMnir liis iild custouievs and the pulilic ener.illy. that lid has located hiitü-elf oti Mam t . 1 1 c r t r VVi I dt- Grocery Store, nn ihe corner of Main and ilurun streeis. where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respeciable and prompt manMr. P. S. CUTTING done on the sliortest nolice and warranied to fit if properly mnde np. W. WUJKINSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. T.'IE sul)scriber offers to sell her O%vellint Iliiuse nnd I.ot in ihe Luwer Yillage o: Ann Ailior, gitua("ed hut n few ruds from tlie een tre ol business, and fronting on Brondway. Ii will be itiufui a convenient ie6Ídonce fora faniily Alo. on the saine tot, a dweiling house wel! adrtpied to a snniil ininily. The pruperty will be eold on very reqsonalib terniB. Possossion can be givcn by the fiist ol September, ií deBÍ;ed. ELIZA II. GROVR. May 22, 1847. 317. 3m STEEL GO 0 DS! Ititie S(Us antf Iflinnlitjs SPLENDID FANS, and any qunntity of othir good (if ' rtt-t nt the OLD MAXHA'ITA.N STORE, 317 Detroit. TO RENT. THE ROOM over the aloro of Beckley's & Thomas. Possession given immedia'ely. May ', 1847. Bkckleys &. Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of :i" hour and 8 day Brasa Clocks tbr sale. t U and $22 by the caee. 30á-tt J. w. TII.LMAN Gold Pens, PRICE REDUCED. IT a admitted bv a who vee thcm, thai Piqneiie's Gold Pena are eqiial f not unerioi to any ever oflered in ihis market. price .i2,.riil For sa!e wliulesale, and retnil at the manuiacto ry, Corner of Jefferson Avenub & GriswoM St., Detroit. 314-lyr %VJ!I. S. BROWTV, Attorney Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. TFICE with E. Mo.fcy, Kgq. 8!7ly


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