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Cheering Progress---hope On

Cheering Progress---hope On image
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In the City of New York n May of rach yaar all the principal religiniis nnd )hilfltlhropic nssoniulions of ihe country hold their anniversarie--. In the pfoceednga of the-e20 or 30 societies,the moral nnd religious pulso of thp nation can be well nscerl.-iined. We nsk particular attent ion t tlie following frotn the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, wliich has no sympathy witli the ánti-slnvpry cause, and estimnle if ynu can the work %vhich we luwe airea ly aocomplisliedind the brightness of tlie future. "Tliero' n liftter linie coming boys, Wan n linie loiiger." "In the first plnce, these anniversaries I have ühown that the queition of .-lavcry - thnt pi igue and opprobrium of our country - is mixing itself with every department of Christmn and benevolen; efiirl. As an eloquent spraker ohserved, it 'comes up over the land like the fr-gs in Fgvpt ; swarming over the wliole field of bcnevolent opefntion, tbreatening to drown, by lis discordant noles, nll persuasivp.s to other aciion. Il seems detined, like an nnny of locu;-!-;, tu destroy the 'green pasture' of ihe cliurch of God. nnd choke up the 'waters of quiciness' which irrigóte tho garden of llin Lord. Il is evidently becoming the questi.iD, which is to eat np, like Pliaraoli'a lean kine, everv ollier, and erca'e a dearth and fuminc of henevolent elTirt. ';It confronted and hnd well nigh struck down the angelic form of Chrisiian unily in iKe cinference of the Evangélica! Alli.'ince, and otily remiined froni its p'irpose vvfien it was ftllowrd to dweil in thfi same i camp, on the admission f its rights and wii h the credit of hoving been geni rous enongh to forego the dealh blow for the snke of psace. For an entiro day it was ptithroned in the T.-ibernacle, multitudps listening to is plaint of wop, synijialhising in its appeals. and devising rnenns, wiih more or les wisdom, thougli with pqual enthusiasm, for is immediaie or its gradual nnd final adjustment. "In one furm oroiher it exertpd an infiupnceover every mepting, either silting boMly with ihe officors, or ppeping from bphind some cautimislv worded resolntion, or sjddi'tily evoked from concealmpnt, and revenled tu the andience hy a burstof eloqupnce or flash of genius from sofríe untrammeled and impassioned speaker. - W elrorae or unwelcome, tre led with respect or wiih scorn, laudei o denouiu-ei. we helieve there was searrèly n mctinp, certainiy not one of nny . importante, where ether on Mifierance or by invit.-ilion, as friend or foe, as host or guest, the quetion of sl.-ivery hnd not its iniltience on the discussions. We ndvert to thft fact only, os somethintf worthy ol observation and of gr,-,ve eorisidernticm in view of the future. Whnt the eflècl hal been, what It will he, deteryea and riemands fro n every Chrislian


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