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The Ann Arbor Tfie Dpmocrat has lad severnl taien'ed gentlemen to wriife ils editorinls: but the hst number gives decisive evidonce that there is stiil a iipw lava ni the be'lows. In an iiujiiiry lul" the "Power óf Nations," thé wriier in forms ns that "t is nol warl ke prparnrations, physiral Strengtb, discil;ne, or nnmbers, wbich determines th victorv." Our grea'est generáis nnd 8tótesmn,tben, have bepn most awiul bluncleiprs in urging lt.e importanee of these poihts. N" it is the marmer in whick the Subbath h keft that nwkes a nation victorious !- The folUving passage is so decidedl) rich thnt we must extract it : A ClirisMan nalion whose Snl.bath are spent it. the sanctuaries of Gud, a;.d whje public amusement are mor.-.l and improving, will, with -ne thousnnd nien. drive ten ihnusnnrf whose Sabb-nlis are deseernted by public and wirked show , anrl whose a.tiusemenis ore Bull-fig!its,nn.1 neis still more detestable, and di-grading. "It is ihe Lord, the üo.1 "f bajetes, whn lea1s to vic'ory and tn cmqupT JN"tions wliose public laws, and public acts do nol roveicce God ani his cmrimanri. menis, mus le, r"d will le, liy the Dvine Providence, degraded and dishonoreH, while thoas whoe law nnd ordmances respect religión, nnd the cummand.of Gj), will be honored and exaltad aniong the nalions of ihe earth. lf,then, you would judge of the power of a nation, you must examine her laws Enqiitre how the ppojile spend their Sabbatlis, and what are the characier of' lheir puiilic amusemems. The Lord rules, as well the armies of earth, as Ihnse of heiven } and he will so ruleamong the nations of the earth, ns to enlt those who lionor him, and put down, ii d lilot out, tlinse who do not. Fr righteousncss exilteth a natíon, bul sin U repro ved ia any people.' " Gpu. Scott, oUr mission'.ry to Mexico, itely ta-ight the poor bull-fighting MexC'ins liow "a Christion natinn" keeps the Sabbnth, when he used the day (or ser:ding the lead and i ron among thêm at 3en'o Gordo. Shooting the Mexicans on he Sab!)ath Was niuch more Cliristian ikf tftan Bullfghtmg ! Was it on account of the righleous in vvhich the Prenoh spond th S h, und iha propriety of their "public- wnuseoienta" thnt Napulenn wns enibled to óyprrun Europh 1 Wns il be(urn-e '.he British fcetfp tlie S-ilibntli so st riet! y II a! thev overeóme the Sikhs nnd Chinese ? Anl f no, w.-is it hecause e le:t the Snlbhih so rauch bet'er, thntOld (lickny wliippcd them ' ut al New Orleansrf D:1 the ''Gnil of B-Uiles" give us this viciory on account of the peculiar Cluistian amusements and tnorals of ihal city ? TIií-í exponent of the givemmpiit of the Lord conveys the impression that th Sapreme Ruler doos Rrit regard hejustice "f" the w-ir, nnr ïhe abominable crimes, like tliM of slavery, whioli may blacken the chitractpr of a nati"n, hut there must not be any "toickrd shows" on the Snbbath, or his wrnth will he pourd out without stint, in giving rictnry to ita eneniies ! We wonder where the wriler lcarned his theology ? Since ihe preoerling was put in tvpe, nn rxchange paer brings us the fnllowing noiicp of :he rninner in which the Sabbtnh is kept s;irred hy the nntionn) aiithoriiies and thetr suhnrdinates : "T!)p haille of Palo At was foughi un Sunday, M iv 8th. The American nrmy arrivpd anH txk po-itinn in front of Mnterey on Sunday. Sppt. 20th - the butile commenced ilie ne.í morn ing. The bat! le of X)p] Norte, New Mexico, iva foiiglit fin Sanday, Jan. 24th. The lotile nf Bupna Vista commenced on Sunday, F0 2lst. The surrender of the city and castle of Vern Cruz wns mude to Gen. Sentí on Siwdoy, tVb. 27th. The b"t Ín of Sacramento, Chihunhun, wa-i f Hisl-t in Sunday, March 28th. The hatile of Cerro Gordo cummenced on Sunday, April 17th." Or" Thre spems to be no very stirring nevvs fiom Mexico. Gpii. Scott's armv, t appears, h"s ppnetrnted as far as Puebla, whíuh is on ihe direct rond tu Mexico, and only e:g!ity miles dist-mtfrom that city. There sepms to be no dmibt tliat hpwill eventually nn'irch into th capital befo re ong, and prol.ab'y without much oppoiton. VV lint shnll lie done then ? The city of Mexico will be taken, butthe peopi.e of Mexico vvill not be conqured The only feaslble remnining step our governinentcan tnke, if Mexico still refuses to trpot Por peice, will be to conquer t he whole country in detail, and hold it by stmng garrís n.=. Tn do this effectunily, will rpquire at lenst 50.000 men. But iIitr is no cpit-iinty tliat General Scott wil) be exrmpt military reverses, wrtli a very srnpll armv, 300 milfs in tbe merior nfthe enemy's country. Napoleon f'Ui'd it much mnrcliing to Mosoow iMn ï'fMi'Tiing thpnc?. Gen. Tay1 ir vrmins nactive, waiting Hie árriwái "f the hew recrnits. Almost hiS wholpBnen-i Vista hrmy nre rt'irninp liomB. l'Oth cfficer and men, th"ir term nfpnlitmrni baving expiiel We do not blime them anv. The old General I as workert thf-m ha.-d for n ye-ir pa-t- so hard that n argp portion of bis command nre now sleeping in death. Slavehy of the Worst Kind - In Mexico tlfiveryof thfe worst kind exists ['he !):isis of this BJWtéBi is nnt d'fFerence offoldr. or inferiority of rrtce, hutsimply debtf For inahiüty tn pny the nmst in■onsidétnl.le sum, a irían is inaHö (he slave f his crednor. who livés upon the fruit of his lóhor, Htlowing him to tnke bul a ai-p iuU.sii.Kn'-H, auc) ai-cumulatitig the or g nal deht by interest nnd "ther rharjps, to an eterít thüt m;kes Hip lioriHng ■ ne lor lifr, and 6ntal it lij' n his descendant. Can anUhina; elsfi thnn degrsd ition le expecied from such a system. - Free Press. Weshoiild like to have our Demtrntic nfighhor inrirm us why this Mexican ëlnvery is of the 'worst" kind ? Is it not mnch meaner tel pnslnve a man on ac-oiint of "inferiority of mee, or diflVrenco of color" ihan litttply for "debtf A debí implies B value receivwi by the Mexiean slave, as you cali himj of nn obligaten dne from him. for which he s cmiell'-d io vvork for the creditor umi t be discharged. Ilcre, cerfiinly, is a roason lor the "slavery" that you men tinn. But such Democratie héroes r your own nntion as Gen. Jacli.son, C1 Bentn, Polk, &c. enlave iheir doufitry men without any reason excel nn alledg pd "diflerenne of color, or inferiority o race!" Tl ese you nlso really admit to he the for enslaving men in th United Statrs! Are you nol proud o our fiee institutions 1" We, the North American Repubücans, nevor enslav our fellows for debt- not at all : tha would be too barbarous and brutal. We seizo and sell only colored and inferior people : and does not every Democratie Fourth of July orator tel! ua onco a yenr tliat "tliis is the most enliglnened nntion on the face of theeartli 1"


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