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WESTERN CLOTHING EMPORIUM Kallach & Raymond, DETROIT WOULD respectfully give notice that they have now received their entire stock Spring and Summer oods and are fully prepare to supply their old customers and the public wit airy amount of new and fashionable Ready Made Clothing, Consisting of every variety and description of garments to numerous to mention. All lich they are disposed to sell at Wholesale or Retail, upon the most reasonable terms and prices. Also on hand splendid assortment o BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTINGS, CASMHARETTS, TWEEDS, SUMMER CLOTHS, PLAIN AND PLAD LINENS, &c. &c. &c. are fully prepared to make to order upon the alorient notice, and most fashionable manner, a their well known **Clothing Emporium," DETROIT. corner of Jefferson and Woodward avenues. Detroit, May 21, 1847. N. B. Two or three first rate Tailors may find an payment upon immediato application to the subscribers, cor. Jefferson and Woodward avenues. 318 tf HALLOCK & RAYMOND. EXCHANGE IS NO Robbery! THE Subscribers are still in Market, and nro I prepared to offer ne Farming Portion of the community GREAT BARGAINS, in FULLED CLOTHS, FLANNELS, SATINETS, BROAD CLOTHS, and in short nearly all kinda of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, HY WAY OX EXCHANGE FOR and most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTORY situated in this village is tiow in their possession, and is in site Cessful operation, by means of which they are able to offer better inducements to WOOL GROWERS. than any other establishment in the county. NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN Those who wish Cast. Dry Goops or Gio CERS for their Wool or produce of any kind should be sure to call on the Subscribers before purchasing elsewhere. WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESSING done to order on the shortest possible notice. Call and see! 318: BECKLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, May 20, '47. Farming Utensils. LOG. Cable, Trace and Halter CHAINS, Wadsworth's, Vedder's, and Tower's HOES, Hay, Barley, and Manure FOLKS. Cradle and Grass SCYTHES, Lmaon'e and other Sonths and Cradles, Iron and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Drag Terth. Crow Bars. Peek Axes, Chopping Axes, Cross Cut Saws, ny Rokes, and all other tools for the Farmer can be bought low at the Anvil Store. Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, 221 May, '47. 292.1y CASHMARETT AND TWEEDS.A beautiful article for Gentlemen's shimmer wer, just received and will be manufactured in the latest style and best possible manner, at the # Western Clothing Emporium." HALLOCK & RAYMOND. DETROIT. Cor. Jeff and Woodward avenues. Steel Cultivator Teeth. THE subscriber is ngent for the Patent Steel 1 Cultivator Teeth, and has just received a Tesh supply, which he will sell at the manufacturer's price. This article is coming into general use wherever introduced, and has received the approbation of the first agriculturalists in the United States. Anvil Score, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES, Ann Arbor, 22d May, '47. 292.19 Building Materials. FEVERY KIND. Nails. Glass. White Lead, Linseed Oil, Locks, Latches, wir dow blind and sash Trimmings. Brads, Buur, Screws, Finishing Nails, and all articles necessi. ry for completing a building, cun he bought at Detroit prices at the Anvil Store. Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, 221 May, '47. 292 COOPER'S TOOLS. JUST received at the Anvil Store. Upper Town, a complete assortment of the celebrated LOCKPORT Tools. made by WEED, and the Ohio Cury, made by WALL, which will be warranted and gold at greatly reduce prices. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, 22d May. 1817. 2921y BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS. “ARMITAGE Mouse Holo" Anvils. A Wright's do. Cotterel Keyed Vices. West's best Bellows, 30 to 36 inchess. Sledger, Hand Hammers, Files and Rasps of every kind, can be found at the Iron Store, sign of the Big Anvil. HENRY W. WELLES. nn Aroor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly BRIGHT and Black Log Chains, D 5.16, 6.16, 7-16, X 16 wrapping do. Saright and twisted link Trace do. Halter For sale very cheap at the sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly OAK BARK! THE subscriber is prepared to pay Three DolIars per cord for Yellow Oil Bark, and $2,30 for White Oak Bark, delivered at the Tannery formerly occupied by Henry Mann, in the Upper Village of Ann Arbor, near the Red Brewery. One hall Cash and one half Barter will be paid for the same. - A will also pay CASH for any quantity of HIDES delivered as above. HENRY KRAUSE. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1847. 319-8w ROWLAND'S best Mill Saws, 6, 61/2), in 1 7 feet. Rowland's best X Cut Saws, 6, 63. and 7 feet. English C. 8. Pit Sawe, 61 and 7 feet. Superior American Mill Saw Files, 10 to 16 in. chos For sale at the sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. | 298y New Goods HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY Tim. A. Raymond, Proprietor of the MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. of Jefferson Avenue and Bates Su. Detroit. LET everybody call and look at the stock of Dry Goods which may be found at the Famous OLD MANHATTAN STORE. The quantity is larger, the style prettier, and the prices lower than ever! BONNETS, BONNETS! A very large assortment of all kinds. Tuscan, Straw, Pedal Braid, Open Work. English Braid, Albertine, &c. &c., from the coursest to the finest. Also great assortment of ribbons, tabs, flowers, &c. GINGHAMS, LAWNS, BARAGES, MUSLIN DELAINS, Balzorines! and all other sorts of Dress Goods. BEAUTIFUL DRESS SILKS, PARASOLS AND SHAWLS, of all kinds! PRINTS, Drillings, PANTALOON STUFF, COTTON GOODS, COTTON YARN, And WARP b-y-----t-h-e ---c-a-r-t---l-o-a-d-!-! If folks from the country will only give us a enll, and look round among our nice goods, it is all we ask The goods will sneak their own praises, and in nine cases out of ten secure trade. First rate Young Hyson Tea for four shillings and sizpence per pound. Grese Feathers, Paper Hangings &c. W. A. RAYMOND. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT'S STORE, ORANE & JEWETT'S BLOCK, 261-1 ANN ARBOR. A List of Books FOR SALE BY FOWLERS & WELLS, At The Phrenological Cabinet, 131 Nassau Street, NEW YORK All of which are nearly bound in chen form EXPRESSLY to send BY MUL, at the present DOW RITES OF POSTAGX, at the prices affixed to ench work. Our friendant a distance mny now enclose the money for either of the following works, and receive them by the return of the first mail. PHRENOLOGY PROVED, ILLUSTRA TED & APPLIED:-30th edition, enlarged By O. S. Fowler: containing over 500 pages 12mo. Illustrated by upwards of 40 engravings. A PRACTICAL Standard work on the Science. Price $1. MEMORY A INTELLECTUAL IMPROVE MENT:-New edition, greatly enlarged und improved. By 0, s. FOWLER. Applied to pell education and juvenile instruction. Illustrated by engravings. A valuable work for old and young. Pp. 230. 12.00. Prise 60 cents. RELIGION. NATURAL AND REVEALED: -Or the Mornl Bearings of Phrenology, compared with those enjoined in the Scripture. By 0. S. FOWLER price 50 cents. LOVE AND PARENTAGE:--Applied to the Improvement of Offspring. By O. S. FowLER, of which more than eighteen thousand copies linya beon sold within a year. Price 25 cents. AMATIVENESS:-Or the evils and remedies ola xcossive and perverted sexuality, including warning and advice to the Married and Single: being a Supplement to Love and Parentage. Price 12 cents. MATRIMONY:- Or Phrenology and Physiology applied to the selection of congenini com. nions for life : by O. S. FOWLER. Of which, more than 30.000 copies have been sold in the United Stnies, besides having been re-published in England. Price 25 cents. SYNOPSIS OF PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY: -By L. N. FOWLER. comprising a condensed description of the functions of the body and mind: also the additional discoveries made by the aid of Magnetism and Neurology. Illustrated. Price 19 cents. MARRIAGE:-A new edition, enlarged and imp.oved, containing an analysis of all the Social Organs, amely illustrated. Also con CIBO HISTORY Of its forms and practices in all ages and nations. By L. N. Fowler. Price 37 cents. PHRENOLOGICAL GUIDE:- Designed for Students of their own Characters. Most of the organs are illustrated with two engravings, show. ing ench orgau, large and small. A good thing for beginners. Price 12 cents. PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Applied to Temperance, or the laws of life and health, of which upwards of twenty thousand have been sold. No one should be without it. Price 6 cents. TIGHT LACING: -Or the evils of comprer. sing the organs of animal life, and thereby enfeebling the vital functions. Every young woman should have a copy. This work has also had an extensive sale. Price 6 cents. SYNOPSIS OF PHRENOLOGY, 4 CHART :-Designed for the use of Practical Phrenologists. With upwards of 40 engrav inge. Price cents, or $l per hundred. THE PHRENOLOGICAL ALMAC FOR 1847:-Containing the Likenesses of many distinguished individuals, besides a beautiful emblematical head, which shows the location of nll the organs. Ninety thousand have already been sold. Price 6 cents, or 13 copies for 50 cents. A SOBERA TEMPERATE LIFE:-By Louis CORNARO, and written by him at the age of 83 years; with a likeness of the author. who, by his temperate habits. attained the remarkable age of 100 years, and giving directions as to the quantity of food necessary to prolong life. This work has bee translated into nearly every language. Pp. 228. 18mo. Price 25 cents. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL:- Or 32 large pages, on good paper and type. amply illustrated with engravings, adapted to all classes. It will be found very instructive and useful. Terms On Dolum a year in advance. COWBE'S PHYSIOLOGY :- From the last Edinburgh edition, with moves and observations by O.S. FOWLER. This is the best work extant on Health and Longevity. Pp. 320. Amo. Price, 75 cents. PHYSIOLOGY-ANIMAL AND MENTAL :--Applied to the Preservation and Restoration of Health. By O. S. FOWLER. Price, 59. EDUCATION: ITS ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES:--Founded on the Nature of Man. By J G. SPURZHEIN, M. D. Sixth American, from the third London edition, enlarge ed and improved by the author. Pp. 320, 12mo. Price 50, Books for sale at the Phrenogical Cabinet, at retail prices only, all or either which may be ordered and sent by mail, at the price affixed to each work. RATIONAIX OF CRIX, Price 62 cents HUMAN RIGHTS, 50 BASOPHY OF THE WATER Curx, 256 PRACTICE OF THE WATER CURE, 95 % WE PRONOGRAPHIC Class Book, 37 Tux PHONORATO R R , 25 The PurlesOPHY OF MEMERISM, 256 TEA AND Coffee, Just Published, Illustrated Edition of AMILIAR LESSONS ON PHRENOLCGY. for Children and Youth. Extensively illustrated by a large number of new and orig. inal engravings. Designed for the nse of Schools and Families. By Mrs. L. N. FowLR Price 50 cents. FAMILIAR LESSONS ON PHYSIOLOGY. for Schools and Families. Amply illustrated by appropriate engravings. By L. N. Fowler Price 25 cents. Illustrated Botany VOL. II., 1847.6 EDITED BY J. L. COMSTOCK, M. D., Author of Botany Natural Philosophy. Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Natural History. Physiology, etc, assisted BY J. C. COMSTOCK, ESQ. The success of the Illustrated Borony is no longer an experiment. for although it has been in existence but one year, it already has a circuLation of about five thousand, a sufficient num. ber to warrant its support, which cannot be said of any other work of the kind. Indeed, it is the only work of this character published in this country, which promises stability and a long life. We think the prospects of the second year of this Botany are very flattering. One renson for the opinion is, the ret that it is now very popular. having a large circle of friends. Another very important reason is the securing of an Editor for the coming year, whose popularity as an ou thor in the various branches of Natural Science, is so extensive is to leave his name familiar to every student in the sciences in this conniry. - We are fully satisfied that the Botany will, under the present Editors, bear the severest criticism, and we intend that it shall become the standard work. In the course of its publication, it will contain An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany, a thorough Trentine on the interesting and important branch of Vegetable Physiology. No. 11ees on Fossil Botany, and descriptions, both scientific and popular, of numerous species of plants, the properties of which medicinal and useful, will be fully explained. In short, it is intended to present a complete view of the Interest and most important facts, discoveries, and theories, in every department of the scienco. The whole illustrated by splendid colored engravings, taken from Nature, full size, and finished in the highest style of modern art. This work is designed to be eminently popu. lar in its application, and there is enough of that which is stronger than fiction about it to render it. in no ordinary degree, interesting and instrue tive. We do not intend to confine ourselves to the botanical descriptions of each plant, but to make it a thoroughly scientific work. in all the departments of Botany. It will also give information on the cultivation of plants and flowers. In a word, it will comprise the whole science. We give below the free opinions of the press. From the Christ'n Adv. & Jour., edited by T.. E. Bond, M. D. The printed specimens are really exquisitely done ; and the great marvel with us is, how the work can be afforded at the low price of $3. per annum, or two copies to an address for $5. Engravings can be cheaply multiplied, but paintings must be executed separately, and without the nid of labor-saving machinery. It will give us real pleasure to announce the successive numbers of This beautiful periodical, as we have been led to think the study of Botany not only an innocent recreation, but eminently promotive of piety. From Exchange Papers. ILLTSTRATED BOTANY.-Nunber six of this very pretty floral work has been received, and is, os usual, filled with plates representing native and foreign flowers, and with matter relating thereto. We have heretofore spoken in terms of commendation of this work. We think it superior to any thing of the kind published. ILLTSTRATED BOTANY,- To all lovers of the beautiful in Nature and Art, we commend this work ys eminently worthy of patronage.N. Y. Tribune. ILLTSTRATED BOTANY-Among the various publications that float our country, we Ben none that we consider of more interest to the florist or admirer of Nature, than the Illustrated Botany. It is illustrated with from four to six engravings every month, handsomely colored, representing the plant true to nature. Its reading matter is descriptive of the plants represented, making it a valuable as well as beautiful work. TERMS. This work will be published monthly, with from six to ten flowers, handsomely printed, in each number. Price. 83,00 1 year, or two copies sent to one address for 85,00. D A very liberal discount allowed to ngents. J. K. WELLMAN, Publisher & Proprietor, No. 116, Nasen-st. January I. 1847. P. S. Editors who have published our Pros. pectos for the first year, will please publish the above for the second year. N. B. Publishers of newspapers who who will I give the above three insertions, shall receive the work one year. REMOVAL E. BOOTH. WOULD inform his Customers and the public generally, that he has removed his Book Bindery from the Paper Mill building, where it has formerly been to NO. 5, HURON BLOCK, opposite the Washtenaw House, where he will complete all Jobs in the above line entrusted to his care, in any form to suit his customers E. Booth. Ann Arbor, May 13, 1847. 316-tf TO BUILDERS, 200 kegs Albany and Troy Cut Nails 3d to 6d. 20 Kegs Wrought Nails 6d to 12d. 5) Boxes * Believemin" Glass from 7 X 9 50 Kegs pure Lend in Oil. 500 lbs. dry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil 20,000 keet Pine Lamber, song ned, clear stuff Together with a full assortment of Locks, Latches, Butts. Screws. Window Blind Fastenings. &c. for sale at within a fraction of Detroit prices, at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, March 13, 1347. 30 8 TO THE FARMERS. 200 Lbs. Superior Wool Twine. 400 10 duz. Sheep Shears, and full assortment of Farming utensils of ! kinds, Axes, Shovels, Spades Manure and Hay Forks, Log ind Cable Chains. Drog Teeth Straw Knives, Crow Bars. Peck Axes, Hoes, &c. lor sale at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, March 13, 1847. 308 THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HUNDRED COPIES of the fifth edition of this highly popular work are for sale at the signal office at 50 cents single, or $4,50 per dozen. Terms Cash. Now is the time for Liberty choirs to supply themselves. NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS FROM NEW YORK Spring Fashions. THE subscriber has just received a fresh assortment of Spring and Summer Good and offers them for anle cheap, such as Broadcloths of all description; Saline and Cassimeres, and everything in the PANTALOON and VESTING line, a every article usually found in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepared to make and all kinds of gentlemen's garments, and wou tender his thanks to his old customers and public generally, and solicits their favors. GARMENTS cut to order all times. WM. WAGNER, DRAPER AND TAILOR, Huron Street, South the PUBLIC SQUARE Anu Arbor, April 28, 1847. 39w WOOL, W00L CLOTH, CLOTH!! THE undersigned would inform the public that they will continue to manufacture Folted Cloth Cassimiere and Flannel, at the Factory, two and a half milus west from A Arbor, on Huron River near the Railroad. TERMS: The price of making cloth will be for Cuss mere, 44 cts, per yard; for Fulled cloth, 37 Der yard: for white Fiannel. 2016, per yard.Wo will nlso exchange cloth for wool on rentoul nble terms. Wool sent by milroad accompanied with instructions will be promptly attended to. We have done an extensive business in manufacturing cloth for customers for several year and believe we givo ns good satisfaction ns ar Establishment in the State. We therefore invite our old customers to coutinde, and new ones come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. FOSTE & Co., Stic, S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313--. New Establishment CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY. THE subscriber would respectfully announce the citizens of Dexter and vicinity the he has opened a shop in the above place, in th corner store, formerly known as Sheperd'." where he is prepared to do ALL KINns of repnir idg in the line of clocks, watches, jewelry &c. on the shortest notice. Having bad about twelve years experience in some of the best Easter shops, he flatters himself that he can give antir sutifuction to all those who may favor him with their work. He has and is constantly receiving clocks, watelies, and jewelry or all descriptions which he will sell as choup as the cheapest W. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: such as. Teos, Sugars, Molasses Raisins, Coffee, Peppers, Spice, Fish, Candies. "Tobacco. Cigars &c. &c. And in Inet EVERYTHING usually kept in such an establishment (1.19 UOR EXCEPTED) constantly on hand and for sale cheap. W. W. DEXTER & Co. DEXTER, March 6, 1847 312. Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, TTAVING tnken the Staad No 59, Woodard 1 Avenue. 3 doors north of Doty's Auction Room, recently occupied by J. G. Crone, as o Hat Store; and added the stock of the latter to his own, and also engaged in manufacturing every description of HATS 4 Cars, He is now prepared 10 offer to the Public ever article in his line, either of his own or enstern manufacture, twenty five per cent less ihon have been offered in this market. In his stock will be found Fine Nutra, Satin Beaver, Benver, Otter, Brash Sporting Hats, Fine Cloth. Siik. Plush. Oil Silk and Velvet Caps: also, Rich Silk Cravars, Serris, Handkercheifs ; Kid, Thread, Silk, and Buckskin Gloves : Col. lors, Bosoms, Walking Cancs, Umbrellos, &c. TAILORING. The Subscriber has also socared the services of u first rate Practical Cutter, by which he will be enabled to furnish garments of every style and description, and in the most approved and fnah ionable manner. He is constantly receiving the latest fashions, and, employing the best of is confident that he will give the best of satisfaction to all that may invor him with their patronage in this branch of his business. 310-17 On Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respectfully 1 notify the public, that he is loented once more in the village of Ann Arbor, and in prepared to accommodate the community with choice and well selected assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of Dry Goons, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND Suors, CROCKERY. &c. &c.. which he will sell for READY PAY as cheap as the sune quality of Goods can be bad at any other store in town. Persons who wish to make purchases for Cash nt Club Prices, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. By keeping the first quality of articles, by selling nt small profits, and by a fair and honorable course in business, he expects to merit a liberal slure of public patronage. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in payment for Goods. Don't forget the place, on the East Side of Main Street, it lew doors south of the Public Square, in the same store with C. Bliss, Jeweler. M. WHEELER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. 292-tf NOTICE. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between GARLAND & LE FEVRx, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner 18 authorized to use the name of the firm in settling up the outstanding business. All person indebted to suid firm are expected to make im. immediate payment, as by so doing they will sav cost. C. J. GARLAND. B.D. LE FEVRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. 315.8w NEW TIN SHOP. TV subscriber has commenced the manufne 1 vure of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, To all its various branches, in connection with he "Anvil Store," and is prepared to furnish Country Merchants and Farmers with every thing in the line JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Vently and expeditionely done. HENRY W. WELLES. Upper Town, Ann Arbor, Ist June, '47. 292, 1y

THE Subscriber having purchased the interests of J. M. Rockwell in the Marhl Business, would inform the inhabitants of the and adjoining counties, that he will continue the business at the old stand, in the Upper Town near the Presbyterian Church, and manufacture 10 order:
Monuments, Grave stones Paint Stone Tablets, &c. &c. Those wishing to obtain any article in his liru of business will find by calling that he hns anns sortment of White and Variegated Marble from the Enstern Marble Quarries, which will b wrought in Modern style, and sold at eastern pr ces, adding transportation only. Call and ge the proof,
W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor, Jan. 30. 1847.
Cheap for Cash!!
THE Subscribers beg lenye to inform the L old customers, and the public generally that they are now receiving a large and splendid
asortment of English, American and Wes India. GOODS. Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils
Dyestuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general assortment of IRON, suitable for Ironing Waggons nud Buggies, Nail Rods Horse Shoes, and Horse Nails, Sheet 1:00, Tin Ware and Tin Plate-alao a general assortment of
BOOTS & SHOES, thick and thin sale work, and custom work to sunt purchasers. All of which ihey will sell on the lowest possible terms for Casual or BARTER Feeling confident as we do, that we can make it for be interest of all those wishing to put chase any of the above mentioned Goods, we do most earnestly solicit at least an investigation of our Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
JAMES GIBSON & CO. No. 3. Exchange Block. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Sept. 14, 1846.
THE Subscriber has just received, (and is constantly receiving) from New York an ulogant ar 2 well selected assortment of
Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, &c &c. which he intends to sell as loro us at any other establishment this side of Buffalo for ready pay only among which may be found the following: a wood assortment of
Gold Finger Rings, Gola Brenat pins, Wristlets Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, German Silver Ten und Table spoons (first quality.) Silver and German do Sugar Tonge, Silver Salt, Mustard and Cream spoon Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens,
Pencils, Silver and German Silver Thimbles Silver Spectacles, German and Steel do. Goggles, Clothes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Lather Brushes, Ruzors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears and Scissors. Knives and Forks. Brittannia Tea Pots and Castors, Plated, Bross, ond Brittanin Candlesticks, Snuffers & Trays,
Shaving boxes and Soaps, Chapman's Best Razor Strop. Colland Morocco Wallets. Silk and Cotton purses, Violins and Bows, Violin and Boss Viol Strings, Flutes, Fifes. Clarionets, Accordeone-Music Books for the same. Motto Senls. Steel Pens and Tweezers, Pen enser. Snuff and Tobacco boxes. Ivory Dressing Combs, Side and Bock and Pock et Combs. Needle coses, Stelettoes, Water Paints and Brushes, Toy Watches, a great variety of Dolls. in short the greatest variety of toys ever brought to this market, Fancy work boxes, chil. dren's ten setts. Cologne Hair Oils. Smelling Salts. Court Plaster, Ten Bells. Thermometers. German Pipes. Wood Pencils. BRASS AND WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fact almost every thing to please the fancy. Ladies and Gentle men, call and examine for yourselves.
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted on short notice. Shop at his old stand, opposite H. Becker's brick Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wheeler.
CALVIN BLISS. N. B-Cash rnid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July 1st, 1846.
THE SUBSCRIBER has received his
winterstock, which he offers for Cash. at greatly reduced prices.
The Public are invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. Now on band, und dnily adding. SÜFAS of every variety and pattern, and the latest fosbion, prices from $80 and upwards. DIVANS, OTTOMANS, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, of all kinds from 1 and up.
Centre, Card, Tea, Dross, Tier, Dining, and Nest Tables.
Wash, Candle, and 'Toilet Stands.
Bedsteads-Mahogany, Maple, and Walnut, from $2 and up.
Piano Fortes: Piano Covers : Piano Stools. Double and single Matresses of buir, shuek, palm leaf, or straw. Double and single Cot Bederends.
do do Writing Dusks. CHAIRS.-The best nssortment that can be found west of New York and the cheapest in this city.
Windsor Chairs, a good article, at $250 the sett.
Mahogany French Chairs, hnir sent, a first rate article, and well finished for $350, Cosh only.
Mahogany Rocking Chairs, hair sent and back. warranted good, at the low price of $12, for the cash only. Flag and Cane Sent from Ge. and up.
Bird Cages, plain and gallery : Bird Glasses, Hobby Horses, and Toy Wheelbarrows, for children: Patent Shower and Hip Baths: Boston Bath Pons, Camp Stools. Umbrella and Haul Stands. Fancy Bellows, Foot Serapers, Cane Sent Counter and Bont Stools. Curtain material, Table covers, Patent Post Office Balancer. Vie ture Frames. Willow Wagons, Cradles, Chairs, Clocks, and Baskets ; Brittannin Table Custore, very cheap
Mahogany and Rosewood Veneers; Varnish and Japan : Bronze, Mahogany Knobs, Locks,
Glun, Curled Hair, and Cane Seats. h! Also, a large assortment of American Cashtors, expreaaly for Cabinet Makers, very cheap.
Cash and the highest market price paid for any quantity of Walnut and Cherry Lumber.
I will also contract for any quantity of first rate Walnut Lumber, to be sowed to order, and delivered by the 1st of June next.
No. 87. Jols: on Avenue Detroit, January 1, 1847.

FIRE! FIRE!! T J. B. CRANE would respectfully notify
. the citizens of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that he continues to act as Agent of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE
COMPANY, and will insure Property against Tosses by Fire. at the lowest rates, and wish despatch and accuracy. The Hartford Insurance Company is one of the oldest and most stable in the country, and all losses sustained by them will be-as they ever have been--PROMPTLY PAID! Fire is a dangerous element and not to be trifled with: therefore, make up your mind to guard against, it and DON'T DELAY! A few hours delay may be your
Mr. CRANE's Office is in Crone's new Block, corner of the Public Square, Ann Arbor.
280-tf TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH!!! TASTICATION and Articulation,
warranted by their being properly replaced.
S. D. BURNETT. will continue the practice of DENTISTRY in all its various branches, vix: Sealing, Filling. and Inserting on gold plates or pivots, from one to an entire sett. Old plates or mislits remodled, and made equal to new.
OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store. Ladies who request it, can be waited on at their dwellings.
N. B Charges annually low, and all kinds of PRODUCE Inken.
Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293_11
COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN., CONTINUES to insure upon the most U favorable terms, dwellings, barna, merchandise, mills, stock in mills, and other kinde of insurable property.
Apply to the office of their Agency at Ann Arbor, in the post office building, opposite the Bank of Washtenaw.
D. MINTIRE, Avent. April, 21, 1847.
Peace Declared,
er, and Findings of all kinds with all persons, N ives or Foreigners, on the following just and equal terms. viz: Good Articles--Low Prices-Ready Party -and No Trust.
The subscriber having fully teste: the Credit System to his great loss, both of confidence and cash, and having suffered much long liy fire, necessity compels him to collect his peyi bufare harvest,” us AYTER HARVEST and NEXT FALL." very oiten come up * MISSING,"leaving him sad. ly in the Boot hole. He has come to the same conclusion that certain sensible girls did on a lare ocension, (tee to tal or no husland, readily pay or Yo Shoemaking)
All persons that can conform to the ribove treaty will do well to enll on S, Folch, Ann Ar. bor, Lower Town, No. 4 Huron Block, where they will not be taxed for others' work who never pny.
N. B. All persons indebted in any way to the subscriber, had better call and pay if they are honest and mean to keep so. 9976m
S. FELCA. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Jan. 1. 1847
Temperance Touse! 1847.
taken this well known Sind, and this oughli repaired it throughout, is now extensively prepared to t.ccommodate lis friends and the Travelling Public with all those conveniences enlculated to make them comfortable, and with prices to suit the times ! Meals, 25 Cents. Eastern and South
ern Stage Office kept at this House. IT Omnibus and Bagonge Wagonalnya on and to convey Passengers to and from the House free of charge.
Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE,
Crockery & Groceries,
at No. 3, Porter's Block,
South side of the Public Square, 2308 JACKSON, MICH.
STEVENS & ZUG, TN the lower end of the White Block, direely
opposite the MICHIGAN EXCHANGE, hove on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, of their own manu acture, which they will rell very Low for Cash
They also keep experienced Upholsterers, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering av the shortest notice.
Furniture of all kinds made to order of the best material, and warranted.
STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit. January 1, 1847.
297-1y COUNTY ORDERS. THE hisliest price paid in cash by G. F. Lew.
1 is, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insurance Bank, Detroit. for orders on any of be counties in the State of Michigan; also for Suite ecurities of all kinds und uncurrent funds Call noe 1. 16:45
M HE en partnership heretofore existing be
tween the Subscribers under the name of FOSTER & Dell is this day dissolved by mutual conuent. All accounts und demands will be adjusted by either of the firm. Those indebted 10 then will nee, from this new arrangement, the necessity of making prompt payments.
GEORGE DELL. Ann Arbor, April 16, 1817. 312
A LARGE chaldron Kettle for sale by
BECKLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town.
Two Horse Wagions and a Buxgy for sale
CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor,
and Justice of the Peace, Ore. Couri House Ann Arbor
WASHTENAW County, 3 NOTICE is hereby given, that the under I signed on the 24th day of May inst., presenteil a petition to the Judge of Probate of said County, praying that Darius Pierce be appointed Administrator on the estate of Lester Cooper, late of said county deceased, and that the consideration of said petition was postponed to the 21st dny of June next at one o'clock P. M. at the Probate office of said County, to the end that all persons interested may then and there mappear and show cause, if any they have why the Prayer of the said Petitioner should not be granted.
SARAH COOPER May 24,847.

Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Intermittent & Remittent Fevers & all the various forms of Bilious Diseases SPEEDILY & THOROUGHLY CURED by Dr. Osgoods India Cholagogue
This excellent compound is for sale by the proprietor's Agents.
MA Y ARDS. 203.1y

THE undersigned would inform the public
that be manufactures Horse Powers and Threshing Machines at Scio, ol a superior kind invented by himself.
The Powers and Machines are particularly adapted to the use of Farmers who wish to use them for threshing their own grain. The power, thresher nud fixtures con all be londed into a common sized wagon box and drawn with one pair of horses. They are designed to be used with four horses, and are abundantly strong for that number, und may be sufely used with six or eight nurses with proper enre. They work with less strength of horses according to the amount of business done than any other power, and will tbreah generally about 200 bushels wheat per day with four hones. In one instance 158 bushels wlient were threshed in three hours with four horses.
This Power and Machine contain all the advantages necessary to make them profitable to the purchaser. They are strong and durable. They are easily moved from one place to another. The work of the botscs is ensy on these powers in con parison to others, and the price is LOWER thon any other power and machine, husve ever been sold in the Sinte, according to the real value. The terms of payment will be liberol for notes that are known to be absolutely
I have a number of Powers and Machines now ready for sale and persons wishing to buy are invited to call soon.
SEPARATORS. Tam prepared to muke Separators for those who may want them.
The utility and advantages of this Power and Machine will appear evident to nll on examining the recommendations belnw.
All persons are cautioned against moking these Powers and Machines: the undersigned having ndopted the necessary mensures for secur. ring letters patent for the same within the time required by law.
8. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. Jane 18, 1346
RECOMMENDATIONS. During the year 1945, ench of the undersigned purchased and used either individually or jointly with others, one of 8. W. Foster's newly inverited Horse Powers and threshing winchinne, and believe they are better adapted to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machines for their own use than any other power and thresh er within our knowledge. They are calculnted to be used with four horses and are of omple strength for that number. They appear to be constructed in such a manner as to render them very durable with little liability of getting out of order. They ne csily moved from one place to another. They can be worked with any tumber of hnads from four to ciglit, and will shresla abort 200 bushels when per day.
D. SMALLEY, Lodi. I threshed last fall and winter with one of S. W. Foster's horse powers. more than fifteen thousand bushels grain The repairs bestowed upon the power amounted to only at cents. and I was in good older when I had done threshing Tinvariably used six horses
AARON YOUNGLOVE. Marion, June 6, 1946.
I purchased one of S. W. Foster's foree rowers Install and have used it for jobbing. I have used mony different kinds of powers and believe this is the best running power I have ever seen.
D. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 18.16. We purchased one of S. W. Foster's Horse Powers Install, and have used it and think it is a first rate Power
REUBEN S. HALL. Tambure. Jnne. 1846.
269-f CORN, RYE & WHEAT WANTED by the subscribers, 10,000
bushels or Corn-10.000 busliels of Rye, and 10.000 bushels of Wheat, delivered at the Steam Mill, for which Cash will be paid.
INGALLS. LAMB, & FISHER. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4. 1847.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. The above are printed on good paper, after the most approved forms, and can be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. November 1, 1846
Farm for Sale !! THE Subscriber offers for sale his Form, situ. l ated two miles cast of the village of Ann Arter. The farin contains eighty acres of land well watered, and forty acres under iniprove.. ment.
For further particulis enquire on the premsey of
ROBERT B. GLAZIER. Ann Arbor, April 1, 1817. 310-3m
FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH, or every kind of cour U try Produce, Sadales, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Vali
ses, Trunk Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. Also a good assortment of Whips & LASHES, which will be sold very low, ond no mistoke, at
COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. 977-tf
AT YPSILANTI! 5 COOKING & PARLOR STOVES, 120 just received, by the Bubraniber, (mostTy from Alhany) making a good assortment of the latest best patterns, which will be sold at Loro Pricest not to be under sold this side Lako Erie!
Also, Copper Furniture, Cauldron Kettles, Hollow Ware of all sizes, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c.
TIN WARE! Manufactured, and constantly kept on hand which will also be sold very love
P. S.-Purchasers will do well to call and examine for their own satisfaction.
J. M. BROWN Ypsilanti, June 20, 1846. 2711


Old News
Signal of Liberty