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THRESHING MACHINES, CLOVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. THE subseriber would inform the public that he continúes to manufacture the abora macbines ;,t thfi old sta ,d of Knnpp & flaviland, ui the Lower Villageof Ann Arbor. near ihe Paper Mili. Tbe Machines nis of approved model?, have been thorouhly teèieil in this viciniiy and worked well. Thcy are made oí' ihe bi-st malcmls and by cxperienced workmen. They will be kept constantly on hand, and nlso lie (nada lo order at the shortest no'.ice. They will be sold on vcry rcasonable tenue for Cash, or for noies known to be absoluirjy good. The abovo Machines can lm used by four, six or eight horscs, and are nut liable u be ensily broken or damafred. Thpy are well adapird for the use of euher Farmers or Jubl er?. T he Seprators can be altachcd to any jearetl or etrapped irtarhine of any otlier kind. The retMcriber would reter 10 the followitig persons wlib havt (jurchaprd and used his Machine: Miohoel Th.impson, Sulem, Alexander Doane, Jnim-M Parker, Alva l'rait, PittefieW, M. A. Crnvath, " Charles Alexander, " W'ni. Poit. Milord, Hinkley & Vinton, Tli-tford. Martin' Doty. Vpsilanii, M. P. & . D. Hadley, Saline, Wm. Sniith, Canmn. Isaac Durhant, Nonhfiold. l'nrtieu'ar at'enlion will bc pnid to Rti ins. Cash will be pid for Old Castings. Persons desirona of purthilng machines are reqncsted to cali and examino these before pureh'isinc elsewhtre. T. A. HAVILAXD. May 17, 1847. 817tf GEESE rEATHEBS ! PAPER HANGIN.'GS FIUST RATR VOUNG IIYSON TFA AT ONLY FOUR AND SIXPE.NCE PKR POUND ! Uy iho wny no one buys thi? ten once hut buy miain, and bacomea a ciis'nmer. None better for the price can be had in Detroit. w1ll0w waggons, Traveling Baskets, and as well as lois of othc r gonds besides Dry Goods may bo hnd vcry cheap at the ' Cld Mkhittas Stobk,' Detroit. 317 W. A. RAYMOND. Returned TAIIiORIfiTG. THE Subscriber is riaairou of infurming lus old cusinmers and the public jenenilly. thn lid ha locaied him-elf on M:iin 8I.,ne:ir Wildij Groccry Slorc. un ihecuriier ot Main and Ilurvn strects, whcre all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can bc done in a ie?peciable and prompt manner. P. S. CUTTING done on llie shorlest nolice and worratiled to fit if properly mido up. W. WIMU5SON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. rTMHE suliscrilier offers lo sell her Dwelling _L House and Lot in the Lower Vi Isco Ann Arbor, hiiu.ih.-iI hul a few rods from I. ie een tre of business, and front. ng on Broadway. I will be louniJ a conveniem íesidcnce fora fanilli Alg.i. on tlie same lol. a dwelling houso Vvell ad?pied to a 6mall fainily. The prr perty will be sold on very reasonihle lerm. Po6session can be given by the first al September, if desired. ELIZA H. GROVK. My22, 1847. 31?. 3m STEEL GO O DS! ur st álllis snif r jr f m ín I n fl s SPLENDID FANS, and any quantity of oilur goode of thts sort nt the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, .317 Detroit. TO RENT. rpUE ROOM over ihe store of Beckley's & _I_ Tliomas. Posccssion givcn inmiedia'ely. May 2', 1847. Bkcki.ktk & Thomás. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of :u huur and 8 day IJrass Clucks fur sale, at #U and $2-J by the cose. 308-lY J. W. TILLMAN. Gold Pens, PRICE REDUCED, IT is admiited bv all wlio use ihem, thn' Piquette'e Gold Pens e equal ii' not superior to nny ever oflered in iliis mnrket. price $2,50 For sa'.e Wholesale, nnd retail at thc manuiocio ry. Corner oí Jeflersun Avenuo & Griswold St., Detroit. 314-Iyr A'fo for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. WJH. S. B1COWA, Attorney Counselor at Lato, ANN ARBOR, MICH. OfFICE with E. MrKDT, E(. 897-1 y


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