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IsTHAiug öf SüeZ.- Considerable interest lias been excited by thö project to cut a ship-canal through the isthüms of Suez, and it appears tliat the preparatiöns fóf the accomplishmgnt of Ihe vvdrk hava assumöd such a ch'arnctei', tliat there cali be little doubt of its completion: "The Port aroglio, of Malta püblishes the fullowing summary of the condiiions Under whicli it ia 10 be undertaken. Egypl is to stand in llie relntion of á neutral power; Prussia, Kussia, and the Urited States are invited to respect this neutrnlity guarantied by the Porte, France, England, nna Austria, the contradi ng parties. Thé last three iwe to charge themselves with the construction of the canal, and are to receive a tonnage duty until they are completely reimbursed for all their expenses. The execution of this work is notto be inierrupled, even if war should break out between the contraciing parties. Austria is also to undertake the work of making the Nilc navigable forlaigo vessels as far up as Damiettn, whlch is desiined to become a great port. Engltind is to turn her atlention especially to Suez, and make excavalious there similar to those at Damietta, and, with France, is to construct the canal." Railro.vd Transpoiitatio;.". - Araon; the advantages derived from railroaHs may be enumerated ihe carriage of fat sheep and cnttle from the country in ihe London markets. The sopply oftliese markets is annually 150,000 beeves and 1,500,000 sheep, and the saving ofloss of Weight by carriage, instend of driving, is calculated at 40 los. for e?ch bullock, 8 !bs. for each sheep, nnd 30 Ibs. forearh swine - -mnking an aggragate saving of 39,800,000 Ibs. weight of animal food in the quantity of animáis at present conveycd by railroad. Let the Souih betrueto herself; act with firmness, and above all, uniledly, arid she has nothing to fear; but if her action is weakened by llio compnrativoly uniinporlant considerations of Whiggpry and Democracy, all may be lost. This, howdver, may not be; when the issue is (airly made, it Will be one of lifeand death, of political disfranchisement and constitutional equnlity, and cantiot fail to hcal all divisions nmong us, and make he whole Suutb act as ona min - Alabama Paper. Eijropean Mail Arrangement. - Mr. Hobbie, of th Post Offico Department, goes out to Bi'ëmen n the steain packet Washington thisweek to perfect a post offico arrangement witli England and the continental States of France, the Hanstowns, Belgium, Uanöver, and the States of the Zollveiein, by which letters may henceforth be sent from ttny town or place in the interior of the United States, and vice versa, either by prë-pnying the whole postnge from the place of departure n Eui-ope to tbat of ts destiny in América, or leaving the whole to be paid by tho receiver of the missive. Astontshing! - [t is said thnt th? members of tlie late Missouri Legislaturp, drank on au avernge abarre] of liquor to a manJuring their sessions! Can this be true?- Ex. Pa. Whfiat sold in Chicago on the 26th ah at 81,22, the highest price ever paid in that riiarket. The "True AMERicAr?."- Mr. Vaugan, the true-hearted South Corolinian, whö edited tlie (; Truc American" subsequently to Cnssius M. Clny's departure for México, lias met wifh such encouragemerlt from the friends of a free press n Kentucky and elsewhere, that'he proposessliortly to re-commence the publication erf the papor, m Louisville. He ntends to be indfipendent of all poütical parties, and to advocate emancipation in Kontucky, as conducive to the best interests of the State, and the highest welfare of its iulnbiiants. ROYAL ACKMOWLEDG.MEMT. A. laJy of West Newbure, Mass., lateív sént to Queen Victoria tlireo pecks ol' parched corn, nnd n couplo of ears of the kim' ued for parcliing, heatfy done upin a )ov. By tho last stoamor, a letter wns received nrom the Queen's secrctaryt nfornithg, thern thal the Queöti vtas " graciously pleased " to accopt he present, and returning royal thanks herefore. A LAitGU Guape Vine. - On a farm cnlled West Hall, nboul two miles fronl 3urlington, N. J., is a grape vine, which at thees íeet (Yom ihe ground measures sixfcel and one inch round ihe truftk, and at ten feet s positivcly Ikree feet in circumf'erehcel It is a native male grape, and hns been the wunder oftheneiglilorhood as long back ns Ihe memory of man reaches. It is still healthy and ts ;iant folds run over and cover four trees, ne of which is a full sized whitooalc,nnd :ie others quite large. Ges. Dromooole, t h saV, has left lis entire estale, with the exception of a ew friendly legac-ies, to the chilJren of )ugger, who tefí years ago, fell by bis íands in a duel. It is stated in thfc Wilmington, Del. ,npers that Anti Mnria Jones, a very ■ouiig white girl, Was convicted Oí lareny and sentenced to receive 21 Inshes on liie bare bnck well laid on," by te Court of General Sdssions oftlie 'eace nowsittingat Nevcasilo, Del. Post Offices on Laké SurEitioií. - Since the closs of navigrvtion l;tst fall, )ost offices, we learn, have been eslabished at Eagle harbor, tlie Ontonnagon, nd Iron River, (or Pawabec,) with lessrs. Hiram Jov, D. S. Cash, and ï'hos. Palmer, ns Postmnsters. The ffice at L'Anse has been removed to tho Methodist Mission side of tho Bay, ts amo clmnged from Honghton to Keveenaw P. O., and Rev. J. H. Fitezel apwinted Postmaster. There are now six 'ost Offices on Lake Superior. - Lake Superior Nculs. Folks don't go to bed novv-a-days - ïey retire. Noboiiy eats dinner - peole tnke refreshmer.'.a. Nobody goes to hurch - but people attend divine service. )eacoii3 anj Elders never pray - but uce in a while approach the Throne of There is no Sunday it is abbath. Criminjji are not hung - but re launched into etornily. Ño ohe gets lis tooth pulled - it is e.xtracted. Instead f drinking tsa or coffee, the fashiormble nly sip alittlñ. No one lears a hole n his panlaloons - but il is no rare thing ie lacerates them. The ladies don't go a isiting - they on'y mnke culis. Ships instead of being laiinched-glide into their na. tivo element. Houses don't burn - they fall a prey to the devouring element. Young men don't go a courüng - tliey only step in to speud the evening. Men dou't marry women - tliey lead them to the hymenial altar. Bibies have done su';knLr - tliey now derive nourishment from lhe maternal bosoin. Uur grandmas used hard paoked chairs, but our belles have siuffed backs to their seats. The Synod of South Carolina anc Georgia, say in 1833, "In ihis Christif n Rppublic there are over two millionfof human beings in 'he condition of heathon; lliey havo no Bibles." The Synod of Kentucky say, that "acccss lo the Scripturcs" is nol, "to any extern worlh naniing, enjoyed by slaves. Tho law, as it exists here does not prevent free access to the slaves, but ignorance, the natural resul! of their condition, does. The Bible is before thcmt but it is to them a sealed book." The presbytery ofN. O.,say, that 'of 100,000 of ihis class of peopio witliin our boundsj it tnay be safely nssorted that 75,000 neverhear ihedocuine ofsalvation prcached." The presbytefy bf Alabama say, " The Bible, the precious fuuntfiin of life, is a sealed book to the black. " G. VV. Freoman, now Bishop of ToXas, says that slave children ouglit to be bnptised,and taught orally iho Lord's prayer, creed, and commandtnents, but "it is not neces3Si-y they should be laug i to read." The Philadelphia U. S. Gazette of Saturday Says: - Gen. Torn Thumb's Levees hnve e:ven a nett profit of over $14,000 in '21 i days, which counling 16 dollars in süver to the pound, nvoirdupois, make 58 times his own weight in silver; or counting 52 half eagles to the pouod, avoirdupois, makes nearly foor times his 5wn weight in gold. The expense of keeping one soldier n the field of balile would keep fifty children in the school of learning. Centraí. Railroad. - The Central Railroad Company cotnmenced laying is rïsw ron on Sahirday at Iho junction of the o!d and u e v track near ihc city. The ron s of a subs:antial character aivcf vvhen laid in the way propoicd must make the track one of ihe firmesl and most j durable in the country. A Query. Thé Mathüen Gazetíe propounds tlie fulltrwing mathematica] qüestiun: - " [fri rmn is loo poor to pay for a newspr.pci, how m.iny dog.-t can he afforj to keep." Aztec Rui. Ng. - Mr. Stanley, the artisl, who accompanied Gen. Kearney to Oaltornia, w rites as follows : There lias bcen much specula'.ion n regnrd to the Azlec remains in the Valluy ofGila. That it has once sujiportedaí vast population, We coulj nut doubt, for (he ruins of iheir towns and cilies are plainly visible for l.undreds of miles. - Some foundations are frequently seen covering níany acres ; but, with one exception, we did not fmd any building in any dfcgree of preservation. This was about fmif milos above ihe motith of the river. This building is 60 feet by 45, ihree storieshigh, and is construc'ed of ihe adobe, similar to that used in the liousea of New Mexico. VVholher these ruins have any connection witH tho?e of Souih America is nutknown. The plains in their vicinity are covored for miles with broken potterv of burntclny, beaulifully painted and ornamented ; and this is ihe only clue wliich we had to the advancement of the builders in the mechanic arts. The Pernos Indians have but very imperff-; jj.a ditionr. of these remiin;. PöwDEn Mill Exri.osiox. - The WiÜcesbarre (Pi.) Advocate states that on Saturdn.y, :he 22d ultimo, the powder mill ;,i the upper pnrt of Kingston, belonging lo Mr. D. Schooley, exploJed. - ■ One hand, a young man, son of Süas Lord, wns nstantfy killed ; and another was slighlly wounded. Mr. Schooley, wltíí somo hands, were setting post in the prefs-house, wlien some powder igniled frotn thethrowing a stone n llie post hole. Observing the particles of powder explodïng in the sand, Mr. Schooley called to the hands to run, p.nd fled himself. Scnrcely had tliey left the building when it was torn to pieces. Soon followed the explosión of nnother and another building, and finally ihe drying-house. One or two dwelüng-houses near by were demolished, and two or three others injured, all the inmates escnping e.xcept one, who was slightly injurfd. The magnzine, in Hthich were 160 kegs of powder, was blown to pieces, leaving the powder kegs piled up ns before. A firo was etVkindling under a shelf, on which stood a keg of powder, directly over the flames. Obsërving it, Mr. Schooley very imprudontly, with a pail of water in hand, rushed to the spot, lifted off the këg, and then estinguished the firë, sáving all the powder in the magazine, and perhaps a greaier destruction of life and properly. He ran a great risk, hut providentially was sucressful in the dangerous enterprise. The entire lss we have heard estimated at 82,000. FemAle Leoislators. - Two ladies are members of the Prussian Diet, and have a right to vote among the nobles. - They are the Princess of Sagua Talleyrand, furmerly Dutchess of Dino, niid the Countess Kielmansegge; these ladies have only availed thomtelvos of their rights by proxies. A ClaIrvoyant Ciiess Player. - We learn that while Mrs. Loomis was lecturng in Baltimore recently, attended by hcr daughjer Martha, so celebra ted l'ur clairvoyance, Doctor S., oneof llio spectators, and tho best chess player, it ís said, n that city, proposed lo Miss Martha (while in a mesmeric state) to have a gimo of clr ss, which challenge was promptly accepted, to the delight of the Doctor, and all things duly nnanged in presetice of a larga auditory. The gnme wenl on in deep silence savc some hasly, indistinct expressions from tho Doctor at being checkmated so o fíen by bis sleeping fair opponent, who eventually won the contesied game,allhoicgh she kneio nothing about the game, never before having attempted to play ; and wheo awakened was perfectly unconscious of bef snal triumph over tho worlhy Doctor. - Sal. Courier. Dr. Franklin on Spelling. - Dr. Franklin says in one of his letters: "You need not bo cohcerned iu writing to mé, nbout bad spelling; for ín my opinión, what is called bad spelling i.-s generally ihe best, as conforming to the sound of the letter. To give you nn instanee, a gentleman rèceived a letter, in wr ich were these words : 'Not finding Mr. Brown a hom, I delivered my messeg to his tf.' The gentleman called his Wife to help him read it. Between ihem they picked out all btit the yf, which they could not understand. The lady proposed calling the chambermaid, 'because Betlj',' she said, 'has the best knack of reading hard spelling of any ono I know.' Betty camp, and was much surpriscd that ther of ihetn could teil what the tp was. 'Why,' says she, 'yf spelU wife : what else can it spell?' And indeed it is a much bettèr as well as o shorter meihod than doubleyou, i, f, e, wliich irrreality apella doublewife." Alexadeh Dumab. - A pérsoú more remarkable for inquisitivencs ihan for correct breeding - onë of those who, devoid of del'fCícy and reckless of rebufls, pry into evei-)'iling- took the liberty tol question Al. Humas rathor closoly concei'tiiug ' his geueologics' tree. 'Yoü arel a quadroon, M. Dumas' he bégan. 'I am, sir,' quietly replied Dumns, who has ense enough not to be nshamed oí a descent he cannol conceal. 'And your father V 'Was a mulaltX' 'And your grandfathor V -A negro,' hastily answered the flramalist, whose patience was waning fast. 'And may I enquire whuyoiir great-grandfather was 1' 'An Ape, siiy th'.üiderêd iKe dfa'tnatUt, witl) a fierceness ihat made bis nipertinent interrogator slirink into tlie sm.'illest possible compíos - 'An A pe, sr - my pedigreo commences ivhere yours lerminaies!' The falher of Aléxander Dumas, thé RepúbHctin Get:c!ul uf the same name, was a mulatto, born iñ St. Domingo, the son of a negress and the white maiquis de la Pnilleterie. By what legitimatizing procesa the bend sinister was erased and the Marquisate prese'rvèd, we have hitherto been unab'.e to ascertain. Our Diplomatic RelatiOxs with Èurope. - VVell informed persons, lalely arrived Hom Europe, ccr.ifidently report that the Pupa has ''";jrnined upon opening dip!uatic reialions with our" ?v' er'.',Tiient. Jesuits. - The royal government of Prague liaj decreed that the .fesuils shall notbe permiited to reside in ihe capital of thut kingdotn. Fl.N'ED FOB. ÁTTEMPTINO IT. William Snyder, a married ïan in 'Jtillwaler, X. J., has btit-ii ñiied S10 und costs, fur comrnilting an assaull atid battery upon Miss Phtbo L. Allen, with uitent to kiss her: What would hae been tho j-e'nalty if he liad succeeded 1 Ho would have got clear, of course.


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