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The Liberty Party held a State Convention al HarrUburg, June 3. Dr. F. Julius Lemoyne was nominated for Govenor, and Wm. B. Thomas for Cannl Commissioner. The resolutions are of the right stamp - firm nnd decided, anl opposed to nll compromisos. Weextract two or three : Resohed,Ta t!io extreme willingness ofa portion of the YY'ïug party, to support a slaveholder and a successful eneral n war ofconqucst fbr the rxtensiun of slavery, as their oandidale lor the nexl Prcsidencv, shows ihnt no oonfideni'e can be placed in any anti-slavery profession that may be made by such men. Resolved, That we are opposed to tiie acquisition of more lerrilory. The sloveholdera and their aüies sacrificed tlio hall' of Orogon.out of which froe stutfis could have been rnnde, bpcause, ns they allegnd, wehodbuta qnestion.-iblo claim to it ; we can not therefore conspiit to 'ho icquisilion of lerritory to which we hnve no claim whatever, and which ia wanted merely to give the slaveholdin n'erest a pammourrt preponderance in ihe Federal Govpinment. Dr. Gibbons otTereü the followmg resolniion : Resolved, That we deern t expedient thnt a Nalional C'onvention Cor llie iiorninntinn of cnnciidntes for President and Vice President, be held ns early ns convenient in the spring of 1848. Mr. Errelt moved to nmend by striking out " as early ns convenienl in the spring of 1858," oAj Inserling " as late as pnssiblc in the fail of 1847." Aftcr debate ihe nmendment was ndopted, by a maj' rit}' of one ; when, on motion of' Mr. Errett it was Resolved, That the mombers of tlu's (onvnntion, heing abont equallv divided in sentiment as to the proper time of holding tbc National Convention, do not foei at liberty to express a decisive opinión on the subject. Resolved, That we recommend PilNburgh ns the place of lioldingtlie National Convent ion.


Signal of Liberty
Old News