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IVolicc T'here wil] be a Camp Meeting on tho farm of David C. Fuller, near the Wesieyan Meeting House, in the town of Ádairís, Hillsdaíe Co., six miles east of Jonesville,on tho Adrián roadj commencing on Monday the 2d day of August flexti We cordinily invile, and ëarnestly requést our friends from all paris of Mich igm to attend. Weshall ëxpect to meet oiir brethren in thé Ministry from all paris of the Michigan Conference. We cxlënd this invitation lo ihe ministers and mémbera of nll évangeücal denominationsi WM. W. CRANE. Arlams, June 9, '47. ói'it adíeUtiskks, UniJer this head, we publish, frce of charga lie name, resiitence, and business, of ihose who vlvenise in tliè S'7.val of Libf.fity. H. Krause, ÖakBark, Ann Arbor, T. A. ïJaviund. Machinist, Ann Arbof. W. Wii.kinsok, Tailor. Ann Arbor. S. VV. Fostïr & Co. Manufacturera, Scio. E. II. Grove, Real Estáte, Áhn Áfbof. W. Wagxj n, Merchant Tailor, Ann Arbor. C. 1'ijiKTrn, Gold Pens, Detroit. D' STIsTiKK, Insurance. Ann Arbdr. W. W. Dixter & Co-, Jewelcrs, Dexter. T. II. Arjutrong. Hatg, &c, Detroit. Bucki.f.ïs & Thomas, Merchants, Afïfi Arliof. R. B. Gi.a7.ikr. Fárm fof Sale. Ann Árbor. S. V. Fostïb, Threehing Machines. Scio. CoiIstock & SeïMiur, Merciiartts, jackson. T. II. Ai:m troxo, Hat Store. Detroit. J. Ginsen & Co., Merclnnts, Ann Arbor. C. Ct.iiT, Lt' Office, Ánn Árbdr. G. F. Lr.wis, Broker, Delroit. E. G. BurtGER, Deniist, Atlh Atboh C.', JeUelür, Ánn Arbor. F. J. Bi Crank. Insurance Office, Ánn Arb'or W. Í4. Spaui bi.vo. Marble Yard, Anrl Artior. D. Öab.vev, Temperance House; Detrblh Cook & RdBixsO.v, Harness Makers; ÁtltJ ArLdr. V. A. Rávmoxd. Mcrcliant, Detroit J. M. Brow.v, Stoves, Ypsilanti. AÍ. Wütr.i.Eii, Merchant, Artii ArBoh II. W. Willks, Ilnrdivare, Ann Arbdh S. D, Burnkt, Dcntist, Ann Arbor. Stf.Vens & Zïöi, UphoUterers, IJéiroit. Wm S. BKówn, Atiórriey at LnW, Ann Arbof. S Fklch, Shoo Store, Ann Arbor. J. W. Tii.l-.hx, C-binet Ware, Detroit. II.VI.tOCK & RÁTMO.VD, Clolhillg'S tottí, D. iroit. I.TGAtt, Lahí, Jk FiSHfch, átéítii Miil, Antt Vrljo", THE CIRCUIT COtJRTfor ihis couniy i adourned to tlie 25th of August ncxt, none o'cloek n the afternoon. nt which time the peiit jnro:s will lc required 10 nppear. CASSIUS SVVlFT.CIerk, By J. M. . Wln.cojson. Deputy. Daied Ann Arber, june 2!st, IÖ47. 322.3w SPLIiiNDID PROPOSAL! $2560 FORWHÍT COST TURKU TIIOUS.iNt) ■'VVO HUXDRKl) 'lüLI.AIiS ! ! ONE OF Tlin: FtNÈST FARMS " n Wáshten.iw County for sale at onljr S20 per acre. Süid hrtn s three miles frdm Ann Arbor, on the Snlihé rtiiid nnü cnneins of I2ii utres of the :boicesl land in Woslitenaw Canniy, t0 acres of which nie 'Jntler goou Cüllivation. The remaindér is hcavily covercd with valugble timber, SCJ5 per nere in Cash wae paid for lilis property ,n!y a short time aeot and since then n lorge barrí has been erbetcu, wells óug, and additional clearings made. Onl) a part of the purchase money will be required down. Enqnire ofb. II. Mills, of of S. Mills on the fiirniscc'j 'ining, or at Anti Arbor o( MA!!l TARMELEE. Ann Arbor, June 17. 1847. IMPORTANT NATÍONAL WORK. M TUK PBSM, A NEW AKI1 EXLAnGF.I) KDIÏIO OK P'csidcnt's Xtfessages. Iu twq handsome volumes, 8ro- Üie whole collected f rom official documcnls, by E, WILLIAMS, Esq. COJVTE.VTS. 1. The Addrefsesnnd Messages of the Presldptiis o the Uniieil St.ilcs, ("rom Washington to l)!l; ; wiih a copiuus oitiïlticnl index to tho same, of subjects, names nnd dates. 2. n account of :lie inauguration of each President, and r. brief nnttce of tbs principal po. liticnl events of hisndminimration. 3. A lüogrnphical fketch of each President. 4. Decluruiioh of Independence. 5. ArtídtíS o"f Cunfèderation, with a brief big. tory of the ëvents ned circumatances which led to the Union of the States, and the formation of tho Constilution. 6. Constiimlon of tbe United States, wiih notes and referenecg. 7. A synopsis of the constitutioos of the seeral Stntcs. 8. Chronologica! tuble öf hiatorical eventa in the United States. 9. Tables of the Memoere of the Cabine! of the varicius administrations, Ministers to For( in fiountries, and other piincipal public officers. 10. Staliétical fablös of commerce and population. 11. VViiii porirnits of the Presidenta, and tha senls of the 2( States. This work ii indispensable to the American Siatesmsn. atid every lover of his country, forming as it doee an unbroken link of the history of tlus ereat .Republic. WANTKD. in every town and vilhi;e in th United States, reaponsible men to procure subscribers, and engage in the sales of the abova works, to whom a very liberal per centaje will be olloweil. Country Newspaperp, copying the hole of ihis ndvenifiement, and giving it sx inside iniiertionu, sliaM he enMiJed to n copy of thfl nbova orks - all who nmy comply with the aloa lerms, will ple.iso send a copy ol tho pnperf eack time ol insertion, to the publmher. Addrcss, K. VVALKKR, 221. fiw VA, Fulton St. New York.


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