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Height And Weight Of Men

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The average height of Europeans nt birth is generaüy 18 inchft?, feniale children be;ngof less size in the proportion of 4S0 to 460. In each of ihe Iwelve years after birih, one iwelQí) is ndded lo the slalure each year. Setween tlie ago of twelve and tvventy, the growih of the body proceeds much more slowly, and between the ages of twenty and twenty-five, whon the height of body usu-illy attnins ts maximum, it is slill furlher diminishcd. This point being reocheil, it ia found tliat Ilie increase is about 3i timo? grenter thin at the period of birth. In old nge, the height varies less in women of diflerenl countries than men. There is a difference in the weight of the se.xes, both a; birlh and infancy. The average weight of a male child is abnut seven pounds, and of n female chüd only nbout six and a half pounds. The weighl of a ncw brn infant decreases for the first three or fimr days after birth, and it does not sensibly commence to g .in wpight until it s n iveek old. At Iho end of the first yer, the child is nenrly three tirnes as hnavy as when it was born. At the nge of seven years, it is twice as henvy ns at the end of the first year, nnd nt fivty-four years old his weight is quadrupled. Theaveiage weight of each sex is nearly the snroe at the nge of twelye, but after that od, taking individuals of the snmo nge, tl.e Teníales will be found to weigli less than malos. Wlipn tlie weight Of l!.o body lias reachedi'.s average maximum, il isabout s'xteen times heavitr than at the time of birth. Tlio avengo weight of men is abnut 139 !bs., nr?d of women aliout 112 lbs. ; of adult, without disttnction ofsex, about 126 Ib?. ín case of individunis of both sexes, who are under the height of fbur feel four inches, femnles nre sonicwliat heavier Iban mon ; br if above this hoight, men weigli moi-o than wompn. Mrn allain their maximum weighl nbout tlio age of forly, and omen nt or near tho age of fil'ly. At the nge of 1 tv, both ihñ ene nnd tho other usually !os:ng ilieir weight, nnd the avernged vi-ight ofoid pcrErmgnf eilher rex is r.early the sams as ;; t nine'een veara af r.Se.


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