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Anti-slavery Paper In Kentucky

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The correspondent of the National Press, writing l'rom LouNville, mcntious the pïoj.?cted poblicalion of nn anti-slavrrv paper in p!ar-r, undei' the chnrgfi of John C. Vnughn, Esq., the lormer editor of the Truo American. Oí' tho p - per lic sa _vs ! "It is to iü:i1;c its fïrst appearance to-morrow. I haveseen sqroe ndvanee enp98, nnd am we'.l ploased with the spirit nnd tone of the editor's ínaugurrvl, li is c-i!m, températe, nnd sensible. Mr. Vaugbn won credit for hirnself ín eery raspect, hy 1 1 e inaimcr in tvhicli he cn(liic'cl iho T.'i.e Amarinan ador tho illj star red déonrt ure of Mr. Clay. l!e wül undouhtadly Incröttse li is rrputaticm, ns well as his üsefulness in the nohlest 'A' ennses, n fiisnnw pnierprise, He is, in I marjv respecis, pèCuliarly suiied lo o; o'i ilic (liscusinn oí slavr-ry in filis Sí fit e - Bv birlh and fducatioü a South Caroiiiiian, nnd hiel a Slovefaolder, he has the dvnntán of a thof.iugli nequalntarioe n ith the views, ícpIíhjts nnd prejudicos tliat nre peculiar to n Slave'iolaing regi' n. ('n th:s accunit, hn will, uiiquestionahly, suc ccïed n obtaining access to niany v.iio c iu!i] not !)o reiched by otLer agencie?. In general politics, Mr V.-;ughn is, ns herptoforp, n Whii, but it is uir'crstond, as indeed he announceS, that nalion-il o!itir-s, he lenvos to he diseussfd bv ca' e:s. His work is ti'e discussim, tn Keitiickianu, Slnveboldera nnd non-Slaveh Tner', of the question ofSlavery in the State, as n maller of high, dorneslic interest. In t!iis wny, hé will avoiii coltision ui.'n he bUterness of party prrjud'ce, uni e men, of aü opininns unn other suhjfrt, on a qu"ítion, viially ' fiecting iheir S;. Ie honor and in'eres'. I le has oMaincd iIip. ass'stance of a canaWe e litorial cOTrijii:or, in the person of Mr. F. Crosby, a native and resident oflhiscity."


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