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The Next President

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A Stiuthern Whig prinfj the Apalachieo!a Adertser, u discussing ihe queílion of t!ie next Wliig candidale for iho Presidcn-Vj quotea tho langiiago beld by Mr. W. R. Kinjj, of Alabama, in n Democratie c mvenuon of that Stnte hele] some Wfc?ks sine, declafíhg ihe síavery question U be more importan] lo thc pcople of tho suu'n t lan any bef ure tlift nntion, and :idvising ihai bol h partios at ilic souih should uniíc to protect thefr ow:i trisiitu lions. The Ap.-.lac'.ii-oly paper hen procpcJa as roll.jws : '1' wc resoftlö ft oonteiltt&n lo tnake a clioice, vc may f'all on a VViJmot Proviso man. We have no doubi ihat Gen. Tayior is iho only slavoholiior that the Whigsof ihe north will vota for - and vc ;-;i;ii.,t safiíly rely upon a'l ihe s luihern statcs rejectfng a Wilmót Pi-oviso candúdate, when we have the avidence befuivus in ti.e pcr.son of J. i[. B.;tt-, t!.e candidate of ai-hive stitp. declining to pledge himself not to vote for snch a persotl Cor the Presidörldy. Such being the prospeel befo re the Whigi of the south, it scems to us that we shoolJ rfjoic-e lo find a disposiiion on tle partofour Democratie fellow i:iti; e is lo support a southern sla"eholde r and a Whig the Presidency - rind we should le rea ly to meet the proffered aid v.'ith pleasurp. To us thc recomméndation of Mr. King for an unión ofihe Boütuern people is ecu!iarly areeable. when that unión Isproposed to be cemented bythe election of a nru ro the Pre-idcncy w!;o ií a VV'hig frotn clioicf, & not from interest or pr'ejudioe." (L7" An intelligent and tltiiiking corresponden! ín Clinton counly writes to us, June 22, - "I have severa] rrionths past thoughi the prospeets d!' the Liberty men rather gloomy, but 1 now tliink ihcy wert never better. Thte tídrse ths SotltH are tnlíing v 11 bave a tendeney lo drice (he North into a Xorthern abolition party. Wliiga tliat hnví; clnimed to be aboltionists nbout here (iliougli made of "Clay"y know not what to sáy or do, in vietv oi' a capdidute of thcir own psrty selected by elaveholders, becauue he is n slavehulder. Thfy la re ntít expresa an opinión, ti ' 1 thftir leaders 'come pul, tho' sumo By boldly thoy never w.ll yute Cor a slavehulder or proslnvery man. Thcir papera have published 30 much nbuütion m;iticr, nnd sheci ?o much liglit on tho evils oTslavery, and the InjuStiCa the north suffera fVointhe South on account of it, and claiming to U?. tho abolition party, Cor tho èxpress purpose of keeping thcir party togelher, tliat it will be difficuli now fq ffttraefl thoir steps pnd jet norihern Whigs to vote for a slavcholdcr." (Cf Dr. S. Dentón, of iliis place, has been appoinléd lo the professors'hip of the Theory and Practic of Medicine i tho Medical Depaitir.ciit of the Ln potte (Indiana) University. - Slale Journal. (Or We learn ihat lie Missourian, wlio was rccenlly confined in jail in Deiroii upo'fl a chargo of kidnapping, has been dis charged and gone home, iIip Grand Jury having failed to find a bill againsthim. We are not infonned of' the roasons by which thoy were governeJ in refusir.gtü ffnd a bil!.


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