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Letter From B Treadwell

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Jackson, June 27, 1847. Bu. Foster : I Inive i-pcontly had ihe plettfcure of listnning lo ilirec cotures on the subjo'.t of Slavkrv, from Mr. Samuel F. Craighinn, formé ri y a slave-holder f rom Virginia. Mr. Cirrg'iton Ims rocently sp"iii a i'i'w dayi wiih me at mv Iiouhp, and I unriorstooj lu'in ío sáv he niig'n snorid sorn furihcr time in ih Siaie, if t.'ie friend-i í-f ihe slave s!nuld secn lo ma'iifast a sufficient desirr; that he hou!d do so. I do iliereíore most carnestiy liop our friéndvill not fa] to avail themselves of tltis most favQrabla opportunity to hedr Mi. Croighton, who'.vill [ think wiísoul doubt , I fiofn-a long expericüca in mos! o[' tile Sláve States, aivolhem a moro Failhful eshibition of wlint sl.'ivery rnally i, and o its sure and rnnid'y ténding desirnclion, liotii of the (JhuK'h and ihe Stute, tlian ihcy have ever b;fo:e bearj. Chester Gorfitfcy, Esq., al-o, our pre.-eni ! moi.t worthy noni'nco for Gnvörnor, is, I ain infiFmed, soon to commence a vol-! uptary tour ihrougli most ;aris .f our Siate, to present liis views to his í'eliow citizens on thís iin)ortani subject. Tl e fii'cnd.s oï liumanity in tlieStcilé wlio are ftt sil a ware of the distinj íh'iq ■) qbility of both of lliese fcciitloiiien v,i)l not faü, I knov, to ue n 1 1 proper and i i triol y eílbrls lo ,-ecure them a vrry fu 1 i hearing by thí pcopl?, and togive them everywtiftre a rno-t corrjial rerepiion. - Their uiefuhiess in t'ie Sia'e vvill aepend upon tho timei.y r Saris of -.11 ui' our Friends lo .ecu re them a very general hearing in every place ivhera ihey hold mïcting-. Mr. Gurncy, I l.cÜeve. usuaüy g!i es Luí o:e ge"ora' and coffi■preliensire lscíuro in a place. Mr. Cieigh ton, I think, us.ually givs thrre ; ihe first being very important to be hoard, j serving as it oe?, as an introduction or l:ey le ihe ollier two. Yours Very TVtily,


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