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Shocking Case Of Torture

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The fiillowing sketch of a cnse of : luie whk-h may apeir :is inoqfdiüle, is (rue in all its paiticulars. A -hort timp since a laiy who moves in the higher circle.s of society n tiiis ciiv, th ' ig'H she had reason lo nelieve thnt i colured g'il ptnploypd in her family af n domeslie, had pilfered various nriicles ahout the hmisp. One mornïng, the 1-idy drew from tlm Philadelplii.i Bark the su.n of 22, in (out fiie dollar notes, nnd the resi in silver. She cmefully wraped ihe money in lier handkerchief, Mri Pr snfrty pinned it nside the bosom of hor drev;,and rattfrned to her dunici!. Hnv ing ascended to her rhamher, s'nedivested hprself of lipr walking drpss. which she cnrefiilly plat-ed in her ward rohe, und put on her (Hshnbille, nnd prnceeiied to look after iier houiw hold. Several hours elapsec', hen t.lie hethonght linrself uf her twenty-two dnliarf, which she liad lai') upon her buren 11 top, nnd in breatlile-s hasle asconded to ihe cbamber to gei it, hut t w.-is not to he (ound. "Tlitt )hick j-ide has sto'en the monsy." fijneulatedihe su-picious wman,andhnsteniiig to the landing of the st;ürs,c;ilied out at the top of her voice: "Hetty ! Hetty! come black nuzzy." In the tw in kling of an eys the half frigiitened daugliter of Ethio)iavvason the stnirs. "Whnt did you do with that money, you black imp of the devil?" "I did'nt lake no nvmp.y," replied the liUl-1 girl, trpmhling from head to foot. "Wül you lell ine a lie, you huzzy? i'Il learn you - walk into that nursery, ihere." The litt'e girl obeyed the will of her mistrpss, and preently bolh were in the nursei'y. The g'il w.ns jtfipped of cluthing, from hend to fimt, nndtht mutress, with nll tli fury of a mania'', srarifipd her back with the thin end of a cowskin. Tortui-pd to madnesp, the girl made several desperate though vnin altempts tu jump from the window, lo MO"p the lash of her cruel torment r. Finally she aid shestolethe nrinpy, and bfing alVairl ih-it she would he fou nd out, threw ihe silver down a wc!l nnd put ihe noles in a rat hole in the vnult. The mt hole wassearched but the notes could not be found. The hu-hnnd now arrived home, and after patiently hearing the statement of nfiáin spoke at first kindly to the linie girl, nnd she told him a different s'ory. He becane vcx d nnd applied the lush to her fjniveiing bnck. The bloorl ran freely and the suffe re r implored for ma cy. She ns nfraid to deny tho thei"t, bnt obluracy in telling so mrny lies to hide it vras a mattPr of great surprise. Night at 'a-t camp,and n young man, a relativa of the family, iotnrnei to supper. He was rmHe acquiinted with the faft, and he thoughtof ■i plan which woulJ bring the incorrigible delinquent to n proper senso of hur duty. After the family had taken their evening repast, he ascended tho room whore the half naked bloeding girl was imnrisonfcd, and nsked her what she had done vviih the stolen nioney. " Why," said the the crving child, "I threw part down the well anj gave the noies to a poor woman, who üves over the wny,in stroet." A messcngpr was despatched, hut that womin hnd been " verv siclt for three wef-ks. and sh, a3 welf as her nttendant, denied all knowledge of receiving the money. The young n.on th-n tok a bed-cord, and ■■ nking a l!p-knt on odr pnd,put the nnos:! nrnund the g'rl's nck, and gold, "come along. ynu black devil, ym - you shnll be hung." Slie followed aftcr him, like a shtep going to the slaughtT, nnrl whil-t Iip was fusteniiig the r pe to tlie hand-rail of oft'estnirs, prear:itory to pilching her over, slio snici she had but one requesl to mak e. "What s t lint." replied the pretended Imneman. iW'iy thit yiu zeil!, f et me say my prayers btfore I die,' responded tlie delinquent. This unnffecling response, operatd very feelingly on lbo nerves of the young man, and ha relinquished liis undertaking. Sume tirne nfter, on ïhe same evening, t was thought e.f pedient to send for nn Alderman. Tlie worthy functionary carne au-i licird the ooraplaint, but ihere beiiig no positiva eviiie'icn that the girl was really guilty, rtlused tJ send her to prison. The r.ext morning the lady of the house resolved to jroceed to the j Mayur, to ask his advine on the suhjpc', nnd m tnking bet walking dress f rom ihe warlrohe, she discovered her ' kerclref iviih the money m one corner dangüng froui the part where she had pinned t tfie day beforo. Her visit to t'ie Miyor ofcourse was suspended. - Thus, t will be f een, :hat a poor liitle firendles col'irad girl, honpst ns the sun ivhich dnrkened lier skin, was alrmi lortiircd to death - prompierl to admit herse!f lo be a lliiof - imiuced to teil mnny li;s respecting the disposal of the money, and all, too, by a womnn, vvhose e!evatfd pnsition in so-ifty, nnd whose general char.Tcler fur piety, shonld have nt lensl induced hfir lo ndojit less ohjociionahle meas u res fur the sake of lionestv and


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