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" Nnlhing rxienuale, er tet doten aught in nalice.r' Mr. Editor i On my way o nnd from the Convention l.-ist weck, I witnesseJ soma strnnge doings in this 11 Tnnd of the fres, nmi Hoto of the brnve " A brief accnur.t of which I herewith send you fr pjbücaiion, f you npprove. I lelt i h is place on the '224, and stop ped nt BrookJyn, w'ire bae snme ncquainianccs. Í there lennnd thnt nu nflti-lavery Leclure was to bedelivered in tho evening, liy apTson formerly aslaveholdr, and bronght up in a Southern state. I thereforo determined tostop and liear hirn. At the time anpoinfed the ppoplo met, hut in si-h numbers that it was thought unsafe for tlipm to occupy the room prnvided for the ocension ; it be:ng a school room up stnirn in nn old building I understood t int the Presbyter an Hou' was applied for, but wis refused. At lensth, nfter a lorig delny nrising from the scruples of the lerider conscipnces of th res'dpnl Trnstpes, fe-iring a t'enuncia'inn. iic, the Hnptist hou e wns o enei, and at nine o'clock, the lerturer, (Mr. Creigliton) hegin hy obsftrving ihat hi fame hnd arrited beforehim, ihat aitmpi hnd been mndeto excite prejudice against him. thnt neverihelp--s he hoped tlie nj-1. ence wou!d hrar him pnf'ently, nnd h-tr him througli (&s ho p'trposed rielivering thres leclurp.s.J bet'nre thpy condemnpd ] hirn. Hes.iid he a eSnuthron - slv-uIJ 'state nothing but facts of which he had the ;dofumerits to provp, oi was himsplf n witI nPss to. [Ie nis snid he wraild t'll thrm j what Slavphol.lirg relig'Oii wns ; nnd ín doing so should cali things ly their right narne. but at the sime time he wislipd it j to b understond thnt he revpred religión, land was a professor himsplf. Il was tha i-Migion of slnvpliohiers nnd their apologi-tsthat he spolte ngainst. During his nddress, thpre was nn nttpmpt 10 cheer him, but he promptly put a stop lo il. There was aNo a fefble his from soine of the ''serpent" triba as I suplas1, Lu t t did nit amount to mueh. It was so ffeb'e the performer, I suppose, was ashcmed of hiniL.elf. The lecturer, at his conclusión, nnnounced that ha siiould comnr-nce his second, Lecture t pight o'clock ".he fullowing ee!iing. - The pnople dispersed) some npprovinj, otliers disapproving. On tiiO r.ext d.-iy, I atended the Cinventiim at Jwckson, but lial heird in the mnriiing heíore í lef', fur Jaekson ihat ihera wortld ie an ktleinpt mndc to prevfnt the lecture ; I tuorefure hasiened back to har and see whai wmild b don, and h"W it wuM eml. Accordingly, nt eight o'clock, thi Bnptist be'l rung, and the ppople omened, n g'iodly numbpr. A thii'J or more we re frnmles, Sut the ! house vng shut, nud 110 ndmittam-e cou!d jbegnine"!. It wns slted thnt a Mr. Butterfiold, a Trustee, hid locked ihe door nnd had the key in his pocket. Thia prnduced strong expressiirs ui' disappro. l)ition. nnd soniR tumiill. Finall-. , it was resoKeJ tonppnint a Moderat tr, rad dis i ciiss the rmiier ofderly. Thre wera evpraí s;rechei made, sume f.r and soma : ayainst the eclurer nnd hit course. I i notice two or thrce. "Mr. Frei'ch," "Mr. Freiich," was i-alled fir. The genilemnn came forWiird wiih loud professions of abhorrence of slavery, and his nrlmirntion nf the glorions ounlry which ! he charnc'erizpd frequfntly ns "the land of the fre and the home "f Ihe brave." The ppople of thp enl ghtened ill 'ge of Rrooklvn knew hnt an evil l;.very was, jhpy did not want the lecturpr to infortn j them. Bui ihe question wns how to get rid of il. IIp reppntpdly called iipon the lecturer, to teil whil party he belonged to, heihpr lie wss a Gai' or a BírneyitP, and g"tipr.-illy rounded his periods oñ" with "Define ymir position- define your posilion." Anoiher speaker, a strangpr, in a very sarcnstic wav, exj pressed his wonder nt the nnxietv of Mr. Frt-nch to get the lecturer to ".lefine hi position," nnd under'ook to saiisfy l Ie ad he ihought ihe lecturpr's position wa BMtnifiM to evpry ppron tliere that evi ning - that he was a s;rar.gpr who had cmie thpie to give thprn soine nforniaiion ■ if vast inpoit incp, and that they had .hut him out of doors - thit wrs his position. Mr. Buttei field i-a-ne forward and tnada what I cali a '-wliat caro we" speech, from the vei-y frequent u- l:e nada of the phmse t;VVhat care we?" "what care we who the is ?" "Whit care we who the man's relations are V' It is evident he is a politicul aholiiionist. H stated that he had been a trustee lor that house for some ycars - ihnt his co-trustee been wiih him that day : that in consequence ot the lecturer's abue of tb. c]ergy,and his political characier, ho had
'epjured the lock, shut ihe door, and had the key in liis pocket. Finally, n motioii was made mul carried that the lecturer be inviieJ to Mivefn lecture in the grove at five o'clock tornorrow nltornoon. Uow t'.scaiM olí 1 rannotsay, nof being able to stay. Oan ■ ■ to addthnt I d;sa; inner au [languagc of the leclurer, and think hé would do a greal deal tiiore good if ho would convey his . difforontly. Dut I hato tyri fro ii tlve Aul'K-i-at of all i to the Trustees of a little Baptist meeting ii, Brooklyn. But I nm pteased to henr that these prex 11 lurn l good account. Severa] to!d me-thsdaj ■, thnt thëy nsver hnd voted bc Liberty ticket, but ilfot thêy v.oiiM n iw. I believe that neither of the tru n merhtiers of the chmvh ór professors oí any kind of religión. Ia this riglit or SR ? I -. , s, (or universal Li' Bro I4T. - We uve n ertqd flie monicntion of Rev. Mr. Tripp. omitijng only a few sen'.ences referring 10 pi rspnn] ■ pnrlicutars respecting someindiyitiual.-. - We l-.ave alwnysdifïered wiih nnny pniislnvery friends respecting the ojiligtltion of cliiii-rlics to open I of lccíú t' l whoi ■ principies or vieus they Seem injurions lo the commilriily. Te hóüse belongs ! the owners, and may oropérlv be'opened by ihéúi Coi pui of wliieli !héy approve, nnd closed agiinst those tliey deern dpcidedty detrimeniól, without sucti : cour: o justly subj the propriotors to a charge ot'Vyra O;!iers however ttiink dlíTerently - alt Iiave a right to their opinión. - Ei. S:o.


Signal of Liberty
Old News